View Full Version : Oh hi, dedicated server is awesome.

May 27th, 2007, 11:11 PM
So about an hour ago Lightning contacted me on AIM. He wanted to test a map he was working on with one other person and me. He sent us the map to put in our map folders, we downloaded it, restarted the game, and attempted to join his custom game he set up. Unfortunately, because neither of us who wanted to join had a Gold membership, we were being forced into buying one to join a game hosted on another person's computer.

I figured it was fine and I'd just set it up on my dedicated server. I kick everyone who is currently in it out, edit the playlist to add the map, but then we remember something...auto map download. We thought we could just disable it temporarily, but no dice. It turns out that it is not possible to prevent people from overloading your server's bandwidth with map downloads, or even simply prevent others from leaking a map.

We thought that it may not have been the biggest deal ever, and that we could just protect it with a password. Whoops, forgot that we couldn't do that either...

As a last resort, we had hoped to simply enable the VIP functionality of the server. Looks like that failed, too, as everyone was joining even after we put in the 3 players we were restricting it to.

We never got to test the map.

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who is/was in charge of throwing this heaping pile of shit dedicated server together. If it wasn't for this application, it would have been thought that there was no possible way to fuck up a dedicated server. Apparently, there is. :downs:

DTS 7.1
May 27th, 2007, 11:12 PM
ROFL... I LOVE the strikeout.

May 27th, 2007, 11:13 PM
lol nice

May 27th, 2007, 11:14 PM

May 27th, 2007, 11:15 PM
There are many examples of great dedicated servers from different games out there, I don't understand why MS had to go and screw this up.

As I've said many times, many of the features they want you to pay for are already free in many other very popular games (CS, UT, etc.). Such as Autodownload, inviting friends to join you in a server, setting up a dedi server, etc, etc... I just don't understand the sense in restricting that which has been free, without adding any real benefit through expansion of services or simply making it really easy to use.

May 27th, 2007, 11:17 PM
HAH ha ha ha!!!

DTS 7.1
May 27th, 2007, 11:19 PM
The best part about screwing up the autodownload feature is.....


So does the browser allow you to wait in the lobby until said time?? NOPE. It kicks you OUT into the server browser! Isn't that FUN?? And then, if someone is dling it, you have to wait until thy're finished! So if Capt. McSlowfuck has a just above dial-up connection, you might as well pack a lunch.


Let me tell you, no. It is not.

May 27th, 2007, 11:21 PM
Oh god thank you. I've been sick like a dog for the past 4 days and I REALLY needed this laugh. I'm terribly sorry for this really pissy problem you guys have but this is too fucking rich.

Capt. McSlowfuck

God DTS that was great, what would we do without you man.

May 27th, 2007, 11:46 PM
The best part about screwing up the autodownload feature is.....


So does the browser allow you to wait in the lobby until said time?? NOPE. It kicks you OUT into the server browser! Isn't that FUN?? And then, if someone is dling it, you have to wait until thy're finished! So if Capt. McSlowfuck has a just above dial-up connection, you might as well pack a lunch.


Let me tell you, no. It is not.
Hmm... what's the point of even having an auto download feature then?

lol, way to screw up MGS. :o

Jcap, I suggest posting here (http://forums.haloonwindowsvista.com/forums/15/ShowForum.aspx)

May 27th, 2007, 11:50 PM
Hmm... what's the point of even having an auto download feature then?

lol, way to screw up MGS. :o

You have Blame Gearboxitis. They were given a mandate, and were told to meet it. They did. Blame the DESIGNERS, not the developers.

May 27th, 2007, 11:51 PM
You have Blame Gearboxitis. They were given a mandate, and were told to meet it. They did. Blame the DESIGNERS, not the developers.

They were told to meet it, who says they can't exceed it? ;)

k, but what ever you say, I'll edit my post.

May 27th, 2007, 11:53 PM
noone will do anything about it, its done, and they wont fix it.

May 27th, 2007, 11:53 PM

May 27th, 2007, 11:57 PM
They were told to meet it, who says they can't exceed it? ;)

Microsoft Game Studios, that's who. If the program does not work the way they want it to, they are told to scrap it and go with what they want.

