View Full Version : Original XBOX Halo CE, System Link Complete Campaign Mode

December 7th, 2015, 12:45 AM

I have a halo ce campaign mode that works perfectly.
Using this system link co-op is also available, and the screen split into four campaigns are also possible progress.
Once this mode's cutscenes and friendly AI is also fully supported as All single player. Just apply only Original XBOX.

But I'm Korean, but when you apply this mod Halo CE US version only been applied.
So I want to apply to the file Korean version. Have you ever can help me?

December 7th, 2015, 08:29 PM
Wait, you have syncing AI on system link? Was this always possible?

December 7th, 2015, 08:44 PM
We smashed bipeds. :V

Also, AI syncs on Xbox's Halo 1 via network.
thanks to how the machines started off with the same conditions and inputs, but I've never seen sufficent research into how far the sync'ing goes to prove that it's "flawless" like halo 3
There was never any AI in Halo's MP maps, so more than likely there is no code to sync up AI states. What would happen, just like in the PC version, AI will appear to sync up until AI decisions become based on something randomized.
I've been following Halo 1/2 Xbox modding for a very long time now and I'm sure that AI syncs online in both games, despite not being prepared to handle AI.

This definitely wouldn't be able to exist if it didn't: (Halo 2 Online Coop)
Dude, AI in Halo 1 DOES NOT sync in PC OR Xbox. There is NO code to sync the AI.

Get. It. Thru. Your. Heads.

This really isn't co-op, it's just SP->MP conversions tbqh.

December 7th, 2015, 10:48 PM
Perhaps I may be only a split screen to campaign AI will work as a system linked happened.
When we split screen, system link with the AI campaign worked. Taking a video will be uploaded.

(Do you have a Korean version can convert the file? 4 player split screen I want to try a campaign.)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5lqhi61we4uwqb/halompc.zip?dl=0 ← Coop File