View Full Version : Official Halo CE File Downloads at 1Gbps
May 5th, 2014, 03:00 PM
I'm hosting the official Halo CE files for download off a 1Gbps server. Check the link for more details!
May 6th, 2014, 04:39 PM
Awesome, thanks.
May 6th, 2014, 11:19 PM
If anyone has any suggestoins on what other kinds of files I should host this way, let me know! I'm considering SAPP, but I want to talk to sehe first to see if he'd like to make this an official "torrent" version of it. I'm hosting the tracker and everything so it's all manged by me.
And of course, if a community driven master-server workaround is ever created, I can host the nrequired patch/replacement files this way as well. I'll even host a pre-compiled build of the game with this community patch pre-installed if someone awesome like Kornman compiles an installer package or something.
May 9th, 2014, 08:06 PM
Then this would require modifying the download system for Open Sauce, HAC2, and SAPP (I think?). It is nice to have faster download than waiting 30 minutes for each maps from's website. Personally, I would not be able to create a plugin for this since I have a lot of tasks on my table and very limited free time. However, I'll let someone else do this and willing to add any necessary hooks in order to function properly.
May 9th, 2014, 09:44 PM
This isn't for hooking into or downloading maps, just the official files / some popular ones like SAPP and HAC2 maybe.
May 11th, 2014, 02:48 AM
Hmm... I do get your point now. Although... I'm not sure if there's a reason to re-host the official files since there are bunch of official websites hosting the files such as FilePlanet, CNET, halomaps (yes it is slow and not really recommended anyway), GameFront, ModDB (not sure if this is actually uploaded by member of Bungie or Gearbox Software), etc.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be hosting the official files, it is up to you to host them anyway.
May 11th, 2014, 04:05 AM
The difference is that he is providing a superfast host for the download. Sure it's a small 131mB or whatever, but it's nice to have it downloaded within seconds rather than a minute or more :D
May 11th, 2014, 10:13 AM
Hmm... base on other download sites which takes few minutes vs Cortexian's new site only take few seconds... That's a major change for speed download, checked.
Oh btw it's 178,262,016 bytes. If you know what I'm saying. :P
May 11th, 2014, 12:19 PM
Hmm... base on other download sites which takes few minutes vs Cortexian's new site only take few seconds... That's a major change for speed download, checked.
Oh btw it's 178,262,016 bytes. If you know what I'm saying. :P
I don't know what you're saying. Amit used a lower-case b, so he was using bits. It is 130 megabits(Mb/mb). In bytes(B) though, it would be 170 megabytes(MB), yeah.
Anyway, yeah, if you have fibre, this site could be really useful.(I'm not getting fibre until September, but the more sites that allow fast downloads before then, the better)
May 11th, 2014, 02:15 PM
May 11th, 2014, 03:32 PM
Actually... one byte is equal to 8 bits. So 170MB (megabytes) is equal to 1360Mb (megabits), so Amit might had meant MB instead of Mb. And I'm sure where he got the 130 number came from...
May 11th, 2014, 08:23 PM
There seems to be a problem with your network or uTorrent configuration. There's various guides online on how to setup uTorrent properly, check some out on Google :)
May 12th, 2014, 12:46 AM
Nope, I have downloaded plenty of torrents recently.
May 12th, 2014, 01:22 AM
Well there's nothing I can tell you then, because everything on this end is working fine. I can connect to the tracker and aquire peers / seeders from three different ISP's successfully.
You're likely not accustomed to dealing with smaller non-DHT torrent swarms like this one. I've cre-created the torrents with a more direct / specific DNS route to the tracker.... Maybe these will help you, no promises though.
All the download links have been updated.
May 12th, 2014, 02:22 PM
Actually... one byte is equal to 8 bits. So 170MB (megabytes) is equal to 1360Mb (megabits), so Amit might had meant MB instead of Mb. And I'm sure where he got the 130 number came from...
^ I accidentally capitalized the 'm' instead of the 'B' and the 131 was a rough guess. Turns out the actual download is 170mB.
May 13th, 2014, 05:20 PM
Any chance someone could download one of the updated .torrent files and let me know if you can connect and download now? I want to make sure the DNS update is working for everyone.
Arbiter, if you could, that would help as well. Alternatively, if you still have the torrents open in your client, just add the following tracker:
May 13th, 2014, 09:12 PM
Any chance of throwing up an unmodified disc image for the game itself?
May 14th, 2014, 01:09 AM
I have my disc still, but a computer that still as an optical drive is another matter entirely... Let me see what I can do.
May 14th, 2014, 03:55 AM
Worst case scenario, I'll be home from school in about a week. I can... you know... rip a copy
May 14th, 2014, 09:20 AM
I have my disc still, but a computer that still as an optical drive is another matter entirely... Let me see what I can do.
Yeah, I don't have an optical drive either. That's why I asked. :realsmug:
May 14th, 2014, 09:32 AM
OK so I used my laptop to create an ISO of the disc. It's uploading to the seedbox now. This will be completely unmodified, with no cracked or hacked files that let you play without a legitimate CD key.
May 14th, 2014, 11:01 AM
Exactly as it should be. :cop:
May 14th, 2014, 01:19 PM
I have added a link for the original Halo PC disc image here:
Proof that it's working:
May 14th, 2014, 02:31 PM
That disc image is working great but, the HEK setup torrent still isn't. Tracker is working but, still downloading at lousy speeds as seen above. I checked everything from speed limits and shit. You have me on steam (Ghost901). So if you have any questions ask me there. If there were a few servers out there seeding this indefinetly (most people in the halo community wouldn't probably keep seeding it), then it would probably be better getting the CE stuff from them than Halomaps and such.
May 14th, 2014, 03:02 PM
Basically, I'm hosting a small tracker as well as renting a seedbox (which I use to seed some large 100GB~ files for a project a friend and I are working on) which has unlimited bandwidth per month and a shared 1 Gbps network connection. I've never seen it shoot out upload at lower than 650 Mbit/s though, so whoever I'm sharing the box with right now isn't really utilizing the connection all that much all the time.
I'm considering setting up a tracker using different software than what I'm currently utilizing, as what I have doesn't give me much control or statistics.
I'll look into the HEK download for you though.
May 14th, 2014, 04:57 PM
It would also be useful in hosting complete bug less stock tagset. I'm still looking for one as the ones on halomaps and other sites are full of bugs that I asume were created from tag extraction.
May 14th, 2014, 06:57 PM
That would be nice, but the amount of effort in doing that would be huge.
May 14th, 2014, 07:09 PM
Someone is bound to have a tagset that can atleast be entirely compiled without game breaking bugs.
May 15th, 2014, 11:51 AM
OK so it looks like when I uploaded the HEK to the seedbox it corrupted and that's why the downloads have been so slow (you've just been pulling from the tracker box, which is also seeding the torrents but limited to 20 KB/s). It should be fixed now if you want to try to download it! :)
May 15th, 2014, 10:01 PM
And the Halo CE and PC 1.0.10 patches are mirroed via torrents as well now.
May 27th, 2014, 12:03 AM
I've updated to a different tracker, this should be more stable (the other one seemed to be going offline randomly).
The old torrents will remain active for a few weeks at least. All download links now link to the new files, and if you'd like to update your current seeds you can do so by adding the following tracker:
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