View Full Version : Which is more important? (Custom maps/models)
June 5th, 2007, 02:22 AM
Vote on the poll, please. Also, comment in this thread if you'd like.
Mr Buckshot
June 5th, 2007, 02:33 AM
Creating the maps themselves (as in, just playing environments) isn't too limited within the locked H2EK. Plus, the H2 engine is solid enough to make the noobish mapmaking "not bad."
Custom models means new bipeds, new guns, new vehicles, etc.
June 5th, 2007, 03:59 AM
Creating the maps themselves (as in, just playing environments) isn't too limited within the locked H2EK. Plus, the H2 engine is solid enough to make the noobish mapmaking "not bad."
Custom models means new bipeds, new guns, new vehicles, etc.
Not quite, we still have no ability to actually create a .vehicle, .weapon, or biped tags.
June 5th, 2007, 04:03 AM
The maps for sure. If I can play an old classic Halo 1 map redone to Halo 2 specs that'd be amazing. Also if old CE classics were to be revived...'Nuff said.
June 5th, 2007, 04:51 AM
but you can't really create anything new like a biped, weapons, vehicles or scenery without creating physics models now. or collision models
im not entirely 100% sure but im not sure if ce's physics and collision are wraped into 1 for .physics in h2v or not.
either way if a .rendermodel is created a .physics and a .collision (if needed) will have to be worked out. not to mention an animation exporter and compiler.
June 5th, 2007, 05:27 AM
I'm kinda on the bench.
Firstly, the exporter for max 9. It works for max 6 - 8 I think. Therefore it isnt that important as it does work, just currently not for 9, however it would be good to have it working for max 9 too.
Then theres the render_model. It would be cool to have it yes, however would it be over used, would it actually work how we all want it to? I dont think many people here grasp how we will actually mod/create new things for h2v. Alot of people think an unlocked h2ek will do the job. It won't. I will need 3rd party apps to get it to work, it will be messy work (just like how HMT was kinda messy, not ideal but it did work)
June 5th, 2007, 05:34 AM
Render model means nothing without collision and physics model, unless all the models you create should allow people to walk right through them.
June 5th, 2007, 07:12 AM
Someone make Yoyorast island for H2V, it will be axsome:lol:
June 5th, 2007, 07:14 AM
June 5th, 2007, 11:36 AM
i think many people here are misunderstanding the poll. the maps can already be exported with 3ds max 8 or lower, but models can NOT be exported at all. the poll is: would u rather the ghost make a max 9 plugin, or a model exporter? (if the ghost is in fact making one.)
anyways, i voted models. although the maps are wonderful, i would really like to get some more options when it comes to modding -- wether it be scenery or guns or vehicles. besides, using max 9 doesn't seem very helpful with levels anyways, imo...but i could be wrong. to me, the more custom stuff, the better. i think the model exporter would be much more helpful. why not make the model exporter, ey?
June 5th, 2007, 01:21 PM
Render model means nothing without collision and physics model, unless all the models you create should allow people to walk right through them.
Render model is the first step. Collision models are simpler than render models - some models like weapon models don't even need physics models and can use very simple collision models. Creating a render_model exporter is the a step in the right direction for creating totally custom models.
June 5th, 2007, 02:04 PM
We need models, that's a key step that can only be taken by a very skilled programmer. The 3DSMax 9 exporter though should be secondary, because, for one, most people I know use Max 8, and for 2, let's unlock that H2EK. It would be a much bigger step to do models.
June 5th, 2007, 02:14 PM
I voted render_model, as that would be the first step to creating new doors, custom scenery, etc. Lots of maps with the same old objects will get boring.
June 5th, 2007, 02:27 PM
and for 2, let's unlock that H2EK.
I'm not sure unlocking the editing kit is entirely the words you had to say for that.
Perhaps the community creating tools to unlock the powers of Halo 2?
The way I see it, is Tool is so stripped. Like towards the end of a good night the strip club, like that's possible. It's so stripped that you couldn't recover much of what's there.
Either that or I missed something while looking at Tool in different programs. (Notepad, hex, etc.)
June 5th, 2007, 02:31 PM
Getting models in-game would be a step to unlocking the H2EK. It's a key component that it's missing.
June 5th, 2007, 02:32 PM
It's lame that they left out 99% of what was good in Tool.
