View Full Version : What was bungie thinking? -.-

June 18th, 2007, 05:22 AM
What were they thinking putting a aimbot in the 360 controller? Its was enough trouble in Halo PC -.-

I'm sure there was a aimbotter in the server i was in cause the dude was sniping like the end of the world, it was a team slayer, he had the most kills of everyone else, 2nd place had 9 kills last i checked and the 1st place (aimbotter) had like twenty something kills

June 18th, 2007, 05:32 AM
What were they thinking putting a aimbot in the 360 controller? Its was enough trouble in Halo PC -.-

I'm sure there was a aimbotter in the server i was in cause the dude was sniping like the end of the world, it was a team slayer, he had the most kills of everyone else, 2nd place had 9 kills last i checked and the 1st place (aimbotter) had like twenty something kills
Kay going to put this in a list becuse am annoying like that.
1:bungie didn't port halo 2 to vista hired guns did.
2:Its not an aimbot its a aim helper, like you move your croshaire on some one and it turns red then it stays on them.
3:Mircosoft told hired guns to add in aim assest for people using xbox 360 controllers to:help sell the xbox 360 controllers, make it fair for people who bought an xbox 360 controller for pc only to find out that they are geting owned when every one els has mouses.

June 18th, 2007, 05:39 AM
I lol'd

Don't be so quick to think MS was the party behind the whole aim assist for joypads in H2V, because they weren't.

June 18th, 2007, 05:43 AM
I lol'd

Don't be so quick to think MS was the party behind the whole aim assist for joypads in H2V, because they weren't.
I will anyways since am ignorant.:awesome:

June 18th, 2007, 05:48 AM
Either way.. it could be that the player was just a good shot. The aim assistance is needed for controls because, like someone already pointed out, mouse users would absolutely destroy controller users. Also, the sniper is a fairly easy weapon to use in Halo 2 if you know how.

June 18th, 2007, 06:02 AM
The aim assistant can be used with the mouse with an xbox360 controller plugged in, so it does technically work as an aimbot as it helps you aim with the mouse.

June 18th, 2007, 07:15 AM
The aim assistant can be used with the mouse with an xbox360 controller plugged in, so it does technically work as an aimbot as it helps you aim with the mouse.
??? so plug in a 360 controller and just start using the mouse and instant aimbot?

wow. lazy programmers...
laZy programmers...
spelt with a capital Z cause Z is cool :P

June 18th, 2007, 07:23 AM
??? so plug in a 360 controller and just start using the mouse and instant aimbot?
Not exactly, you need to do some other stuff before you can use the autoaim from the controller with the mouse. I won't say publicly though for obvious reasons.

June 18th, 2007, 08:20 AM
Its far from an aimbot, first, it only works at relativly close range, so sniping with autoaim is impossible. Second, it doesnt aim for you. Once you see an enemy by MANUALLY aiming, it follows him for a bit (your enemy can easily break the 'Lock on'). Controller is really hard to turn with, so this feature does make sense. If your anygood at mouse and keyboard, you will laugh everytime someone gets owned because he cant keep up with your aim speed.

June 18th, 2007, 08:31 AM
Okay, I know this post has been pretty much answered, but I thought I'd just post what I did on another forum to a guy who was complaining about auto-aim:

And as upsetting as it may be that auto-aim exists for the controller uses, i think it is somewhat justified, as i find it much harder to aim with a joystick on the controller than i do with a M/KB. Also, just pretend that you're playing with people cross-platform - if you were, they would have auto-aim too...

June 18th, 2007, 09:07 AM
They may try to make it sound balanced, due to the disabilities of using the a controller, something of which FPS games were never really meant for but its really not all that 'fair' when versing the 2 against each other. The autoaim has a severe advantage for close and mid ranged combat as it can keep you on target pretty easily just by strafing around and follows the players as they jump up and down with little effort while a person with a mouse will be shooting all over the place trying to keep aim at someone up close as they move all around. The mouse has a larger advantage with long ranged combat as when someone is far away, they are a small target but appear to move slowly around your screen so you can pin point and shoot with the mouse as vertical and horizontal movements are seamless and the mouse has precise sensitivity. Unlike with the mouse, with the controller you have to nudge it left and right, up and down, using the analog stick to keep a steady aim, but the magnetism kicks in for certain weapons with in certain ranges to make it have an advantage. So basically anyone with both the mouse and xbox360 controller with have a huge huge advantage over anyone with just the mouse because they could switch between the two to take advantage of the auto aiming in close range matches, and take advantage of the mouse in sniping matches, or even worse, using the small hack to get the aiming assistance on the mouse to have advantages of both simultaneously.

I agree that they should have made the game support the controller, but more importantly other gamepads as well, not just a console gamepad, but I disagree with the aiming aids given to the 1 specific xbox360 controller because it completely throws it off balance with just mouse users or other gamepad users. At the very least, they should allow servers to decide whether the use of aiming assistants is allowed, display if a player is using a controller or mouse, and/or just keep the controller aiming assistance for single player campaign mode only. Everyone who has a PC to play halo2 on the PC owns a keyboard and mouse, not everyone who has halo2 on the PC has an xbox360 or else the chances are they would just play it on the console so it was really not that necessary as it throws off balance in gameplay. I don't understand why it was so important as other PC fps games don't need a controller.

June 18th, 2007, 09:19 AM
i agree completely with jahrain. i was using soley a mouse to begin with, but because my mouse whas jumping all over the place i switched to a controller and its much easier, and i often end up in top3 of any map played

June 18th, 2007, 10:04 PM
Aiming feels hard to do as well. MC hands are so big and close some guns take more than half the screen hell the aimer isn't even in the middle. Alot of the popular FPS out there allow you to change your fov and your aimers color/size/opacity/design. Halo 2 allows you to adjust how far away from the screen you can sit. Halo 2 aimer is right next to the muzzle so the flash can be annoying. When I melee or get melee'd myself, I get so disorientated. Some of the biggest guns in others fps (ex:BFG from Doom 3) appear the same size to some of Halo 2 smaller guns

http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/3084/fovcomparisonjz3.th.jpg (http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fovcomparisonjz3.jpg)

I know it may sound silly but some of us don't use the aimers that much in close combat and this can practically change the outcome of a headshot or a shot to the feet

Dr Nick
June 19th, 2007, 03:05 AM
Aim Assist does give the users an advantage if the game is snipers...
In fact I saw someone get reported (lolwtf) for it...