View Full Version : [WIP] Sneak
May 23rd, 2007, 12:07 AM
Well, this happens to be the first thing I've ever gotten in-game in Halo 2 Vista. It took a long time, and I'm still learning a lot about the new editing kit. Here is the first screenshot I have to give:
This project will be my first map and a huge learning experience for the h2ek. I'll post updates and new screenshots when I have them for you.
May 23rd, 2007, 12:07 AM
Yay for Old Classic. Great Job.
May 23rd, 2007, 12:23 AM
I remember this little guy :)
May 23rd, 2007, 12:26 AM
No, it's sneak. DUR!
May 23rd, 2007, 12:27 AM
Looks like it
May 23rd, 2007, 12:29 AM
Looks awesome, Can't wait to see vehicles in it, and to play it.
May 23rd, 2007, 12:43 AM
No, it's sneak. DUR!
somebody should :awesome:
looks great
May 23rd, 2007, 01:18 AM
Needs moar night sky.
May 23rd, 2007, 01:28 AM
Shouldn't we have use the release subforums for WIPs and actual releases? And since the game is actually out now tbh, should is still be called "pre-release" discussion ;p?
Just trying to suggest some organzation :-3
May 23rd, 2007, 06:17 AM
Nice stuff, Ghost. I remember this.
May 23rd, 2007, 07:29 AM
Looks nice :)
May 23rd, 2007, 08:16 AM
I loved this map. Now if only we could get the Snow Hog in >.<
Scooby Doo
May 23rd, 2007, 08:37 AM
looking good man! i got 2 maps ingame yesterday that look decent. i think the tools are much better than HEK. i mean, i had like 30 errors and it still got ingame fine. hopefully someone can crack weapons and vehicles soon...i hate only seeing like 5-7 options in guerilla. the shaders took me a while to figure out though. and the tags are all spread out :( sapien is pretty bad-ass, imo. i like that it shows your errors for you and everything seems more simplified. tool has come a LONG way, nuf said.
either way, i'm pleased with the tools, but not with the locked stuff. good luck!
May 23rd, 2007, 09:05 AM
good job Ghost! Sneak is looking pretty cool. Can't wait to see videos of it being played.
May 23rd, 2007, 09:42 AM
Nice stuff!:)
May 23rd, 2007, 10:15 AM
I remember this gem of a map.
The "room" was funny as heck as well.
Did you get the Snowhog in?
May 23rd, 2007, 11:16 AM
Unless he reskinned the warthog, he isn't going to do much in terms of getting a "snow"-hog into atm sadly :/
May 23rd, 2007, 11:21 AM
Let me get this straight: in theory, if we found a way to hack, couldn't we add a snowhog, and then have Sneak reference it from there? Are vehicles even stored in
May 23rd, 2007, 11:29 AM
Needs moar night sky.
Looks good with a bit of sun tbh.:cool:
Scooby Doo
May 23rd, 2007, 11:57 AM
the funky textures are placeholders that tool adds if your shader doesn't exist. or at least...tha's what it seemed like to me. like i said in another post, they have a shader_collection which contains lots of shaders but u can't open it to see which shaders it has.
in the tutorial, it tells you to use f_im flat_light_scratchy as the material name. and somewhere there's a f_im.shader_collection and it uses the flat_light_scratchy metal texture. it's really annoying when u can't figure out the directories for alot of the stuff in your map, cuz everything is so spread out along many folders. o well...just have to deal with it atm.
May 23rd, 2007, 02:17 PM
the funky textures are placeholders that tool adds if your shader doesn't exist. or at least...tha's what it seemed like to me. like i said in another post, they have a shader_collection which contains lots of shaders but u can't open it to see which shaders it has.
in the tutorial, it tells you to use f_im flat_light_scratchy as the material name. and somewhere there's a f_im.shader_collection and it uses the flat_light_scratchy metal texture. it's really annoying when u can't figure out the directories for alot of the stuff in your map, cuz everything is so spread out along many folders. o well...just have to deal with it atm.
