View Full Version : Hoplite or Pheonix
October 27th, 2006, 09:37 AM
OK, before I state the question, I need to set some ground rules to this thread.
THE RULE: I am not interested in any names that are not related to Greek history mythology.
Also, you must know that the name Hoplite was chosen for two reasons. 1. because it represented a Greek soldier that fought shoulder to shoulder in a particular manner. This seemed very "Spartan" to me. Also, hop + light was fitting for a small, fast, and light attack ship.
The name Phoenix was added because the latest model was a re-birth of the older models that, imo, died in flames.
With that being said, I would like to know what you think.
Should I let the name be just "Hoplite" for the Hoplite?
Should I change it to just "Phoenix."
Should I keep it as is, the "Hoplite-Phoenix"
DO you have a better name? Please submit, if so.
October 27th, 2006, 09:50 AM
To me, personally I wouldnt make the name based on mythology. Seeing as how the names for all the curent vehicles are animals, i think It would be better to go with an animal name. Maybe a bird name, since its flying. The pelican carrys troops and things, the animal carries things in its beak so i guess it needs to sort of make sense in that department. Seeing as though its small and built for attack purposes, maybe it could be The:
Though to go with ur ancient greek mythology idea i would say whatever the name of the god of the sky is (is that Zeus? im not sure)
Reaper Man
October 27th, 2006, 10:39 AM
I still like the name i came up with in the original hoplite thread - Osprey
October 27th, 2006, 11:06 AM
Guys, I appreciate your suggestions, however, they need to stay with a Greek conotation. The reason for this is because the backstory for the Hoplite is that it is a Spartan specific airframe. It does not have the same life support systems necessary for a typical Marine. The life support equipment space is traded out for extra ammo space. :D
For the same reason the Pelican is named as such (big Marine bird), the Hoplite needs to have a Spartan name. Spartan, Marathon, Hoplite, Phoenix = Greek. Well, Phoenix is related loosely by the intricate relationship that some Greek myths shared with Egyptian lore. You should get the idea, though.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 27th, 2006, 12:07 PM
I voted to keep it Hoplite-Phoenix.
October 27th, 2006, 04:28 PM
Meh, not much of a turn out for the poll so far, oh well. For those of you who have voted so far, thanks for your input.
I personally like the Hoplite-Phoenix best also, however, it has its drawbacks. People will eventually shorten the name either to Hoplite or Phoenix (if it is a well used vehicle). On the other hand keeping the name as it is makes way for a Hoplite-??????? that could be a variant like all of the Warthog variants.
Modders can personalize the Hoppy to fit their map and rename it accordingly using the Hoplite as a "make" and the new name as the "model."
October 27th, 2006, 10:40 PM
Meh, not much of a turn out for the poll so far, oh well. For those of you who have voted so far, thanks for your input.
I personally like the Hoplite-Phoenix best also, however, it has its drawbacks. People will eventually shorten the name either to Hoplite or Phoenix (if it is a well used vehicle). On the other hand keeping the name as it is makes way for a Hoplite-??????? that could be a variant like all of the Warthog variants.
Modders can personalize the Hoppy to fit their map and rename it accordingly using the Hoplite as a "make" and the new name as the "model."
I like the nick name Hoppy lol, Hoplite sounds fine I think, I can't think of any other greek mythology related names or what ever. Pheonix sounds good though, but its a pretty common name I think.
October 28th, 2006, 08:18 AM
Hoplite. I saw someone working on a vehicle called the phoenix at halo mods a while ago.
October 28th, 2006, 10:36 AM
I'm in favor of the stand-alone name of Hoplite.
October 28th, 2006, 12:41 PM
I'm in favor of the stand-alone name of Hoplite.
As am I.
October 28th, 2006, 12:45 PM
We're neck and neck here. We need a defining tie-breaker. To make it formal, I will close the poll tomorrow night at 8:00 PM CSTfor the final verdict.
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