View Full Version : HPC, HCE, H2V Gaming Clan

May 26th, 2015, 10:20 PM
I noticed some people were posting about a clan. If you are interested in a gaming clan join SmG.

Information:We are a gaming clan that has been running for over 6 years now. Mainly members join one of our 3 teamspeak servers and play games together or just hangout.

Website: http://smgclan.net/
TeamSpeak address: HaloForums.net
My Xfire: haloking2323
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfficialSmGClan

What we offer:
Tons of gaming servers (HCE, HPC, COD, H2V, MineCraft) + Dedicated Server Mods
Teamspeak servers
An awesome place to meet new people
Free gaming servers for members.Yes I allow all my members to have their own servers, gametypes, and basically whatever they want. This isn't just for halo.

Videos (more on my channel):





Screenshots of some of the hardware powering the servers. (This is one of 6 servers)


I gotta head off ill update this post with more information to anyone that is interested.

May 26th, 2015, 10:37 PM
n1ce hole

May 27th, 2015, 04:48 PM
n1ce hole


May 28th, 2015, 10:25 PM
Weren't your servers blacklisted from the CE master server list because you were spoofing player counts to try and lure people into your servers when they were actually empty?

May 28th, 2015, 10:30 PM
lawl, they got me a couple times with that.

May 29th, 2015, 10:37 AM
SmG player ghosting is really quite pathetic.

May 30th, 2015, 09:45 PM
Weren't your servers blacklisted from the CE master server list because you were spoofing player counts to try and lure people into your servers when they were actually empty?

Yes sir btcc22 blocked my servers IP address even after I removed the mod. Once I found out they were blocked I removed it and changed the IP of the servers the next day they were blocked again. He won't let my servers be on the list at all.I don't think its really fair when ive attempted to contact him to tell him I removed the mod haven't heard back yet. All I did was use cheat engine and scan for a byte value of 1->15. I just froze it at 15. Its similar to the name hack everyone uses to get to the top of the list I don't know why my entire clan is penalized for a game mod that I have even removed. Ive been running SmG clan for 6 years and we have supported halo in many ways. Maps, mods, and even I have given out free gaming keys that I paid for with my own hard earned money to POQ, =DG=, and =CE= members. I even created a tutorial video on how to get Halo CE free with legitimate keys that I have purchased so more people play. We also pay $124.99USD Monthly for all our servers. I don't understand if I removed the mod why are they still being blocked. I spend countless years trying to get my servers just the way I want them I don't know why he couldn't have just contact me on xfire, my website, modacity, or anywhere else to ask me to remove it.

May 31st, 2015, 01:17 PM
You should call him out on Twitter. That's how people get better service from Comcast. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

June 1st, 2015, 06:00 AM
You should call him out on Twitter. That's how people get better service from Comcast. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks maybe I will do that what is his twitter name? I just don't understand whats the issue now why he won't let them be on the list. The only conclusion my admins, clan members, and friends in POQ clan have came up with is that POQ technuts (think that was the name I was given) is friends with Btcc22 and he is telling him to keep my servers off the list because he thinks we stole is HPC modded maps which POQ bum personally gave me and made years back. This isn't 100% solid information but it is the information that many active community members have provided to me over the past few weeks. I just want my servers up so people can play in them again I have about 50+ messages of complaints about the down time not to mention we host servers for two other clans on HPC and HCE so not only are the members of SmG not playing so are two other clans. Honestly I don't see why he did it in the first place he could have contact me and asked to remove it. I don't even play HCE and HPC anymore I just run the servers for the clan and I enjoy running servers to make my members happy. But maybe he doesn't really care about the community at all anyways he is the one that has power to update the game but yet he doesn't even care enough to update it anymore.

The worst part about it was that the reason I did it in the first place was because other clans were using Multi-Client to run multiple Halo's at once and then would just put AFK clones in their servers so its basically the same thing I just use a short cut so I don't see how its fair that theirs servers are up and running and mine aren't allowed to even be on the list.

On a side note has anyone noticed when you load the server list it only loads all of the servers about 75% of the time. I did a test and ever so often for about 5 minutes a large chunk of the servers won't load I was wondering if anyone knew why? Maybe the master server list isn't running on a server that has the correct amount of resources? It could also be me but I tried it from multiple connections and computers.

Anyways I hope everyone has a good day also I have so much server space I don't know what to do with it if anyone here wants any type of gaming server I would be more than happy to run it for you with at no cost and no strings attached except to have fun! :downs:

June 1st, 2015, 10:16 PM
I just saw your server pictures rofl, you should setup something a bit more professional!


Those are my home servers, for comparison.

jcap should post his and shame us both.