Yes you can:
; <- this character indicates a comment, blank lines are okay too
; each shader collection is a named directory that the environment importing process
; knows to look in for shaders - each line in this file has the format
; abbreviation tag directory
; do not remove this first entry, it specifies the default place to look
* scenarios\shaders
; ========== general-purpose shaders (invisible collision geometry, etc)
g scenarios\shaders\generic
n scenarios\shaders\nature
m scenarios\shaders\multi
shared scenarios\shaders\shared\shaders
ui scenarios\shaders\ui
mainmenu scenarios\shaders\ui\mainmenu
; ========== forerunner shaders
f scenarios\shaders\forerunner
f_if scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\floors
f_ig scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\glass
f_il scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\lights
f_im scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\metals
f_it scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\tech
; ========== covenant shaders
c scenarios\shaders\covenant
c_mm scenarios\shaders\covenant\military\metals
c_mt scenarios\shaders\covenant\military\tech
; ========== human shaders
h scenarios\shaders\human
h_um scenarios\shaders\human\urban\metals
h_ug scenarios\shaders\human\urban\glass
h_ugrnd scenarios\shaders\human\urban\ground
h_up scenarios\shaders\human\urban\pavers
; ========== nature shaders
tre scenarios\shaders\nature\trees
flo scenarios\shaders\nature\flora
; ========== level-specific shaders
dune scenarios\shaders\multi\dune
ag scenarios\shaders\solo\alphagasgiant
moon scenarios\shaders\solo\alphamoon
cont scenarios\shaders\solo\controlroom
dt scenarios\shaders\solo\deltatemple
ark scenarios\shaders\solo\earthark
city scenarios\shaders\solo\earthcity
city_nm scenarios\shaders\solo\earthcity\new_mombassa
ship scenarios\shaders\solo\forerunnership
grave scenarios\shaders\solo\gravemind
high scenarios\shaders\solo\highcharity
fort scenarios\shaders\solo\sentinelfortress
dcr scenarios\shaders\solo\deltacontrolroom
hq scenarios\shaders\solo\sentinelhq
ss scenarios\shaders\solo\spacestation
long scenarios\shaders\multi\headlong
burial scenarios\shaders\multi\burial_mounds
shared scenarios\shaders\shared
ww scenarios\shaders\multi\waterworks
tri scenarios\shaders\multi\triplicate
ascent scenarios\shaders\multi\ascension
zanzibar scenarios\shaders\multi\zanzibar
colo scenarios\shaders\multi\colossus
lo scenarios\shaders\multi\lockout
cy scenarios\shaders\multi\cyclotron
coag scenarios\shaders\multi\halo\coagulation
bc scenarios\shaders\multi\halo\beavercreek
bw scenarios\shaders\multi\backwash
tu scenarios\shaders\multi\turf
cmt scenarios\shaders\multi\containment
el scenarios\shaders\multi\elongation
sc scenarios\shaders\multi\deltatap
gem scenarios\shaders\multi\marathon\gemini
; ========== object shaders for bsp geometry
ob scenarios\objects
sky scenarios\skies
multi objects\multi
; ========== test level shaders
oddiology scenarios\shaders\test\oddiology
test scenarios\shaders\test
box scenarios\shaders\test\box
beaver scenarios\shaders\test\beavercreek
blood scenarios\shaders\test\bloodgulch
mg scenarios\shaders\test\meat_grinder
xf scenarios\shaders\test\xfest
oasis scenarios\shaders\test\bitoasis
test_decal scenarios\shaders\test\test_decal
test_shaders scenarios\shaders\test\test_shaders
test_bump scenarios\shaders\test\test_bump
test_encounter scenarios\shaders\test\test_encounter
test_weapons scenarios\shaders\test\test_weapons
test_characters scenarios\shaders\test\test_characters
cornell_box scenarios\shaders\test\cornell_box
m1 scenarios\shaders\test\m1_assault
ai_test scenarios\shaders\test\ai_test
test_gravemind scenarios\shaders\test\test_gravemind
blue_screen scenarios\shaders\test\blue_screen
uv_zero scenarios\shaders\test\uv_zero
test_portal scenarios\shaders\test\test_portal
darktown scenarios\shaders\test\darktown
test_airfield scenarios\shaders\test\test_airfield
test_box scenarios\shaders\test\test_box
room1 scenarios\test\room1
potato test\potato
illuminati test\illuminati
anim_tex test\anim_tex
biped_lair test\biped_lair
clamp test\clamp
light_box test\light_box
destructo test\destructo
origin_node test\origin_node
object_lighting test\object_lighting
lensflare test\lensflare
overlay test\overlay
skybox test\skybox
collision_bit test\collision_bit
