View Full Version : Lol! Campaign trial mode bug!

June 2nd, 2007, 06:17 PM
I found out theres a bug if your running the game in trial mode that allows you to play all the maps in trial mode. The trial mode is only available if you installed the game but did not activate it, basically running as a free demo. All you have to do is remain what ever level you want to play to "01b_spacestation.map" and then when you load the game up, you can select that mission and play it. It will bug you for activation once again after you complete it, but then all you have to do is alt tab out the game and rename the next level to "01b_spacestation.map" in the maps folder again and continue playing. I'm not trying to promote piracy or anything, just acknowledging that there exists a bug in the trial mode and something should be done about it. That was a pretty sloppy trial mode lock if you ask me. Until then, those who borrowed the game disk from a friend or something could take advantage of this bug and continue playing though single player until the game is in stock and available for them to buy it.

June 2nd, 2007, 06:21 PM
Oh no! thats a rly bad hack, we shall delay H2V until Oct to fix.

June 2nd, 2007, 06:25 PM
Yo what's up Jahrain :cool:

That's a cool hack. I couldn't rename maps in Halo CE, I wonder why you can in Halo 2. Well, if they don't release the demo anytime soon, I'm going to borrow the game from someone and try it out like this. Thanks.

June 2nd, 2007, 06:25 PM
Like the hot coffee, I'm willing to bet they will prioritize fixing this bug much more than everything that should be fixed (e.g. mouse issues, dedicated server shit, gold shit, h2ek shit etc)

edit: oh hai BB!

June 2nd, 2007, 06:26 PM
Lol. Its also been known since the game was released in the land down under. ;) jcap told me :x

June 2nd, 2007, 06:28 PM
I figured, damn aussies, always making shampoo and riding in kangaroo pouches.

June 2nd, 2007, 06:39 PM
lol but good find none the less. and keep up the good work

June 2nd, 2007, 06:44 PM
Hmm, I can afford games, so I would never encounter such a bug. Good find jahrain!


June 2nd, 2007, 07:06 PM
What do you mean, of course you have the bug, the sloppy trial lock is built into the game. Whether you can afford the game or not, you still have to activate it to access the full campaign, and this bug bypasses that. By the way, this the type of bug that would only effect the publishers, so if your affiliated with the publishers, your the ones who have encountered the bug in your system because players are able to play the full campaign in trial mode without purchasing the game. That would be like players being able to sign onto XBL gold without purchasing a subscription and bypassing the gold trial. So its indeed a bug for them, not us.

June 2nd, 2007, 07:17 PM
lol stupid game makers :P

so basically you can play one map in trial mode, does it give you like 30 days or is it unlimited

June 2nd, 2007, 07:19 PM
I never said that I did not have the bug. I said that I would never encounter the bug. Reading comprehension - it's vital.


June 2nd, 2007, 07:22 PM
I think its unlimited. I only have the trial mode on my other PC since I can't activate it on both of my computers. When I launch it, it doesn't tell me anything about a 30 day trial or how many days i have left to activate, it just says the game will be limited. Ingame, just the multiplayer options is greyed out.

June 2nd, 2007, 07:42 PM
Countdown to the next patch anyone?

June 2nd, 2007, 08:19 PM
I never said that I did not have the bug. I said that I would never encounter the bug. Reading comprehension - it's vital.

The only ones how have or could have encountered this bug in the system is Microsoft. The ability for users to be able to play the full campaign of the game with the trial without having to download and install any "crack", just by renaming a file is definitely a bug they have encountered. I or anyone else who have simply found out this is possible have only become aware that the bug exists, not encountered it (by definition of encounter). Its impossible for any h2v user unexpectedly "encounter" this bug while playing the game because they would have to go and intentionally try it themselves to find out it exists. This is something that microsoft did not expect so therefore they have encountered it. Maybe if you could comprehend what I said in my earlier post, you would see thats what I was saying.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:24 PM
I never said that I did not have the bug. I said that I would never encounter the bug. Reading comprehension - it's vital.


