View Full Version : Xbox 720p leaks thread

January 10th, 2013, 12:46 PM

Was reading around on 343's website and found this


Not sure who really cares about it, but if these facts are true then these games are gonna be :O

the Xbox 720 will house an 8-core CPU, a customized AMD 8800 series GPU, and pack 8 GB of RAM – for comparison, the Nintendo Wii U has 2GB of RAM.
In addition to these technical details, the report also mentions that the Xbox 720 will use Windows 8 as an operating system and come with a 640 GB hard disk drive – the Xbox 360’s largest HDD currently is 320 GB.

January 10th, 2013, 12:56 PM
Lol that place seems legit. The comments are enough to make me laugh. The discussion of whether or not Windows 8 is out is enough to make me never want to look at that website again. I'll wait for a place like Kotaku or Engadget to have the specs before I trust it at all.

January 10th, 2013, 01:25 PM
PS3 showed us that specs are the key to success.

January 10th, 2013, 01:31 PM
PS3 showed us that specs are the key to success.

...but the PS3 is doing well. Sure, it had a rocky start but that wasn't down to specs.

January 10th, 2013, 01:40 PM
...but the PS3 is doing well. Sure, it had a rocky start but that wasn't down to specs.
Yes but probably only because it is the household name for gaming consoles. And it kinda was down to specs since it was very expensive.

January 10th, 2013, 01:46 PM
Yes but probably only because it is the household name for gaming consoles. And it kinda was down to specs since it was very expensive.
PS3 doesnt have unified RAM, 256mb gpu and 256 cpu, xbox how ever has unified memory.

January 10th, 2013, 01:59 PM
Apparently it was down to CPU and foremost the BluRay drive (~$250)

January 10th, 2013, 02:06 PM
windows 8 is great

January 10th, 2013, 04:01 PM
Yes but probably only because it is the household name for gaming consoles. And it kinda was down to specs since it was very expensive.
I don't know anyone who brings up PlayStation as the big name in consoles.

That said, the PS3 is a fine platform. But most people I know who own one also own an XBox, so there you go.

January 10th, 2013, 04:15 PM
I don't know anyone who brings up PlayStation as the big name in consoles.

Meet my parents :P every smartphone is per se an iPhone.

January 10th, 2013, 04:23 PM
Yeah I'm not aware of anybody that would say Sony is the name for consoles, or even a name. It's all XBOX and Wii.

Actually I don't think I even know anybody that has a PS3??

January 10th, 2013, 05:14 PM
No...not Sony but the word "Playstation". Playstation 2 is the most sold console out there, you see it everywhere. I still think it stands as a symbol for the average famous game console.

January 10th, 2013, 05:25 PM
No...not Sony but the word "Playstation". Playstation 2 is the most sold console out there, you see it everywhere. I still think it stands as a symbol for the average famous game console.
Last time I saw a PS2 was back in 05.

January 10th, 2013, 06:13 PM
They got the core count right and the amount of RAM, but unless they're confusing WinRT (Windows Runtime, not their ARM crap) with Windows8 itself, they got the 'OS' wrong.

January 10th, 2013, 06:14 PM
Well I guess it's cultural idiosyncrasy then, I only know one more person besides me who owns an XBox and easily over 10 ppl who own a PS2, 1 guy who owns a PS3.

January 10th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Who gives a fuck, they are both good consoles. I own both and appreciate both, I could give less than two shits if one is more popular than the other. All I care about is being able to play the exclusive games.

January 10th, 2013, 07:06 PM
Who gives a fuck, they are both good consoles. I own both and appreciate both, I could give less than two shits if one is more popular than the other. All I care about is being able to play the exclusive games.
How about you listen to your own words and just don't give a fuck. It was a simple discussion on the sideline, no need to be an ass about it.

January 10th, 2013, 07:14 PM
Coming from you.

January 10th, 2013, 08:03 PM
haha if you consider any console besides the ouya to be good, oh man...

also please dont call it xbox 720... that can't be right :(

January 10th, 2013, 08:04 PM
Consoles aren't good because controllers aren't good.

