View Full Version : [HALO 3] Halo 3.
October 27th, 2006, 05:05 PM
Here are the first Halo 3 Xbox 360 details from a Swedish games magazine. You can click the thumbnails throughout the page to have bigger versions pop up. Enjoy!
3 Levels are revealed.
- Valhalla = Blood gulch,
- High Ground = Zanzibar,
- Snowbound = Frost bite.
New Weapons.
The spike weapon and secondary weapon will always be showing on the back.
- Spiker: The weapon of choice for brutes
halo 3- Spartan Laser: An anti-vehicle weapon
- Nail Grenade: Sticks on walls and emits nails into the air (like in Resistance)
New Vehicle.
- Moongoose: The ATV that was supposed to be in Halo 2. It carries 2 people and it doesn’t have any weapons so it’s mainly a means of getting from point A to point B as fast as possible, but players can fire while in it.
halo 3New multiplayer features.
- Man Cannon: Launches you into the air. You can still be fired at and you can fire back. It sounds like the jump pads from Unreal and Quake Arena. Though the cannon part could mean that you are a weapon if you collide with someone physically.
- No bots: No bots again.
- Controls: The X-button will have a special use which game developer Bungie will not reveal. A guess is it’s for stealing the opponent’s weapon in close range. Bumpers are now used to reload both weapons independently.
Halo 3: Legendary EditionHalo 3: Legendary Edition.
The Collector’s Edition will be called “Legendary Edition” and is a replica of Master Chief’s helmet complete with four DVD discs.
- The first disc will be the game disc.
- The second will contain documentaries and developer comments.
- The third disc is all about the spin-off material that has been created (Red vs. Blue, Spark of Life etc).
- The fourth disc will contain all of the cut scenes from Halo 1 to 3 in HD. (you can see it on the 3rd photo)
- A taste of the Halo movie will be on one of the discs.
Here are the magazine’s big quotes.
halo 3On plot twists.
“Halo 3 will contain more plot twists than any other game in the series” -Jaime Griesemer
On Gears of War being competition.
“We’ve played lots and lots of multiplayer and some singleplayer, and yeah, it’s really good. But it’s also quite a bit different from what we’re doing. I realize that a lot of people are concerned that Halo 3 and Gears of War are going to compete for the same audience, but I think that when people get to play, they’ll realize how different the games are. Gears is a much slower game where stragegy and cover plays a bigger part.” -Jaime Griesemer
halo 3On graphics.
“A lot is still missing in this build. Weather- and water effects are missing, and most of our HDR isn’t in there yet. We’re still at alpha stage, but when everything is in place, Halo 3 will be the best X360 has to offer.” -Brian Jarrard
“We definitely have another strategy than Epic Games when it comes to graphics. We’ll never engulf our game environments in lots of details like that. Gears of War looks absolutely fantastic, but we want to avoid compromising Halo’s unique visual style. That’s why we’re making a clean, sharp game as opposed to one with insane amount of details.” -Brian Jarrard
“There are many ways to convey emotion. Graphics is not the most important one.” -Brian Jarrard
halo 3On multiplayer and bots.
“Multiplayer has always been important, but it’s developed in a different way which makes it look bigger for every game. We have a base that we always build the MP part on, whereas the SP mode practically has to be built ground-up every time. Xbox Live also made MP in Halo 2 even more important.” -Brian Jarrard
“A lot of people ask us about bots. They think that the AI in Halo was pretty damn good, and would work well in MP as well, but it’s really not that simple. The enemies in Halo are optimized for encountering the player in large numbers. They would be a lot worse at abstract thought AI like ‘I have to defend my flag’ and so forth. In short, to create bots for Halo would be an immense undertaking, and we rather put that time into making new levels, weapons and netcode.” -Jaime Griesemer
Since the site is now down, here is the information.
If this is against any rule, moderators edit my post to something witty.
October 27th, 2006, 06:04 PM
Is there a link to english ones?
October 27th, 2006, 06:06 PM
No. All the relevant data was translated to English and I posted it in the first post.
October 27th, 2006, 09:17 PM
Heh, too lazy to edit out the
bits before each place there was supposed to be a SS? :P.
October 27th, 2006, 09:21 PM
Meh, I would rather see completely new maps, nothing based off the old crap.
Except for Lockout, I want a pimpified version of that for sure.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 27th, 2006, 09:25 PM
There will always be an upgraded BG, it has/was been the very most popular map that Bungie made for the halo series. And no it looks fucking awesome from the one little picture that I can see. Frostbite map looks pretty cool too.
