View Full Version : [HALO 3] Weapons you dislike in Halo 3 Beta
Elite Killa
June 4th, 2007, 06:55 AM
Post 'em here.
I hate the Rocket Launcher and the banshee fuel rod since the projectile is so fucking accurate late!!!!!!!
June 4th, 2007, 07:13 AM
They're all pretty swell. Can't say there's one I really dislike. They all have their uses. I dislike the Needler because I'm not really sure how it works. Sometimes I'll be shooting someone for 2 seconds and it'll kill them and sometimes I'm shooting them for 5 and they're still alive.
June 4th, 2007, 07:18 AM
I can't say I really dislike any... hell, even the missile pod is kinda cool now I've had the chance to use it. A more appropriate term in my case would be 'weapons you don't really use' - for me, that means everything aside from the AR, BR, Carbine and laser. The Spiker is pretty awesome, but unfortunately I'm not so I kinda got smashed while I tried to use them. The AR/BR and AR/Carbine combos rarely failed me, though; especially with a few grenades thrown in for good measure.
Reaper Man
June 4th, 2007, 09:28 AM
I <3 em all, I own with them all. An hour after I first played the beta, I was owning with whatever weapon I had. I kinda dislike the SL though... The rocket launcher is pretty much obsolete now.
June 4th, 2007, 10:01 AM
The Pistol is useless
The RL is pretty good....needs to be reverted back to the H2 style.
The missile pod is pretty much useless
If anything I hate SNIPER weapons. Very cheap....cowards hiding out instead of fighting like the soldiers that they are....or are SUPPOSED to be.
June 4th, 2007, 10:39 AM
The Pistol is useless
The RL is pretty good....needs to be reverted back to the H2 style.
The missile pod is pretty much useless
If anything I hate SNIPER weapons. Very cheap....cowards hiding out instead of fighting like the soldiers that they are....or are SUPPOSED to be.
The missile pod is awesome against a banshee, I saw someone take a guy in a banshee out with it, pretty easy kills.
I hate the BR, and has anyone noticed how there isnt any cool animation for headshots? :(
June 4th, 2007, 10:41 AM
People only ever bitch about snipers because they don't have the talent to kill the bastards themselves ;)
Snipers aren't cowards; they're smart. Why risk getting killed in close quarters when you can sit out of sight and pick off anyone who passes?
June 4th, 2007, 12:29 PM
People only ever bitch about snipers because they don't have the talent to kill the bastards themselves ;)
Snipers aren't cowards; they're smart. Why risk getting killed in close quarters when you can sit out of sight and pick off anyone who passes?
This does not apply to people who swipe snipe to rely on kills. Even a baby with a twitchy finger and a like for joysticks can get a kill using the sniper in halo 2. :p
-£§- §age
June 4th, 2007, 02:27 PM
Spartan laser was SUPPOSED to be hard to hit someone with.
Any boob can hit a guy with three giant lasers.
Sniper is even more overpowered this time around.
Carbine = Overpowered.
We don't bitch about sniper n00bs, we just dislike them =D.
They're not smart, they're gay cowards.
Plus the n00bs who snipe at sword range...
I hate n00bs.
June 4th, 2007, 03:18 PM
BR. Why the fuck did they have to fuck with the model? Ridiculous
June 4th, 2007, 03:50 PM
Plasma Weapons. They sound dumb, and the Plasma pistol is still too soft.
I also think the BR55 needs to be ditched, and replaced with the pistol again, or be given rapid, semi-automatic fire when zoomed like they advertised in 2004. Either way, it's the 3-shot burst while zoomed that I hate.
I don't know if this counts as a weapon, but the melee needs to be fixed. It was perfect in Halo 1, but now it has that stupid melee lunge. Even though they toned it down, it is still present enough to get annoying. There are no more satisfying assassinations because every time you punch someone in the back, you shoot forward and don't get to see their body just slump over, waiting to get T-bagged.
June 4th, 2007, 04:05 PM
Is this really needed? Just re-use the favorite weapon for Halo 3 weapon discussion, a much better use of that thread tbh.