January 10th, 2013, 08:08 PM
Consoles aren't good because controllers aren't good.
arent keyboards and mice considered controllers?

January 10th, 2013, 08:11 PM
No they're considered input devices please don't be dumb~

January 10th, 2013, 08:22 PM
Controllers are also input devices.....Love the sarcasm though.

January 10th, 2013, 08:45 PM
Consoles aren't good because controllers aren't good.
They are better for some purposes than others. Ever tried to play Zelda on an N64 emulator?

January 10th, 2013, 08:55 PM
They are better for some purposes than others. Ever tried to play Zelda on an N64 emulator?
Ever tried playing a 4-player Halo game on one screen? :P

January 10th, 2013, 11:47 PM
as a pc gamer, i have two usb xbox 360 controllers and a usb adapter for 2 snes controllers. anything like nes, snes, gameboy, even nintendo ds emulation gets the snes controller. something like n64 or gamecube with joysticks gets the xbox controller. that has worked out well for me so far (with the exception of project 64 not allowing two deadzones. try using a joystick without a deadzone for the fucking c buttons). you could obviously just use the xbox controller, but i like the snes one for that retro feel.

that said, i'll still take a mouse and keyboard for a native pc game any day. that goes doubly so for a shooter.

January 11th, 2013, 01:39 AM
The XBOX controller is a piece of crap for PC support and overpriced. Get a PS3 controller and be happier for it. It'll work through standard USB and Bluetooth wireless. No BS involved.

January 11th, 2013, 05:15 AM
Who cares about game consolses? PC is superior anyway.

That being said I've owned both a Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, Wii, Gamecube, n64 etc in the past (still have ps3 and xbox 360). I like Xbox but Ps3 also has some nice games on it and honestly could care less which is better as long as it plays good games that are intresting to me and can entertain the brain.

January 11th, 2013, 05:16 AM
nah, mine are the wired ones. ive had a wired usb standard white xbox 360 controller since before i even had an xbox 360. the contour and concave control sticks fit my hands very nicely. the concave buttons and D-pad leave a little to be desired, but its definitely a step above the n64 controller. playstation controllers have always been absolutely brutal on my hands. they dont really fit in my hands comfortably and my hands cramp up after being on the sticks for about an hour or so.
E: @ Amit

January 11th, 2013, 05:33 AM
that 8-core processor has pretty low clockspeeds.


but at least we'll finally end up getting proper multi-core support in games.


January 11th, 2013, 06:18 AM
So can I expect games to be optimized for my 8 core in the future? If so my fanboyism totally payed off. amd master race

January 11th, 2013, 07:05 AM
So can I expect games to be optimized for my 8 core in the future? If so my fanboyism totally payed off. amd master race
Only if you believe that the 360/ps3 having multiple cores has already optimized games for multithreading.

January 11th, 2013, 07:51 AM
hush I'm trying to live in a fantasy land here

January 11th, 2013, 08:51 AM
that 8-core processor has pretty low clockspeeds.

The clockspeed isn't all that matters. On the 360, it was up to the developer to comb their code with a fine tooth comb to get every inch of optimization out of it because the processor did NOTHING for them (and was entirely in-order). The Durango's processors have some really fucking awesome tech behind them that lets devs worry less about hand-made code optimizations so they can concentrate on actually making overall code and games.

January 12th, 2013, 10:34 PM
Consoles aren't good because controllers aren't good.

Mouse and keyboard is best for wasd+freelook type games and RTS. Controllers are better for everything else.

PS3 showed us that specs are the key to success.

Actually, Atari Jaguar showed us this first.



January 13th, 2013, 12:22 AM
I think controllers are also awful any time you can't simply hit a button and have an action performed. Any time I have to cycle through a menu to do something, I wish for a keyboard. Wheel menus help alleviate that issue (i.e. Mass Effect on consoles), but you can't always use a wheel menu.