October 27th, 2006, 09:45 PM
I really hope there is no "nail grenade"/"spartan laser"/wierd looking flag(i mean...just look at it...) the nail grenade is just wierd. The spartan laser is even wierder(but would be ok in multiplayer)... I personally liked the halo setup:
Covenant=plasa/plasma nade
flood=all of the above
sentinel= advance/ combo of both(w/o the grenades)
But whatever, Bungie knows best!:D
I also like the fact you can see the other weapon on there back.
October 27th, 2006, 10:19 PM
That was something i actually wanted for a loooong time. I'm very glad it was implemented. Now we can see if a guy is gonna run up to us and suddenly switch out and noob us.
October 27th, 2006, 10:22 PM
bungie's a little pissed with all these scans so unless ghost doesn't care..i dunno. i swear to fucking god what is with god damn bloodgulch. i'll kill them.
Reaper Man
October 27th, 2006, 10:39 PM
hehe, awesome!
October 28th, 2006, 03:46 PM
bungie's a little pissed with all these scans so unless ghost doesn't care..i dunno. i swear to fucking god what is with god damn bloodgulch. i'll kill them.
I remember seeing that it was not simply a reworked blood gulch, but rather a completely new map that has been called the new "blood gulch". I am guessing it has a similar feel and environment but is not the same bg as we have seen in the last two games.
October 28th, 2006, 04:03 PM
Looks cool, Random (Penguin's modelling Highground too :P)
Btw penguin, I thought you hated BG/Coag in the first place. >_<
October 28th, 2006, 06:54 PM
Valhalla tower/base, so far.
Elite Killa
October 28th, 2006, 08:09 PM
The posts I've seen about the scans said that Valhalla is a new map that was built from the ground-up and just like what Random said, it is the new "blood gulch". When I saw High Ground, though, it really didn't look like Zanzibar to me. I didn't see a beach and it looked a little sandier and more deserted.
October 28th, 2006, 08:32 PM
sorry random but your bridge is bleh, missing some sutff :p and l33t what are you talking about, that's what i said. i hate them all
Elite Killa
October 28th, 2006, 09:30 PM
Valhalla tower/base, so far.
That tower/base thing kinda looks like the Infinity base. But looks nice so far.
October 28th, 2006, 09:40 PM
That tower/base thing kinda looks like the Infinity base. But looks nice so far.
omg....what game are we playing again? I could have sworn we were playing Halo, and in this game there was a civilisation known as The Foreruners, who had a very unique style of architecture that most likely would be present through all the Halo games....
*edit* wait a minute, wich map is Valhalla? Wasn't taht deserty map the New Blood gulch? Im a bit confused about which map is which in the leaked screens
October 29th, 2006, 05:31 AM
Yea i was confused aswell at first "Ð4ÑØ".
Valhalla, is the forest map with the big tower bases.
High Ground, is the desert looking one with the Zanzibarish look.
Snowbound, is the covenant snowy one.
Links to individual Pictures:
Valhalla (
HighGround (
Snowbound (
October 29th, 2006, 07:20 AM
Yea i was confused aswell at first "Ð4ÑØ".
Valhalla, is the forest map with the big tower bases.
High Ground, is the desert looking one with the Zanzibarish look.
Snowbound, is the covenant snowy one.
Links to individual Pictures:
Valhalla (
HighGround (
Snowbound (
oooooooohhhhhhhhkay i see now. I thought the desert one was blood gulch. there arent many of that snowy one wich is unfortunate. I guess i can wwait till 1up's report :D
October 29th, 2006, 08:59 AM
Been working on My Valhalla Base again, made some personal changes to the base area now, still got some work to do but its looking pritty accurate to my eyes:
Still gotta work on it in some places but its pulling together nicely.
Elite Killa
October 29th, 2006, 09:30 AM
What really pissed me off about the first two Halo games (especially the second one) was the black color for your character. In Halo 1, it looked steel rather than black. In Halo 2, there wasn't a black at all! I hope to see an actual black color for your multiplayer character in Halo 3. It could be useful in a dark map.
Chewy Gumball
October 29th, 2006, 10:24 AM
I think the point was to make it not useful. Those screens looks really nice. I just hope we get some better quality ones soon.
Boo Diddly
October 29th, 2006, 10:39 AM
egm will be comming out soon. and bungie says that there will be even more info about h3 in it!
October 29th, 2006, 11:16 AM
There is a 13 page report in EGM about Halo 3's MP.