Remember, Hired Gun is just that: a contractor. THey are given a design, and are expected to make the design into a reality, no more, no less.

DTS 7.1
May 28th, 2007, 12:00 AM


That guy is screaming into the void.

Oh god thank you. I've been sick like a dog for the past 4 days and I REALLY needed this laugh. I'm terribly sorry for this really pissy problem you guys have but this is too fucking rich.

God DTS that was great, what would we do without you man.

Shhh...Masterz1337 might give me neg rep again for trying to be somewhat humorous..let's just lie low..:haw:

May 28th, 2007, 12:11 AM
so you can join a user hosted gold game with a silver account?

im so confuiseD@!!##ERT

May 28th, 2007, 12:22 AM

May 28th, 2007, 12:22 AM
noone will do anything about it, its done, and they wont fix it.

patches? RCON support was added to dedis after Halo PC version like 1.03 - why can't they update the h2v server in the future?

Also, does the "Invite Only" option not work on servers? It should...

May 28th, 2007, 01:41 AM
Well, if the decision-makers over at MGS weren't dickless fuckheads, the world would end. It's a no-win situation for us, really.

May 28th, 2007, 03:17 AM
Man, I really don't want to have to fix Microshaft's screw-ups with Yelo :/

May 28th, 2007, 07:14 AM
This is why you dont contract a bunch of random people, but contract it to a dedicated development team, such as Gearbox. Many people complained about them, but they were mainly the people who wouldn't have been able to play the game without their optimizations to allow such crappy video solutions. Not saying the Hired Gun team did a shitty job, but I've never heard such complaints from a first party title before in my life. Sure a lot of those complaints might be things out of their control, such as Live/EK limitations, but this problem, along with the other gameplay-preformance problems, should never have happened. I feel very reassured of my bad feelings I got after learning mouse acceleration was left out for a good deal of time, unnoticed by the developers. I'm feeling happier each day I see another error pop up on forums that this delay caused me from getting the game on May 8th.

May 28th, 2007, 07:24 AM
I think they should have left out the Live functionality altogether. It was just great the old way(Halo1-pc).

May 28th, 2007, 07:41 AM
Live for Halo 2 = BAD DECISION!
Live for Shadowrun = decent decision

DTS 7.1
May 28th, 2007, 08:20 AM
I think they should have left out the Live functionality altogether. It was just great the old way(Halo1-pc).

Get ready for Mr. Antichrist...that comment was the seventh sign. The day when we say that GBX did it better..and I agree. :suicide:

May 28th, 2007, 08:59 AM
Well, I wouldn't be one bit surprised to find out the ability to create weapons, vehicles, oh and scenery was restricted due to the integration with Live. PC map files would be easily accessible compared to the Xbox counterpart. Easier access to files, generating hacked map files, changing a weapon's attributes, could lead to XBLive cheating. Especially when the game ships with the editing kit.

Don't get me wrong, the whole Live for PC idea seems nice in theory, but I'm not sure how well it will work in a creative enviorment. I think Live is the perfect thing for my 360, but I would prefer to have the two platforms seperate. It's nice to have two different options.

May 28th, 2007, 09:09 AM

Download that. What it does is setup a Virtual LAN Network. Someone can host the network, other's join. This means that you can play in the LAN section of the game for hosting, and only the people in the hamachi server can join. I've tested it with Halo:CE, and it works, don't know about h2v.

[edit] It seems they have... changed their site a lot. At least, a lot since I've last been there. Last time, hamachi was the only download, now you have to download a trial of all this different shit... maybe I will find another Virtual LAN download.

[edit 2] Well... just click download on the side, and provide fake info, that works.

May 28th, 2007, 09:27 AM
I think they should have left out the Live functionality altogether. It was just great the old way(Halo1-pc).Yeah but it won't help MSGS make more money because they need a popular game to force their xbox live service onto PC gamers, and the need something to use as a scapegoat on the reason why they made it vista only.

May 28th, 2007, 09:57 AM
Nitro posted about it after I asked him. It was in the "look whos releasing maps already" Thread

You CAN, however you do indeed need gold (which sux yes)

You have to set up a party and invite people, therefore only people who are in party can join. This "party" action needs gold though.

