View Full Version : [App] Read/Write Process Memory with VB

October 30th, 2006, 06:03 PM
Here is the Visual Basic source code on how to read and write process memory.

Tutorial and Files by Patrickssj6

ArtMoney (Memory Searching)
T-Search (Memory Searching)
CheatEngine (Memory Searching)
Visual Basic .NET 2.0 (Free Express version on www.microsoft.com (http://www.microsoft.com))


PS:This is the basic source code to write Trainers or external apps to modify other process memory(making master chief fly etc.).

Some exampled what you can do with it:

And this is the video tutorial if you need it:

October 30th, 2006, 11:23 PM
Nice job! I downloaded the RAR and uploaded it as an attachment to make it easier for others to download.

October 31st, 2006, 07:02 AM
A little more specific please? What exactly does it do? What's process memory? I've got VB, but I've no clue what you're talkin' about.

October 31st, 2006, 10:17 AM
Yeah, a little info might be nice. I hope it has something to do with Halo... :confused:

October 31st, 2006, 04:22 PM
Well I thought that only people that understand it will basically be able to use it:(:p

Anyway this is the basic source code to write Trainers or external apps to modifie other process memory(making master chief fly etc.).

I released this because if you want to get started with that you will have a hard time finding the real source code.:D

October 31st, 2006, 04:49 PM
Spif-tastic! Now I know what it does. Coolio.

Boo Diddly
October 31st, 2006, 09:13 PM
the only problem is that certain other programs could use this to do other things...

tru that they could have found/made it themselves

October 31st, 2006, 09:16 PM
.....Why can't I open it? :mad: Why have you smitten my computer, Patrick?

October 31st, 2006, 09:37 PM
.....Why can't I open it? :mad: Why have you smitten my computer, Patrick?

No j/k

what smitten?

You need WinRar and VS05 or VB05:confused:

October 31st, 2006, 09:42 PM
Curses. All I have is Visual Basic 6.

October 31st, 2006, 09:43 PM
Curses. All I have is Visual Basic 6.
I have the source for that too but someone else wrote it.

Time to upgrade I guess:)

EDIT:I just realized you should be slapped for saying that XD

November 1st, 2006, 04:28 PM
Think creating stuff like this:


November 1st, 2006, 05:35 PM
Yeah, know that. There really should be a tutorial on doing stuff like that. I'm gonna go mysteriously find a copy of VB05 lying in the streets and install it on my computer.

Edit: Wait. Is VB6 newer than VB05?

November 2nd, 2006, 05:06 PM
Yeah, know that. There really should be a tutorial on doing stuff like that. I'm gonna go mysteriously find a copy of VB05 lying in the streets and install it on my computer.

Edit: Wait. Is VB6 newer than VB05?

You should be slapped once again for saying that.

VB6 is before .NET and

NetFramework 1.0=2001
NetFramework 1.1=2003
NetFramework 2.0=2005

I also added a tutorial.It shows you how to make the death count run up to 1337

November 2nd, 2006, 05:48 PM
Okay. Cool. Let's rephrase that. What's the newest version of VB that will open your files?

November 2nd, 2006, 05:57 PM
Okay. Cool. Let's rephrase that. What's the newest version of VB that will open your files?
Visual Studio 2005 ($$$,all languages)
Visual Basic Express Edition (Free,only visual basic)

November 26th, 2006, 04:08 PM
I have VB6's counterpart for this; I used it for RetuNE. Which I should get around to finishing now, by the way. D=

November 26th, 2006, 04:33 PM
I also have the VB6 files (cause they were released on the web) but you really should upgrade :D

November 26th, 2006, 04:35 PM
I think I'm too attached to good ol' VB6 =X

Might consider it for my next project, though.