Regardless, my most disliked weapon is nothing. All the weapons serve their purpose. Any weapon is useful in some or most situations.
June 4th, 2007, 05:38 PM
9MM-Man....what is wrong with the model? Looks the same to me.
June 4th, 2007, 05:42 PM
They did some upgrades to it although I think it looks fine, it's also a beta so it's not final (although I doubt they'll do much changing to it, maybe some touch ups.)
Also, it's 9mm-man, he's going to find something to complain about no matter how ridiculous it is.
June 4th, 2007, 05:59 PM
9MM-Man....what is wrong with the model? Looks the same to me.Just to clarify, I mean Battle Rifle.
And yes it is different.
I liked the sleek look of the halo 2 battle rifle. To me it was the best looking and kickass gun in halo 2.
Now it looks like a fucked up downgraded sniper rifle.
Halo 2 BR ^
Look at the videos of halo 3. The scope is sort of different, it has an added back chunk on the gun, it has a longer barrel.
-£§- §age
June 4th, 2007, 06:13 PM
Is this really needed? Just re-use the favorite weapon for Halo 3 weapon discussion, a much better use of that thread tbh.
Regardless, my most disliked weapon is nothing. All the weapons serve their purpose. Any weapon is useful in some or most situations.
Until noobs use rockets at SMG range, or they camp with spartan laser and noob the whole map, or when the snipe you at SMG range, etc.
Also the melee lunge sometimes works at uber long ranges. But it's a beta so.....
June 4th, 2007, 07:38 PM
Until noobs use rockets at SMG range, or they camp with spartan laser and noob the whole map, or when the snipe you at SMG range, etc.
Also the melee lunge sometimes works at uber long ranges. But it's a beta so.....It doesn't sometimes work at long ranges, it's a set range, it's just a type of lag.
Rocketing at SMG range isn't noobish, everyone does it, especially on High Ground. If I am turning the corner to go down Sniper cave and and some bastard is rushing up it I'm not going to whip out my other weapon to kill him, I'm going to smack him down with my rocket.
Spartan Laser has to be charged and is easy to avoid most of the time.
How is sniping at close range a bad thing? If you are rushing me and all I have is a sniper I'll shove my barrel into your face and no scope you. I'm not going to let you kill me because I've only got a mid to long range weapon left.
June 4th, 2007, 07:41 PM
I hate when people complain about snipers in multiplayer. If you (plurality) hate them so much, get better at it yourself so you can take them out!
June 4th, 2007, 08:54 PM
It doesn't sometimes work at long ranges, it's a set range, it's just a type of lag.
Rocketing at SMG range isn't noobish, everyone does it, especially on High Ground. If I am turning the corner to go down Sniper cave and and some bastard is rushing up it I'm not going to whip out my other weapon to kill him, I'm going to smack him down with my rocket.
Spartan Laser has to be charged and is easy to avoid most of the time.
How is sniping at close range a bad thing? If you are rushing me and all I have is a sniper I'll shove my barrel into your face and no scope you. I'm not going to let you kill me because I've only got a mid to long range weapon left.
Exactly. What is that some type of rules of engagement? I mean, who's really the noob - the person getting attacked and using whatever weapon he currently has selected, or is it the person that is rushing directly at an opponent? Now it's different if they deliberately run at you to so they can shoot close range with an RL or sniper, but I can honestly say I haven't seen that happen...maybe I haven't played enough.
June 4th, 2007, 09:20 PM
I get closer to targets with the sniper so I don't have to lead so much, and because the rocket is really easy to dodge.
June 4th, 2007, 09:49 PM
You don't need to lead at all in Halo 3. :|
Well, unless you have a bad connection.
June 4th, 2007, 10:05 PM
Distance...or did they make even the ballistic SRS99D hit targets instantaneously from across the map?
June 4th, 2007, 10:28 PM
Distance...or did they make even the ballistic SRS99D hit targets instantaneously from across the map?You're never really sniping at that big of a distance.
