View Full Version : HCE {UHP} Halo Ce Clan Recruitment

August 22nd, 2013, 03:00 AM
We're the clan called United Halo Players please join our clan if you're a keen player. We prove how people can become a skilled player on Halo CE. We do not let our guard down with good legacy to be pro on Halo CE. Forums are here to make some effort and keep everybody updated and interactive. CNOP Approved. We are currently working on fixing our servers we have one that is active at request. No real glamor and glitz here just a regular halo clan working its way to the top. As alot of you know about Halo Custom Edition i doubt this will ever die.

With a beautiful ranking system , 25+ members so far, and forums packed with fun, you may even join forums first to see how everything is, then later you may apply to actually be in {UHP}. Our Languages are currently Spanish and English, if you would like to request a language we will try our hardest to make that possible, we will talk with a translator, if you are fluent in a language we would love you to help settle in the others. As this is just a preview hopefully i lured you in and made you want to learn more, well go right on ahead! No Rush. Currently had a lose in activity so hopefully this will help all of us!

UHP Home Page
UHP Forums

soon a request to become allies with SmG, multiclans are excepted. Soon to have wars, events, scrims, and of course if we can prizes.

I am almost the highest power of the clan so if you need any help or have any questions feel free to ask away in private.

of course i am posting everywhere halo related to get as much people as possible, if you need to delete this post do so.

Thank You All Of Modacity

August 22nd, 2013, 08:10 AM
i will beat your clan

Rainbow Dash
August 22nd, 2013, 08:28 AM
i will beat your clan

ACoLOL 4 life

August 23rd, 2013, 12:59 PM
i will beat your clan-

August 27th, 2013, 11:30 AM
Clans are still a thing?

Could have sworn it wasn't 2005 anymore.