March 10th, 2013, 12:21 AM
Holy shit it's been a long time since I've been here. HEY LLAMA JUICE WHATS UP! Anyway, I'm gonna cut to the chase, I've fixed Arsenic and here you guys go. If you want to read what I did it's in the readme.txt as well as the end of this post.
What is Arsenic?
Well not only is it a program that has almost become extinct since the original host site went offline AND broke once the site went offline, but to quote HIZLO of
This program is pretty much all you're going to need when it comes to modding Halo.
Arsenic's hardcore power ranges from its visually stunning graphics to its built in game and tag editor. You can chose anything within a map such as scenery, weapons, vehicles, etc... and hot swap on the drop of a dime.
Duplication is now made easy with our new point and click system. Any object you wish to move in Arsenic will move and suck to the mesh or structure of your map, this will save you a lot of time when placing stuff in your environment.
Our built in tag editor is amazing and simple to use, for example click on a warthog then chose the tag editor. You will be able to edit a wide range of physics right on the spot, all changes will take effect when you save your map.
Arsenic has a built in Auto Update feature which will be a life savor when future updates are released. All updates will come from so anyone using this program will always have an up-to-date version. The updates will automatically be applied when you open up Arsenic.
As of right now the beta release will be structured around modding Xbox maps and tags. What you can expect in the near future from us...
• Built-in FTP (uploading maps to your Xbox)
• Halo CE Map Editing
• Load Compressed Xbox Maps
• Scripting, etc...
Note: Keep in mind this is a beta release!
Arsenic is a HaloMaps exclusive only, welcome back to Halo 1 modding people! This is one bad *** program, better get those old modded Xbox's out of your closet.
Whats Needed...
1. HaloCE must be installed before running Arsenic.
2. Halo Editing Kit must also be installed before running Arsenic.
3. If you need to download HaloCE or HEK please visit HaloCE Tools (,5806.0.html).
4. Your cached Halo Xbox Maps must be put in the "XboxMaps" folder located inside Arsenic.
Note: Some users may need to update their Microsoft .NET Framework ( or DirectX ( in order for Arsenic to load properly.
Tutorials to install
To prove I'm not bluffing here's a screencap of right when I got it working with mine and Yoko's xfire names marked out.
Download: Arsenic (
EDIT: The below downloads are depreciated now that Blumoon94 has uploaded just about the newest version of Arsenic ever compiled.
Download: Arsenic Updateless (
1: After extracting Arsenic you'll notice a folder called "PLACE CONTENTS IN C ROOT". Do what it says.
2: Download the SlimDX Runtime (November 2008 version) and install it.
3: Download the newest version of the SlimDX Runtime and install it. You can find these here
4: Run Arsenic
5: If it works skip to step 8
6: Download and Install the DirectXAug2008 and DirectXNov2008 packages
7: Run Arsenic
8: :-D
If you still can't get it working even after all that then I don't know what to tell you. I didn't write the software, I simply fixed a fatal error that prevented all copies from working ever again. Yoko was having trouble running it on her 64 bit Windows 7 (Mine is XP 32bit) so make sure you get the right binaries.
I, Moses, did not MAKE Arsenic, That honor goes to Luis Caicedo. I simply modified it to run without a connection to since it doesn't exist anymore. What was happening every time Arsenic loaded was it instantly checked for the update.txt file which contained the newest version number stored as x.x.x.x and compared it with the version you were running. However, if it couldn't find the file it didn't know what to do and crashed. I did some testing and figured out this was the cause and went in with a hex editor, and changed:
Then created the file update.txt at c:/arsenicupdate_spooffiles_dont_touch/updates/ Finally, I used a dotnet decompiler to browse the code for arsenic, found the update function, studied it and figured out what it looked for in the update.txt, and from it found that the update file simply contained the version number. So I put the current version number of into the text file and VOILA, Arsenic is tricked into thinking it's reading the legit update file.