October 29th, 2006, 11:36 AM
High Grounds :D
October 29th, 2006, 11:37 AM
What really pissed me off about the first two Halo games (especially the second one) was the black color for your character. In Halo 1, it looked steel rather than black. In Halo 2, there wasn't a black at all! I hope to see an actual black color for your multiplayer character in Halo 3. It could be useful in a dark map.
There was no Black for H2 because in testing black charcters were to hard to see in dark maps. I think the same went for Halo 1.
October 29th, 2006, 12:01 PM
What did they do to the flag? (
And what is that/i wonder why (
hmmm (
I like the plasma bursts...:D
Oh and do you think they will make the helmet wearable? (
Bad Waffle
October 29th, 2006, 12:15 PM
they didnt take the shielding away, what do you think happens to stuff on a car when you shoot at it?
October 29th, 2006, 12:24 PM
Some people think that the thing flying in the air is the spike Grenade, which makes sense, but we will see.
Elite Killa
October 29th, 2006, 01:18 PM
There is a 13 page report in EGM about Halo 3's MP.
It's actually 17 pages long.:p
October 29th, 2006, 01:18 PM
Its still in early Alpha stages, don't judge the way something looks by a magazine scan a year before release (assuming its released in November 07.)
I doubt that will be the flag, they are probably having fun with the flag designs, hell I wouldn't be surprised if they had Mister Chief flags for testing purposes.
Elite Killa
October 29th, 2006, 01:20 PM
It would be funny to see a Mister Chief Oddball in a test.
October 29th, 2006, 03:22 PM
didnt the article mention something about automated defenses killing you if you exit the map? Maybe that thing in the sky kills ppl when they escape the invisible barriers of the map....
Elite Killa
October 29th, 2006, 05:55 PM
didnt the article mention something about automated defenses killing you if you exit the map? Maybe that thing in the sky kills ppl when they escape the invisible barriers of the map....
What picture made you say something like that? What map did you see something like "automated defenses" on?
October 29th, 2006, 05:57 PM
What picture made you say something like that? What map did you see something like "automated defenses" on?
It was in an article.
Boo Diddly
October 29th, 2006, 06:49 PM
the flying thing more looks liek an insect, a big one. or it could be a weapon flying because of an explosion.
October 29th, 2006, 07:54 PM
What did they do to the flag? (
That's the UNSC flag; I actually like it; maybe we'll be able to create our own teams, as in the emblem and colors. :cool:
October 29th, 2006, 09:06 PM
actualy that'd be a nice idea for clan wars. make a clan emblem and during clan matches it has the emblem on the flag.
October 29th, 2006, 09:37 PM
Won't happen. For the same reason you can't use custom gamer pics.
October 29th, 2006, 09:40 PM
/\ I can see it now
"Wait, Team Wang-tacular? Oh God! THAT's a flag?!?!"
October 29th, 2006, 10:07 PM
Won't happen. For the same reason you can't use custom gamer pics.
nah i ment like how they have the player emblems in h2 you can make one for your clan and the flag will adapt the colors and the new symbol
October 29th, 2006, 10:12 PM
Still won't happen.
October 29th, 2006, 10:15 PM
And why is that, Atty? If it's limited like emblem-creating in your profile, I don't see why not.
October 29th, 2006, 10:17 PM
And why is that, Atty? If it's limited like emblem-creating in your profile, I don't see why not.
Because some emblems can be twisted into not so nice things. And Halo 3 probably won't have emblems, you'll probably have shrunk versions of your Gamerpic if anything.
October 29th, 2006, 10:31 PM
And yet you don't see Bungie "tackling this huge problem" with Halo 2; yes, the rocket can be turned into pink to roughly mimic a penis; I think the whole world is about to sue. [/sarcasm]
October 29th, 2006, 11:03 PM
October 30th, 2006, 01:15 AM
nice. I think that the thing in the sky looks like a broken hog turret (maybe it got blown up and debris was in the sky). Thats what it seems to look like. HEY! MAYBE THEY COULD MAKE IT LIKE A CS STYLE SPRAY!!! NO ONE COULD DO ANYTHING DIRTY THAT WAY!
October 30th, 2006, 03:29 PM
sucks ass random...
oh when you get to the cliffs and the path from the outside to the inside tell me i have an idea for that
October 30th, 2006, 05:32 PM
sucks ass random...
October 30th, 2006, 06:07 PM
they didn't take the shielding away, what do you think happens to stuff on a car when you shoot at it?
oh... makes
And the spike grenade? U mean the nail grenade thing? Well okay but i REALLY how that gets out by the time it gets released... too cheesy... Unless its multiplayer then im cool with just about everything(don't comment on that)
Elite Killa
October 30th, 2006, 08:08 PM
sucks ass random...
oh when you get to the cliffs and the path from the outside to the inside tell me i have an idea for that
I don't know, Penguin1362. I think it looks cool.