So yeah in a way it does sux, and I hate you cant put a password. But there is a way round it. It just requires $$$

(Now do you understand why I said M$ are gold diggers.)

Even though I disagree, I still need to say, I told you so. I did tell you way before release you'd have to pay to play for things =\

May 28th, 2007, 10:23 AM
Really? I have been ridiculed for years now for claiming M$ are gold diggers. Oh the "OMG WTF! A business trying to make profit? How could this be!? Evil bastards!" bashings I have taken for such claims. Maybe people will finally see how far they have crossed the line?

May 28th, 2007, 11:04 AM
Really? I have been ridiculed for years now for claiming M$ are gold diggers. Oh the "OMG WTF! A business trying to make profit? How could this be!? Evil bastards!" bashings I have taken for such claims. Maybe people will finally see how far they have crossed the line?

Look at it this way: when you signed up for XBox Live, you went from nothing, to something. When you sign up for LIVE in this case, assuming you already own online PC games, you go from something to paying to use that something, which is bullshit. Making profit is OK, but you're right that they have crossed the line; they strip off features we have always gotten for free (besides the initial cost of the game), and then re-offer them to us with a monthly/yearly price tag.

If they had something unique to offer us with that price tag, such as the coveted cross-platform play, then this wouldn't be such a huge problem.

May 28th, 2007, 11:29 AM
Want to test ur mapz? Use a virtual LAN, problem solved :woop:

Take it further and boycott live if you really care that much

May 28th, 2007, 11:55 AM
Wow you cant put a password on

This completely wrecks clan play, heck because of this there will be no clan play

thanks microsoft for this piece of filth you call cutting edge technology

May 28th, 2007, 11:57 AM
Let me get this straight. It costs extra to host an online server? But you can do it for free through hamachi?

I'm with korn, boycott.

May 28th, 2007, 12:24 PM
Let me get this straight. It costs extra to host an online server? But you can do it for free through hamachi?

I'm with korn, boycott.
hamachi ftw - me and some friends from my town use hamachi all the time to play private games

DTS 7.1
May 28th, 2007, 09:57 PM
There's not much incentive AT ALL to gold.

Hmm..voicechat? quality is TERRIBLE.

Matchmaking?? You can't customize which variant to match with.

Peer servers? No password or RCON support.

Map downloading? You can only download when no game is running, and EVERYONE has to wait until it's done.

May 28th, 2007, 10:13 PM
There's not much incentive AT ALL to gold.

Hmm..voicechat? quality is TERRIBLE.

I disagree, it's actually quite good. You might want to check the quality of your speakers and the quality of the other person's mic.

DTS 7.1
May 28th, 2007, 11:41 PM
The quality of my speakers is quite good. I have never heard a LIve voicechat match Ventrilo or Teamspeak.

May 29th, 2007, 07:38 AM
Wait wait wait a minute..... Voice chat is also locked to Gold as well!? WTF!? Those mofos at M$ told us CLEARLY that they won't charge xbl fees for features that we already get with PC games? CS, UT2004, and many other PC FPS etc all have built in voice chat and now we are being charged monthly fees for it now? This on top of making private servers, etc... Those damn liars, they have not only crossed the line, but ran across the field with this BS! Live boycott ftw, even though it won't shake M$. They hardly ever listen to fans unless its convenient. We need to persuade one of the cool guys over at bungie to give a nice firm talking to with who ever is in charge of Halo's decision at M$GS so they might rethink their actions and perhaps try to unfail this game. They might listen to them, but not us measly ranting peasants.

May 29th, 2007, 09:58 AM
I'll be sticking to DoD and the equally well-equipped (online feature-wise) Red Orchestra retail, along with Halo PC/CE when I'm feeling nostalgic.

Careful with that, I tried some yesterday and it was utter fail. I ended up getting myself banned from a few servers just for laughs. I'm sticking with KotOR for now.

May 29th, 2007, 10:33 AM
Halo 3 Beta before you have to wait 4 months to play again :gonk:


May 29th, 2007, 12:12 PM
Wait wait wait a minute..... Voice chat is also locked to Gold as well!?Chill, it isn't.

