June 20th, 2013, 07:02 AM
Fuck this game for PC.
Fuck Rocksteady
But most importantly, fuck you fucking MS and your shitty fucking G4WL bullshit.
If you have yet to get this game, don't get it for the PC. Whatever you do, do not get it for the PC. Get it for the 360 or PS3, but nothing which runs an actual Windows OS.
Or you will end up like me, having played the game for ~3hrs, only to not have your game save actually save because apparently you need to be logged into G4WL for that shit to even happen. No fucking warning. No fucking "hey man, better log into gay for windows if you want the next few hours to amount to anything". There are at least two threads in the first page of Steam's community forums for AC essentially asking where their save is. You'd fucking think with people getting confused they would hack some bullshit into their Unreal cockfest of an engine that prompts you with a "Better call Saul login to G4WL!". Hell, I know of a good place where they could do it too. They could replace nvidia's bullshit splash screen with the goddamn message.
Rocksteady will never get another dime from me. The tossers doing the prequel won't get a dime for me. The Xbox One Eighty won't get a dime from me. I already own a goddamn 360, so there's no point in saying that won't ever get another dime out of me, because it will. With GTA5. Unless they do a PC port soon after. That isn't fucking G4WL like goddamn #4 is.
Note: I enjoyed and beat this game on 360 back when it came out.
Fuck Rocksteady
But most importantly, fuck you fucking MS and your shitty fucking G4WL bullshit.
If you have yet to get this game, don't get it for the PC. Whatever you do, do not get it for the PC. Get it for the 360 or PS3, but nothing which runs an actual Windows OS.
Or you will end up like me, having played the game for ~3hrs, only to not have your game save actually save because apparently you need to be logged into G4WL for that shit to even happen. No fucking warning. No fucking "hey man, better log into gay for windows if you want the next few hours to amount to anything". There are at least two threads in the first page of Steam's community forums for AC essentially asking where their save is. You'd fucking think with people getting confused they would hack some bullshit into their Unreal cockfest of an engine that prompts you with a "Better call Saul login to G4WL!". Hell, I know of a good place where they could do it too. They could replace nvidia's bullshit splash screen with the goddamn message.
Rocksteady will never get another dime from me. The tossers doing the prequel won't get a dime for me. The Xbox One Eighty won't get a dime from me. I already own a goddamn 360, so there's no point in saying that won't ever get another dime out of me, because it will. With GTA5. Unless they do a PC port soon after. That isn't fucking G4WL like goddamn #4 is.
Note: I enjoyed and beat this game on 360 back when it came out.