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October 27th, 2013, 09:02 PM
Did I play against THE IdrA in that 2v2?



October 27th, 2013, 09:54 PM

October 28th, 2013, 05:12 AM
Had to google him. He chose to pursue a professional StarCraft career over attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on scholarship to study theoretical physics (http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/IdrA#Biography)


October 28th, 2013, 07:13 AM
The fuck? He's from Kalamazoo?! I go there for college currently :O

Also, it seems like it could be him, although that depends on what league you're in. He is retired so he can fuck around all he wants, but getting himself down to certain leagues could still be a challenge unless he just let himself lose a bunch or the ranking system is far changed from whatever I recall.

October 28th, 2013, 10:40 PM
Had to google him. He chose to pursue a professional StarCraft career over attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on scholarship to study theoretical physics (http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/IdrA#Biography)


Oh wow I missed that one.... That's hilarious beyond belief. Because we all know pro-gaming makes soon much money (http://www.sc2earnings.com/?year=2013) in a year. :v HoTs is so broken anyway I'd never go pro over a scholarship for a game like it. Maybe Dota/LoL...

You might have seen him around, who knows.... Oh wait he's never going outside. >.<

Brb watching day9 funday Monday stuff. There's hilarious crap on funday Monday.

October 28th, 2013, 11:03 PM
I wonder how long competitive Star Craft would actually support somebody... If it's anything like competitive FPS games, I figure after a few years everybody would move on and the "pros" would be left without a job. I can't imagine passing up a scholarship just to be a full time competitive gamer. Job security seems non-existent, and I think the game would get real stale real fast if I depended on it for income. That seems like an incredibly poor life choice.

October 28th, 2013, 11:36 PM
probably not.

without a trueID or the three digit number associated with the name, anyone can still appear to be him.

October 28th, 2013, 11:36 PM
That "MC" guy made >400k from 2010 to 2013 :mech:

October 29th, 2013, 02:25 PM
Oh wow I missed that one.... That's hilarious beyond belief. Because we all know pro-gaming makes soon much money (http://www.sc2earnings.com/?year=2013) in a year. :v HoTs is so broken anyway I'd never go pro over a scholarship for a game like it. Maybe Dota/LoL...

You might have seen him around, who knows.... Oh wait he's never going outside. >.<

Brb watching day9 funday Monday stuff. There's hilarious crap on funday Monday.

Those numbers suck lol. In the league of legends scene, Ocelote from the UK makes almost $1,000,000 a year between endorsements, streaming, etc and his team didn't even make it to the world finals. All players in the leagues get 100k minimum salary a year before endorsements.

I wonder how long competitive Star Craft would actually support somebody... If it's anything like competitive FPS games, I figure after a few years everybody would move on and the "pros" would be left without a job. I can't imagine passing up a scholarship just to be a full time competitive gamer. Job security seems non-existent, and I think the game would get real stale real fast if I depended on it for income. That seems like an incredibly poor life choice.

Again with a LOL background here, I got to ask this question on live stream during the league of legends worlds event. Some of the pros in LOL at least have some college background if not nearly completed (the one who specifically answered me had 2 years to go, the other had 1 semester). A lot of them secure jobs as managers of the teams or analysts after being pros. There's retired pros still making six figures just between endorsements and twitch streams.

October 29th, 2013, 04:16 PM
Twitch streaming can be incredibly lucrative.
Stream to 10k viewers for a couple hours a day playing ads every 30 minutes or so between games and you've got a better paying job than most people.
Be incredibly popular and stream to 50k viewers, you don't stop until they go away or you pass out.

On top of that, if people like you enough and have the money, they could subscribe to your channel for 5 bucks. From what I gather, half of it goes to twitch and half of it goes to you. Put a donate button into your channel info section and that's just an influx of money.
When Chaox left TSM, he got several thousand dollars in just a couple of hours. One guy donated 1k and a couple more around 300-400.

Entertainment is definitely where it's at.

October 29th, 2013, 04:51 PM
You might have seen him around, who knows.... Oh wait he's never going outside. >.<I dunno, maybe he did move back here. No clue really, anyone know what IdrA is up to these days aside from streaming? Like where he would be located now.

That is without saying that even if he was still in Kalamazoo I doubt I'd spot him.