The features I'm talking about are hosting your own game, and jumping into a buddy's game (I think). I can live without matchmaking and "quickplay," but having to jump through hoops to test your own maps with your team/friends is a load of shit.

May 29th, 2007, 12:41 PM
Well, it's been recalled. So, I hope they change things other than the remove the ass.

Not that I really have any hope...

May 29th, 2007, 02:21 PM
Well, it's been recalled. So, I hope they change things other than the remove the ass.

Not that I really have any hope...
They won't because they're cool like that. :downs:

May 30th, 2007, 12:56 AM
Speaking of M$, I just realized that I lost 4 dollars in my debit card for XBL,

AFTER they had disabled my account.
AFTER they kept sending me emails every 15 minutes.
AFTER I had changed the debit card number.
AFTER they said that the debit card was not legit.I am seriously going to KILL whoever is charging me 4 dollars a month after they said my debit card isn't valid... ho-ly-shit.

Last I checked, I had 16 dollars! spent (or was it 2) on maps, and great 3.99 for XBL? WHAT NOW? Next thing you know I'm going to be charged for plugging in a crossover cable.

I am going to seriously stop subscribing for anything Microsoft makes.


Whoopsy, posted too soon.

Neuro Guro
May 30th, 2007, 06:48 AM
I like Source ^_^

May 30th, 2007, 10:36 AM
I got in a few minutes on cyberslam 2 (PC) and did pretty fucking well, had a fairly fun time. Go figure.

Yeah well there are only people in that server at like 1 AM here, and when I went in with n00b1n8R I managed to win with a 350 ping and dead tired <_<

May 31st, 2007, 05:09 PM
I figured it was fine and I'd just set it up on my dedicated server. I kick everyone who is currently in it out, edit the playlist to add the map, but then we remember something...auto map download. We thought we could just disable it temporarily, but no dice. It turns out that it is not possible to prevent people from overloading your server's bandwidth with map downloads, or even simply prevent others from leaking a map.That's (leak) one of those things you'll need to just suck it up. Bandwidth throttle would be nice though.

May 31st, 2007, 05:44 PM
That's (leak) one of those things you'll need to just suck it up.
Not at all. Saying that is absolutely absurd. It is completely different if it is your fault by handing a map out to someone who cannot be trusted. This can be prevented in the first place had a simple feature which is standard in dedicated servers been implemented, and yet because of that being there, we end up being screwed...again.

May 31st, 2007, 05:58 PM
cant you just start a game, and set the party privacy to closed ?

i did that when i was testing wtc, and noone got it :S

June 1st, 2007, 08:02 AM
That requires you to buy an xbl gold subscription to access those features, which is what makes it retarded. No (intelligent) PC gamer/mapper finds it reasonable to have to purchase a $50 yearly subscription plan (which happens to cost more than the game itself) for a service that currently 99.9&#37; of it only benifits xbox owners just for the ability to be able to test your maps without them being leaked or play in private server, assuming you don't give a flying shit about what ever other crap features they bundle with it. This is madness! THIS... IS... MICROSOFTTTTTT!$$!!$$$!!!!!

June 1st, 2007, 08:40 AM
cant you just start a game, and set the party privacy to closed ?

i did that when i was testing wtc, and noone got it :S

Also, doesn't invite only work as well? I know you can set parties on Xbox to invite only. That way only people you want in can get in. That is of course unless someone else invites without your consent. In that case , it's no different than giving someone a map and that person giving it to another person.

June 1st, 2007, 08:46 AM
again u cant do that and invite friends, and your friends cant jump into your game without a gold subscription

DTS 7.1
June 1st, 2007, 10:14 AM
The simple solution to this is...do not buy gold memberships.

June 1st, 2007, 10:28 AM
Doesn't H2V come with a free 2 month gold membership?

DTS 7.1
June 1st, 2007, 11:04 AM
1 month. Then it reverts to silver

June 1st, 2007, 12:31 PM
I pledge allegiance, to the mapping teams, of the United Modders of Halo 2.
And not to the designers, who fucked this up.
One server, under scrutiny, dividing the community,
Restricting development liberty, so Hamachi for all!