With that out of the way, I do prefer to use a controller for genres like RPGs and platformers...unless there is combat that involves skill-based shooting or otherwise precisely placing something on the screen under pressure. Then controllers can fuck right off. They can also go away for flying games. Joystick+throttle (yeah, subset of controllers, but not what most have in mind when you use the term) rules that space and always will.

January 13th, 2013, 01:02 AM
unless there is combat that involves skill-based shooting or otherwise precisely placing something on the screen under pressure.

So basically, the mouse is best for activities that involve pointing and clicking :haw:

Mr Buckshot
January 14th, 2013, 07:00 PM
Controllers are at their best for games that encourage button mashing (i.e. 2D-plane fighting games), and especially for games where you need more than 4 axes of movement (i.e. most 3rd person adventure games like Assassin's Creed). They're also superior to the keyboard and mouse for racing games, though of course a proper wheel would be even better.

My main gripe with controllers is the lack of buttons - in games that aren't designed to have a lot of functions (i.e. fighting games like Brawl) that's not a problem, but in a lot of other games, especially multiplatform shooters and RPGs, you end up with things like "Press X to do 4 different things" or "Hold X to do something different from tapping X". It's far more annoying than the lack of precise aiming with the analog stick (I personally don't mind that - I started shooters on the Xbox 1 before I got into PC gaming).

Plus, they're overpriced to hell, even preowned. It's a shame that split screen hardly exists on the PC, because you can get high-quality gamepads for less than half the price of a first-party console gamepad, and many of those gamepads even mimic the weight, shape, and feel of the 360 controller (which I prefer to the PS controller).

Anyway, as for the console itself, I probably will wait at least a year to get one, especially when accessories are so damn overpriced I end up buying them used most of the time.

The XBOX controller is a piece of crap for PC support and overpriced. Get a PS3 controller and be happier for it. It'll work through standard USB and Bluetooth wireless. No BS involved.

Really? A lot of PC games since 2006 natively recognize the 360 controller right away and even bring up matching button prompts. In fact, the PS3 controller, as well as your average "generic" PC gamepad, is often not recognized by such games, or everything has to mapped manually. For older games, the 360 controller behaves just like the PS3 controller and other generic ones.

I personally use a wired 360 controller for PC games that play better with a controller, i.e. Assassin's Creed.

January 14th, 2013, 07:38 PM
My whole problem with PS3/Xbox360 is, that most games are to complicated. There used to be a time where friends could just hop in and play a round of Mario Kart and everyone had a chance of winning. Nowadays my friends would have to have a steep learning curve of 3 months to be on the same skill level on a certain game to even have a slight chance.

That is why my Xbox is lying at home and my N64 is here at University with me. IMO Nintendo with their innovations is doing it right. Give me a single reason to buy a Xbox360 and not the equivalent PC game. If I want to use a controller, I just use the Xbox360 controller on PC. Works great.

/my rant on modern consoles

January 14th, 2013, 09:16 PM
wierd, a lot of people seem to really like separating functions on different keys entirely. ive always been fond of a more dynamic control scheme. for example, hold x to pick up assault rifle vs press x to reload. dishonored has some great context sensitive button presses too, like using the block button to choke someone out, then using the "use" button to pick them up. also, pressing use to loot vs holding use to pick up a body (and also loot automatically, nice touch).

metroid prime abstracted the concept a lot more, where pressing A fired, pressing Y (or X? i dont remember) fired a missile, holding A charged a shot then releasing A fired that charge shot, or you could press Y while holding A to use the missile combo attack for whatever beam you had selected. thats 4 different dynamic weapon functions mapped to 2 buttons. that is awesome.

E: oh, great example is battlefield 3. theres a key to crouch, toggle crouch, go prone, change stance, and i think there might be another one, but i dont remember. i understand why youd want to separate that functionality in a shooter like that, but man. i dont have that many fingers.

January 14th, 2013, 11:19 PM
I'm fond of contextual and dynamic buttons, but some things can't be lumped together and contextual actions can turn against fun by essentially reducing player input to just one button for most of it.

January 15th, 2013, 02:35 AM
for example, assassins creed 3. good point, lol.

