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View Full Version : HCE Timer for VEHICLES

February 24th, 2013, 09:09 AM
I wanted to have one app, that i found very usefull.
MAybe someone ll use my idea. So app ll start timer every time after you exit from vehicle. I found it very good in game, for exmpl. when u leave vehicle to join it after some time, but before vehi ll respawn. Hope someone ll make this for us.:haw:

February 24th, 2013, 06:00 PM
Just curious but what's the point in this? I've never heard of anybody timing vehicle respawns.

February 24th, 2013, 07:22 PM
I wanted to have one app, that i found very usefull.
MAybe someone ll use my idea. So app ll start timer every time after you exit from vehicle. I found it very good in game, for exmpl. when u leave vehicle to join it after some time, but before vehi ll respawn. Hope someone ll make this for us.:haw:
If I understand you right, you want a program that gives you a countdown to when the last vehicle you drove respawns. Is this really that important? You can view the vehicle respawn rate if you hold F2 in-game. Just mentally guesstimate your time remaining or use a clock or something if it's that important to you. If I'm trying to stop a vehicle from respawning I'll hop back in a seat for a few seconds every once in a while. It doesn't make much of a difference if I do it every 30s or every 40s if the respawn time is 60s.

February 25th, 2013, 06:39 AM
Ye i know all thouse things, but this app ll brings more power in game for vehicle users. For flag capturing is very important to know whats going on with your vehi u left somewhere.

February 25th, 2013, 07:38 AM
Get a stop watch. Problem solved.