View Full Version : Bugs that REALLY need Fixing.
June 4th, 2007, 04:35 PM
You can call this a rant but I am sick and tired of the BUGS that are in this game. There is more than Halo 1!!!
1.) Game will sometimes not acknowledge a keystroke. happens in the main menu. The fix is too alt tab out...then go back in.
2.) Game will give you INVALID CHECKPOINTS 80% of the time regardless of game saves or not. Very upsetting indeed when you have to do the level all over again because of shoddy programming.
3.) Freezing randomly
4.) Stuttering
5.) When I was testing a map from a friend of mine the game said that I did not have enough hard drive space for the map.....this was on a 500GB Hard Drive with no secondary partitions and only 8GB used!!!!
6.) I was playing a level ( think that it was the one with the huge flying robots and the flood ) and after I got my acheivement it demanded that I put my CD back in....which I never needed before....then it returned me to the main menu.
So I am telling the members here that are responsible for this game.....please fix these issues.:mad:
June 4th, 2007, 04:37 PM
Maybe it's just you
June 4th, 2007, 04:41 PM
nope. I reformat my PC once a month just to be safe. Plus my friend reported the exact SAME bugs as well.
It is the fault of the GAME...not the Computer.
June 4th, 2007, 04:42 PM
Well those are kinda obvious and annoying bugs.Maybe they'll get patched.
But yeah sad enough that they exist in the first place.:(
June 4th, 2007, 04:43 PM
I agree. I expected better than this. Quite disappointing.
June 4th, 2007, 04:54 PM
Games are commonly full of bugs before they're released. Ok, ok, so they're just recalling it to remove the infamous 'ass?' Maybe. Either way, expect a load a patches, there's no way they're going to give up on this one so soon.
June 4th, 2007, 05:15 PM
The Stuttering issue is a pretty big issue, fps are constant but there is a definitive stutter to the gameplay.
June 4th, 2007, 05:20 PM
I would just be happy if they fix the Checkpoint bug.
June 4th, 2007, 05:30 PM
I would be happy if they ported the performance well, so a fucking 7 series geforce could at least run it kinda well.
June 4th, 2007, 05:36 PM
oh and I want the Halo CE Controls back as well please.
June 4th, 2007, 06:48 PM
6.) I was playing a level ( think that it was the one with the huge flying robots and the flood ) and after I got my acheivement it demanded that I put my CD back in....which I never needed before....then it returned me to the main menu.
u mean either Sacred Icon or Quarantine Zone...i know my halo stuff well, although i don't have H2V yet.:(
June 4th, 2007, 06:57 PM
Only problems i've got left are the terrible random mouse acceleration and stutter...
June 4th, 2007, 07:02 PM
will there ever be patches for these bugs? OMG!:mad: lol
June 4th, 2007, 07:13 PM
2.) Game will give you INVALID CHECKPOINTS 80% of the time regardless of game saves or not. Very upsetting indeed when you have to do the level all over again because of shoddy programming.
3.) Freezing randomly
4.) Stuttering
6.) I was playing a level ( think that it was the one with the huge flying robots and the flood ) and after I got my acheivement it demanded that I put my CD back in....which I never needed before....then it returned me to the main menu.
WTF, these keep happening to me as well. This is just fucking unacceptable.
June 4th, 2007, 07:18 PM
^^^ told ya it was not my computer. :P
I PM'ed Nitro about this and gave him a link to this topic.....hopefully he will notify the correct ppl about this unacceptable stuff.
June 4th, 2007, 07:21 PM
I got the "Sorry! Please insert your original Halo 2 game disc" error after Quarantine Zone and High Charity. It was a duplicatable error on those two levels specifically. Annoying, but ultimately harmless. You get the achievement and the next level is unlocked on the level select screen.
There's some button assignment glitches. With the Banshee, I had Secondary fire (FRG) set to right click and boost set to left shift. But when put into practice, right click did nothing at all. I had to switch Secondary to left shift and boost to right click to get both functions to work.