Hey Random, will you put that cloth shown in the High Ground pic on that tower?
October 30th, 2006, 09:07 PM comment...
October 30th, 2006, 09:10 PM
I don't know, Penguin1362. I think it looks cool.
Hey Random, will you put that cloth shown in the High Ground pic on that tower?
lol Penguin was kidding :lol:
and yes I will put the cloth on there.
October 30th, 2006, 10:51 PM
wait... Is he from bungie or trying to make his own version of this H3 map (or is this topic going off topic)?
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 30th, 2006, 10:59 PM
No, he is not from bungie. The forum is not going off topic, and technically the topic is not going offtopic either. It all relates to Halo 3, which this thread is about.
October 30th, 2006, 11:26 PM
wait... Is he from bungie or trying to make his own version of this H3 map (or is this forum going off topic)?
No. Nitro and I are the only two employed by bungie at this forum. Although I can tell you some of the people here could be future employees ;).
October 31st, 2006, 07:17 AM
/\ Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! :D
October 31st, 2006, 01:46 PM
wait... Is he from bungie or trying to make his own version of this H3 map (or is this forum going off topic)?
October 31st, 2006, 05:42 PM
How does this all relate to Halo 3? Is he trying to remake the H3 map into halo ce?
October 31st, 2006, 05:48 PM
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 31st, 2006, 06:49 PM
How does this all relate to Halo 3? Is he trying to remake the H3 map into halo ce?Yes.
October 31st, 2006, 06:56 PM
Hmm... So many new goodies to play with.
No. Nitro and I are the only two employed by bungie at this forum. Although I can tell you some of the people here could be future employees ;).
If Bungie needs a custodian, give me a ring.
October 31st, 2006, 07:34 PM
I yearn to beat-down someone with the AR. I love how they enhanced the models. Just look at the warthog tires, the recess's are actually modeled. <3
October 31st, 2006, 08:26 PM
Does bungie need someone who can make boxmaps to throw to the 12 year olds? I can fill that role. Anyways, wonder when bungie will end up posting higher res versions on their site.
October 31st, 2006, 09:24 PM
yea me and random are working on a highgrounds for ce...just for fun don't expect to play it anytime soon...
November 27th, 2006, 09:44 PM
Meh, I would rather see completely new maps, nothing based off the old crap.
Except for Lockout, I want a pimpified version of that for sure.
Come on its not halo with out Blood Gulch/Coagulation, or in this case Valhalla
January 4th, 2007, 11:29 PM
saw this in a vid talking about the brute videoc
possibly a new weapon.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
January 4th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Doesn't look like a weapon at all.
January 5th, 2007, 01:26 AM
It might not be but a brute was holding it...hmmm
heres the vid were they found it.
January 5th, 2007, 02:20 AM
I think any thing in a Brutes hand is a weapon in Halo 3.
January 6th, 2007, 08:33 PM
Halo 3 looks like loads of fun so far. Can't wait for the BETA.
January 6th, 2007, 10:21 PM
halo 3 will be so sweet... The beta cant come soon enough.. I dont care if it has crapy graphics, It will still be fun.
January 8th, 2007, 01:13 AM heres some good pics
Reaper Man
January 8th, 2007, 05:54 AM
halo 3 will be so sweet... The beta cant come soon enough.. I dont care if it has crapy graphics, It will still be fun.
Crappy graphics? I believe the word that describes your post is: Ignorance.
January 8th, 2007, 06:21 AM
Halo 3 looks like loads of fun so far. Can't wait for the BETA.
Beta testing tends to ruin the experience of the final product. I'd rather wait, to be perfectly honest.
January 8th, 2007, 05:18 PM
why would it ruin it?
January 8th, 2007, 07:52 PM
Because he believes that seeing it will ruin the experience of the actual game, kind of like hearing of a surprise party before it happens.
January 8th, 2007, 07:59 PM
January 8th, 2007, 08:10 PM
searching on, I've found some leaked footage of Halo 3 and some screenies. I kno the leaked fottage has been seen b4, but i dont think the screenies have been seen yet so im showing some: here's the link to the video:
January 8th, 2007, 08:13 PM
All been seen. Old news by now.
January 17th, 2007, 01:21 AM
Seriously, if there's even a pixel of the new Assault Rifle skin from Halo 3 leaked, you can guarantee all the armies of fanboys will have seen it within a week.
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