View Full Version : Trying to find a new gaming mouse

May 30th, 2013, 08:09 PM
Looking to spend around 40 to 50 on it. I know it isn't a lot to go on, but i've found a couple decent choices.

I use a palm grip, and my current mouse is a Logitech G400, which is dying on me and i'm meh about the whole Logitech fanboyism. I also have a Steelseries Qck+ mousepad.

What i've found so far:
ROCCAT Lua Tri-Button Gaming Mouse (http://www.amazon.com/ROCCAT-Tri-Button-Gaming-Mouse-ROC-11-310/dp/B009DYOPJ6/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1369439114&sr=1-1&keywords=roccat+lua)
CM Storm Recon (http://www.amazon.com/CM-Storm-Recon-Multicolor-SGM-4001-KLLW1/dp/B009JZ04BC/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1364081260&sr=1-1&keywords=cm+storm+recon)
Steeleries Call of Duty Black Ops II Gaming Mouse

(http://www.amazon.com/SteelSeries-Call-Black-Gaming-Mouse/dp/B009OYUFMG/ref=sr_1_12?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1369961968&sr=1-12)I'm leaning towards the Steelseries, because even though it's a Black Ops mouse, I have the same brand mousepad, and i've always liked their brand.

If you have any other options feel free to post them.

May 30th, 2013, 08:27 PM
I use a SteelSeries Sensei [RAW]. Apart from drivers being finicky, I love the mouse.

May 30th, 2013, 08:31 PM
What do you mean by finicky?

May 30th, 2013, 09:28 PM
I use the Steel SeriesSensi RAW Rubberized. Good mouse. Get it. Fuck the Black Ops bullshit.

It works great as plug and play since SteelSeries Engine keeps crashing when I try starting it up on my computer. Cool LED options in SteelSeries Engine (accessed from my laptop) and other adjustments are stored on the memory so you don't need to readjust your settings each time you plug it into a new computer.

May 30th, 2013, 10:08 PM
Mine is also the rubberized version. Get the glossy if you want something that is easier to clean, but I prefer the rubberized feel.

What do you mean by finicky?

Sometimes, when I restart my computer and log in, the drivers make my USB functionality go haywire. The keyboard and mouse starts flashing on and off and are completely non-responsive. The only way I've been able to discover to fix the issue is by doing a hard-reset and I sometimes have to do several. Since I've now set my mouse, I suppose I could uninstall the drivers to permanently fix the problem...

May 30th, 2013, 10:20 PM
Mine is also the rubberized version. Get the glossy if you want something that is easier to clean, but I prefer the rubberized feel.

Sometimes, when I restart my computer and log in, the drivers make my USB functionality go haywire. The keyboard and mouse starts flashing on and off and are completely non-responsive. The only way I've been able to discover to fix the issue is by doing a hard-reset and I sometimes have to do several. Since I've now set my mouse, I suppose I could uninstall the drivers to permanently fix the problem...

I've had this EXACT SAME PROBLEM with my Razer Deathadder. Using an original Logitech g15 keyboard. Interesting.

I would definitely recommend the Deathadder though as I love this mouse. You can get it really cheap now too.

May 30th, 2013, 10:34 PM
My old Razer Diamondback Plasma would occasionally not turn on with the computer, but it never interfered with any other devices and all I had to do was unplug it and plug it back in to resolve the problem. The SteelSeries Engine problem is far more frustrating. But, the mouse is worth it and you can simply uninstall the drivers to fix the problem.

May 31st, 2013, 12:48 AM
Calm down everyone, I convinced him to get the Steel Series Sensei BO. He's too cheap to go for the sexy RAW edition. Fuck glossy surface anyways. It's way too shiny and ejaculates fingerprints like mad. My rubberized version is easy to clean. Just wipe a silk cloth over it and it looks brand new.

May 31st, 2013, 01:18 AM

I know it's COD, but the mouse is a mouse so...

And it is a matte finish.

Should be here tomorrow! Amazon Prime shipping :3

Not Inferno
May 31st, 2013, 02:10 AM
I own a steel series kana. It's the best mouse I've ever touched. It also works just fine in linux through a small shell script I wrote.

May 31st, 2013, 01:06 PM
It's so much easier when you're right handed. Us southpaws basically need symmetric gaming mice which is a severe limit. As such, I've always used Razer outside of Microsoft 3-button mice -- and those (Razer) mice die a bit easy in my experiences. Steelseries has a few, but I haven't tried them yet.

May 31st, 2013, 02:08 PM
Why not try an ambidextrous mouse?

May 31st, 2013, 02:40 PM
Why not try an ambidextrous mouse?That's what I meant by "symmetric". Symmetric gaming mice aren't too common... because they would need the thumb buttons on both sides and I guess that costs too much or something.

Three-button mice are, of course, dead simple to find ambidextrous... but the whole point of a gaming mouse, for me, is the thumb buttons.

Funny enough, I rarely even use the thumb buttons for gaming. I wrote a script to emulate mouse scroll events so I can easily scroll up and down documents (click scrolls once, hold scrolls faster and faster until release).

