February 10th, 2014, 11:17 PM
You can view and download previous Takedown's at my website: TDPL (Part 2/3) Download ( | TD:I (Part 1/3) DL (
You can watch my interview & see a little bit of gameplay here: (
Takedown: Extermination will consist of 8 Rally Points.
Rally Point Alpha: The Calm - Go around Nova's base and check in with people.
Rally Point Bravo: The Storm - Patriarchus knows the location of the weapon. Get to the location and find the weapon before he does.
Rally Point Charlie:
Rally Point Delta:
Rally Point Echo:
Rally Point Foxtrot:
Rally Point Gamma:
Rally Point Iota:
Everything you see is WIP and is subject to change.
You can view and download previous Takedown's at my website: TDPL (Part 2/3) Download ( | TD:I (Part 1/3) DL (
You can watch my interview & see a little bit of gameplay here: (
Takedown: Extermination will consist of 8 Rally Points.
Rally Point Alpha: The Calm - Go around Nova's base and check in with people.
Rally Point Bravo: The Storm - Patriarchus knows the location of the weapon. Get to the location and find the weapon before he does.
Rally Point Charlie:
Rally Point Delta:
Rally Point Echo:
Rally Point Foxtrot:
Rally Point Gamma:
Rally Point Iota:
Everything you see is WIP and is subject to change.