June 5th, 2007, 02:39 PM
It's lame that they left out 99% of what was good in Tool.
99% is an unfair percentage though. It's more like 75 - 90%.
Hopefully TheGhost will be able to make model tags which will be a huge step in "unlocking" tool.
June 5th, 2007, 02:41 PM
tool import-my-porn "C:\users\********\My Porn\"
yeah, your right :(
June 5th, 2007, 02:43 PM
Huh? Come on Korn, don't be like that.
June 5th, 2007, 02:43 PM
lol, most of the good things people thought were had related to Shaders, animations, 3d models, (whole vehicle)tags, sounds etc.
Excluding structure-bsp's, you would have to think that's a good percentage, in the 90's.
Because anyone with 3ds max and an understanding for modeling can make one.
June 5th, 2007, 02:59 PM
I'd say the .ASS exporter script for MAX 9.
After making a huge deal on the limits of the H2EK, it hit me:
Look at Wartorn Cove. No super-duper custom content in that, and it was played for years. Yoyorast Island? The only things customized there were fall damage and the ATV, which not a lot of people can drive right anyway with the odd physics on it.
Also, Portent. Grove. The Narrows. New Mombasa Classic. Concat. Delta Ruins. ALL OF THOSE were great maps that used stock content.
June 5th, 2007, 03:04 PM
What's with people and this need to use 3ds Max 9?
You'd rather stick to what you have, which you probably obtained in... ways..., over the ability to have custom models? This is the most important step in bringing H2V up to where HCE is!
June 5th, 2007, 03:54 PM
Custom models that You SEE. Not Collision, or physics models.
Think of it.
June 5th, 2007, 04:00 PM
The Narrows used custom scenery objects and textures. Would've been nice if the crates could've been actual movable objects (yeah, now I know about turning them into vehicles...too late for that though).
Neuro Guro
June 5th, 2007, 04:08 PM
You should do both of them, but do the Max 9 exporter first.
June 5th, 2007, 04:10 PM
Custom models that You SEE. Not Collision, or physics models.
Think of it.
You could still do weapons without collision models, but then when you drop them they'll go through the level...
June 5th, 2007, 04:13 PM
I'd say the .ASS exporter script for MAX 9.
After making a huge deal on the limits of the H2EK, it hit me:
Look at Wartorn Cove. No super-duper custom content in that, and it was played for years. Yoyorast Island? The only things customized there were fall damage and the ATV, which not a lot of people can drive right anyway with the odd physics on it.
Also, Portent. Grove. The Narrows. New Mombasa Classic. Concat. Delta Ruins. ALL OF THOSE were great maps that used stock content.
I totally agree, almost all of the good maps are just bsps with the original content. However, some of those maps still used custom scenery, which is something I'd like. Now, if we were provided with a full mp tagset, I wouldn't really care at all... but we weren't. But, that would only apply to crates, really, since now we can make use of instanced geometry with ease.
Besides the lack of a tagset, I am actually happy with the tools as we have them for now. That doesn't mean I wouldn't download an unlocked set of tools, but I am really happy with how they've made bsp making so much easier.
June 5th, 2007, 04:53 PM
Dude, Scenery is MUCH EASIER to do in 3DS as instance gemoetry.
It's also better FPS :D
June 5th, 2007, 05:37 PM
Yo ho, a pirates life for me
arrr Take from them everything, but give to them nutin'!
And sounds? Do you hear anything? That would be a no. Why? Because we have no sounds. And you said *most*. Don't leave out those that were above those most that didn't just do a custom matey :-3
And what about that Metriod hud? Oh wait, I forgot, we can only do that in CE! Why? Because we have no huds :(
But wait! Theres more! What about TiamatDude? Oh wait, we have no tia nor any of his blood and soul either :(. I want another hugeass with a longsword to blow you the fuck ups k?
June 5th, 2007, 05:39 PM
... don't forget alot of scenery needs animations :S
and quick question
can you have a texture render what a marker sees or somethink. like the sniper but in the bsp like a tv screen or something?
i would try myself but still don't have h2v yet
Rob Oplawar
June 5th, 2007, 08:36 PM
i say since it can't at the moment be effectively utilized, a render model exporter can wait, and since I lost max 8, I'm stuck with 9 so i'ma need that .ass exporter. ideally we should have both eventually, but i think the .ass exporter is more useful at the moment.