If you wish to encounter it, reinstall it and don't activate it. Simple.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:28 PM
I think you're all missing the point of Nick's troll. :p

Moving on.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:29 PM
Lol! Thats a paradox, how can you wish to encounter something?

Edit: Yesh ghost, I knew it was one of his typical trolls.

Edit2: I haven't tried this yet, but I wonder if its possible to load multiplayer maps this same way.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:31 PM
I never said that I did not have the bug. I said that I would never encounter the bug. Reading comprehension - it's vital.

Ahh yes, daddy will pay for it will he?

Just because you have the money to buy it, doesnt mean you wont find it. Are you saying you've never ever played a demo?

June 2nd, 2007, 08:32 PM
Holy shit. Jahrain and Bitterbanana in the same topic at the same time replying to each other? Where in the hell have you guys been? [/offtopic]
Nice find, but bad find.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:38 PM
Where in the hell have you guys been?
in a land far far away. enjoying the peace and preparing their journey to master the modding of HALO 2 VISTA!

June 2nd, 2007, 08:40 PM
Well, unlike you, I no longer live at home. In fact, I've long since disowned my father. Sorry that you are unfamiliar with what "job" means, let alone "well paying job"; it's okay, you'll find out someday.

I do play demos, but I find no need to play more than what is given to me to assess the game. Once I have played a demo, I will buy the game if I like it or avoid it if I don't; therefore, I would never encounter this bug as I could never be in the situation where I would touch the game after playing the provided demo.

Have a lovely day.


June 2nd, 2007, 08:45 PM
Well, unlike you, I no longer live at home. In fact, I've long since disowned my father. Sorry that you are unfamiliar with what "job" means, let alone "well paying job"; it's okay, you'll find out someday.

I do play demos, but I find no need to play more than what is given to me to assess the game. Once I have played a demo, I will buy the game if I like it or avoid it if I don't; therefore, I would never encounter this bug as I could never be in the situation where I would touch the game after playing the provided demo.

Have a lovely day.

Laff, disowned your dad. Did you scratch the jag or some thing?

Face it, you are a spoilt shit. Suppose you havent told any one about it have ya :P

You probably wouldnt have encountered it, thats why it is great jahrain posted it :P

Oh and yeah I do have a job. Im movin out in september and unlike you I know the real value of money.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:45 PM
Lol, try renaming a multiplayer map as a single player map and load it. (works for trial or activated). You can run around, throw grenades, etc... its funny though theres a big surprise.

And nick, this isn't a trial only bug, it a bug for the entire game. Just rename any map to a different map and you will see that the bug exists. Oh and btw, comprehension - its vital.

June 2nd, 2007, 08:51 PM
Laff, disowned your dad. Did you scratch the jag or some thing?Sorry, I'm not British; no idea what that means. I'll have to ask rec0.

Face it, you are a spoilt shit. Suppose you havent told any one about it have ya :PFace it, I have wine taste and a wine budget. Don't get the reference? Go ask an American.

You probably wouldnt have encountered it, thats why it is great jahrain posted it :PWhich is why I said "Good find jahrain!". Guess you selectively missed that.

Oh and yeah I do have a job. Im movin out in september and unlike you I know the real value of money.The real value of money? Is that something poor people say to make themselves feel better?

And nick, this isn't a trial only bug, it a bug for the entire game. Just rename any map to a different map and you will see that the bug exists. Oh and btw, comprehension - its vital.Man, Ghost was right, you really didn't get what I was saying. That's okay. As I've said before, don't try to reuse my lines as you fail (as is apparent through how you reuse them) to comprehend them in their original form.