Also, I can't seem to get friendly AI out of vehicles. I have all the old X-button functionality mapped to MMB and it says "Hold Middle Mouse Button to enter vehicle", but the pilot or driver just stays in his seat no matter what.
MS's "thorough" QA is a joke. All it does is delay us getting fixes for the myriad of issues that they invariably miss in the first lengthy go-around.
June 4th, 2007, 08:08 PM
lol on the friend test level space issue..
that sucked...
anyways yea there are some bugs.. but most of yours dont happen to me, except for the invalid checkpoint, which happened twice throughout the whole campaign.
June 4th, 2007, 10:29 PM
oh and I want the Halo CE Controls back as well please.
..Can't you just remap the keys in the options menu?
June 5th, 2007, 08:48 AM
hmm...I should have worded that differently. Sry Timo.
In h2v the controls are horrible. the sensitivity and turning ratio are inexcusably horrible....even with the mouse sensitivity turned up to maximum.
June 5th, 2007, 09:39 AM
I got the "Sorry! Please insert your original Halo 2 game disc" error after Quarantine Zone and High Charity. It was a duplicatable error on those two levels specifically. Annoying, but ultimately harmless. You get the achievement and the next level is unlocked on the level select screen.
Maybe for you yes....but it will NOT allow me to go to the next level AT ALL. Even with the DVD in my drive the damn thing STILL does the " insert DVD" thing then returns me to the Main Menu again.
And yes....this is After Q Zone.
June 5th, 2007, 09:42 AM
Seeing as how the game must have just been released (for real, not the ones that slipped out), I wouldn't expect that much right away. I don't have hardly any of these problems except mouse acceleration problems.
June 5th, 2007, 09:53 AM
Did you try just going to the level select screen? Forget trying to load your previous game.
Mouse issues seem to vary by mouse. Not saying it's not the game's fault, but I have a G5 and mouse sensitivity and turning is fast for me and I have it set to 3.
June 5th, 2007, 01:36 PM
You can call this a rant but I am sick and tired of the BUGS that are in this game. There is more than Halo 1!!!
1.) Game will sometimes not acknowledge a keystroke. happens in the main menu. The fix is too alt tab out...then go back in.
2.) Game will give you INVALID CHECKPOINTS 80% of the time regardless of game saves or not. Very upsetting indeed when you have to do the level all over again because of shoddy programming.
3.) Freezing randomly
4.) Stuttering
5.) When I was testing a map from a friend of mine the game said that I did not have enough hard drive space for the map.....this was on a 500GB Hard Drive with no secondary partitions and only 8GB used!!!!
6.) I was playing a level ( think that it was the one with the huge flying robots and the flood ) and after I got my acheivement it demanded that I put my CD back in....which I never needed before....then it returned me to the main menu.
So I am telling the members here that are responsible for this game.....please fix these issues.:mad:
To be honest, I believe it's your PC. What's in your box?
I'm running this:
AMD 64 3800+ X2 (Dual Core)
2GB of Ram
Nforce 570 Chipset
Geforce 7900 GTO/GT
Halo/Halo 2 run perfectly, even on my older computer builds, I've never experienced a problem from the list of yours...
June 5th, 2007, 03:08 PM
im really only having trouble with the mouse myself, so much so i cant use it its too jerky.
ive had to resort to using a controller, i dont want to but i cant lock onto peoples head with the jerky mouse,
so i let aim assist do it for me
June 5th, 2007, 03:22 PM
et_cg: See that little next to my name? Click the arrow next to it. I probably have the best and most powerful PC on these forums.
Plus it is NOT my computer at all. A bunch of my friends also reported these issues.
June 6th, 2007, 09:21 PM
You may think it doesn't matter whats running it. But computer games for Windows are still in the same ol' problems they used to have. The developers can only code the game to work with a wide set of hardware, hardware that's available.
June 6th, 2007, 11:23 PM
Then they need to spend MONEY and do a better job....because this is just plain unacceptable and shoddy.
June 7th, 2007, 01:20 AM
Then they need to spend MONEY and do a better job....because this is just plain unacceptable and shoddy.