June 5th, 2007, 11:42 PM
The ASS file spec supports bones and weights, but I'm not sure if the exporter actually exports that data or ignores it.
If it does export it, then all that's really needed is a way to compile it.
June 5th, 2007, 11:46 PM
render_model for the love of good. Restore my faith in this game.
Reaper Man
June 5th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Someone make Yoyorast island for H2V, it will be axsome:lol:
You fail. Yoyorast is making a V2.
June 6th, 2007, 12:05 AM
render_model for the love of good. Restore my faith in this game.
Amen, please, listen to this man.
June 6th, 2007, 01:25 AM
Allow me to rephrase my point. I know that there is more to the maps that I pointed out. In essence, though, all it really came down to was the map layout. Minor modifications aside, those maps used stock weapons, vehicles, and bipeds.
And sounds? Do you hear anything? That would be a no. Why? Because we have no sounds. And you said *most*. Don't leave out those that were above those most that didn't just do a custom matey :-3Ah, yes. Lack of sound effect compilation is killing me. Ambient sound can make or break a map.
And what about that Metriod hud? Oh wait, I forgot, we can only do that in CE! Why? Because we have no huds :(While 3-Dimensional HUDs are fucking badass, the Metroid mod was... well... never finished or released. I don't count test builds. <:mad:>
But wait! Theres more! What about TiamatDude? Oh wait, we have no tia nor any of his blood and soul either :(. I want another hugeass with a longsword to blow you the fuck ups k?While Hugeass and Coldsnap were some of the most innovative maps created for CE, the people who play the maps really bring down its reputation, and make me want to puke. I mean, after Hugeass's initial release and two weeks of fame playing it in Beavis's Bunghole, glitches surfaced that made the map not fun to play in if there was one of those faggot-types pissing everyone off.
As for coldsnap, C4 team switching is all I have to say.
June 6th, 2007, 06:37 AM
All games have their grognards. Just it was Tia's fault they finally decided to make their way over to CE from PC to find the easter egg shit ;p. God, I remember that one kirk kid who went on and on about one thing he though existed in the map, but wasn't in reality yet he made this fucking huge thread about trying to find it. Or something like that. Ugh, gbx
June 6th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Korn, why do you use that perverted smiley all the time?
render_model FTW
Why?Because I don't have H2V and Vista in the first place.DOH!
June 6th, 2007, 08:34 PM
If you could work you're way through the .render_model to the collision model, animations, ect. until we can fully do stuff, that'd be great.
You should call it: Redstreak
teh lag
June 6th, 2007, 08:46 PM
While both are ultimately important, I think that we'd benefit most from render_models. Why? Because they're the first step to getting custom stuff besides BSPs ingame. Everything has to start somewhere. However, a max9 exporter would also be incredibly valuable.
June 6th, 2007, 08:54 PM
Doesn't matter to me as long as everyone gives me credit for it in the end.
Elite Killa
June 6th, 2007, 08:55 PM
The one that works. Owned.
June 6th, 2007, 08:58 PM
I voted a long time ago, but again, I must say render_model. Most people really should have max 8 or earlier, and even if not let's look at it this way: let's say, just as example, that half the people have 3ds max 8, and half have 3ds max 9. So, at least some people have the .ass exporter and it works. Absolutely no one has a render_model compilation tool yet, and even if it is a beta, it needs to be started before the max 9 .ass exporter. And since realistically, more people probably have max 8 than max 9, a first step in learning to compile is much more important in my eyes.
June 6th, 2007, 09:44 PM
we istablished render_model because its the first step to creating custom content other than a bsp, shaders and images.
down side
we need hacked tools to read .render_models that works too :S
June 7th, 2007, 07:01 AM
Even without the physics and collision support, we can still create sky's with the compiled .render_models, hell we could get away with weapons too.. you'd just have to re-use a pre compiled collision/physics tag of a weapon (SMG for example).
June 7th, 2007, 01:58 PM
Even without the physics and collision support, we can still create sky's with the compiled .render_models, hell we could get away with weapons too.. you'd just have to re-use a pre compiled collision/physics tag of a weapon (SMG for example).
Yes, along with the same type of weapon. You'd have to keep the same names for all of your nodes in your model's hirearchy.
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