June 1st, 2007, 12:38 PM
I pledge allegiance, to the mapping teams, of the United Modders of Halo 2.
And not to the designers, who fucked this up.
One server, under scrutiny, dividing the community,
Restricting development liberty, so Hamachi for all!


Oh thats classic.

June 1st, 2007, 12:57 PM
They should of taken battlefield 2124 online set up set up as an example,with unranked server in witch the point system does not aply, a password feature, voice chat, and the abilty to change your clan tags.
I do doubt M$ will just change the set up, you will just have to deal with it or play a better game.

June 1st, 2007, 05:52 PM
just read the thread, olol.

I suggest any M$ people reading this thread take a good note:

PC Gamers will NEVER surrender their free online play, no matter WHAT game. Some games that fee is fair. But for a game that locks old, previously free features to a payed membership, it's just not going to sell. This Live MemberShit ™ doesn't give you ANYTHING new, rather, restricting what once was free to be paid for.

Well, maybe there ARE some people out there willling to buy a whole new operating system, deal with its many bugs and glitches, buy a game, and new hardware to run this game, because it's performance was ported badly.

Oh, and on top of that, the sketchy online paid membership that gives you old features, but with a twist:

They're FUCKED.

Good luck seeing that payslip each week, fellas, cuz this shit won't sell.

Oh wait, silly me, thats the catch. The people who have bought the game have allready supplied you with enough money to live for the next 20 years, due to all the costs. Why do you care if the games done badly, at least your getting a nice chunky initial payment from the suckers who have bought the game, and its usless features. Everybody wins over at the office mirite?

you will just have to deal with it or play a better game.

Plenty of those :v

June 2nd, 2007, 03:04 AM
just read the thread, olol.

I suggest any M$ people reading this thread take a good note:

PC Gamers will NEVER surrender their free online play, no matter WHAT game. Some games that fee is fair. But for a game that locks old, previously free features to a payed membership, it's just not going to sell. This Live MemberShit ™ doesn't give you ANYTHING new, rather, restricting what once was free to be paid for.

Well, maybe there ARE some people out there willling to buy a whole new operating system, deal with its many bugs and glitches, buy a game, and new hardware to run this game, because it's performance was ported badly.

Oh, and on top of that, the sketchy online paid membership that gives you old features, but with a twist:

They're FUCKED.

Good luck seeing that payslip each week, fellas, cuz this shit won't sell.

Oh wait, silly me, thats the catch. The people who have bought the game have allready supplied you with enough money to live for the next 20 years, due to all the costs. Why do you care if the games done badly, at least your getting a nice chunky initial payment from the suckers who have bought the game, and its usless features. Everybody wins over at the office mirite?

Plenty of those :v
Dano at his best

Nice post bro ;)

June 2nd, 2007, 04:51 AM
Wow this thread is full of MicroHate™, but does it deserve it? Like Theghost said, give it some time they might realize their upgrades mistakes and fix them in a patch or so.

Remember Halo:PC took quite some time to become what it is and CE is still waiting for the "1000 player" patch but with all due hope it might come, just like the H2V patches.

June 2nd, 2007, 05:35 AM
Wow this thread is full of MicroHate™, but does it deserve it? Like Theghost said, give it some time they might realize their upgrades mistakes and fix them in a patch or so.

Remember Halo:PC took quite some time to become what it is and CE is still waiting for the "1000 player" patch but with all due hope it might come, just like the H2V patches.

But you see, the MicroHate™ is the only thing that will push them to do anything about it or change their ways. You see, they will do what ever they can to get away with their bullshit while trying to keep as much uproar from the communities as low as possible for the sake of their public image. Why else do you think they would hire so many forum dwellers and net bloggers to back up and support them all the time and aggressively chew up and down talk those who speak out against them to keep the community on their side as they fuck us in the ass? If we just sit around like faithful naive little sheep and expect everything they choose to do is always for our (their customers) best interests, they won't change their ways and assume everyone is happy and joyful for what they have done and continue on with even more bullshitting bullshit.

