View Full Version : Universal UI Version 1.1 Release Thread

September 13th, 2014, 01:04 PM
Greetings, fellow Halo players! It's been a long time coming, and finally the much-anticipated update to Halo CE's Universal UI has been completed.


Halo CE's most popular functional interface has now been updated! Now be able to view and switch profiles at any time, from anywhere. Experience a redesigned interface layout, with high-quality images, cleaner lines, standardized spacing and colors. Hear new music carefully picked from throughout the Halo game series. Also, this update includes much better support for controllers and gamepads. To see all the awesomeness, give it a download and check it out!

Want to play the classic campaign? CMT levels? Project Lumoria? A ton of community Singleplayer levels and Firefight maps? You're covered! Also, you get to select the difficulty of any map that you load with the touch of a button. Plus, the multiplayer server list has been modernized and all interface elements have been slimmed down for easy navigation and quick game starting.

People who made this possible:
MoooseGuy - Project lead, BSP setup, interface, scripting, various bitmaps, etc.
Hudmasta! (aka Choclate Thunda) - Spearheading interface redesign, bitmap and layout creation.
Giraffe (aka L28) - Halo interface pioneer, advice giver, widget-toyer, and music compiler.
Masterz1337 - CMT leader, project ideator, supplier of SPV3 images.
{SBB} Storm and Team Members - Extensive testing, problem-finding, and feedback.
TM Mapping Team - Original Project Lumoria planet and logo.
MatthewDratt - Takedown logo and images.
Bungie - The Halo game and its elements.

HaloMaps link is up!
Download From HaloMaps (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=6952)


September 13th, 2014, 06:54 PM
Really nice job. I like how the scene changes when you swithc menus. How'd you manage that?

September 13th, 2014, 10:38 PM
It's all in the scripting. :iamafag:

September 14th, 2014, 01:48 AM
Feedback -> having "previous" be the option when you've scrolled through stuff like the firefight menu instead of "back" is a bit annoying. If I wanted to scroll up I'd press the up button :P

The font in the multiplayer browser is a bit ugly. I'd rather something less jaggy personally.

The singleplayer background is way too cool to not use in the multiplayer browser, you generally spend a lot more time in that window than any other I find and it's so sexy O_O

September 14th, 2014, 03:31 PM
So I assume all the menus for custom campaign maps are hard modded (is that a term) into the map file? Do you plan on updating this when new maps come out?

September 14th, 2014, 07:36 PM
This version includes several new maps the original doesn't. He seems to be updating it pretty well.
(why don't mapes like Portent have their own custom image :( )

September 27th, 2014, 02:18 PM
So I assume all the menus for custom campaign maps are hard modded (is that a term) into the map file? Do you plan on updating this when new maps come out?

Yes, they're hardcoded since the halo script does not have a command to tell what multi-player map is or not. To be honest, none of the official UI are dynamic linking to whatever, they're static links.

This version includes several new maps the original doesn't. He seems to be updating it pretty well.
(why don't mapes like Portent have their own custom image :( )

The images for each official maps are hardcoded in the UI I believe... I don't think each map has a portion of holding an image to allow the UI to show the custom image instead of default image that official UI do. I'm hoping someone can find/lead this to an older thread link.

MoooseGuy... you did it again, great job with the UI! Had been checking out almost every menu there is! I'm very happy about the color selection, even with words shown when hover the button, method for the current profile and totally matched up with the master chief's logo on the top! Am looking forward future updates, this is marked as favorite! ;D

The only bug I found is the firefight menu list, when I click the down arrow or up arrow then I want go back to the main menu instead it just do a previous action I did of up/down arrows. (Eh, n00b1n8R found this bug before me.)

IMO, the back/ok/previous buttons and the console doesn't look right and appears to be degraded. Might want to change those font?

September 27th, 2014, 10:54 PM
The images for each official maps are hardcoded in the UI I believe... I don't think each map has a portion of holding an image to allow the UI to show the custom image instead of default image that official UI do. I'm hoping someone can find/lead this to an older thread link.
Really? I could have sworn I saw one texture file in the UI files that had all of the default map UI images in it. I remember thinking "hey I should create a new image for my custom map".

September 29th, 2014, 01:21 PM
For multiplayer maps, the engine has no way of telling what image to use for specific custom maps. This is why it can only reference one image for them all. Default multiplayer maps of course have their own.

The Previous button function is not a glitch, it had to be done that way due to how Halo handles UI back-and-forth switching. Basically, I couldn't make it so it would go back to the root without it going all the way to the main menu.

HaloMaps link is up!
Download From HaloMaps (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=6952)