January 15th, 2013, 07:25 AM
Who cares about game consolses? PC is superior anyway.


I don't believe those are the real 720 specs anyways.

Mr Buckshot
January 15th, 2013, 11:23 PM
If you've played Mass Effect on the Xbox, you'll be annoyed at how having one button do so many things can lead to stuff like taking cover when you actually intend to sprint, and so on. This is a problem on the PC version too (aka console port!) but there was a mod to split the functions. In some shooter games, like those with vehicles, having reload and use on the same button can lead to similar unintentional bad moves.

Give me a single reason to buy a Xbox360 and not the equivalent PC game.

If the PC version happens to be a god awful broken port that will never ever work quite right even after patching (e.g. Saints Row 2, GTA IV, some Ubisoft titles), or has vomit-worthy DRM (e.g. GFWL games, Ubisoft games before they saw some sense) that is reason enough to "play it safe" by going with the console version. I'll live with low-res textures and 30 fps if it means getting a stable bullshit-free experience. Also, split screen! If I buy a multiplatform racing game, I always go for the console version just for that reason.

January 16th, 2013, 02:42 PM
Actually, that would be reason to not buy the game at all, because by buying it at all you are rewarding bad behaviour.

Split-screen, though, that's a worthy reason.

January 16th, 2013, 06:56 PM
Split-Screen is a worthy reason. I bought GTA IV on Steam for 2,50 Euros and have no issues playing it with my Xbox360 controller though. I never had any problems with DRM either and to me it seems, consoles are way stricter when it comes to "digital rights management" (not DRM, just literally).

Also I don't see really see console games on PC as "ports". Those games were developed on a PC for both architectures (more or less) and have the same bugs and need the same patches. Internet connectivity allowed a huge margin of error for game developers, thus I have had game crashes on a console as much as on a PC.

I miss game cartridges where the game had to be perfect and no changed could be made afterwards, nowadays games just seem unfinished and we are paying for playing a beta version.

I am not bashing consoles and promoting PC gaming, but if there is a single console I would buy, it would be from Nintendo. The other consoles are just a locked down miniature computers.

January 16th, 2013, 07:32 PM
There's really no reason why PC games don't have split screen except sheer developer laziness. A few days ago I found a method to enable split screen on Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 and played through them with my sister. She was using the X360 pad and I was using mouse and keyboard and it all worked perfectly. Still had ~300 fps.

January 16th, 2013, 08:45 PM
i played a pc game a little while ago that had an option to enable multiple mice and keyboards for multiple players. i think it was trine, but im not sure. point is, its possible, and the pc would have a much easier time rendering split screen. if you had two monitors, you could do split screen like that too. you have tons of options there. its too bad devs dont look into that more.

January 16th, 2013, 09:06 PM
Really? A lot of PC games since 2006 natively recognize the 360 controller right away and even bring up matching button prompts. In fact, the PS3 controller, as well as your average "generic" PC gamepad, is often not recognized by such games, or everything has to mapped manually. For older games, the 360 controller behaves just like the PS3 controller and other generic ones.

I personally use a wired 360 controller for PC games that play better with a controller, i.e. Assassin's Creed.

Somebody didn't do their homework. By PC support I mainly meant that the X360 controller's wireless adapter has stopped being manufactured so you're forced to use the crappy cable version on computers unless you can somehow find one of those expensive and elusive wireless adapters. On top of that, there is no customization software support outside of games specifically designed to use it. The Playstation 3 controller outshines the XBOX one on the PC in almost every way except for ergonomics. The PS3 controller supports both standard USB cable connection and bluetooth for wireless. No bullshit proprietary adapters. The battery is built-in to the controller so you don't need to waste money on charger packs or AA batteries. Also, the PS3 controller's drivers and program called DS3 Tool from MotionInJoy.com is able to emulate the XBOX controller drivers, so any game that uses the XBOX controller is still playable with the PS3 controller drivers. Even if the software isn't set to the XBOX mode, it being placed in PS3 mode will still be detected by all except the oldest games. The XBOX controller can't claim this since it doesn't have any extra software to configure the button-mapping profiles as a true controller. Xpadder works well enough for mapping the XBOX controller to keyboard and mouse functions, though. And of course a controller has to be mapped manually if there isn't a profile designed specifically for the controller and game. You don't expect to plug a joystick into a game and expect the correct profile to be selected already, at least not anymore. You have to go in and customize the thing yourself to get your preferred button-mapping.