I think this game has more bugs at release than Oblivion :downs:
June 7th, 2007, 03:07 AM
Part of the problem might be your 8800. The Vista drivers for nVidia cards have been rather buggy. I have a 7900, and saw the stuttering using the latest driver, but rolling back to 101.41(?) fixed those problems for me.
June 7th, 2007, 03:31 AM
I see stuttering on the load screen with an 8800GTS 640MB. Where else is there stuttering?
June 7th, 2007, 04:46 AM
If you try to map the 't' key for ingame text chat, every time you type 't' it closes the text chat box. This is very annoying...
June 7th, 2007, 09:05 AM
You can try making it "Hold T" but I think that would be JUST as annoying to hold T to type...
June 7th, 2007, 09:12 AM
If you try to map the 't' key for ingame text chat, every time you type 't' it closes the text chat box. This is very annoying...
Agreed. I just set it to F2 and will get used to it for now...:o
June 7th, 2007, 12:36 PM
All we can thank them for is at least porting it out. For now, let's sit and wait to see what they fix.
June 7th, 2007, 05:30 PM
Part of the problem might be your 8800. The Vista drivers for nVidia cards have been rather buggy. I have a 7900, and saw the stuttering using the latest driver, but rolling back to 101.41(?) fixed those problems for me.
and what about my friend that has a Radeon 1950 XTX?
June 7th, 2007, 05:53 PM
I don't have any of those problems...although the ingame chat system is kind of annoying. I hate how you can't tell if its on team talk or global.
EDIT:158.18 drivers for the 8800 work perfectly for me.
June 7th, 2007, 05:54 PM
Funny how we have not yet heard from Nitro or the other guy about these.........
June 7th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Agreed. I just set it to F2 and will get used to it for now...:o
Try setting it to Z, that's what I use. It's actually easier to reach than T when you get the hang of it.
June 7th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Funny how we have not yet heard from Nitro or the other guy about these.........
Nitro does have a job/personal life. At least I would imagine. Give MS or Hired Gun's help lines a call or PM another dev guy, a bunch go here.
But yeah, issues like that should have been sorted out before they shipped the game. If the level loading thing is prevalent to almost everyone here that certainly isn't a good sign.
June 7th, 2007, 08:40 PM
and what about my friend that has a Radeon 1950 XTX?
Depends... what are the other specs?
June 8th, 2007, 12:52 AM
and that kiddies is why games that are made for PC first then ported to a Game Console tend to have alot less problems that games that are made on pc for a game console. then ported back to pc.
June 8th, 2007, 01:39 AM
Also, I can't seem to get friendly AI out of vehicles. I have all the old X-button functionality mapped to MMB and it says "Hold Middle Mouse Button to enter vehicle", but the pilot or driver just stays in his seat no matter what.
Yeah I've never even gotten that to work once.
Also, somebody mentioned problems with mapping keys for chat. I originally used forward slash for team chat, but I had to change it, because everytime I'd type a question mark (shift + forward slash) it would close the chatbox.
Before that, I tried using "return" as the chat key. That didn't go so well. Everytime i'd hit the return key to send chat it would open a new chat box right after sending.
Also, the game seems to choose on its own what to put in the team chat channel and the regular chat channel. Although it might SAY "/team" when i hit my team chat key, half the time it does what it wants. And when I use general chat key and it DOESNT' say "/team", it puts it in the team channel.
June 8th, 2007, 07:03 AM
I do wonder how thorough this game was tested.. :\
June 8th, 2007, 04:01 PM
You can't even tell if it's in the team channel or not.
June 8th, 2007, 07:08 PM
That "Invalid checkpoint" issue is really annoying me as well. Its frustrating have to do an entire level over again for no reason whatsoever.
June 8th, 2007, 08:47 PM
I'm not getting any invalid checkpoints, weird.
The only big problem that I have is this: at the beginning of any SP level, the game goes ape. It sits at a white screen for a minute or two, and then I get a frame every 5 or so seconds as it jumps through the cinematic really fast, sound jumping around. Then when I get into the game, I still have really bad FPS. Although when I restart the level, it goes back to normal.