June 2nd, 2007, 08:59 PM
Sorry, I'm not British; no idea what that means. I'll have to ask rec0.
It means
"Did you scratch your fathers Jaguar (which is a car in case you didnt relise)"

Face it, I have wine taste and a wine budget. Don't get the reference? Go ask an American.Big deal? I dont have a beer "budget" I just have a rough guide as to how much I can spend without getting skint. (which means having no money by the way)

Which is why I said "Good find jahrain!". Guess you selectively missed that.

No, Im just saying its good some one posted it as I dont think many other people would have found that.

I wanna know how did jahrain find it, he was renaming maps and spelt it wrong or some thing? :D

The real value of money? Is that something poor people say to make themselves feel better?It's some thing non royalty/posh/spoilt people say, it refers to them splashing out cash without even thinking how much the item is costing.

I would like to thank you for actually replying like you did. Last time I mentioned your class and spoiltness. You just replied with a "Ha I laugh at your ignorance" type of post. Which clearly means you dont have an answer but just want to degrade my post in your head.

June 2nd, 2007, 09:15 PM
It means "Did you scratch your fathers Jaguar (which is a car in case you didnt relise)"No, I disowned him because he was never there for me when I was younger and thus he is no longer good enough to be associated with me. In fact, my father was more on the "poor" side of life with my mother being more "average" financially; never had a luxury car growing up.

Big deal? I dont have a beer "budget" I just have a rough guide as to how much I can spend without getting skint. (which means having no money by the way)How can you assume my financial stability from my ability to indulge in hobbies and activities I enjoy? I'm not sure how getting what you want through means of hard work makes you spoiled, maybe the redefined it and I missed the memo.

No, Im just saying its good some one posted it as I dont think many other people would have found that.It would've been good to report it to Microsoft. It's just lame to post it on a public forum where cheap asses will take advantage of it. I believe in paying for products to support those who spend years of their life making it, sorry.

As far as how it was found, yeah I'm sure it was just a typo - "dabestamapeva.map" and "01b_spacestation.map" are practically right next to each other on the keyboard. I'm sure there was absolutely no intent to see if a free game could be schemed from a software design flaw.

I would like to thank you for actually replying like you did. Last time I mentioned your class and spoiltness. You just replied with a "Ha I laugh at your ignorance" type of post. Which clearly means you dont have an answer but just want to degrade my post in your head.No, that type of response means I was laughing at the fact that you would be able to classify someone by their ability to afford goods and services.


June 2nd, 2007, 09:30 PM
I dont classify you by your posts or what you do. I just know you were priviliged and spoilt before :)

Pointing out the flaw like jahrain did hopefully will speed up this patch that we all hope they have been working on.

I was thinking more on the lines of 01a_spacestation.map to 01b_spacestation.map

June 2nd, 2007, 09:45 PM
How did you come to the conclusion that I was "privileged and spoiled" before? Oh right, based on posts. Therefore you do, in fact, classify by such means.


June 2nd, 2007, 09:47 PM
How did you come to the conclusion that I was "privileged and spoiled" before? Oh right, based on posts. Therefore you do, in fact, classify by such means.

Why are you jumping to conclusions? Oh and some one told me, years ago. :D Pretty much the first time on gbx when we had posted at each other.

June 2nd, 2007, 09:49 PM
Well then, unfortunately you've obtained inaccurate information through unreliable sources. No one involved with Halo in any way has any facts about my private / personal life.


June 2nd, 2007, 10:02 PM
Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, when you aren't special at all. Enjoy yourselves.

June 2nd, 2007, 10:10 PM
I figured, damn aussies, always making shampoo and riding in kangaroo pouches.
WTF? SHampoo!?

exactly what rumours are in circulation in america about aussy land O_o:confused:

sunny D: u got it wrong bro.

Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, Even if u win, your still retarded.

June 2nd, 2007, 10:21 PM
Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, when you aren't special at all. Enjoy yourselves.
Messing up the most often used analogy on the internet in regards to arguments, priceless.


June 2nd, 2007, 10:38 PM
Messing up the most often used analogy on the internet in regards to arguments, priceless.


