View Full Version : Universal UI Official Thread

January 22nd, 2013, 06:34 PM
Hey guys, the time has come to officially bring this project into the light.


Welcome to the Universal UI.
Why universal? Well, the idea behind this project is to bring together the best of all elements. Whether it be loading popular singleplayer maps without DevMode, discovering new and upcoming creations, or reading custom updates in the Multiplayer marquee, this UI serves to better bring together the Halo Custom Edition community.

I have been making deals and negotiating with Masterz1337 of CMT in order to bring some of these outside features into the game. By working together to accomplish the goals of this project, we aim to extend the life of, and maybe even grow, the Halo CE player base.

But enough talk. Take a look at some of the images below.

-All-new Campaign selection options-

-Beautiful still backgrounds-

-Custom level selection, complete with images and descriptions-

-And of course, your classic multiplayer.-

This project is still a WIP, so I am open to any suggestions (within reason) that you may have. There is more to be revealed! Stay tuned. [:)]


January 22nd, 2013, 07:14 PM
Well, Masterz already ousted it on HaloMaps and last week on here: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?25013-Challenge-Accepted!


Lookin' good. Really interested to see where this goes.

January 28th, 2013, 01:59 PM
I always wished there was something like this out there! It looks good, but a few questions...

My understanding is that this will be a static list and will be more or less exhaustive. If a player doesn't have a map, will it simply return an error message (similar to joining a MP match without the map)?

Also, since Halo can only recognize one set of "official" campaign maps at a time, how will you explain to new players that they must delete their classic campaign before they can play CMT? And what about the other campaign mods? I would argue that CMT is one of the better mods out there, but our community is particularly prone to drama, and if we are trying to get attention on the Bungie forums, we don't want to get caught bickering when the boss comes over for dinner.

Also, will the campaign feature support campaigns that were built into multiplayer maps (like the Area 5x maps) before it became common knowledge that CE could support single player? Similarly, will maps with AI like Boxmap be included in firefight?

January 29th, 2013, 08:08 AM
Yes, if you do not have one of the listed Singleplayer maps, a dialogue box will come up and tell you that you can download it at HaloMaps.org. All maps in the list show their actual mapname in the description field, for easy searching online. I will also include all maps in a text document that comes with the UI download.

I am right now doing my best to get CMT to come to their senses and name their SPv3 maps something different than the stock names. The fact that they name then the same is just dumb. Luckily, I have the footing to negotiate such a shift.

Multiplayer maps that play as Campaigns will not be listed, because they will be listed under the Multiplayer menu where you can go and load them up in the proper fashion. As far as including levels like a box full of AI, I had to set some kind of standard for the maps I included. It's a very soft standard, so there are a good deal of choices, and they still have a sense of quality in them.

Also, if you're wondering about maps that come out after this UI, I will actually be doing incremental updates to support new releases. Cheerio! :)

January 31st, 2013, 03:17 PM
All spv3 maps have the SPV3 prefix, except for b30. You should know that moose lol.

April 14th, 2013, 08:13 PM
very nice!

April 15th, 2013, 02:43 PM
Can you overhaul the ring to reflect the model they used in CEA?

Also, maybe model some of the terrain in the inner ring (mountains and oceans mostly)

just to give it some depth, as opposed to a textured ring.