View Full Version : Xfire Shutting Down

June 10th, 2015, 11:46 AM
Yo guys. I've been part of the halo community since 2006. Just giving a heads up (to those of you who don't know about it already) that Xfire is being shutdown.


The above link explains everything and you can even download your screenshots and videos! (After waiting in fucking queueing but hey it's worth saving those memories!)
the new platform the halo community (or what's left us) are using

It looks like the new chat platform for halo pc/ce is something called EvolveHQ. Add me on EvolveHQ, my username is xdzmatt.

It's easy enough to use, unless...you aren't good with technology :iamafag::iamafag::iamafag::iamafag::iamafag:

Sign up here https://www.evolvehq.com/signup
And then download the client here https://www.evolvehq.com/client

Hope to see some of you on there! I know Halo CE is for the most part dead for Euros and the USA. But it is still fun with the right server and at the right time. I'd love to continue the pwning with ya'll!

And if you don't want to download that, I'm also on Steam. Add me at cakesnwinchester

June 10th, 2015, 04:22 PM
Wow thats crazy I have been using xfire since 2006. I guess it has been a long time and I still use the classic xfire theme.

June 10th, 2015, 04:53 PM
I actually had an old account on Xfire with sensitive information just out there publicly (don't give out your home address kids!).
I lost both the password and email account to it, whoops, and couldn't change anything. I guess this means I won't have to worry about it anymore.

June 10th, 2015, 11:13 PM
I actually had an old account on Xfire with sensitive information just out there publicly (don't give out your home address kids!).
I lost both the password and email account to it, whoops, and couldn't change anything. I guess this means I won't have to worry about it anymore.

Yeah I just can't believe after all these years they are shutting it down it must not be profitable anymore and but the tournament xfire should be pretty cool.

June 11th, 2015, 12:28 AM
How did the xfire client ever generate revenue?

June 11th, 2015, 06:54 PM
Didn't it have ads or was that just the website?

June 12th, 2015, 01:41 AM
I don't remember ads.. but I don't think I've used xfire since like 2009 at the very latest.

June 13th, 2015, 03:16 AM
Never liked it much, struck me as some extra chat client I didn't really need that just ran on my system using resources.

June 13th, 2015, 03:05 PM
Never liked it much, struck me as some extra chat client I didn't really need that just ran on my system using resources.

You would probably like Gentoo

June 16th, 2015, 11:08 PM
I don't remember ads.. but I don't think I've used xfire since like 2009 at the very latest.
ever since it got bought out by a porn company and flooded with ads

June 19th, 2015, 03:10 PM
Looks like someone bought xfire wonder who it could be.:ohdear:

June 20th, 2015, 01:47 PM
Lol they stole their header(?) from League of legends's launcher.