I think it might have something to do with only having 1GB of ram. My ram usage flies up to 98-100% while loading.
Other than that the game plays fine for me, although there is some stutter, but everyone seems to be getting it. Runs pretty smooth at full resolution and everything on high, except for AA which is off (Specs are in my profile). Seems pretty good considering what i've heard from other with a similar card in terms of performance.
Edit: My FPS ranges from 20-40. 20 in the middle of fighting or outside, 40 inside.
June 8th, 2007, 09:53 PM
That happens to me Teemo, I also have 1gb of RAM (and then theres about 400mb from Flashdrive/Readyboost)
Crazy =(
June 9th, 2007, 01:15 AM
You can't even tell if it's in the team channel or not.
I think that text in the team channel appears with asterisks around it... * like this *
Of course, you could always play havok by simply putting asterisks around everything you say... so unless your opponents check the scoreboard and see you're an enemy, they'll think their teammates are talking to them.
That trick wouldn't work so well now though because you can't really control what channel ur talking in -_-
June 9th, 2007, 11:03 AM
* like this* im sure is written while dead,
team channel when your typing has /team in front
June 9th, 2007, 01:57 PM
* like this* im sure is written while dead,
team channel when your typing has /team in front
He's right, ** means dead. At first I had thought it was team as well, but when it happened enough when I wad dead I figured it out.
June 9th, 2007, 04:00 PM
lol, you could always trick people in Halo PC by putting brackets around your name D:
June 9th, 2007, 04:41 PM
* like this* im sure is written while dead,
team channel when your typing has /team in front
WELL then. but how do we know what channel things are written in then? We don't, do we...
June 10th, 2007, 10:54 AM
If you try to map the 't' key for ingame text chat, every time you type 't' it closes the text chat box. This is very annoying...Additionally if you hit your team chat key while typing a regular message it will close the text box, and re-open a blank one for team chat. If you hit your team voice chat button it'll close any open text boxes too. Can't wait for these to be fixed so I can type messages with 'y', 't' and 'n' in them. Another really annoying keyboard-related bug is that after mapping crouch to left ctrl, pressing crouch while you already have any other key down on the keyboard does not register. I can only crouch if I release all keys I have down, then press it. Once it's pressed down I think I can hit any other key and it continues to work until I let off it again (so I can crouch-walk once I have ctrl down, but can't press crouch mid-walk).
I'm also a little puzzled as to why I get RAM warnings: I have 2gb, play with no other programs open, use all lowest settings and yet Vista frequently pops up "Your computer is low on memory". :( Also pretty annoyed that I get horrible framerate. It seems entirely CPU-bound; I can change the screen resolution to anything and I'm getting very little change in FPS. I have a single core AMD 3800+; is anyone getting decent framerate with a single core CPU? I'll upgrade shortly, it's just annoying that on lowest settings it looks worse than Halo CE and is running at a third of the framerate.
June 10th, 2007, 11:44 AM
That's weird, I've never experienced any of those problems. No low ram, no untype-able letters. It's all fine for me.
But one thing I have trouble with, since I always run Halo 2 in windowed mode, is the fact that I can't use my mouse on other programs sometimes, such as xfire, or 3ds max. It won't let me click out of Halo 2. I can Alt+Tab, but even if I do click, it selects Halo in the start bar, but doesnt bring it up to the front.
June 11th, 2007, 10:06 AM
just out of curiosity....WHY are you playing it in Windowed Mode?
June 11th, 2007, 10:48 AM
^me too
June 11th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Additionally if you hit your team chat key while typing a regular message it will close the text box, and re-open a blank one for team chat. If you hit your team voice chat button it'll close any open text boxes too. Can't wait for these to be fixed so I can type messages with 'y', 't' and 'n' in them. Another really annoying keyboard-related bug is that after mapping crouch to left ctrl, pressing crouch while you already have any other key down on the keyboard does not register. I can only crouch if I release all keys I have down, then press it. Once it's pressed down I think I can hit any other key and it continues to work until I let off it again (so I can crouch-walk once I have ctrl down, but can't press crouch mid-walk).
