View Full Version : Poor Soundquality, Wierd Sound occurances

June 8th, 2007, 03:10 AM
This is the first game I actually complained/have a problem with sound
I have a built in soundcard on my motherboard, I have the latest drivers for everything that could possibly apply to this. I have heard what Halo 2 for the xbox sounded like so I do have a comparison

First Sound problem, Example when Cortana/Miranda/anyone talks over the radio in single player they sound so much louder and crack alot. I know it a radio maybe some of it is in there for effect but it just too horrible and muffled. They sound fine elsewhere though

Sound Distance. Sometimes in single player I can actually hear the elites taunt me when I am no where near them. For example on the Cairo station
on a big elevator leading outside the door open and there are three elites wearing jetpacks. they are way far off and it sounds like they are whispering into my ear, in space. Some sounds in space are crap too. For example when shooting the battlerifle outside the station it is muffled, and sometimes it is not.

Some sound are not played at all. Most noticeable in multiplay. It feels like this games gets overloaded with sounds then stop playing some. For example I was playing on Ivory Tower when up the air vent on overshield side a guy started shooting me with smgs so I threw a grenade zoomed in with my battlerifle I heard the first three shots go off, he made a "grunting" noise then all the shots following were not heard I didn't even hear him make a dieing noise.

June 8th, 2007, 10:14 AM
Does anyone actually know what sound engine H2V uses? I'm guessing it's OpenAL.

If so, this could be the main problem for the sound issues you're getting. Your sound card drivers might not support the engine entirely (I've known a lot of people to get big problems with onboard sound cards under Vista). Also, it took Creative years to get the Audigy series sound cards to support OpenAL.

Sorry this isn't very helpful but the only thing I could recommend is getting a dedicated sound card like a Creative Audigy 2/4 or X-Fi. Vista pretty much kills onboard sound cards as Vista doesn't have DirectSound (it's a whole new API as you probably noticed the different sound controls).

June 8th, 2007, 11:43 AM
Ive played games that used openal fine though, Doom 3/Quake 4
Actually those games don't even run untill openal works on your computer

June 8th, 2007, 12:43 PM
Ive played games that used openal fine though, Doom 3/Quake 4
Actually those games don't even run untill openal works on your computerI do remember Quake4 having the ability to use DirectSound (OpenAL was an option).

Well, I haven't a clue what H2V uses as mine hasn't arrived yet (hopefully tomorrow) so I could probably shed more light on it then.

June 8th, 2007, 03:52 PM
I have an X-Fi and the only screwed up sound is in multiplayer, when people talk over the mic it sounds garbled most of the time. Sometimes it works though.

June 9th, 2007, 05:06 PM
This is the first game I actually complained/have a problem with sound
I have a built in soundcard on my motherboard, I have the latest drivers for everything that could possibly apply to this. I have heard what Halo 2 for the xbox sounded like so I do have a comparison

First Sound problem, Example when Cortana/Miranda/anyone talks over the radio in single player they sound so much louder and crack alot. I know it a radio maybe some of it is in there for effect but it just too horrible and muffled. They sound fine elsewhere though

Sound Distance. Sometimes in single player I can actually hear the elites taunt me when I am no where near them. For example on the Cairo station
on a big elevator leading outside the door open and there are three elites wearing jetpacks. they are way far off and it sounds like they are whispering into my ear, in space. Some sounds in space are crap too. For example when shooting the battlerifle outside the station it is muffled, and sometimes it is not.

Some sound are not played at all. Most noticeable in multiplay. It feels like this games gets overloaded with sounds then stop playing some. For example I was playing on Ivory Tower when up the air vent on overshield side a guy started shooting me with smgs so I threw a grenade zoomed in with my battlerifle I heard the first three shots go off, he made a "grunting" noise then all the shots following were not heard I didn't even hear him make a dieing noise.

I'd like to second every single point you made there. I just didn't feel like putting in the effort to type up the post myself; good work.

I think it's probably SUPPOSED to sound muffled in space. On earth, we usually hear sound as it travels through mediums like air. In the vacuum of space, there is no medium for the sound to travel through. They probably made it muffled to reflect that... but I don't think it was like that in the xbox version...
And yeah, when the distortion affect when people talk over radios is HORRENDOUS. I've played the campaign at my friends house on xbox, and on the xbox version there is very little sound "filtering" over the radio... if any at all.

June 10th, 2007, 12:33 AM
actually the game was "designed" to muffle the sounds when you out in space.(xbox version) How ever in my case, it fails to do that sometimes. IRL AFAIK I don't think you can hear anything in space only things within your helmet, however I think guns do operate in space and probably better too, im no scientist though and im going off topic too.

June 10th, 2007, 01:56 AM
Well, you might be able to hear your own gun firing because the sound vibrations would travel from the gun to your hand, and then through your body/suit.

i think...