View Full Version : Aiming/Hitting your target

June 4th, 2007, 12:03 AM
Am I the only one who thinks that the aiming in H2V is a bit retarded? I've never played Halo 2 prior to yesterday, so I don't know if it's normal. I can hit people just fine when my reticule is red, but why is it that I can't hit shit when sniping? I aim right on the target and nothing whatsoever happens. Two clips, nothing happened. Does the reticule need to be red in order for it to do damage? I even tried a base-base snipe in BG, both of us standing perfectly still; same result. It's complete bullshit that I can't use my BR at H1'S mid range.

June 4th, 2007, 12:21 AM
hmmmm. oh everyone seen red vs blue
beta complex?
"i can't hit anything with this sniper"
"thats not a bug your just a shit shot"
closer range mb? don't forget the projectile may have a limited range and all that. and you have to take into account any error it has. it will be ever so slightly but it will be there.
and every time you doubble the distance away from the object your shooting at the error is potentially 4 times greater. to be exact. gotta love physics :P
its like sound waves.
a source generates a sound and the waves expand normally. all directions. each time the distance doubbles from any given point. the amplitude/strength of the wave is exactly 1/4 of the original size
sniper 1/4 the original accuracy. so 4 times more error.
that and yeah the projectile could have a max distance to which it will reach

June 4th, 2007, 12:34 AM
hmmmm. oh everyone seen red vs blue
beta complex?
"i can't hit anything with this sniper"
"thats not a bug your just a shit shot"
closer range mb? don't forget the projectile may have a limited range and all that. and you have to take into account any error it has. it will be ever so slightly but it will be there.
and every time you doubble the distance away from the object your shooting at the error is potentially 4 times greater. to be exact. gotta love physics :P
its like sound waves.
a source generates a sound and the waves expand normally. all directions. each time the distance doubbles from any given point. the amplitude/strength of the wave is exactly 1/4 of the original size
sniper 1/4 the original accuracy. so 4 times more error.
that and yeah the projectile could have a max distance to which it will reach

I assure you, I'm not a shit shot, and I don't need a crash course on bullet physics (thanks anyway); everything works fine in SP the way it's meant to. This means it's a MP related issue. I'm just wondering if anyone's found the same thing, or figured out the secret behind it.

June 4th, 2007, 12:49 AM
Halo 2 Xbox had bad bullet range problems (off-host)

It is the same in H2v, though the BR is fine, its the sniper that doesnt hit.

No, you're not crazy. I've had it happen SO many times, even in the 2 weeks I've had the game. You'll even see the sparks/blood come out but the bullet wont count.

Its a problem with h2 that needs fixing, those of you who play H2 Xbox, the problem wasnt around before the 1.1 patch, and somehow after tht 1.1 patch the lag/bullet registry has been shithouse.

June 4th, 2007, 02:00 AM
I assure you, I'm not a shit shot, and I don't need a crash course on bullet physics (thanks anyway); everything works fine in SP the way it's meant to. This means it's a MP related issue. I'm just wondering if anyone's found the same thing, or figured out the secret behind it.

I assure you, conscars is not a shit shot :|

June 4th, 2007, 03:02 AM
Am I the only one who thinks that the aiming in H2V is a bit retarded? I've never played Halo 2 prior to yesterday, so I don't know if it's normal. I can hit people just fine when my reticule is red, but why is it that I can't hit shit when sniping? I aim right on the target and nothing whatsoever happens. Two clips, nothing happened. Does the reticule need to be red in order for it to do damage? I even tried a base-base snipe in BG, both of us standing perfectly still; same result. It's complete bullshit that I can't use my BR at H1'S mid range.

Yeah I've been noticing the same too. I think it's just due to us being so used to Halo1 style...well everything. Sometimes you may lead without even noticing because you're so used to it in H1, but I think now that the problem has been solved so it may take some time getting used to. I even had to change 90% of my controls back to H1 just to get used to them...

And trust me...Conscars is a shit shot:XD:

June 4th, 2007, 03:04 AM
Someone check the tags. There might be a range or something.

June 4th, 2007, 05:27 AM
Hey, speaking of aimming, my brother says that if you use a Xbox 360 controller, something about it eing special i think, then you can auto-aim... Seriously, whats up with that?

Its built into the game

June 4th, 2007, 08:20 AM
Someone check the tags. There might be a range or something.

But most of the weapons in Halo 1 had a good enough range to be effectively infinite, why would they change that?

June 4th, 2007, 12:47 PM
I don't know, but it really fucking bothers me when my gun doesn't hit when it's supposed to. I sorta figured it out though, there IS leading, its just not like halo 1 lag leading. It's a bit more like you have to aim ahead of them just because they move out of the way of the bullet...its a little hard to explain. But it's just like on xbox (even with split-screen) so yeah its just retarded.