I'm also a little puzzled as to why I get RAM warnings: I have 2gb, play with no other programs open, use all lowest settings and yet Vista frequently pops up "Your computer is low on memory". :( Also pretty annoyed that I get horrible framerate. It seems entirely CPU-bound; I can change the screen resolution to anything and I'm getting very little change in FPS. I have a single core AMD 3800+; is anyone getting decent framerate with a single core CPU? I'll upgrade shortly, it's just annoying that on lowest settings it looks worse than Halo CE and is running at a third of the framerate.
They have neglected giving the game proper keyboard/mouse support. Notice the mouse has no acceleration which is why it feels 'stiff' even at max sensitivity. Also the sensitivity doesn't increase for vehicles and turrets making the warthog and other vehicles nearly undrivable with the keyboard/mouse.
Also vista and/or halo 2 vista probably has memory leaks I guess. I use 1 gig of ram and for some reason, halo 2 just fills it right up after just a few minutes of gameplay since vista is constantly using nearly half it at all times. If this port was done more professionally with more effort put into making it run more efficiently, its quite possible that this game could only need the same minimum requirements as Halo PC, as they were both originally developed for the same 2001 era hardware. Btw, a dual core processor won't help your game performance at all. Halo 2 takes no advantage of multicore CPUs. I notice only up to 50 to 52% of my CPU being used when playing.
June 11th, 2007, 06:18 PM
Btw, a dual core processor won't help your game performance at all. Halo 2 takes no advantage of multicore CPUs. I notice only up to 50 to 52% of my CPU being used when playing.Yeah I understand that; there's no way they'd make the game fully multithreaded in a port. Most new processors are multicore so I was differentiating older and newer CPUs based on their core count. While not exhaustively accurate, it's a solid association for the majority of cases. ;p
So I'm still wondering if anyone else with a similar CPU (around the 3800+ range) is having FPS issues; most people I talk to don't seem to, but everyone I have talked to has a newer processor.
June 11th, 2007, 07:24 PM
On my older PC, I have a Athlon XP 3600 1.4 ghz, and I get 3 to 5 FPS ingame.
June 11th, 2007, 07:27 PM
I have an Athlon X2 3800+ and 2GB and GeForce 7600 but....I don't have Vista...hehe
June 11th, 2007, 10:22 PM
I have the same processor as Patrick, and I get FPS issues only at the beginning of single player maps as they load. MP maps are fine. With 2gb of ram apposed to 1gb, the maps load alot faster, and there is no FPS lag whatsoever.
June 11th, 2007, 10:58 PM
i run the game with everything on high, AA on 4x, @ 1024x768 res fs.
loads fast, runs smooth and all that good stuff.
i get anywhere from 60 to 130 fps, depending on whats going on.
<---------- my specs.
the thing that does piss me off tho, is the vehicle control, its terrible.
although turning off vsync, seemed to help a lil bit.
June 12th, 2007, 03:34 PM
is there any solution to the Freezing problem ?
June 12th, 2007, 07:20 PM
just out of curiosity....WHY are you playing it in Windowed Mode?
Sorry, I haven't checked this post in a while. I run windowed mode for various reasons.
Xfire for a major part of it. Currently no "In-Game" text support is enabled.
Two, I check forums while playing SP or MP. If I'm dead or just want a quick break, I tab out.
And on top of all that, I just think it's cool.
June 14th, 2007, 09:40 AM
Maybe it's just you
June 14th, 2007, 09:41 AM
Maybe it's just you
maybe satan has finnaly caught up with technology
June 14th, 2007, 09:43 AM
Why did you respond to the same quote in two posts?
June 14th, 2007, 11:02 AM
You can call this a rant but I am sick and tired of the BUGS that are in this game. There is more than Halo 1!!!
1.) Game will sometimes not acknowledge a keystroke. happens in the main menu. The fix is too alt tab out...then go back in.
2.) Game will give you INVALID CHECKPOINTS 80% of the time regardless of game saves or not. Very upsetting indeed when you have to do the level all over again because of shoddy programming.
