View Full Version : (WIP) Boarding Action
June 13th, 2007, 12:58 PM
Update: Map is going to get a new look, the stuff bellow is going to change.
Hello all,
I'm Chronos, new to the editing scene
I've made a map or 2 for Halo Custom edition, purely to see how everything works.. Must say, it's pretty neat!
So I've been reading posts here for quite a while now.. Seeing some people are porting maps over from Halo PC, referring to Lightning's Bloodgulch map (Nice btw!), I thought I'd join the fun!
Well.. I'm not that good at modeling, not at all to be completely honest, but you've gotta start some way!
But I hope through practice I'll get better, so to me, a good way to start off is by porting a map from PC to H2V.
Like the title says I'm trying to bring over Boarding Action.
Here's a , sorry for the size, picture of it in max.
I don't have much free time at the moment, so it's impossible to continue working on it for the time being. As you can see, the teleporter entries are still there in the picture however, I deleted those (polygons? faces ?) yesterday.
If you guys could kindly give me some guidelines on how to make this into a successful port, even if it is going to be my first map.:p
June 13th, 2007, 01:24 PM
I never really liked Boarding Action that much but if you are going to change it a bit how about removing the teleporters and replacing them with gravity lifts, lol will be fun seeing people flying to the other side.
June 13th, 2007, 01:26 PM
I like the gravity lift instead of teleporters idea.:o
June 13th, 2007, 01:46 PM
I think its stupid to bring Halo 1 maps over to Halo 2 unless they are completley re-done like the new wizard & longest and soon hangemhigh / derelict.
Bloodgulch is over played...
June 13th, 2007, 01:55 PM
Give him a shot, guys. How about changing the theme of the map? That's pretty much what Bungie did when they remade Hang Em' High and Derelict. Change the model up a bit, go for some good gameplay changes. Whatever you do, don't make this map the same as Halo CE, because no one's going to play it :)
June 13th, 2007, 02:07 PM
I never really liked Boarding Action that much but if you are going to change it a bit how about removing the teleporters and replacing them with gravity lifts, lol will be fun seeing people flying to the other side.
I've been thinking the exact same thing, should be wonderfull to snipe someone who's got the flag, flying from the fifth level to the other side!
Give him a shot, guys. How about changing the theme of the map? That's pretty much what Bungie did when they remade Hang Em' High and Derelict. Change the model up a bit, go for some good gameplay changes. Whatever you do, don't make this map the same as Halo CE, because no one's going to play it :)
You've got a point there.. I'll try to think of some changes.. and i'll model it up next week !
June 13th, 2007, 02:09 PM
Perhaps make it Forerunner themed; structures built into the sides of a cliff?
June 13th, 2007, 02:12 PM
Is that even possible having mancannons replace the portals? Are the gravity lifts strong enough to carry someone over each side of Boarding Action?
If so, that would be an absolutely fantastic idea! I was hoping they made a Halo 3 Boarding Action remake but I would love to see it in Halo 2 Vista.
Good luck!
June 13th, 2007, 02:13 PM
Or you could just make it Covenent themed, and use two Covenant ships. The curves and shapes would look sweet.
June 13th, 2007, 02:17 PM
Are the gravity lifts strong enough to carry someone over each side of Boarding Action?
Don't know man.. Perhaps we can adjust the 'power' of the gravity lifts in Guerrilla..?
June 13th, 2007, 02:24 PM
yea, change it around, i suggest re modeling it so its a ancient city like structure carved into the side of a mountain valley (1 base on each side of the valley) with the depths of fog below you so you cant see how far you would fall if you were to jump off, and above, cliffs for anouther 300 feet with the sun shining down on u.
June 13th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Is that even possible having mancannons replace the portals? Are the gravity lifts strong enough to carry someone over each side of Boarding Action?
Good luck!
Colossus' gravlift is very similar to of the man cannon.
June 13th, 2007, 04:10 PM
Same goes for Ascension.
June 13th, 2007, 04:36 PM
Check you're PMs, I'm willing to give you a hand in this conversion.
June 13th, 2007, 09:49 PM
replied! ;)
June 13th, 2007, 10:06 PM
I'm going to help him edit the BSP to update it for H2V. Stuff I'm going to edit:
- Ladder holes turned to "Blast holes"
- Blast holes on sides of levels and walls
- Up resed textures
Other stuff I'll leave to him.
Elite Killa
June 13th, 2007, 10:08 PM
Another H1 port? Looks fine, however.
June 13th, 2007, 10:13 PM
It's not just a port, it's a complete update.
June 13th, 2007, 10:26 PM
It's not just a port, it's a complete update.
