View Full Version : Haha... I think its just me.

June 12th, 2007, 06:38 PM
Well after running Tool over night processing lightmaps, lightmaps which I am very anxious to see, come morning time was spreading my arms out rubbing my eyes and thinking today would be a good day.

But... in all odds which are against me, I glance over to my computer and it was off. I walked over to it, hit the button a couple times. Nothing.

I wondered what was going on, a short might've sent some electricity the wrong way or something. Or was it power? Many thoughts ran through my head while I check the power supply light, it was on. I checked the cables, the wall. Everything, it was all wonderfuly perfect.

Except for the computer. Trying to get a new idea, I tried turning the power off from the supply. It turned off, but a strange power supply whistle chimed out in the highest range I believe human ears can hear and almost buzzed my eardrums into extinction.

Strange I thought, this is a new sound. Usually it goes "pzzzew" in less than a second and is off tottaly. No power, or anything. I turned it on and off, and tried pushing the power button. Of course delaying my timing so I wouldn't fry any equipment. The real puzzler was, if any equipment was really fried. I hoped not.

So after a couple on and off's with the power supply, the annoying almost inaudible sound of electricity started to become elongated. Getting longer with each flick of the switch.

At first I thought, great, Tool fried my power supply. Next I thought, "I'm never buying parts from THAT (http://www.pacificsolutions.com/) store again."

And finally, I looked at it this way. With my financial situation, I'm probably not going to be making Halo maps for quite a time after this.

The map was for Halo 2 Vista, and was called Fin. Currently my friend has a copy of it, a couple alphas, and this one was the real treat. Very large in scale, yet the only playable field teased you with the surrounding scenery. Almost telling you it was a world for an epic story. A story in which Spartan-II's could only tell. Spartan-II's Controlled by all of you.

I hope to get this dillema fixed soon, but in the meantime, I'll get my friend to setup the alphas somewhere and post progress shots I gave him before the passing away of my waste of money machine. And while this post survives here on H2Vista.net, please give me your idea why this may have happened.

I'd appriceate a different outlook.

Mr. Lee

P.S.: I hope this isn't the end...

June 12th, 2007, 06:43 PM
erm...sry, thought I was hacking jfap :-3
IAS, that really sucks :|, though I (luckily) have no idea as to why it happened

June 12th, 2007, 06:46 PM
erm...sry, thought I was hacking jfap :-3
IAS, that really sucks :|, though I (luckily) have no idea as to why it happened

I think a power supply's pretty cheap now, Kornman.

Meh, it's cool, I don't think anyone would. Not even the doctor.

June 12th, 2007, 06:55 PM
No warrenty? My old NVidia 5200 fried on me once when I left sapien on over night to render lightmaps. Luckily it came with a lifetime replacement warrenty.

June 12th, 2007, 07:00 PM
The place, which I bought it from has it covered. I might be lucky to get them to replace it.

June 12th, 2007, 08:11 PM
i hope u have some money :(
that really sucks though man. i hope u can figure it out before ur lil disease spreads and becomes and outbreak. i don't wunna wake up to see a bunch of zombie-computers rolling around my yard...
...wait, mb they'll mow it :) LOL. i'm sure there's people here that would help u get the map/mod going if u really need help.

good luck, mate!

June 12th, 2007, 09:25 PM
lol... I hope to get something going soon. Today's just another darn day.

It's interesting too, the DVD drive that came with the computer doesnt run with vista. So I don't even have it plugged into the machine. (As in Vista won't even load unless the drive is not plugged in.) So I hope this dilemma will motivate me to get a new DVD drive too.

June 12th, 2007, 10:58 PM
That DVD issue sounds like a BIOS issue, not Vista.

Try replacing your power supply, I've had many blown on me, and fortunately, that was the only issue.

I'll never again buy $10 PSU's D:

June 12th, 2007, 11:01 PM
Actually, it's not a BIOS issue. It recognizes it, it sees it, names it. All the works. It even worked in Windows XP, but the problem was, even though it could burn all types of DVD's it never would.

I would go to burn a DVD or a CD and the whole computer would shut down. Then when I went on to loading Vista, it wouldn't go past the green loading bar unless I shut down... unplugged it from the interior. And then turned the damn thing back on.

As for the PSU, I have my finger crossed. This PSU was no 10 dollars, lol.

June 12th, 2007, 11:48 PM
Next time buy your parts from newegg. Its where the kool kats do there PC shopping.:cool:

June 12th, 2007, 11:58 PM
Your PC killed itself. :-3

June 13th, 2007, 12:02 AM
I can't put much a say-so into my money source. And at the time it was my mother. She paid for it. I picked out what I wanted and put it together. Damn local shops, always getting shitty stuff, making mothers believe shit that isn't true. I was grinding my teeth while having to listen to the fat guy behind the counter hit on my mom.

June 13th, 2007, 01:12 AM
I was so close to getting the next update, darn computer crap out!

June 13th, 2007, 01:19 AM
I would like to appropriate all inoperable sectors. But my mother's containment protocols are far more advanced compared to the highly restrictive Forerunner technologies.

Women... Jeesh.

June 13th, 2007, 05:16 AM
I would like to appropriate all inoperable sectors. But my mother's containment protocols are far more advanced compared to the highly restrictive Forerunner technologies.

Women... Jeesh.

Hahaha! Your PC would have eventually screwed itself over anyhow, even without tool, though, from other processes.

Bah I wish Tool could be optimized for multi-cored CPU's and benefit from the GPU. Would be much faster.

June 13th, 2007, 12:26 PM
Well, yeah, running a dual core processor - I had my fingers crossed that they'd at least bring in the option. Or perhaps network loads, distribute it across a network.

Hmm, yet they failed to do so. Screwing me over. Haha, but maybe it wasn't them? Oh well, I'd rather fix it myself, but my mom insists that I take it somewhere I could just be taking it to my garage and hiding it so she thinks it is somehwere. lol

Of course it's somewhere, I hid it.