View Full Version : Would it have been such a crime to simply duplicate halo 1 maps?

June 9th, 2007, 01:27 AM
Several of the maps from halo 1 make an appearance in halo 2, but Bungy modified them all at least a little bit. Warlock is like wizard, coag is obviously like blood gulch, and beaver creak is pretty close the battle creak (the closest remake, IMO).

But would it have been so bad to simply port over the old stuff? I personally loved sidewinder, for example. Would anyone here complain if they ported it over? I mean... we have someone making a port of Chiron TL34. And someone else making a port of blood gulch, despite the fact that it was "remade" into coagulation. (i still miss the old one).

Neuro Guro
June 9th, 2007, 01:52 AM
Its a different game, should have and did have different and new content in the remakes. I like how they all turned out and most people do too anyways. And if people didn't like the new versions they can always go play halo1 for the originals. Besides, if Bungie (not "Bungy" btw) just did a straight conversion without ANY modifications to suite the new engine/ jump height/ new weapons, I'd call that half-ass'ing it.

June 9th, 2007, 05:37 AM
Are you just now realizing the small changes? If you are your quite a bit late...

June 9th, 2007, 10:29 AM
There are people porting or recreating almost ALL of the H1 maps, all you've got to do is scroll through this board. (although for Chiron and Sidewinder I wish they would make them custom with H2 quality and a new theme)

June 9th, 2007, 10:45 AM
IMO, the original maps from halo 1 (eg blood gulch) played much better than coag, etc. Cant really tell why, but certanly coag's size is way to big for my liking.

June 9th, 2007, 04:50 PM
There are people porting or recreating almost ALL of the H1 maps, all you've got to do is scroll through this board. (although for Chiron and Sidewinder I wish they would make them custom with H2 quality and a new theme)

Waiting for a third party to create them is not what I was really hoping for. Considering the low amount of ppl playing now, I don't have high hopes for gathering a group of people to play a custom map.

Its a different game, should have and did have different and new content in the remakes. I like how they all turned out and most people do too anyways. And if people didn't like the new versions they can always go play halo1 for the originals. Besides, if Bungie (not "Bungy" btw) just did a straight conversion without ANY modifications to suite the new engine/ jump height/ new weapons, I'd call that half-ass'ing it.

And I never said that I didn't want them to release new maps. Sure, porting over all the old ones and adding nothing else would be half assed. But what if they ported over maybe 3-5 of the old ones AND we still had the new ones? That's what I'm talking about.
Obviously I'm not advocating against any new maps -_-
And when you say "And if people didn't like the new versions they can always go play halo1 for the originals" you sound as if the only reason for playing Halo 2 is because of the maps.

June 9th, 2007, 05:23 PM
Bungie has already said they're not going to recycle old maps without refurbishing them.
I would go further, but I don't know how to say it any better than Neuro.

June 9th, 2007, 10:54 PM
Bungie has already said they're not going to recycle old maps without refurbishing them.
I would go further, but I don't know how to say it any better than Neuro.

I never claimed they didn't say that. The point of this thread is to discuss whether or not they made the right decision in doing that.
I feel like you're just not reading the posts : \

They said this game would only be compatible with vista. Nobody is denying that vista is listed as a requirement... but plenty of us still bitch about it because we don't like their decision to make it vista exclusive.

June 10th, 2007, 01:02 AM
To be blunt, your posts are stupid. Just because people are not responding in the way you hoped they would does not mean they are not reading your posts.

This is Halo 2, not Halo 1. I would be upset if I found five or six maps from Halo 1 (a game that I had previously paid for and played through) that were unchanged except for a touch or two of paint. In fact, I still would have preferred all brand new maps in Halo 2, no resurrections; however, the fact that some old favorites were reimagined is far favorable to having disc / drive space used by direct ports.

As Neuro said, if you want Halo 1 maps, go back and play Halo 1. When Halo 3 comes out, if you want Halo 2 maps ... go play Halo 2.


June 10th, 2007, 01:47 AM
My posts are stupid? You're took kind.

I understand that if they were to include all the new maps PLUS the old one, it could easily be interpreted as them doing a half-ass job. They still would have done all the work they've done now (probably slightly more, in fact), but then I can see people complaining that instead of porting 5 or so halo 1 maps, they should've made an additional 5 new halo 2 maps.

You said "As Neuro said, if you want Halo 1 maps, go back and play Halo 1. When Halo 3 comes out, if you want Halo 2 maps ... go play Halo 2."

Well your statement isn't very constructive. I figured it would be apparent that I thought it would be cool to play some of the new maps with halo 2's improved multiplayer rules and new weapons/vehicles.

If this is going to turn into a battle then please lock the thread.

June 10th, 2007, 01:58 AM
I too would of loved to have all the h1 maps, exactly the way they are, included with h2. H2 has different everything compared to h1 and it would be interesting to see how the maps played out.

But dont worry about it redsteven. In time I guarantee every h1 map will be ported over to h2v. :D

June 10th, 2007, 06:15 AM
It doesn't matter, they didn't do a "half-assed" job because they didn't even have to include them. They figured "oh, heck why not" and all they did was do some simple changes to fit in with the new aesthetics of the game.

Beggars can't be choosers.