Which we're starting next week, I'm guessing you can expect screenshots next week as well if all goes well!
June 13th, 2007, 10:57 PM
Oh gosh, bad memories...
Maybe, one ship could be a Covenant ship and the other a UNSC station...hence the name "Boarding Action."
June 13th, 2007, 11:10 PM
Not a bad idea Warsaw. It also doesn't make much sense that a UNSC craft would be battling one of it's own. I think that's the way this is going to be turned.
June 14th, 2007, 12:40 AM
I had a good idea for a remake of this map, but never got around to doing it. I hope yours turns out good.
June 14th, 2007, 12:51 AM
Not a bad idea Warsaw. It also doesn't make much sense that a UNSC craft would be battling one of it's own. I think that's the way this is going to be turned.
If you think for a split second this map makes no sense anyway. Why would two ships have massive sections open to space >_>
June 14th, 2007, 12:58 AM
I can make all of Halo's maps make no sense:
Why are UNSC units fighting against each other in various places with resources that appear out of thin air at regular intervals?
June 14th, 2007, 01:03 AM
I can make all of Halo's maps make no sense:
Why are UNSC units fighting against each other in various places with resources that appear out of thin air at regular intervals?
because they have magical invisible portals that create clones of the master chief in 20 fruity colors and they also come with brainwashing machines that make them racist because it's the future :-3
June 14th, 2007, 01:07 AM
Because the reds are racist against the blues, and vice versa, and it's Forerunner teleportation technology spawning the resources, so they can enjoy the show. In the case of free-for-alls, everybody hates everybody, like sibling rivalry to the fifth level.
The open sides of the two ships are due to a hole being blown up because someone forgot to secure the tiny pinhole breach and the effect was over-dramatized. The teleporters are there because ONI was researching the technology on both ships as a test bed to see if they could actually get people from one to the other without using shuttle craft.
Did I get it?
EDIT: FriedMetroid beat me to the post...
June 14th, 2007, 10:02 AM
Yea, I'm hoping that ours will make more sense, though I am keeping the outdoor feel. Not really anything can be done about that and keep the feel of the level.
June 14th, 2007, 10:06 AM
Perhaps make it Forerunner themed; structures built into the sides of a cliff?
I like this idea, then the grav-lifts will make sense. You could possibly remove one of the levels from the top, and make the levels wider with more cover, etc. It would have to be done well, though.
June 14th, 2007, 10:13 AM
I like this idea, then the grav-lifts will make sense. You could possibly remove one of the levels from the top, and make the levels wider with more cover, etc. It would have to be done well, though.
Come on Con, you're talking about me, in the middle of summer. :). Of course it'll be well done. We'll make sure of it or else no release. Also, polar, I really like that idea.
June 14th, 2007, 10:23 AM
The back story for that scenario might be the Marines have taken a Forerunner structure inside a cliff to use as a defensive position, and the Covenant are trying to take it back.
June 14th, 2007, 10:43 AM
We'll make sure it'll look good, else no release just like smash said! :)
June 14th, 2007, 11:00 AM
i quite liked boarding action, cant wait
June 14th, 2007, 07:42 PM
will the BR work as effective in the map as the Pistol does on CE?
cause if it wont one of the key elements of Gameplay will be taken out. the ability to shoot at the other side.
June 14th, 2007, 11:59 PM
will the BR work as effective in the map as the Pistol does on CE?
I thought it was established prior to Halo 2's release that the battle rifle replaced the pistol in terms of functionality.
June 15th, 2007, 12:04 AM
I thought it was established prior to Halo 2's release that the battle rifle replaced the pistol in terms of functionality.
Some people fail to realise this, sadly.
June 15th, 2007, 12:23 AM
will the BR work as effective in the map as the Pistol does on CE?
cause if it wont one of the key elements of Gameplay will be taken out. the ability to shoot at the other side.
What about the sniper rifle?
June 15th, 2007, 07:46 AM
What about the sniper rifle?
The sniper? Um... how can that be compared to the BR? Snipers are long distance weapons, BRs are medium distance weapons.
June 15th, 2007, 08:23 AM
BRs are medium distance weapons.
I thought it was established shortly after Halo 2's release that the Battle Rifle is actually a close range glitch abusing weapon :rolleyes:
June 15th, 2007, 08:33 AM
The sniper? Um... how can that be compared to the BR? Snipers are long distance weapons, BRs are medium distance weapons.
The sniper rifle is pure win in all ranges (in halo1 not sure about halo 2).
Badzilla was talking about the element of shooting to the other side would be lost if the battlerifle didn't work like the pistol so I mentioned the sniperrifle.
