View Full Version : Post your experience index report!
May 21st, 2007, 02:57 PM
Heres mine
To get yours, go to Control Panel>System>Windows Experience Index>View and Print Details. Then take a screenshot.
May 21st, 2007, 02:59 PM
May 21st, 2007, 03:00 PM
What does this have to do with Halo 2 Vista pre-release?
May 21st, 2007, 03:06 PM
you can see each others specs and get an idea wether your computer will handle h2v or not -.-
May 21st, 2007, 03:07 PM
How does a random number that you can manipulate accurately show you how well your system will handle H2V, especially when they haven't given us recommended settings?
May 21st, 2007, 03:10 PM
idk, but ill go with the flow.
May 21st, 2007, 03:13 PM
How does a random number that you can manipulate accurately show you how well your system will handle H2V, especially when they haven't given us recommended settings?
1) what I showed was my specs, idk why others arent clicking on the View and print details button.
2) stop minging.
May 21st, 2007, 03:13 PM
Shot tags for God's sakes.
1) what I showed was my specs, idk why others arent clicking on the View and print details button.
2) stop minging.
1) Not everyone has Vista
2) This isn't minging; this is me trying to stop people from shitting up these forums. This topic isn't helping, especially on the wrong fucking board.
May 21st, 2007, 03:13 PM
I can't run it. H2V, that is.
May 21st, 2007, 03:40 PM
O hell, why not?
To expand a little on this, the 5200+ is overclocked to 3.0 ghz per core (which makes the RAM 920 Mhz DDR2), and the 6800gs is overclocked to 530/1230. That would explain some maybe slightly higher scores from my equipment then others with the same or similar.
May 21st, 2007, 03:52 PM
amagemmon, you really need to stop trying to be a mini mod, and mind your own buisness.
May 21st, 2007, 03:53 PM
CPU score should be a good bit higher. I kept an eye on the frequency as the scoring was being done and it never throttled up to 2GHz from 1.66Ghz. The DDR2 533 RAM is the only thing slowing me down, but it's still a notebook so I'm not going to complain about it.
May 21st, 2007, 05:09 PM
I haven't yet run it on any OC settings yet, I'll do that one of these days.
Also, that totaly HD size is wrong, it's missing a 250GB, a 80, and a 60. :|
May 21st, 2007, 05:12 PM
Shot tags for God's sakes.
1) Not everyone has Vista
2) This isn't minging; this is me trying to stop people from shitting up these forums. This topic isn't helping, especially on the wrong fucking board.
well guess what fucker? your shitting up my thread. go whine to a mod about it, i dont give a dam what you say.
excuse the language but i think its appropriate here, he only posted two times and hes already getting ony my nerves.
May 21st, 2007, 05:14 PM
whoa nice card atty :XD:
May 21st, 2007, 05:14 PM
well guess what fucker? your shitting up my thread. go whine to a mod about it, i dont give a dam what you say.Dam, like hoover? :confused2:
May 21st, 2007, 05:15 PM
Listen guys, don't put too much weight into the base score or any of these scores.
This program is not a legit way to compare computers.
For example 5.9 on Graphics is given to me on one computer(X800 GTO) and also on my other computer(7900).
May 21st, 2007, 05:53 PM
amagemmon, you really need to stop trying to be a mini mod, and mind your own buisness.
Since when is voicing my opinion being a wannabe-mod?
well guess what fucker? your shitting up my thread. go whine to a mod about it, i dont give a dam what you say.
excuse the language but i think its appropriate here, he only posted two times and hes already getting ony my nerves.
If you don't give a damn then why did you even respond to my post?
Also, you didn't have to pursue this. I stated the obvious and you had a tissy about it.
May 21st, 2007, 06:16 PM
well guess what fucker? your shitting up my thread. go whine to a mod about it, i dont give a dam what you say.
<Does it the German Way>
May 21st, 2007, 06:24 PM
Agamenon, he is referring to how you always tell people to lock a topic because a fight is going on, or how you say a topic is in the wrong section and you are here on a mission to prevent the board from being shitted up. Those are mods jobs. And in case you haven't noticed, you are being a hypocrite, fighting as immaturely as you are now. Don't say it is just your opinion... on the other topics that you post your little dramabomb smiley on, the people that you are criticizing, they could just as easily claim that they were only stating their opinion as well. As for my rating:
May 21st, 2007, 06:55 PM
Agamenon, he is referring to how you always tell people to lock a topic because a fight is going on, or how you say a topic is in the wrong section and you are here on a mission to prevent the board from being shitted up. Those are mods jobs. And in case you haven't noticed, you are being a hypocrite, fighting as immaturely as you are now. Don't say it is just your opinion... on the other topics that you post your little dramabomb smiley on, the people that you are criticizing, they could just as easily claim that they were only stating their opinion as well. As for my rating:
First off, learn how to spell my name. It's not rocket science.
Second off, I wouldn't have to request threads being locked if they were actually when they needed to be.
Third, this isn't being hypocritical. This is being honest. He couldn't handle the honesty and decided to have a tantrum.
Fourth, if you haven't noticed, I haven't told anyone to "piss off" or "fuck you," so don't put words in my mouth and speak about things that haven't even happened.
Fifth, this thread went to the shitter because a) the topic creator couldn't handle what I said and went off on me and b) Bacon started the bandwagon of, "you're acting like a mod," so now you've jumped on it and have carried this thread further into derailment. GJ.
May 21st, 2007, 10:02 PM (
On top so far :), too bad HL2V has been delayed to the 31fst:(
May 21st, 2007, 10:23 PM
What the shit, how does your E6600 @ Stock beat mine, this is bullshit Microsoft, my E-Peen beats everyones. <:mad:> At least my parents didn't buy me my PC o-shi
This is a true travesty and I will have this fixed asap, TO WASHINGTON!
