View Full Version : HCE NMT - we are recruiting... It COULD BE YOU!!

March 20th, 2013, 06:09 AM
Hello! Howdy! Hi!

Hey it's Hobbet360 here! (Need proof? Read my username)

I'm a member of a newly formed team (11 months is new right?) and we are looking for the following to help our team be awsome! ;)
We need a/an...
-Biped modeler!
-Vehicle modeler! (We could even take a 3d modeler. BSP modeled are taken though.)
-Mr. Particles, we want this generation's "Michael Bay".
-I'm purdy sure we need a rigger... Unless there is someone in our team we already know about?
-OH! And someone to track down Vergil, he is lost and we can't find him.

Well... Lets see who has already joined thus far. (I like old English)

We have.
Mr. "Spark" - our team leader, scripter and populator.

Mr. "LMTHeretic" - co-leader, BSP lead.

Mr. "MatthewDratt" - co-leader, cutscene maker, recorded animations, bsp modeler, AI stuffs. Doesn't like to be called "MattDratt".

Mr. "Dumb_AI" - concept artist, makes HUD, he can also draw :P

Mr. "Vergil" - Weapon Modeler! He also can draw... And paint.

Mr. "Mootjuh" - high poly weapon modeler. Also has a name that's fun to say.

Mr. "Skidrow925" - FP animator.

Mr. "TheElitePro" - Mr sounds... He makes noises... And gets them in game. (Likes making waffles)

Mr. "Me" Hobbet360, the one the only! I am the greatest... I also do... - BSP modeler, Biped/Vehicle fill in modeler (can't do this much longer), scripter, I like to sing (though some people say I screech).

Um... Hmmm... What else to put here... Um... I know!

Contact! How YOU! Yep, I'm speaking to YOU! How you can join.

-PM me here... Ill find you a way to contact my superiors :P.
-My Xfire - Hobbet360 - ill find a way to contact my superiors :P.
-Sparks Xfire - Spark364 - he is my superiors.
-PM spark on halomaps (he isn't here yet).
-Ask here! Spark will read and use subliminal messages to tell me what to say.


1. Show us something your can do... Not compiling maps... That's a great skill, but we have all progressed from there.
2. Remember I'm awesome and your not...
Just kidding...
I love you!

.................................................. .................................................. .

March 20th, 2013, 07:03 AM
if you want us to show you something we can do, we should then be able to expect you to show us something you can do. right now all we've seen is text. youve gotta show us interesting pictures of a project if you hope to get anyone excited about working with you

March 20th, 2013, 07:26 AM
Let me think about your offer...

No, Go away.

March 20th, 2013, 08:22 AM
stop sending me harrassing PM's trying to get me to give you my tags, i'm not giving them

March 20th, 2013, 11:03 AM
stop sending me harrassing PM's trying to get me to give you my tags, i'm not giving them
You've made content?

One must post visual representations of one's accomplishments to garner support.

March 20th, 2013, 04:01 PM
Yeah.. Sorry 'bout that sirs...

Ill quote Spark from the main NMT thread... I cAnt be bothered re-coding all the pics... This website supports BB coderight?

[size=1]--- Original message by: Spark[/size=1]
3. Previous work. Some of you may remember imprisonment from a long time back


the map has been put on hold for some time because we are working on something different.
we also have concept art for a new weapon if anyone would like to model it for us since we don't have a weapon modeler yet, we haven't come up with a name for it so if you have any suggestions post them.


4.Future plans. currently we are working on a sp map but we will also work on some mp as well.

5.Who are we looking for? As of now we are looking for people who can work well with particles,and need someone who can make decent animations and also a rigger.if you have any interest in joining pm me or talk to me over xfire spark364.

[size=1]Edited by Spark on Jan 28, 2013 at 12:32 AM[/size=1]
[size=1]Edited by Spark on Jan 28, 2013 at 05:16 PM[/size=1]
[size=1]Edited by Spark on Jan 28, 2013 at 05:21 PM[/size=1]
[size=1]Edited by Spark on Jan 28, 2013 at 05:24 PM[/size=1]
[size=1]Edited by Spark on Feb 26, 2013 at 03:01 PM[/size=1]

We have some more work in progress.

March 24th, 2013, 04:59 PM
You've made content?

One must post visual representations of one's accomplishments to garner support.

March 24th, 2013, 06:14 PM


March 24th, 2013, 07:25 PM
It's like asking for a loan for something you don't plan to do, or have the means too.