color_functions test\color_functions
blackbox test\blackbox
barn test\barn
lightmap_only test\lightmap_only
bernie_box test\bernie_box
marker_test test\marker_test
change_colors test\change_colors
portal_simple test\portal_simple
landscape test\landscape
meter_shaders test\meter_shaders
plasma_shaders test\plasma_shaders
compression test\compression
lamp test\lamp
nato test\nato
boneyard test\boneyard
tess test\tess
twinkle test\twinkle
bloom_box test\bloom_box
bitmap_test test\bitmap_test
plain test\plain
lightmap test\lightmap
reflections test\reflections
snow test\snow
sample test\sample
fuse test\fuse
quiet_room test\quiet_room
cupertino test\cupertino
skin test\skin
earache test\earache
objects_templates test\objects_templates
tangent_seams test\tangent_seams
gravemind_lair test\gravemind_lair
havok_visibility test\havok_visibility
shader_lod test\shader_lod
multiple_sky test\multiple_sky
fog_check test\fog_check
ass_visibility test\ass_visibility
fog_plane test\fog_plane
fog_bank test\fog_bank
fog_multi_plane test\fog_multi_plane
decorators test\decorators
trace_shaders test\trace_shaders
lightmap_translucency test\lightmap_translucency
object_region_speed_trial test\object_region_speed_trial
conveyor_belt_test test\conveyor_belt_test
build_verification test\build_verification
potential_visibility_set test\potential_visibility_set
secondary_fog test\secondary_fog
directional_portal test\directional_portal
emblems test\emblems
paul test\paul
toast test\toast
breakable_floor test\breakable_floor
ragdoll test\ragdoll
fog_multiple_planes test\fog_multiple_planes
giant test\giant
miami test\miami
ocean_floor test\ocean_floor
gel_light test\gel_light
hive test\hive
active_camo test\active_camo
fog_bowl test\fog_bowl
emissive test\emissive
water_lightmap test\water_lightmap
flood test\flood
effects_test test\effects_test
empty_sky_box test\empty_sky_box
decals test\decals
water test\water
mirror test\mirrored_uv
May 23rd, 2007, 02:23 PM
Not that we have access to any of those shaders though...
May 23rd, 2007, 02:36 PM
Some we do, though.
f scenarios\shaders\forerunner
f_if scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\floors
f_ig scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\glass
f_il scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\lights
f_im scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\metals
Also, get on AIM, darn you.
f_it scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\tech
Elite Killa
May 23rd, 2007, 02:38 PM
I always wuved this map on CE. Now, I wuv it even more! Nice job so far!
May 23rd, 2007, 02:51 PM
Sneak peek of sneak eh? I'm liking it :P
will the room still be there? :O
May 23rd, 2007, 02:55 PM
it's ice fields on h2v nice 1
yea my h2v's a bitch...
i can only run it on ultra low detail and why does it requre so many dependencies, i mean my processor's maxxed trying to handle the dumb game
the box version gets crisper graphics without taxing the harware as much
and the editing kit stalls, giving me some kind of "process is not responding, end process?" bullshit
May 23rd, 2007, 02:57 PM
it's ice fields on h2v nice 1
yea my h2v's a bitch...
i can only run it on ultra low detail and why does it requre so many dependencies, i mean my processor's maxxed trying to handle the dumb game
the box version gets crisper graphics without taxing the harware as much
and the editing kit stalls, giving me some kind of "process is not responding, end process?" bullshit
Do you even know what ice fields looks like? nothing like that lol. Its more like siderwinder. But its not just a steal of sidewinder go play the original and you will relise.
May 23rd, 2007, 03:31 PM
I wishpeoplewould quitusingspoilertagsforeverything
May 23rd, 2007, 04:00 PM
May 23rd, 2007, 05:23 PM
Random outburst there, Digi? :p
May 23rd, 2007, 11:01 PM
I wishpeoplewould quitusingspoilertagsforeverything
Look nice from the screenshot.
May 23rd, 2007, 11:19 PM
nice! i remember testing this map back in the day with KiLLa and gill and all them old folk
May 23rd, 2007, 11:27 PM
That was a damn fun map, won't be the same without a Snow Hog though... Korny! make it work...
May 23rd, 2007, 11:44 PM
I remember testing it too. :P Good times! I wonder if we can find the official beta test server picture.
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