June 15th, 2007, 06:41 PM
I thought it was established prior to Halo 2's release that the battle rifle replaced the pistol in terms of functionality.
i havnt played halo 2. ever.
so i'm just basing ideas and questions off hearsay and opinions. last i heard the BR range wasnt as good or as accurate as the pistols.
June 15th, 2007, 06:55 PM
BRs are medium distance weapons.
I wish
June 15th, 2007, 07:12 PM
^see thats what i mean.
June 15th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Think about it. It's the battle RIFLE. Bullets coming from any kind of rifle travel far and fast.
June 16th, 2007, 12:38 AM
Think about it. It's the battle RIFLE. Bullets coming from any kind of rifle travel far and fast.
yeah but.. it's Halo. They call the plasma rifle a rifle but it has nothing whatsoever to do with modern rifling
June 16th, 2007, 10:40 AM
is range and accuracy = to the pistols?
if it is, why do so many people want the Pistol to return. if the Battle riffle doesnt match the pistol Blow for blow in accuracy and distance a significant part of Boarding actions Gameplay will be nulled. that is my concern, and i can only judge of what multitudes of people tell me. and so far it's unanermous.
Pistol > Battle Riffle
El Lobo
June 18th, 2007, 02:10 AM
Perhaps make it Forerunner themed; structures built into the sides of a cliff?
I like that idea, it would freakin' sweet.
Reaper Man
June 18th, 2007, 03:39 AM
I say keep the space theme. One side can be the breached hull of a ship that has become detached from a human space station, the space station can be the other side. Then you can also implement the low gravity (and possibly the muffled sound effects) of the Cairo station.
June 18th, 2007, 07:24 AM
The foreunnner idea is cool, but I think people should stop doing ports where the ideal is: "well it was human before so it HAS to be covie or forerunner now". I think take the human theme further. The way I see it, to an alien race, human architecture is just as alien to them as theres is to us.
What'd be cool for a port of this? Set on earth, inbetween halo 2 and 3.
4 large buildings, 2 on each side connected to each other by collapsed roofing/other debris, with the front of the buildings blown off, and in places still intact with slight holes and gaps to shoot from.
The buildings are sitting across a large fissure from each other, a fisure that stretches off sideways into the horizons with New Mombassa loldestroyed around it and the fissure runs DEEP into the center of the earth. In the fissure, past the earths crust is an underground ancient foreunner sort of inner workings or possible outsretchings of the ark. Maybe like a spinning halo ring down inside the crack, with lolglow coming from it? Either that or just lava.
For a nice touch, have a pelican/longsword smashed into one of the buildings :)
If its a covenant and UNSC ship you could call it "Transition". If you use the name give credit >_>
credit for a name? Jee, i guess some people just want their claim to fame
June 18th, 2007, 08:31 AM
Dane, MAKE IT!!! I can see perfectly well where your awesome idea is going, and I could help you with some early layout and modelling, but that's it (I'm still a mapping noob - I only know how to use splines). I say just have a large trench, and the five story building will be slightly shifted up and over on one side (The side with worse weapons will be higher up). One side should have a Pelican crashed into it, and should be filled with Human weapons, and the other a Scarab with Covenant maybe? It will kinda explain the battle for this area.
June 18th, 2007, 09:20 AM
The foreunnner idea is cool, but I think people should stop doing ports where the ideal is: "well it was human before so it HAS to be covie or forerunner now". I think take the human theme further. The way I see it, to an alien race, human architecture is just as alien to them as theres is to us.
What'd be cool for a port of this? Set on earth, inbetween halo 2 and 3.
4 large buildings, 2 on each side connected to each other by collapsed roofing/other debris, with the front of the buildings blown off, and in places still intact with slight holes and gaps to shoot from.
The buildings are sitting across a large fissure from each other, a fisure that stretches off sideways into the horizons with New Mombassa loldestroyed around it and the fissure runs DEEP into the center of the earth. In the fissure, past the earths crust is an underground ancient foreunner sort of inner workings or possible outsretchings of the ark. Maybe like a spinning halo ring down inside the crack, with lolglow coming from it? Either that or just lava.
Dano, you know I love ya Baby :D, but I think I'm going to stick to the foreunnner complex.
credit for a name? Jee, i guess some people just want their claim to fame
I loled. I specifically won't use that now.
June 18th, 2007, 09:57 AM
as cool as dano's idea is, just make a canyon wit ha river or something flowing under it, and put forrunner ruins in as buildings just like everybody is saying.