Indeed :(

June 2nd, 2007, 10:56 PM
I love nick

June 3rd, 2007, 02:14 AM
good find Jah, guess we'll be expecitng a patch version 2.5 or something by the time halo 2 vista is done.

June 3rd, 2007, 04:14 AM
No one involved with Halo in any way has any facts about my private / personal life.

I know you dispwned your faza :hist101:

Trust me, Nick E. Lodeon isn't poor :eng101:

And limited, you can't use the exchange rate to claim your richer :rolleyes:

June 3rd, 2007, 06:04 AM
Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, when you aren't special at all. Enjoy yourselves.
Its the taking part that counts :eyesroll:

Fair enough nick, to be honest I dont care about your personal nice, its just nice to know the truth :P

Truce...till the next "chat" :)

June 3rd, 2007, 07:17 AM
Lol you 2... There is reason why Nick keeps his personal life and identity absolute top secret, especially from the halo community. And if it was found out, we would all be shocked, except for me since I expected it, and we would probably never see him again.

Oh and btw, I discovered it by finding out that maps could be renamed and loaded because I was trying to figure out a way to load the last level, due to the absence of a console. I was too lazy to play though the whole game just to access my favorite level in the game. I tried renaming just one of the maps to another one. Found out the game would keep telling me to insert disk, but due to the new "tray and play" feature for windows vista, I could still play the game even while it's not completely installed. When i found out it worked, I was like wtf!?, is this game that unsecured that you can rename a map load it as another!? Just reticently I installed the game on my other computer, to do some testing. Since I had already activated on my computer, I couldn't on my other PC so I had to run the trial. Realizing that the trial is just the same as the full version, but with multiplayer disabled, and a nag screen after the first map. Realizing I could rename a map as another map to jump ahead in the game, I figured it might work in the trial version as well if the developers were really that amature with securing the game. It just happened to work, so I posted it to show how insecure the game is. The public has a right to know if something they invested in is insecure. Also, I have 0 mercy for microsoft right now, so It won't bother me to see how microsoft is affected by their own dumb mistakes like this. Also, it makes nick cringe :D. I just love that. Besides, I also just found out that what I found is all over the internet already so its nothing new.

When a trial mode can be hacked to unlock full version features just by simply renaming a file, there is something terribly wrong with the security built into that game and there is probably much more that is insecurities in the game as well. Single player exploits, like the one i found aren't that big of a deal. Having a trial mode that can be unlocked by any user easily, without any crack or anything is microsoft's problem, not mine. But I would hate to see how many undetectable online mutliplayer exploits may be found seeing as this game has been published in it's insecure state. Especially due to the addition of online achievementa, and such thus giving a users more urges and motivation to cheat and hack. Getting high scores in a single match is already enough motivation to cheat. I'm especially worried about the abuse of the auto aim feature for controllers if one could hack the controller driver to make the operating system think that the keyboard/mouse in a xbox360 controller, sort of like CD/DVD virtual drive emulation, thus enabling the autoaim/magnetism for mouse/keyboard users. Thats probably the reason it was disabled completely in Halo PC. It's something the a game server could probably never detect, as it wouldn't require the modification of any of the game's files, or hack anything in the game's memory. Actually, if that does get exploited and shared, maybe it will be for the better as they may release an update that completely removes the autoaiming magnetism from the game. We don't need a bunch of pussy autoaiming controller users, they can play on the xbox if they want that shit.

June 3rd, 2007, 08:47 AM
Well if they don't have debugger protection or memory protection in the first place....they aren't really trying hard.

June 4th, 2007, 12:53 AM
You know, reading that post reminded me why I think you're a piece of shit, jahrain. Thanks for proving that you have truly earned your social status of "peasant". Now go fetch my coffee.


P.S. Sorry H2Vista forum, I just have zero mercy for jahrain right now.

June 4th, 2007, 04:06 AM
Lmao Nick

another fail of a post. Leave money and Class's out of your post(s).
This is an internet forum where that shit means absolutely nothing.