June 4th, 2007, 12:59 PM
Hey, speaking of aimming, my brother says that if you use a Xbox 360 controller, something about it eing special i think, then you can auto-aim... Seriously, whats up with that?

Its built into the game
seriously enough of the auto-aim BS. Have any of you ever played H2X??? its not a "auto-aim" its more like a "aim assist" without it it would be impossible to play halo with a controller. you would never hit shit.
As for your not hitting anything problem. it could just be that the server your playing on sucks. thats just lag. get a good FAST server and youll see that the shots register MUCH better.

June 4th, 2007, 05:03 PM
seriously enough of the auto-aim BS. Have any of you ever played H2X??? its not a "auto-aim" its more like a "aim assist" without it it would be impossible to play halo with a controller. you would never hit shit.

Bullshit, Halo 1 didn't have nearly as much "aim assist" as Halo 2 and people were very good at it

June 4th, 2007, 07:00 PM
Halo 2 has more "aim-assist" than Halo 1. Go check youtube for a comparison video. And the halo 1 sniper lag-leading, you might have to predict where the target is going, but for example, if they are going straight, but you are on the other side of the map (blood gulch), you'll have to aim in front of them by like 3 - 5 steps. In Halo 2, i think that you don't have to aim in front of them, you just use the sniper to follow wherever your target is going. But you'll have to be trigger-fast and have a good mouse. But i have to admit, maybe again, Conscars, its just you.

June 4th, 2007, 07:05 PM
Same problem. :/

June 4th, 2007, 10:24 PM
There is a bit of Lead, not near as Much as Halo 1 but it's there.

June 4th, 2007, 10:30 PM
seriously enough of the auto-aim BS. Have any of you ever played H2X??? its not a "auto-aim" its more like a "aim assist" without it it would be impossible to play halo with a controller. you would never hit shit.

Dude, I can aim pretty damn well with a controller on Halo 1 PC. It just takes some practice, but I can almost play as good as I can with the keyboard/mouse. Most players are problably spoiled with the noobified auto aiming or "aim assists" which is why most would probably not be able to hit shit with no auto aim on a controller. I never liked the automatic aiming mechanisms that plagued, console fps games. Thats why I prefer PC fps games. Not to mention this only works with a xbox360 controller, not any other controller. I think it was just a marketing deploy to sell xbox360 controllers to PC gamers because it gives them an advantage. I noticed I can get much better shots with the controller than with the mouse since I have to do less work and use less skill to aim.

June 4th, 2007, 11:48 PM
The hell? I'm not buying another controller, I'm getting this (http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Windows/dp/B000HZFCT2/ref=sr_1_19/002-8217779-0588012?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1181002310&sr=8-19).

June 5th, 2007, 03:06 AM
seriously enough of the auto-aim BS. Have any of you ever played H2X??? its not a "auto-aim" its more like a "aim assist" without it it would be impossible to play halo with a controller. you would never hit shit.
As for your not hitting anything problem. it could just be that the server your playing on sucks. thats just lag. get a good FAST server and youll see that the shots register MUCH better.

Honestly this "aim assist" is pointless. Why the hell would you buy the game unless for a computer experience. If it's impossible to play then that's too bad, maybe they should use a controller without "aim assist" cause it's actually a load of BS. Mouse and keyboard like the rest of us.

t3h m00kz
June 12th, 2007, 09:10 AM
Dude, I can aim pretty damn well with a controller on Halo 1 PC. It just takes some practice, but I can almost play as good as I can with the keyboard/mouse. Most players are problably spoiled with the noobified auto aiming or "aim assists" which is why most would probably not be able to hit shit with no auto aim on a controller. I never liked the automatic aiming mechanisms that plagued, console fps games. Thats why I prefer PC fps games. Not to mention this only works with a xbox360 controller, not any other controller. I think it was just a marketing deploy to sell xbox360 controllers to PC gamers because it gives them an advantage. I noticed I can get much better shots with the controller than with the mouse since I have to do less work and use less skill to aim.

Agreed 100%. I play with the controller on Halo PC all the time, usually come in first. I think it's total BS that they did the whole auto aim thing with H2V. My room mate actually found out about the controller glitch while he was testing the game, and we were hoping it'd be fixed by the time it came out, and it hasn't unfortunately.

It's a shame everyone got so hyped up about H2V only to be screwed by how much some of this shit really sucks.

June 12th, 2007, 01:56 PM
You need to lead just a wittle bit with the sniper rifle.

June 12th, 2007, 02:21 PM
It varies server to server, at least for me. Having a low ping doesn't seem to matter, as the lowest pinging server I can find also happens to be the one with the worst leading. :gonk:

June 12th, 2007, 08:43 PM
Could be because of other people's ping.