June 18th, 2007, 10:05 AM
Dano, you know I love ya Baby :D, but I think I'm going to stick to the foreunnner complex.
good, settle for less. :P
Means I can do it for my next map D:
(still gotta finish first >_>)
July 19th, 2007, 03:14 PM
I got my computer back up and I've been working on this, here's a little update with some remodeling and retexturing.
It really was a bear to delete the excess edges... there were SOOO many and it was SOOO messy. I took 2 hours just to remove the excess edges.
Props to Bungie for the H2 textures.
July 19th, 2007, 03:39 PM
nice! but i dont think its suppost to be forruner..
July 19th, 2007, 03:43 PM
nice! but i dont think its suppost to be forruner..
LOL. It's a conversion silly. I'm turning it into a forerunner facility built into two cliffs. It's pretty much the same model but Forerunnerized.
July 19th, 2007, 03:51 PM
Why use the forerunner look, it would look much cooler if the bases were carved from rocks. Also, man cannon. =)
July 19th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Why use the forerunner look, it would look much cooler if the bases were carved from rocks. Also, man cannon. =)
Caves would take major remodeling and would also take away from the original gameplay of the level. I am though going to be working with the new grav lifts for a special surprise.
Texturing is tedious....
July 19th, 2007, 09:52 PM
Looks really good so far, as for the man cannons i bet you can just have a really long gravity elevators just angled at 45 degrees or even horizontal. Can't wait to try this :D.
July 19th, 2007, 10:03 PM
looks ok but it looks like all you did was put on some bevels
edit nevermind
July 20th, 2007, 05:32 AM
It's not a forerunner ship, use human textures ^_^
July 20th, 2007, 10:39 AM
It's not a forerunner ship, use human textures ^_^
For the last time, it's not going to be a ship. It's going to be a forerunner installation in the side of a cliff.
July 20th, 2007, 01:16 PM
Sounds like this is going to turn out to be an awesome map. Can't wait to play it.
July 20th, 2007, 01:22 PM
Could be better IMO, I don't think it looks forerunner at all.
July 20th, 2007, 01:57 PM
Could be better IMO, I don't think it looks forerunner at all.
I know what your saying Conscars, I was thinking the same at first, but now that the model, itself, is textured and near completion, it actually is looking more forerunnerish, mainly because of the cliffs. A lot of the forerunner structures are built into cliffs, so this echoes that.
July 20th, 2007, 03:22 PM
Still doesnt. Just alot of extrusions with bevels to me.
July 20th, 2007, 05:23 PM
if the power of the mancannons is going to be a problem just use 2 of them instead. anyway good luck
July 20th, 2007, 06:09 PM
:XD: does not look forunerral at all, looks like you attached the halo 1 model to cliffs, put on some bevels and extrudes and retextured. Give the halls and rooms more shape,make some objects around the instalation for prettys.
As of now it looks, ok, but you could do much much better.
July 20th, 2007, 07:55 PM
:XD: does not look forunerral at all, looks like you attached the halo 1 model to cliffs, put on some bevels and extrudes and retextured. Give the halls and rooms more shape,make some objects around the instalation for prettys.
As of now it looks, ok, but you could do much much better.
I'll second that, it doesn't look that great... In Halo CE, that model could be decent, but in Halo 2? No, you're going to need to put a lot more detail into it. I really like where this is going, though, and I hope you guys can take advice...
July 21st, 2007, 02:15 AM
:XD: does not look forunerral at all, looks like you attached the halo 1 model to cliffs, put on some bevels and extrudes and retextured.It looks like that's exactly what happened.
I'm not necessarily bashing this, but c'mon, put in a little more effort. There's more to forerunner architecture than just the texture and its designs.
Remember, in a revision, it shouldn't be 100% the same geometry-wise. Look at Warlock; they added a small room underneath the center structure, and raised the platform a bit. Coagulation had some trees added and part of a cliffside blown to rubble to give cover at the teleporters. Beaver Creek had the ladders removed, and replaced with ramps on either side for easier, somewhat safer access to the sniper hideaways.
Keep in mind that Halo 2's player mechanics includes a higher jump height, no fall damage, recharging health, and melee lunges.
July 21st, 2007, 02:58 AM
Either side is supposed to be opposite of each other. You know, for example, where the snipers are? They are across the map diagonal from each other.
July 21st, 2007, 07:42 PM
Either side is supposed to be opposite of each other. You know, for example, where the snipers are? They are across the map diagonal from each other.
Hes right, one of the sides need to be flipped horizontally lets say, because atm there direct flips (symmetrical flip) which is not the layout of Boarding Action.
While this is a good idea, u need to edit the map, add more detail and make it more compelling for halo 2. Anyway, i hope it works, and make sure u fix the flip quirk mentioned above. :)
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