June 4th, 2007, 04:19 AM
You know, reading that post reminded me why I think you're a piece of shit, jahrain. Thanks for proving that you have truly earned your social status of "peasant". Now go fetch my coffee.


P.S. Sorry H2Vista forum, I just have zero mercy for jahrain right now.
Nick nick nick. Why do you even bother to come here? Sure its "a free country" as you might say. However anywhere you go that isnt prom boards, you cause shit with every post. Fair enough, I piss people off and argue, but not on every post I make.

You babble on about shit that none of us care to know about. I dont want to know if you think jahrain is a peasant, we all know he isnt so shut the fuck up already?

Quit trying to boost your own ego by slashing everyone else's down.

June 4th, 2007, 04:40 AM
fucking pathetic.

June 4th, 2007, 04:49 AM
Can you guys go buttfuck each other somewhere else, please? Bacon, why you not is on AIM? :( am cry!

Not to mention, that is one hell of a bug that needs to be taken care of. Seems like a pretty simple thing to overlook... and it makes me wonder what other security issues we'll find.

June 4th, 2007, 05:34 AM

June 4th, 2007, 08:30 AM
You know, reading that post reminded me why I think you're a piece of shit, jahrain. Thanks for proving that you have truly earned your social status of "peasant". Now go fetch my coffee.


P.S. Sorry H2Vista forum, I just have zero mercy for jahrain right now.

That's more than a little harsh :|

June 4th, 2007, 09:42 AM
Hi guys, what's going on here :downs:

June 4th, 2007, 10:09 AM
Well, unlike you, I no longer live at home. In fact, I've long since disowned my father. Sorry that you are unfamiliar with what "job" means, let alone "well paying job"; it's okay, you'll find out someday.

I do play demos, but I find no need to play more than what is given to me to assess the game. Once I have played a demo, I will buy the game if I like it or avoid it if I don't; therefore, I would never encounter this bug as I could never be in the situation where I would touch the game after playing the provided demo.

Have a lovely day.


Oh, wow, I mean, damn. Nick can buy games...what an achievement. Nick, I just want to say you are just so cool, I mean wow. Everyone, let's get a hand for Nick. Coolest. Kid. Ever.


June 4th, 2007, 10:23 AM
All the talk of people's life is truly inspiring on a text base forum of which cannot present the person's emotions.

June 4th, 2007, 10:32 AM
what are you talking about?


June 4th, 2007, 04:25 PM
Edit2: I haven't tried this yet, but I wonder if its possible to load multiplayer maps this same way.

Naw, tried it 2 days ago at my cuz's house. It loads the map but the screen is black, you can hear the sounds though, tried zanzibar with it. It has the multiplayer menu but when you try to quit, it does nothing so you have to alt-tab out of the game. Also where are Nick's achievements in the modding community compared to Jahrain's? Yes you may be Prom lead but we have yet to see it shed it's face. Jahrain is pretty much as legendary as bitterbanana.

June 4th, 2007, 04:30 PM
All the talk of people's life is truly inspiring on a text base forum of which cannot present the person's emotions.

ZOMG we all know that Korn is Emo.

oh and his toy (..aeh)

June 4th, 2007, 04:31 PM
OMG tickle me EMO, i didn't think anyone else knew!

June 4th, 2007, 04:36 PM
Also where are Nick's achievements in the modding community compared to Jahrain's? Jahrain is pretty much as legendary as bitterbanana.

Nick was there in the thick of it when Halo modding was born.. I doubt the Halo 1 editing kit would of been released had the modding community not have started, as the interest in modding Halo would not been as great as it is/was.

Unfortunately for you, your scope of view of the people in this community does not extend past the HaloCE community.

Nick > Majority of people

June 4th, 2007, 04:39 PM

June 4th, 2007, 04:50 PM
:kisses ass:

Just because hes done a few good things for the community doesn't allow him to be a total fuckface to people.