View Full Version : Canada thinks it's America?

October 23rd, 2014, 05:55 PM
What's up with this shooting? Why don't you guys use super oppressive NSA style tracking to ensure this doesn't happen? Why is this a lot more scary for me coming from Canada than a shooting about 40 miles from my house was?

October 23rd, 2014, 06:07 PM
Because now our government will use this as an excuse to ram through the ridiculous spying and security bills they have been trying to pass for the past year and a half. The scared population will fold unless the Liberal fools and docile NDP carebear them back to a sense of safety through the use of the word unity​.

October 23rd, 2014, 06:36 PM
I doubt it. Canada has been host to two alleged acts of terror this week, and all it has shown us is that terrorism doesn't work here.

Military guard gunned down at the National War Memorial: bystanders rush to give aid and CPR.

Armed gunman makes his way into the Parliament Building: gets crack-shot like a mo'fucker by the Sergeant at Arms. That's THIS guy:

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDFkh4sZrjEfyZ8BR4B1JTKqmdzw1At NTL2x9eqjQ1jD4MgHyR

Listening and watching as events unfolded, it was remarkable to see just how organized the country is in times of emergency. Efficient lock-down of Ottawa, news media hesitant to report speculation; instead, we got the straight dope, and then it was back to our regularly scheduled programming, until such time as more news came to light.

I don't doubt that the area surrounding Parliament Hill might see a slight increase in security, but we're certainly not going to see an end to the True North, strong and free. The only pressing issue is copycat radicals, who I can only hope would be dissuaded by the poor form of the last two knuckleheads. A 1/1 KD isn't going to get you much props at terrorist camp.

October 23rd, 2014, 06:46 PM
The Hooded Smack and his posts make me want to become a Canadian.

October 23rd, 2014, 11:26 PM

October 24th, 2014, 10:13 PM
Hard to believe that was almost two years ago

October 26th, 2014, 09:58 PM
I assure you, Mr Speaker, that work which is already under way will be expedited,” Mr Harper said. (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/23/canada-security-parliament-attack-powers-toughen?CMP=soc_567)

What did I fucking say?

October 27th, 2014, 12:19 AM
Things to note:
1. Shooter had a criminal record, and although he wasn't on any official watch list, he was able to aquire a firearm for use in this shooting. Yet our gun-controls are in place to prevent criminals from aquiring firearms. Welp~ Hopefully no retarded politicians decide that this incident means we need stricter firearms laws, especially since there was a bill going through the rounds to LOOSEN restrictions on Restricted firearms. Obviously gun-control doesn't work at all, IMO we should just get rid of it and only restrict sales of certain types of firearms to civilians. I'm entirely OK with no full-autos, belt feds machine guns, super small concealable stuff, etc being sold, but fuck magazine capacity limits. Lets restrict things that actually make sense to restrict.

2. The shooter was shot by the Sgt at Arms. A civilian in charge of parliamentary security forces who was issued an Authorization To Carry (ATC) permit because he had the right political connections. Sure, he was an ex-RCMP officer and has had many other security related commendations in the past, but IMO all appropriately trained civilians should be allowed to carry. I don't need a gun, I haven't ever needed a gun, and I don't want to need a gun. However if a situation like this arises with me in proximity, I want a gun, and thus I should be allowed to have a gun.

3. The soldier shot was unarmed. I'm not sure how ceremonial/honor guards work in the USA, but here in Canada they are issued unloaded and DEACTIVATED service weapons. Typically they remove the bolt to deactivate them. This is bullshit. The Queen's Guard are fully armed. Soldiers aren't decorations. Canada trusts its soldiers to carry loaded firearms all over the world, but not at home.

So much of the chaos could of been prevented at a much earlier point if our soldiers, or civilians in the area, were armed.

I realize this isn't a gun-control topic, and there are issues with political security and anti-domestic terrorism... But I kinda hope this opens our politicians eyes on the retarded level our current gun-control system is at. IMO, the whole thing needs to be scraped and overhauled from the ground up. And the new system needs to be constructed equally by law abiding gun owners, law enforcement officers, and law makers with extensive firearms experience and knowledge.

November 19th, 2014, 12:19 AM
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November 20th, 2014, 11:57 AM
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