3.) Freezing randomly
4.) Stuttering
5.) When I was testing a map from a friend of mine the game said that I did not have enough hard drive space for the map.....this was on a 500GB Hard Drive with no secondary partitions and only 8GB used!!!!
6.) I was playing a level ( think that it was the one with the huge flying robots and the flood ) and after I got my acheivement it demanded that I put my CD back in....which I never needed before....then it returned me to the main menu.
So I am telling the members here that are responsible for this game.....please fix these issues.:mad:
I am getting bugs 2 and 3. I called Microsoft Game Support about the checkpoints thing and they said they would call back in a hour. Fast forward two days later, still no call. I called back and got disconnected when they where transferring me. Call again and get though to a tech that doesn't speak good English and doesn't speak up. He tells me that I might not be playing the game the right way and tells me to look up "Halo 2 PC Walk Though" on Google (Yes, he really did say to use Google. I wonder why he didn't say Windows Live! :P) After I tell him that a god damned walk though isn't going to help G4W Live to update my saves, he asks to view my computer. I reject for two reasons.
1. They don't need to view my computer to fix a G4W Live problem.
2. I have too many programs on my computer that I have signed NDAs for. Letting them view my computer would void them and I could be in a lot of trouble.
I then ask him if he would like to see a screenshot of the error. He accepts and I tell him the link to my site. He views the screenshot and takes about 10 minutes. He then tells me that there is 72 possibilities. He reads me off 3 of them. All of those three have to deal with starting the game over. I tell him that I am not starting over just because of some bad coding and then hang up. Microsoft Games Support is really bad and I hope someone can investigate.
June 15th, 2007, 06:50 PM
Yup, checkpoint problem is pretty annoying. I beat the game on legendary a couple of weeks ago. I recently realized I never got the achievement for completing legendary. I loaded up my saved campaign and it gave me the checkpoint sync error. I figured I would have to restart the last level.... but I was wrong. I had to redo the last THREE levels on legendary.
Still no achievement.
Check campaign again, and get the checkpoint sync error. This time, it wants me to do the last TWO levels over again.
Thank god for the banshee trick when fighting tartarus; took me a LONG time to beat him on legendary the first time around (when I didn't know about trick).
June 15th, 2007, 07:35 PM
I got the Checkpoint error once, and then all my other saves have been fine. :x
June 15th, 2007, 09:25 PM
Well at first I never had the checkpoint either. I got through heroic without ever seeing it. Then on legendary I saw it once, but I wasn't very far into the level it happened on anyway.
Then, after that, I had to redo the three lvls and stuff mentioned above.
So there's PROBABLY no correlation but... could it be possible that the longer you play and the more checkpoints you go through, the chance of the error increases? I HIGHLY doubt it, but...
edit: Well, I did the last two levels again... and then it still gave me the checkpoint error. At least I only had to do the last level this time. But, after completing it (for the third time), it gave me the checkpoint error AGAIN. Now I'm going to beat the last lvl for the FOURTH time.
On the bright side, me and Tartarus are really starting to bond since we've had so much time together.
June 26th, 2007, 10:11 AM
lets bump this up so that nitro ir someone will see it.
bum has knife
June 26th, 2007, 12:43 PM
Oh, I've seen this one and your feedback has been documented.
When i see a thread titled "Bugs that REALLY need Fixing" I just have to look, right?
June 26th, 2007, 12:46 PM
Oh, I've seen this one and your feedback has been documented.
When i see a thread titled "Bugs that REALLY need Fixing" I just have to look, right?
He just doesn't respond to us much because he's trying to maintain his cover.
June 28th, 2007, 04:22 AM
I want to test my maps. I can't create games, live or network. I can no longer join games. The game crashes after about 1 minutes. Checkpoint invalid glitch. This game is so great when it actually works... but damn.
June 28th, 2007, 05:13 AM
AFAIK, Nitro's contract has ended (not sure if he wanted that known, but :-3)
Theres nothing a dev can really say other than "thanks, keep 'em coming".
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