June 3rd, 2015, 05:30 AM
Hey Cloud, did you take down your servers? I can't direct connect to any of them.
I checked your forum and twitter to see if something was up, but couldn't find anything.

I don't think you would be the kind of person to just shut them down out of spite, so what happened? Fire? Flood? Flood?

June 4th, 2015, 02:24 PM
jcap should post his and shame us both.
we're still waiting on him to post desk

June 6th, 2015, 10:52 PM
I just saw your server pictures rofl, you should setup something a bit more professional!

Those are my home servers, for comparison.

jcap should post his and shame us both.

That looks awesome I really like that. My picture was from 2012 I don't have physical access to my servers anymore so I can't get a picture as easily SmGs servers are in a data center now. We have 6 dedicated servers.
One of Our server hosts: https://www.limestonenetworks.com/


Hey Cloud, did you take down your servers? I can't direct connect to any of them.
I checked your forum and twitter to see if something was up, but couldn't find anything.

I don't think you would be the kind of person to just shut them down out of spite, so what happened? Fire? Flood? Flood?

We are getting hit with a DOS attack. I had limited the port so our host wouldn't kick us off. The host is at the moment null routing the attack but this causes our servers to still be down.

As we speak I am sending a full back up of the HCE server PC to SmG Stinger to run them in the mean time.

The SmG admins are working hard to get these back up but it seems we are taking one step forward and 2 steps back unfortunately.

June 8th, 2015, 10:16 PM

June 8th, 2015, 10:25 PM
I just uploaded the copy of his own video, that he later made private:


June 8th, 2015, 10:51 PM
haha owned

June 8th, 2015, 11:33 PM
So does this mean that you'll allow SmG clans servers to be back up.

June 8th, 2015, 11:42 PM
Hope you are joking.

June 8th, 2015, 11:46 PM
Hope you are joking.

sehé°° (http://xhalo.tk/forum/user-1.html)"After this, the server owners first will be warned to remove the fake players from their servers, and if they refuse to do so, their servers will be banned from the server list for a week. Attempting to evade the ban with changing the server IP or attacking the master server will extend the ban by an another week."

I never was warned and I never refused to remove the player mod? How many weeks do I have left. I willingly removed it.

June 8th, 2015, 11:47 PM
I just uploaded the copy of his own video, that he later made private:


I tried to show him the video, but he DDOSed my IP, and then banned me. I doubt he'll actually change his ways. Too bad I only lost internet for 40 seconds.

June 8th, 2015, 11:50 PM
As I already said, "Your servers are not banned for the fake players mod in the first place, but for your DoS attack against the master server, that by the way, you just repeated some days ago."

June 8th, 2015, 11:54 PM
I tried to show him the video, but he DDOSed my IP, and then banned me. I doubt he'll actually change his ways. Too bad I only lost internet for 40 seconds.

I did not dos you also Stinger temp banned you (your already unbanned it was for 60 seconds) because you were playing loud music from your mic and starting trouble while we were playing minecraft and trying to talk. We moved you to the "Fix your mic" channel. Then you came back and did it again. I am pretty sure any normal person would kick/ban you from their TS if you were doing it in there teamspeak.

As I already said, "Your servers are not banned for the fake players mod in the first place, but for your DoS attack against the master server, that by the way, you just repeated some days ago."

I never dossed the server list! Why do you keep saying that!! Okay well since wont believe me it says on your post

That if we dos the server list our ban is extended a week (which I NEVER ddossed the server list in the first place).

How many weeks until SmG servers are allowed back.

June 8th, 2015, 11:57 PM
I did not dos you also Stinger temp banned you (your already unbanned it was for 60 seconds) because you were playing loud music from your mic and starting trouble while we were playing minecraft and trying to talk. We moved you to the "Fix your mic" channel. Then you came back and did it again. I am pretty sure any normal person would kick/ban you from their TS if you were doing it in there teamspeak.

I don't think a tempban will disconnect me from the Internet, then also ban me from your forum, especially since I've made no posts on it other than the few posts I made on your chat which you deleted.


Temp banned?

And yes, that was the crappy music that was on your video. Go figure.

June 9th, 2015, 12:01 AM
Stinger banned you because you were causing trouble on the forums. If you apologize and are friendly, nice, and respectful ill have him unban you no problem I would love to have another member on the forum.

All I want is my servers just to be unblocked from the list and what I have to do to get them unblocked.
ill follow all your rules, guidelines, and anything else. I just think its unfair to penalize SmG members when we have supported this game for years and years.

I just want my friends to have the servers they like to play in.


June 9th, 2015, 02:46 AM
This is getting ridiculous. I'm not sure if you are really this fucking dumb or just trolling. There is the video that you made about DoS'ing the server, + we have your IP logged too.

