View Full Version : Campaign

Teh Supreme Weez
June 9th, 2007, 11:47 PM
Why am I always getting sluggish and slow framerate during Campaign mode? This happens mainly between cut-scenes. My game also takes a while loading to the level, why is this?

I have a Nvidia GEForce 7500 LE Graphics card.

June 9th, 2007, 11:51 PM
Get the newest drivers for your video card. That's about all you can do. Also, before you say you do have the latest, check again.

I've noticed ATI is doing better on Vista things than NVidea. My X1900 GT runs H2V beautifully on FULL settings.

Or else you could always get a new video card. How much RAM do you have?

June 10th, 2007, 12:21 AM
Hey smash, would my amount of ram do?

June 10th, 2007, 12:22 AM
The problem is RAM. I found that with just 1gb of ram, the game would lag out at cutscenes, but with 2gb it works perfectly.

June 10th, 2007, 12:23 AM
A lot of people have been getting poor framerates during the early cutscenes and the start of the level, including myself. I have to wait for it to cache the level before the framerate is smooth. It's more of an H2V thing than it is a Vista/Nvidia thing, in my opinion, because I'm getting perfect framerates for the rest of the level. I don't know a lot on the subject, but I think more RAM, and faster RAM at that, would help a lot because H2V is such a resource pig.

EDIT: see, there you go^

June 10th, 2007, 01:15 AM
Yea, that too ^_^. I added the RAM as a side note though, yea, it probably is the main problem for most people with framerate issues. It's worth the $120 for another 2 gigs of memory. I have two 512s and 2 1 gigs, which all add up to 3 gigs. That's probably why I've never had framerate issues...

Teh Supreme Weez
June 10th, 2007, 07:03 AM
I have 1GB of RAM. Thanks for the help.

June 10th, 2007, 09:55 AM
My comp is 1 year old....I don't have H2V but I guess it will run fine since my comp never disappointed me.

June 10th, 2007, 12:22 PM
Game lagged like that for me with 1g, but the 2nd time though the game I didn't lag at all.

June 10th, 2007, 12:41 PM
Get the newest drivers for your video card. That's about all you can do. Also, before you say you do have the latest, check again.

I've noticed ATI is doing better on Vista things than NVidea. My X1900 GT runs H2V beautifully on FULL settings.

Or else you could always get a new video card. How much RAM do you have?

It's spelled nVidia. Also when it comes to vista drivers, nVidia > ATI.

June 10th, 2007, 01:07 PM
Xetsueiâ„¢;80312']It's spelled nVidia. Also when it comes to vista drivers, nVidia > ATI.

Not really KBT.

My comp is 1 year old....I don't have H2V but I guess it will run fine since my comp never disappointed me.

Should be fine.

June 10th, 2007, 01:29 PM
Not really KBT.

Uh, yes really. nVidia's vista drivers are WAY better.

Teh Supreme Weez
June 10th, 2007, 01:31 PM

His framerate looks incredible, so smooth. How the hell does he get it so perfect? I have mine on 800x600 resolution, I find it much better for me, even though my monitor is only 3 months old. Detail is on low as well, my framerate looks much smoother that way.

June 10th, 2007, 03:54 PM
so what video card should i get after my upgrade (mother board)? PCI-E x16 hopefully...low price reasonably good graphics card: nVidia, ATI, or Visiontek?

Teh Supreme Weez
June 10th, 2007, 04:27 PM
Any nVidia card.

June 10th, 2007, 05:08 PM
Bleach, make sure you get at least a 420 Watt powersupply for your new motherboard if you plan to get a new video card too. I had to upgrade from a 350 Watt power Supply to 420 Watts just to run my old X1600 PRO. Thanks the the 80nm technology by ATI, I can run my X1950 PRO on my 420 Watt PSU even though it says recommended 450 Watt. ATI FTW! The HD 2600XT is supposedly 60nm? wow with no power cable required? WOW. Check the specs and you'll be amazed.

June 10th, 2007, 05:42 PM
Bleach, make sure you get at least a 420 Watt powersupply for your new motherboard if you plan to get a new video card too. I had to upgrade from a 350 Watt power Supply to 420 Watts just to run my old X1600 PRO. Thanks the the 80nm technology by ATI, I can run my X1950 PRO on my 420 Watt PSU even though it says recommended 450 Watt. ATI FTW! The HD 2600XT is supposedly 60nm? wow with no power cable required? WOW. Check the specs and you'll be amazed.

The 2600 is going to SUCK ASS.

June 11th, 2007, 12:23 PM
Along with the 2900. They delayed it for like, half an year and it comes out WORSE than the 8800GTS...ATI/AMD stuff started to suck worse than Intel/Nvidia when they merged.

June 11th, 2007, 02:46 PM
Xetsuei™;80476']The 2600 is going to SUCK ASS.

The lower-end ones will probably suck but the HD 2600XT will pwn the shit out of anything nVidia has to offer in the 8600 series. I told you to check the specs of the HD 2600XT, compare it to the highest clocked 8600GTS. Not much is said on it though, took me a good hour to find some good details about it.

ATi made a big mistake in selling themselves to AMD. It was a bullshit move and they would have worked much better with Intel, they're gonna suffer for all the shit AMD is putting them through. The ATi world head quarters is in Markham, Ontario. I live just 30 mins away, maybe if i got there in time I could have put a little sense into their heads. AMD works well with Alienware and nVidia. Intel works great with ATi.