March 26th, 2013, 05:23 AM
It took your team 11 months to make what's in the screenshots? I know some modders on here that could do that in 30 minutes.

Btw, just a heads up threads like this never end well on this website. We have some extremely talanted individuals on here. Some so talented that they're now working in the video games industry, and have been for a few years. Without showing something significantly more awesome than what you've shown, this thread is gonna go downhill fast.

March 26th, 2013, 06:39 AM
It only goes downhill if you people choose it to go down that way.

These people are looking for help, nothing wrong with that. However, like others said, work on your environments before you show them off. A lot of those things could visually represent your team better by simply doing a few things:

- Higher Res screenshots
- Change some of the textures around- even if there tiling. For example the cliffs in one picture are using a forerunner metal, just give them a simple cliff texture instead
- Better basic lighting, scenery, etc

All of the above stuff could take less then an hour to fix up for your presentation here. Keep practicing and keep working. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and don't let people tell you what you can and can't do!

April 22nd, 2013, 12:15 AM
I would absolutely LOVE to give out screenies of our work... But as I haven't said... Spark won't let me. :(

So.... Yerr.. Sorry. I don't really know why I was told to make this thread if I can't show anything. D: ?

April 22nd, 2013, 03:22 AM
Then your leader should wise up a little bit and accept that nobody will join a team that (as far as we know) has nothing worthwhile going on. You wouldn't get on a plane without knowing where it's going, would you?

April 22nd, 2013, 03:26 AM
Even though I would... Because I like flying.

Imma gonna go-'N' talk to him...

Not Inferno
April 22nd, 2013, 12:56 PM
I'd love to join your team! :D What do I need to do?

May 29th, 2013, 10:11 PM
Hmmmmm... Spark has dissapeared, probably doing school stuff, idk what to do, LMT is the co-leader, never online, Dratt is busy. I am the only enthusiastic one in the team atm so erm............. Should I lead? Just for now, nothing is getting done... Or.... Should I just give up and just focus on mah main projects, (sounds good to me).

Over and out, NMT is probably dead or sleeping or dying or something, thank you and goodnight.

Btw, those screenshots were taken 12 months ago, not done in 12 months.

(I modeled a H4 infinity hanger with working elevators, nice UVs and a heap of crap, looks nearly the same but with h1 texture, my favourite project... Who knows where it went (I was not supposed to say anything about that but nothing has been done with it since it was finished and I quit so. :). )

May 29th, 2013, 10:23 PM
Have you guys ever heard of the "scrum" process? Basically what you do is lay out what everybody needs to do on a google doc spreadsheet (or something similar that everyone can edit and access) and list all the responsibilities people have there. Update the doc as things get closer to completion.

If you do this, you never have to worry about who's online, you're not as dependent on leadership (which sounds like it would be a great thing for you guys), and it lets people know when they need to get in gear. It also makes sure everybody is on the same page for what your end goal is, and makes sure everybody is working cohesively toward it. It's cool stuff!

June 4th, 2013, 05:19 PM
^ I know of a team that could benefit from that greatly...

June 4th, 2013, 11:50 PM
You're putting together a team... but to make what kind of content? I might be of some help (though only in certain special areas...), but I don't really know what I would be getting myself into if I don't know what to expect. lol.

June 5th, 2013, 05:10 AM
Have you guys ever heard of the "scrum" process? Basically what you do is lay out what everybody needs to do on a google doc spreadsheet (or something similar that everyone can edit and access) and list all the responsibilities people have there. Update the doc as things get closer to completion.

...and then you start doing sprints and come to the realisation that almost nobody that's working on a project for free over the Internet will finish their tasks within a reasonable amount of time. :saddowns:

November 23rd, 2013, 06:35 PM
Well, NMT started up again with 3 members....

Sorry for the REALLY late reply...

We have been working a project for Christmas 2013, a co-op styled map, with syncing AI and checkpoints.

I have been working on Characters, vehicles, BSP, complex scripts and scenery for NMT

Here are some characters...

And a vehicle that is still in the concept stage; hopefully replacing the Warthog.


We sorta need more people to take all of these jobs out of my hands. (The ones mentioned at the top)

Dumb_ai has been working on the HUD. (I don't have pictures of that)

Spark has been tagging, making effects for characters and coordinating it all.

We kinda just had a fresh start in October and started this. (to be hopefully done by Christmas)


November 23rd, 2013, 06:41 PM
Accidentally double posted, sorry. .-.