I'm done whit this thread.

June 9th, 2015, 08:22 AM
without taking the time to read, i believe i detect a care.

June 9th, 2015, 10:51 AM
DDOSing the master server?? Yeah great lets just make everyone unable to play the game because YOU feel cheated.

https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v1/72x72/1f44c.pnghttps://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v1/72x72/1f44c.pngGood shit https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v1/72x72/1f44c.png

June 9th, 2015, 11:22 AM
Hopefully Cloud's servers and clan remain banned from the master server. He is obviously a negative and immature influence on the community. We are better off without him in this community.

Go play Minecraft Cloud, leave Halo to us.

June 9th, 2015, 07:04 PM
I never dossed the server list. Also I will never give up because this is unfair I've supported halo for years and I'm accepting to follow all your rules and still I am not allowed to host servers. I will do whatever it takes to give my members the servers they deserve and I will work at it for as long as I have to. I've been running halo servers for 6 years im not going to stop running these servers that I've put my ideas, money, time, and heart into.

June 9th, 2015, 07:53 PM
Do you think ignoring the video that you made and pretending the posts are invisible and the video doesn't exists will help on you? Or DDoS'ing people who try to share it? Well, not. Obviously you have some kind of mental problem and/or brain damage, go get yourself checked before it gets worse. Just a good advice.

June 9th, 2015, 08:10 PM
Do you think ignoring the video that you made and pretending the posts are invisible and the video doesn't exists will help on you? Or DDoS'ing people who try to share it? Well, not. Obviously you have some kind of mental problem and/or brain damage, go get yourself checked before it gets worse. Just a good advice.

Im ignoring you and your second account DHMO not the video. The only person that should be explained anything is btcc22. Sehe I'm not trying to be rude to you but you don't understand what's going on.

June 9th, 2015, 08:57 PM
Really? Then could you explain the video please? Because we are still waiting for your explanation.

June 10th, 2015, 02:25 AM
Really? Then could you explain the video please? Because we are still waiting for your explanation.

I would but you just accuse me of lying and then spam me on xfire. If you could see past your hate for me then you would probably be able to see it for yourself. If you knew me a little better then you would understand. You also do not operate the master server list and you have been nothing but rude and hateful towards me why should I explain anything to you. Since day one you have treated me just like Technut. Before I even met technut he thought I was some scumbag jerk ect... because =DG= POQbum gave me his modded maps and technut immediately labeled SmG. I personally don't hate anyone to be honest especially here.

The only person that I think should get an explanation about anything is Btcc22 and I have tried contacting Btcc22 multiple times to explain but he won't answer any messages from me.

June 10th, 2015, 06:12 AM
Cool, because some days ago you just told me this on Xfire (RIP):
[04:25] «SmG» Cloud: just link me to it and ill do my best to explain
[04:26] sehé°°: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyw7za7hBj4
[04:26] sehé°°: here is the video :)
[04:27] «SmG» Cloud: its saying the videos private?

Which is kind of funny, since it's your own video.
Anyways, you are just pathetic srsly. :D I already deleted you from Xfire (RIP) to evade further DoS attack from you. It's funny how you think everyone here is stupid. Let me tell you something: If you think you can say anything to anyone to ever get unbanned, you are wrong. You should just look for a new game.

June 10th, 2015, 11:11 PM
Im ignoring you and your second account DHMO not the video. The only person that should be explained anything is btcc22. Sehe I'm not trying to be rude to you but you don't understand what's going on.

This pretty much proves that you have been DDoSing people who try to show you the video, because all you do is ignore and avoid the evidence. It's really too bad that the leader of a very distinguished clan acts as childish as you do, and I really feel sorry for the people who look up to you, because they don't deserve this - only you do.

Sure, I deserved getting banned, and I would have respected the ban and never come back, ever, and maybe even say, "Sorry." Fat chance that I'll even bother apologizing to you, because my logging in to your forum will only give you another IP to DDoS... I mean temporarily ban.

Also, I'm not sehe. We don't even live in the same country. I'm American, and sehe is Hungarian. I know you'll try not to believe me, because all you've been doing is avoiding evidence, because you're a troll. Here's a screenshot from the video I recorded when you DDoS'd me:


June 10th, 2015, 11:38 PM
A screenshot of you sitting in my teamspeak talking I don't think that proves much. It also shows that you have 62ms ping to the server which is great.

Anyways SmG Clan will live on and we are still recruiting if anyone is interested please visits http://www.smgclan.net/
We also allow free game servers for any SmG members above regular member and even sometimes depending how long you have been in the clan we still allow regular members as well.