May 31st, 2013, 05:15 PM
I'm a lefty and I've used a right handed mouse all my life. I can use it with my left but not too effciently.

I've also used one of these, may seem funky to begin with but you get used to it

I currently use a Sidewinder X8, not sure how much it is and whether its in your price point but its a pretty decent mouse. Changeable DPI on the left, wireless + wired. Does the job really, there probably is better ones out there though.

Phopo, when you play Xbox (if you do), do you aim with the right stick and move player with left? Or do you actually use the southpaw config?

June 1st, 2013, 02:09 PM
Honestly, I'm a fan of most of Logitech and Razers lines... If you like your G400, why not get a replacement from Logitech? Even if you're outside of warranty they are usually extremely accomodating. Don't try and dupe them into giving you a new mouse, just let them know you liked the product and that it's just wearing out when you expected it to last longer. Don't be rude or angry with them, but just submit a support ticket basically asking "is there anything you guys could do to help me out?".

In all likelyhood they'll send you a new one, which may or may not require you to send that one back. You can always make a case saying "it kind of still works, but I don't have an alternative until I get a new one". They'll usually just send you the new one without wanting the old one back. I've got an extra G110 keyboard and G930 headset this way, the ones I have started acting up a little bit, I expressed some vague disappointment, and they sent me all new ones. Still have the old ones as well.

/Legendary Logitech customer service rant.

As for Razer, it's pretty hard to beat the DeathAdder or Taipan. The Taipan is really nice if you don't mine the ambidextrous feel. I hated it, so I'm probably getting a DeathAdder 2013. Razer Synapse 2.0 isn't nearly as bad as you read online. I set mine to "Offline mode" as soon as I got it configured, and it has remained that way and remembered all of my settings for my BlackWidow Ultimate 2013 ever since.

Are you a palm, claw, or finger tip gripper?

June 1st, 2013, 04:07 PM

U (http://www.geniusnet.com/wSite/ct?xItem=16501&ctNode=104)sed one of these for about 5 years now. Hasn't given me a single problem.

Came free with a $30 (NZD) Keyboard, you just cant go wrong.

t3h m00kz
June 1st, 2013, 04:11 PM
FrankieOnPC uses Logitech MX518. You can use palm, fingertip and claw grip with it.


He talks about it here. He seems to know his stuff when it comes to PC hardware.


June 1st, 2013, 04:54 PM
Razer has yet to make a mouse that has better QA than the Diamondback...and they don't offer white lights very often. Those are the reasons I went with SteelSeries for my current mouse. My previous was a Diamondback and the only reason I'm not still using it is because I got mad at gaemz and broke the wheel back in late 2011.

June 2nd, 2013, 12:20 AM
@freelancer, I went with a different mouse because I couldn't get their RMA service to work correctly, and when my cord broke off I took the thing apart myself and soldered it. That voided the warranty, but since it was my only mouse I didn't have another option at the time.

I went with the Steelseries mouse I linked in my first post. The thing is good, feels perfect for my hand, matte finish, orange glowies, and matches my mousepad. Played a few rounds of BF3 with it and it seemed better than my G400 when it came to precision. I also spent about an hour just fiddling with their software, because it's crazily controllable and has a bunch of cool features. I set my lights to pulse slowly too, which is cool :D

Overall, $47 shipped and at my door the next day was perfect. It's a great mouse, and the cable is braided :D

June 2nd, 2013, 01:16 AM
I'm a lefty and I've used a right handed mouse all my life. I can use it with my left but not too effciently.

I've also used one of these, may seem funky to begin with but you get used to it

I currently use a Sidewinder X8, not sure how much it is and whether its in your price point but its a pretty decent mouse. Changeable DPI on the left, wireless + wired. Does the job really, there probably is better ones out there though.

Phopo, when you play Xbox (if you do), do you aim with the right stick and move player with left? Or do you actually use the southpaw config?I used to play consoles but I've since decided to go PC exclusively because I don't like supporting platforms which are designed to be disposable. Still use the gamepad on my PC with some games though and when I do I use the standard old right-stick-to-aim and left-stick-to-move. I don't know who "south-paw" is for.

What's possibly funnier is that I keep switching between inverted and standard controls -- on both gamepads and mice.

June 2nd, 2013, 01:18 AM
I can only play inverted on consoles, ever since Conker: Live and Reloaded on Xbox.

June 2nd, 2013, 01:46 AM
TBH, I would submit a support ticket detailing what went wrong, and what you did to fix your mouse. Admit you know you voided your warranty, but that you were hoping they could "help you out". They'll probably give you a discount code or something at the very least. Heck, even if you don't want it it's cool to get something out of it.

Anyway, I use an MX518 as well on another PC. It's my current backup gaming mouse for if my G9x goes down, prior to my G9x I had the MX518 since something like 2005 or 2006. It's survived an entire soda being spilled on it once I took it apart and cleaned it out. I have the black/gray one that looks kind of like a moon crater texture. Great mouse and cheap now-a-days on ebay and the likes. The Logitech "s" series mice are the latest ones, rehashes of the previous line. The G400s probably isn't worth the extra money though since it's basically a G400 which is just an MX518.