June 4th, 2007, 11:09 PM
I do...:D From on top the bases in Valhalla/Coagulation/Bloodgulch, and from the top of the hills behind said bases.
June 5th, 2007, 12:36 AM
There are no hills behind Valhalla, there is the ridge up on the side but it's not more of a distance to any point from the base, you're not going to be able to snipe across the map effectively at that distance anyway. You're usually sniping to One/Mid/Two from the base or vice versa. I'm pretty sure your reticle doesn't even turn red at that distance anyway, you've got to get a nice luck shot to hit someone (or lots of practice with the ability to adjust to various host variations.)
June 5th, 2007, 01:33 AM
Reticule turning red only makes a difference for the distance the auto-aim and reticule magnetism will engage at.
But yeah, it is a lot of practice. It's mostly just spawn killing from across the map.
June 5th, 2007, 02:10 AM
Spartan laser was SUPPOSED to be hard to hit someone with.
Any boob can hit a guy with three giant lasers.
It's easy to hit them, so long as you get the timing right. That's where the skill lies.
Sniper is even more overpowered this time around.
Not as far as I could tell, it seemed similar enough to be of no consequence and in any case a 14.5mm APFSDS round can punch a hole through a tank, so a soldier (even a Spartan) wouldn't be much of a challenge.
Carbine = Overpowered.
I saw little or no difference... in fact, it seemed weaker if anything...
We don't bitch about sniper n00bs, we just dislike them =D.
They're not smart, they're gay cowards.
Plus the n00bs who snipe at sword range...
I hate n00bs.
You hate people who have enough brains to put camouflage, distance, and marksmanship to good use? I'm not gay, and neither am I a coward. I'll just as happily sit in a foxhole beside an IS-2 in RO with a satchel, then run out in front of the entire opposing team just to hurl it onto the engine deck as I will lie in cover and pick off opponents from 500m away. In Halo, I'm just as happy up close with an assault rifle as I am with a sniper. Quit stereotyping like an idiot and think before you post that kind of crap.
Like I said, people only complain about snipers because they lack the skill to take them out. Same is true for any game, it's ridiculous.
June 5th, 2007, 02:53 PM
Except Counter-Strike, where you have almost zero chance of killing a good AWP user. He will even snipe you at spawn.
The SRS99D should really be able to down a Warthog in one well placed hit or two chassis hits. So, in actuality, it is underpowered. Therefore, the sniper is not overpowered.
-£§- §age
June 5th, 2007, 04:23 PM
Halo 2 will be great when all you n00bs go to Halo 3!
I can't wait!
And, wtf?
You asked me the weapons I dislike, I stated them and the reasons, and I get flamed. Kind of a pattern here...
Sage gets flamed for telling the truth.
And I guess the weapons aren't more powerful, it's just less shields.
June 5th, 2007, 06:46 PM
People only ever bitch about snipers because they don't have the talent to kill the bastards themselves ;)I say the same thing about people who bitch about the fuel rod and banshee. Silly Trial players :/
The new sniper rifle is a lot less powerful than it was in either halo 1 or 2. It now recoils a few degrees upward after each shot, and has a rate of fire about half what it was in Halos 1 and 2. It is not more powerful per shot, either. It still takes two body shots or one headshot to kill someone.
June 5th, 2007, 07:26 PM
Same as always...
And you didn't really get flamed Sage. You gave the wrong reasons to justify your opinion. Those were not technical reasons, they were basically insults at people who use the weapons.
-£§- §age
June 7th, 2007, 01:24 PM
I was not my intention to insult people who use them, I just dont like it when someone is running away from me when they have a perfectly good weapon, simply so they can grab the rockets -_-
And the weapons are indeed not more powerful, I just remembered that there's even less shields.
June 7th, 2007, 06:31 PM
True. That is a major discrepancy with what was Halo canon, because the Mk. VI was supposed to have better shields than the Mk. V, but now, it seems the Mk. V has the best shields of them all.
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