i played a pc game a little while ago that had an option to enable multiple mice and keyboards for multiple players. i think it was trine, but im not sure. point is, its possible, and the pc would have a much easier time rendering split screen. if you had two monitors, you could do split screen like that too. you have tons of options there. its too bad devs dont look into that more.

That was Trine and Trine 2.

Mr Buckshot
January 18th, 2013, 08:01 PM
Somebody didn't do their homework. By PC support I mainly meant that the X360 controller's wireless adapter has stopped being manufactured so you're forced to use the crappy cable version on computers unless you can somehow find one of those expensive and elusive wireless adapters. On top of that, there is no customization software support outside of games specifically designed to use it. The Playstation 3 controller outshines the XBOX one on the PC in almost every way except for ergonomics. The PS3 controller supports both standard USB cable connection and bluetooth for wireless. No bullshit proprietary adapters. The battery is built-in to the controller so you don't need to waste money on charger packs or AA batteries. Also, the PS3 controller's drivers and program called DS3 Tool from MotionInJoy.com is able to emulate the XBOX controller drivers, so any game that uses the XBOX controller is still playable with the PS3 controller drivers. Even if the software isn't set to the XBOX mode, it being placed in PS3 mode will still be detected by all except the oldest games. The XBOX controller can't claim this since it doesn't have any extra software to configure the button-mapping profiles as a true controller. Xpadder works well enough for mapping the XBOX controller to keyboard and mouse functions, though. And of course a controller has to be mapped manually if there isn't a profile designed specifically for the controller and game. You don't expect to plug a joystick into a game and expect the correct profile to be selected already, at least not anymore. You have to go in and customize the thing yourself to get your preferred button-mapping.

That was Trine and Trine 2.

Ah right, I forgot about the many flaws associated with the wireless 360 controller on PC. Didn't it cost like $80 with the stupid adapter? I use a wired one but I guess a lot of people would prefer wireless. Yeah the PS3's ability to use any mini USB cable or BT, as well as its built in battery, is a huge advantage, which is why I bought four Sixaxises but only two 360 controllers (one wired, one wireless that came with the console). But the ergonomics are the primary reason I rarely bother using it on my PC, except for the odd same-screen local experience every once in a while, such as Trine 2.

How well does the PS3 work with emulating the 360 controller? I used to have a Saitek PC gamepad that was ergonomically identical to the 360 controller, but it frequently had input lag if I used the 360 controller emulator which is partly why I bought my wired 360 controller.

Speaking of overpriced, who wants to bet that MS will charge $70+ for a wireless Xbox 720 controller? I won't be surprised if they stop making a wired version so that they can get more $$$ out of proprietary adapters and charging cables.

Actually, that would be reason to not buy the game at all, because by buying it at all you are rewarding bad behaviour.

Split-screen, though, that's a worthy reason.

Heh, I buy the console version used and I don't give a cent for online passes/DLC (I've missed out on the Catwoman missions in Arkham City as a result, but I don't care).

As for Nintendo, I love them too, but I think they're getting a little stale. I like Brawl and Mario Kart on the wii, but most of my friends always want to play something else when they come over, so the Wii's gathering dust. I sadly haven't got a compelling reason to buy the 3DS or the Wii U despite clocking in at least a thousand hours on my DS over the past few years.

January 18th, 2013, 08:05 PM
On top of that, there is no customization software support outside of games specifically designed to use it.

I'm just gonna throw out here that I've never had any problem getting the 360 controller to work with any program, even emulators that predate the 360's existence.