June 2nd, 2007, 07:31 AM
^ winnar. If people don't annoy and flame, they won't change.

I had extremely high hopes for this game, and was happy enough to buy it. I love Halo, and all that is halo, and it takes alot of bullshit to sway me about getting the game, especially when I'm so serious about game design. Really, I can ignore performance issues, I can ignore maybe not getting some features like crappy symbols or stuff like that. However, a 2 year old game, with a more locked editing kit, when initially promised to be getting a "far more advanced and better one than the Halo 1 editing kit" is delivered, and dedicated servers are fucked It just makes me think why? By microsoft looking out for their own security, they've taken the GAMERS security for granted.

To them, we're just marketable assets, a bunch of numbers on charts. They don't care if we lose money because we got banned from our own game, because some dickweed 12 year old was hacking in our servers.

This is all for Vista. Thats the name of the game. Thats been the name of the game the whole time. But, It's not the game they're selling. Its the OS. You think they care if people get sick of the game and it's bullshit?

They're just happy enough that people have bought they're wonderfully amazing operating system.


and Just to let people know, I have no beef with Hired Gun. I understand, they're not making the decisions, they're making the decisions, both bad and good become a reality. A evil, scary twisted reality and it's annoying me that HG and Bungie are going to be coping the blame for all of M$'s bad decisions.

They're are probably some budding young game developers and artists who worked hard for H2V, and bad reputation on behalf of microsofts decisions, I'm hoping won't shaft them up shit creek in the industry.

I'm not a hater, I'm not biased, but dam, hate to jump on bandwagons but a certain someone at gearbox, and now at h2v has been telling us this ALL ALONG.

June 2nd, 2007, 12:22 PM
However, a 2 year old game, with a more locked editing kit, when initially promised to be getting a "far more advanced and better one than the Halo 1 editing kit" is delivered, and dedicated servers are fucked It just makes me think why? By microsoft looking out for their own security, they've taken the GAMERS security for granted.

No, they took the gamers into account. You know, the rich, pwn-ze-nub MLG faggot gamers. The ones who think bug abuse adds depth to gameplay. They shafted the artists and casual players.

That said, I highly doubt that Microsoft will mandate a patch to fix action glitches (like multishotting) or superbounces, since if they did that, they'd lose most of their userbase.

But, that's just my pessimism talking. I really do hope my given scenario isn't the case...

June 2nd, 2007, 01:07 PM
I think superbouncing is gone (from enhancing the physics, as claimed). But the others...well...

June 2nd, 2007, 02:33 PM
:words: MLG faggot gamers :words:
OMFG, If I EVER get the chance to run a fucking MLG employee into a fucking ally, I'm gonna slice 'n dice them bitches with a Halo2 Xbox dvd, then pee the words "yelo" on their chest <:mad:>

June 2nd, 2007, 03:11 PM
OMFG, If I EVER get the chance to run a fucking MLG employee into a fucking ally, I'm gonna slice 'n dice them bitches with a Halo2 Xbox dvd, then pee the words "yelo" on their chest <:mad:>
hehe I still love the fact that you got raped there


June 2nd, 2007, 10:52 PM
OMFG, If I EVER get the chance to run a fucking MLG employee into a fucking ally, I'm gonna slice 'n dice them bitches with a Halo2 Xbox dvd, then pee the words "yelo" on their chest <:mad:>


Do I want to know what happened here?

June 2nd, 2007, 11:56 PM
I've given up. You guys should too, then get RO. Which, ironically, has all of the features Live Gold has and then some, a (from what I can tell) HEK-like editing kit (insofar as you can do whatever the fuck you want with it), strong support for developers, and not all that many bugs. It runs on any Windows OS past 2000 and doesn't take a computer with enough power intake to warrant its own power station to run. All for the once-only charge of $20US.


My favorite part is that they took bad assed custom maps and made them official

June 3rd, 2007, 02:21 AM
My faviroute part is that a 7600 nvidia card can run the game on minimum.


June 3rd, 2007, 04:17 AM
hehe I still love the fact that you got raped there

But they didn't rape me, they raped and tickled another member of KS, which in turn puts them on our global hit list...

slice 'n dice I say <:mad:>