View Full Version : iOS 7

October 3rd, 2013, 01:19 AM
So before work today I was messing around on my iPad and all of a sudden the option came for me to upgrade to iOS 7. Apparently today was the day of release. At first, the os sucked, and then I did some searching on the net. Apparently there's no way to downgrade to iOS 6 from 7.

I am wondering how apple has been so ridiculously STUPID to release a mobile up with such a crappy interface. At this point and time, from my normal usage, I fail to find anything compelling about the current gen iOS. The text to speech reading of web pages is a fun concept, I look forward to seeing how well it will perform in reading things to me.

The color scheme SUCKS. The ui is one of the worst ui's I've seen on a mobile device since the treo with windowshone Xperia version. Why do I say this? For purporting to have the highest resolution screens available for mcbile devices, the icons are at least 25% larger and their colors bland and diluted.

When I had ios7 the first bit, it wasn't letting me rotate pages to my current view. Why does my Apple ID have to be the same as an email address? Never got that part.

If you do the 4-finger up swipe, it doesn't give you a task bar with all icons close together for easy closing, instead, it gives you a scroll through way to view random apps, holding the icon of the app you want to close no longer works. My minecraft portable glitch is now foiled until I find a new way to close the app without the task manager.

The animations are over the top. I found a fix for the color issues: invert the colors. It's ridiculous, I know, but it's the best I've got until someone finds a way to mute the colors. I like the darker keyboard for night typing, tbh.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. It's an apple version of windows 8. For those used to previous versions of iOS it's not worth upgrading to, but so far I don't thing the upgrade is too spectacularly damaging that a newcomer would find it unusable.

Your thoughts?

October 3rd, 2013, 07:17 AM
...you should probably learn how to use the OS before you complain about it. You swipe up to close apps during multitasking, feel free to facepalm.
Or at least give it some time because it's such a drastic change. I really love it, albeit I don't have it on my iPhone 4 because it would effectively bring my space down to maybe 4 GB and that's a fuck no. And it doesn't exactly run too well.

Animations are simple and fine for the most part, don't see the complaints there. Color scheme is very vibrant, which again is a drastic change but you get used to it. Certainly makes iOS 6 and below look drab and boring.

I'm pretty sure you can downgrade though through factory resets or restores, it's definitely possible. Just search it up.

(As a random note, I'm actually on iOS 5.0.1 even since 6 is fucking useless for an iPhone 4 and would just take up space).

October 3rd, 2013, 05:52 PM
Didn't like what I saw when updating to iOS 7, but that control centre addition was essential to my sanity. I now like iOS 7 more than any of the previous versions.

October 3rd, 2013, 08:41 PM
@ODX, You know what? I agree with that to a degree, i should give it some time before i say hate/not hate, but even though iOS 7 has more bold colors, it doesn't mean they are better. In all honesty, the os is all the same color scheme- BLINDING WHITE. After some more thought, I do like the current swipe to unlock screen as well as the buttons for entering your pin. (About time someone made the number icons larger, I was tapping on the wrong icons ALL the time, it drove me NUTS)

If I could change the colors, and reduce the app icon size and change the main icon designs, 90% of my biggest gripes would be gone. (inverting contrast gives a Steam-style color scheme, which is awesome)

Didn't like what I saw when updating to iOS 7, but that control centre addition was essential to my sanity. I now like iOS 7 more than any of the previous versions.

You have a point here, and I agree 100%. On the other hand, however, did you know that by doing the 4-5 finger upswipe in iOS6 it did a lot of the same things?

So, I'm playing music from the iPad- this is honestly the BEST music player the iPad has had. I love that you can hit next, see the title of the song, et cetera, in such clarity vs iOS 6

October 4th, 2013, 08:26 AM
So because I'm an iOS developer, I've had iOS7 since July, so I'm completely accustomed to it and used it for ages.

iOS7 is probably the best update since 1.0.

Visually speaking, I was pretty meh at the start, I thought it was a welcomed change but wasnt sure if I liked it. Every non apple app wasnt ported to iOS7 until the actual public release, so I still had the old rubbish apps for like 90% of the time, and they felt extremely dated.

Functionality is the reason I updated to 7, there are SO many small little tweaks, that have been along time coming, and just make SO much sense.

Control centre has been something I've wanted forever. Real simple non-jb functions that are extremely easy to access.

Auto-updating apps? Hell yes, I dont have to go in and do it all manually if I'm on a Wi-Fi.

Messages now say how long ago since they were sent? Fantastic, wanted that for ages - and the messages app is real nice now.

I agree the animations can get a little over-the-top, but in most cases they are good. I love the new multi-tasking feature, easily see what state my apps are in? Fantastic, I can close 3 apps at a time using 3 fingers? Extremely useful.

Photos app? Amazing, collections, being able to sort albums by date?

I have to use iOS6 a fair bit on other phones at work, and it pains me to have to jump back to it, its so clunky and harder to use.

More pages in a folder? :D

I literally cannot think of any change, that I dislike. Reminders is still awkward to use but it was back in the old version.