January 18th, 2013, 09:22 PM
How well does the PS3 work with emulating the 360 controller? I used to have a Saitek PC gamepad that was ergonomically identical to the 360 controller, but it frequently had input lag if I used the 360 controller emulator which is partly why I bought my wired 360 controller.

Works as you would expect. Since the XBOX 360 and PS3 controllers are virtually identical in functionality, the emulation drivers feel spot on. No input lag whatsoever. Still, if you have a true PC gaming controller, then why would you even want to use XBOX controller drivers? You can still customize your controller's buttons to do what their console counterpart's does.

I'm just gonna throw out here that I've never had any problem getting the 360 controller to work with any program, even emulators that predate the 360's existence.

That's because both the PS3 and X360 controllers don't really have problems with working with emulators or older games. However, if the problem ever presented itself, then the XBOX controller would be at a disadvantage.

January 19th, 2013, 02:01 AM
Hey, can you guys move all this back and forth to another thread, and let this thread be used only for updates on the next Xbox?

Or just rename this thread to 'modacity's :words: on consoles'?

January 19th, 2013, 02:05 AM
Rename this thread to whatever you like and then create a new thread when real next-gen specs are released.

February 13th, 2013, 03:33 PM
Techspot's source brings "unprecedented" details to the table. Hold onto your dicks, kids, this news article would give even George Orwell the heebie-jibbies.

Next-gen Xbox details leaked, from someone who claims to have one (http://www.techspot.com/news/51612-next-gen-xbox-details-leaked-from-someone-who-claims-to-have-one.html)

February 14th, 2013, 08:45 PM
Look an old PC.


February 14th, 2013, 10:48 PM
Look an old PC.

It is actually.
You do wonders without running through an API to reach an API that touch other APIs.
The fact it runs the same binaries as a PC is the best thing that can happen for the PC crowd as well.
You know, I've yet to run a single game yet that pushes all four cores of my 2600k.
Max rendering and Visual Studio compiling without links is the closest it ever gets to maxing out.

February 14th, 2013, 10:48 PM
Look an old PC.

It is actually.
You do wonders without running through an API to reach an API that touch other APIs.
The fact it runs the same binaries as a PC is the best thing that can happen for the PC crowd as well.
You know, I've yet to run a single game yet that pushes all four cores of my 2600k.
Max rendering and Visual Studio compiling without links is the closest it ever gets to maxing out.

February 14th, 2013, 10:54 PM
Look an old PC.

Freelancer, stop posting.

That or being ignorant.

Or actually, both.

February 14th, 2013, 11:29 PM
Stop trying to dispute the fact that console development is stupid when it comes to the fact that PC's have always been more powerful. Devleopers are simply lazy, and would rather create their shit on a closed platform running the same hardware. They can skip the entire optimization workload that PC's require.

That said, if this new system allows me to use a mouse and keyboard of my choice then we might have a winner. I don't see they happening though, since they're pushing Kinect apparently.

February 15th, 2013, 01:26 AM
im not so sure thats an issue of laziness as much as it is an issue of publisher funding...

February 15th, 2013, 02:10 AM
Stop trying to dispute the fact that console development is stupid when it comes to the fact that PC's have always been more powerful. Devleopers are simply lazy, and would rather create their shit on a closed platform running the same hardware. They can skip the entire optimization workload that PC's require.

That said, if this new system allows me to use a mouse and keyboard of my choice then we might have a winner. I don't see they happening though, since they're pushing Kinect apparently.
You really are a fucking schmuck. Stop trying to dispute that fact.

February 15th, 2013, 07:55 AM
You really are a fucking schmuck. Stop trying to dispute that fact.

February 15th, 2013, 09:34 AM
Stop trying to dispute the fact that console development is stupid when it comes to the fact that PC's have always been more powerful.
A Nuclear bomb is more powerful than a mosquito spray yet I don't see people carrying those around with them in the jungle.

February 15th, 2013, 09:45 AM
What were the top of the line Intel and AMD processors when the 360 came out?
All I remember is shitty Pentium D's and AMD Athlon X2's that weren't that much faster. Core 2's came abit later.