I would have deleted the update function entirely if I could fully decompile Arsenic and had the libraries to recompile it. I have also included the original, unedited Arsenic as a Arsenic ORIGINAL BACKUP.rar
What is Arsenic?
Well not only is it a program that has almost become extinct since the original host site went offline AND broke once the site went offline, but to quote HIZLO of
This program is pretty much all you're going to need when it comes to modding Halo.
Arsenic's hardcore power ranges from its visually stunning graphics to its built in game and tag editor. You can chose anything within a map such as scenery, weapons, vehicles, etc... and hot swap on the drop of a dime.
Duplication is now made easy with our new point and click system. Any object you wish to move in Arsenic will move and suck to the mesh or structure of your map, this will save you a lot of time when placing stuff in your environment.
Our built in tag editor is amazing and simple to use, for example click on a warthog then chose the tag editor. You will be able to edit a wide range of physics right on the spot, all changes will take effect when you save your map.
Arsenic has a built in Auto Update feature which will be a life savor when future updates are released. All updates will come from so anyone using this program will always have an up-to-date version. The updates will automatically be applied when you open up Arsenic.
As of right now the beta release will be structured around modding Xbox maps and tags. What you can expect in the near future from us...
• Built-in FTP (uploading maps to your Xbox)
• Halo CE Map Editing
• Load Compressed Xbox Maps
• Scripting, etc...
Note: Keep in mind this is a beta release!
Arsenic is a HaloMaps exclusive only, welcome back to Halo 1 modding people! This is one bad *** program, better get those old modded Xbox's out of your closet.
Whats Needed...
1. HaloCE must be installed before running Arsenic.
2. Halo Editing Kit must also be installed before running Arsenic.
3. If you need to download HaloCE or HEK please visit HaloCE Tools (,5806.0.html).
4. Your cached Halo Xbox Maps must be put in the "XboxMaps" folder located inside Arsenic.
Note: Some users may need to update their Microsoft .NET Framework ( or DirectX ( in order for Arsenic to load properly.
Tutorials to install
To prove I'm not bluffing here's a screencap of right when I got it working with mine and Yoko's xfire names marked out.
Download: Arsenic (
EDIT: The below downloads are depreciated now that Blumoon94 has uploaded just about the newest version of Arsenic ever compiled.
Download: Arsenic Updateless (
1: After extracting Arsenic you'll notice a folder called "PLACE CONTENTS IN C ROOT". Do what it says.
2: Download the SlimDX Runtime (November 2008 version) and install it.
3: Download the newest version of the SlimDX Runtime and install it. You can find these here
4: Run Arsenic
5: If it works skip to step 8
6: Download and Install the DirectXAug2008 and DirectXNov2008 packages
7: Run Arsenic
8: :-D
If you still can't get it working even after all that then I don't know what to tell you. I didn't write the software, I simply fixed a fatal error that prevented all copies from working ever again. Yoko was having trouble running it on her 64 bit Windows 7 (Mine is XP 32bit) so make sure you get the right binaries.
I, Moses, did not MAKE Arsenic, That honor goes to Luis Caicedo. I simply modified it to run without a connection to since it doesn't exist anymore. What was happening every time Arsenic loaded was it instantly checked for the update.txt file which contained the newest version number stored as x.x.x.x and compared it with the version you were running. However, if it couldn't find the file it didn't know what to do and crashed. I did some testing and figured out this was the cause and went in with a hex editor, and changed:
Then created the file update.txt at c:/arsenicupdate_spooffiles_dont_touch/updates/ Finally, I used a dotnet decompiler to browse the code for arsenic, found the update function, studied it and figured out what it looked for in the update.txt, and from it found that the update file simply contained the version number. So I put the current version number of into the text file and VOILA, Arsenic is tricked into thinking it's reading the legit update file.
I would have deleted the update function entirely if I could fully decompile Arsenic and had the libraries to recompile it. I have also included the original, unedited Arsenic as a Arsenic ORIGINAL BACKUP.rar