May 21st, 2007, 10:25 PM
To me, it sounds like you are having a tantrum now. What, because we disagree with you means we throw tantrums as well? Talking about putting words in someone's mouth, you are telling me I had a tantrum? You must be psychic, you even knew my motive! Tbqh, quit hijacking threads and GTFO if you can't stop.
Also, what is wrong with agreeing with someone? After, it's the truth. You just couldn't handle it and had a tantrum.</bandwagon (of your thinking, no less)>
How does it feel to have your words thrown back at you? Don't try to justify what you've said, either. I applied it using the same logic you have.
May 21st, 2007, 10:48 PM
May 21st, 2007, 11:10 PM
my first post here and I need a new Graphics card bad
May 21st, 2007, 11:23 PM
I'm too lazy to post my pic. I got 4.5
This thread isn't very H2V related, though. People can check the system requirements themselves.
May 22nd, 2007, 05:27 AM
To me, it sounds like you are having a tantrum now. What, because we disagree with you means we throw tantrums as well? Talking about putting words in someone's mouth, you are telling me I had a tantrum? You must be psychic, you even knew my motive! Tbqh, quit hijacking threads and GTFO if you can't stop.
Also, what is wrong with agreeing with someone? After, it's the truth. You just couldn't handle it and had a tantrum.</bandwagon (of your thinking, no less)>
How does it feel to have your words thrown back at you? Don't try to justify what you've said, either. I applied it using the same logic you have.
You haven't applied any logic. You just got angry because I destroyed your argument and called you out for what you are. Don't like it? Tough shit. I'm here to stay.
May 22nd, 2007, 07:36 AM
I will be picking up an Athlon 3800+ X2 and another gig of Ram sometime soon. Ive seen some pretty good deals around.
May 22nd, 2007, 09:03 AM
What the shit, how does your E6600 @ Stock beat mine, this is bullshit Microsoft, my E-Peen beats everyones. <:mad:> At least my parents didn't buy me my PC o-shi
This is a true travesty and I will have this fixed asap, TO WASHINGTON!
Overclocked to almost 2.9 GHz. My mobo only let me go to 2.8, and i can only but it up to 2.9 in the unstable ntune before i get bluescreens :( I know i could prolly go up to 3.4 ghz cuz my case has 5 humoungus fans and an aftermarket cpu cooler
Picture of stystem information and gamercard :) (
May 22nd, 2007, 09:48 AM
I agree with Atty.
At least I bought and built my own PC
But on another note, My specs are the same as Atty's but replace 8800 GTS with 8800 GTX. I'll grab a pic when I get home, but for now, School library computer specs!
May 22nd, 2007, 01:03 PM
agemenenon whatever your name is. First of all we will spell your name how we want to. Dont like it? "Tough shit". Second, you have made many posts on this thread with not one that has anything to do with the subject. In other words, you're SPAMMING. And third, stop acting like a mod. Mods have already seen this thread, and its not closed. So you can just go whine on another board. Go to forums, they can use your "help".
This Spam-Discussion ends.............................................. ................................................ here.
On topic, I would like to know what "shared" memory is, I have a 256mb card yet my total GFX memory is 700+Mb? I dont get it.
May 22nd, 2007, 04:06 PM
5.3 which is my cpu and hard drive, memory and vid are above.
May 22nd, 2007, 04:32 PM
yeh cant believe the e6600 is lettin the pc down :( kinda regretting buying it now
May 22nd, 2007, 04:41 PM
agemenenon whatever your name is. First of all we will spell your name how we want to. Dont like it? "Tough shit". Second, you have made many posts on this thread with not one that has anything to do with the subject. In other words, you're SPAMMING. And third, stop acting like a mod. Mods have already seen this thread, and its not closed. So you can just go whine on another board. Go to forums, they can use your "help".
This Spam-Discussion ends.............................................. ................................................ here.
On topic, I would like to know what "shared" memory is, I have a 256mb card yet my total GFX memory is 700+Mb? I dont get it.
I thought you didn't care? Why are you still responding to me if you don't care? :gonk:
Also, go to school and learn for the sake of humanity. That post was wrong on so many levels that I don't even need to destroy it; you did that quite well on your own.
May 22nd, 2007, 05:43 PM
As a note, I actually have 4GB RAM, I have no idea why it keeps saying 2.75. Also, K: is Daemon Tools.
May 22nd, 2007, 05:44 PM
As a note, I actually have 4GB RAM, I have no idea what it keeps saying 2.75. Also, K: is Daemon Tools.
I've heard 32bit Vista cant use more than 3 GB of ram. You need 64bit to use more than that.
May 22nd, 2007, 05:49 PM
It's in the pic, haha. Yes, I have a 32-bit system
May 22nd, 2007, 06:13 PM
To those who are complaining about Agamemnon you obviously don't know who he is. He is respected by everyone (incuding me) as an awesome person with great knowledge and such, he IS at the forums, posting the FAQs and such, he IS like a mod because of his skills at taking situations, not to mention his resources, information etc. Buddy, Agamemnon poited out your mistakes, now be a man and just agree and chill, because your ruining your own topic. Melterx12 he has been here and on the websites longer than you, so if i were you then i'd just shut up and take it how it is. Btw, if you call that spamming, then i guess you are spamming at your own topic now. Anyway can we all chill and stop all this flaming?
Btw, i'll be posting mine once i get Vista :P Moreover, what does this have to do with Halo 2 Vista? Its just asking for your Vista only specs.
May 22nd, 2007, 08:08 PM
I'm in agreement. If you wish to continue this bickering then at least do it through the PMs.
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