February 15th, 2013, 10:50 AM
Were PCs better than the N64 at the time of its creation? Yeah, but that doesn't mean it wasn't fucking awesome. L2P Freelancer.

February 15th, 2013, 03:07 PM
Stop trying to dispute the fact that console development is stupid when it comes to the fact that PC's have always been more powerful. Devleopers are simply lazy, and would rather create their shit on a closed platform running the same hardware. They can skip the entire optimization workload that PC's require.

That said, if this new system allows me to use a mouse and keyboard of my choice then we might have a winner. I don't see they happening though, since they're pushing Kinect apparently.
Power doesnt mean better. There are a great number of elements that make up a gaming system.

I have a pretty powerful PC, can run anything I throw at it. I also have an Xbox? Which is better? Who the fuck cares I have fun on both.
p.s, accessing porn is easier on PC, so that has a definite 1up over xbox.

February 15th, 2013, 03:54 PM

February 15th, 2013, 06:03 PM
Power doesnt mean better. There are a great number of elements that make up a gaming system.

I have a pretty powerful PC, can run anything I throw at it. I also have an Xbox? Which is better? Who the fuck cares I have fun on both.
p.s, accessing porn is easier on PC, so that has a definite 1up over xbox.
Honestly, I think console gaming is better if you are going to just play by yourself. I've spent way more hours playing Arkham City, Skyrim, and NCAA Football in the last two years than I have any shooters. I'll play an FPS once in a while, but always on the PC. FPS on a console is a terrible experience.

February 15th, 2013, 07:48 PM
For most gamers, if they can dump a simple $400 into a gaming system that for them gets perfectly fine quality graphics they why would they care about pc gaming. Most gamers don't want to spend close to a thousand dollars just to have a gaming rig to run super high graphics, especially when most games they probably play don't take advantage of that power anyway. Sure you can like PC gaming, but just because you do doesn't mean the rest of the world has to, especially when a console works just fine for most people.

I have a pretty powerful PC, can run anything I throw at it. I also have an Xbox? Which is better? Who the fuck cares I have fun on both.

pretty much sums it up.

February 15th, 2013, 08:30 PM
Also to add to being 'cheap', console gamers also get access used games sales. PC gamers don't get such 'benefits'. You may find games on sale on Steam, but not all games on that platform.

February 15th, 2013, 08:36 PM
Also to add to being 'cheap', console gamers also get access used games sales. PC gamers don't get such 'benefits'. You may find games on sale on Steam, but not all games on that platform.
But for how much longer? I thought Sony and Microsoft were planning to put an end to used game sales?

February 16th, 2013, 03:00 AM
I'm 99% certain the next Xbox will. IDK about the POS4

April 8th, 2013, 11:37 AM
Looks like we'll be finding out more info on the next 'box next month: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/ingame/microsoft-planning-special-event-next-xbox-may-reports-say-1C9255077

And apparently will have a SKU that runs as much as 500 pesos. I mean dollars.

April 9th, 2013, 04:39 AM
A Nuclear bomb is more powerful than a mosquito spray yet I don't see people carrying those around with them in the jungle.
shutup with that shit

April 9th, 2013, 12:29 PM
Bitch some more, you know it's true, just because something exceeds the mandate does not mean everything should be exactly like it.

May 21st, 2013, 12:48 PM
It's called Xbox One. (http://kotaku.com/the-next-xbox-is-called-xbox-one-509069410)




May 21st, 2013, 01:20 PM
the next xbox, the third xbox, xbox one

meanwhile, gamers eagerly await info on halo 4's sequel, halo one, at e3.

May 21st, 2013, 01:22 PM
Kinect and Call of Duty, it's what the kids care about these days.

May 21st, 2013, 01:25 PM
The most important thing from the release is that 343 and Steven Spielberg are teaming up to make a live action Halo TV show.

May 21st, 2013, 01:29 PM
Start a new thread for the official discussion

May 21st, 2013, 02:10 PM
Start a new thread for the official discussion

May 21st, 2013, 11:46 PM
i wont help