View Full Version : Lucid Dreaming, anyone tried this?
June 26th, 2007, 02:15 AM
I'm probably going to try it tonight since I have many nightmares. :(
June 26th, 2007, 02:22 AM
thats what I've used since 2002. Still have a few different sounds on my ipod that I used to listen to as I went to sleep. Worked fine for me.
also just came across this
Neuro Guro
June 26th, 2007, 02:33 AM
I typically have a lucid dream every night, some of them are well.. "out there".
The one I had last night was kinda cool, its like I was playing a game of age of empires, but it was with ants. And there was like different levels of power of ants and they were knocking down mountains and shit.
June 26th, 2007, 02:35 AM
Bah, I had one once but I woke to screaming of my mom at my brother. Didn't even have time to do anything cool.
June 26th, 2007, 02:37 AM
I've done it a few times, but successful lucid dreaming requires a lot of memory work, like a dream journal. I'm terrible with regimens, so I haven't really done it in a while.
You also need to hone the ability to know that you're dreaming. Once you're in REM, if you can get a hold of your thoughts to the point that you can tell yourself you're dreaming, you then have the ability to control what's going on. It's like, you're in the dream, but you're actually partly awake.
I find that there's no real technique to doing it. You can do it without doing a dream journal, but it's harder. :s
Hope that helps... I used to research lucid dreaming all the time. >__<;
Neuro Guro
June 26th, 2007, 02:40 AM
I tell ya, some really weird crap is having a dream like that. Then someone else telling you about a dream they had and it was exactly what yours was, and they were included in it. Almost as if you were in there together doing something together. But I think its not that complicated to explain, if you're spending a lot of time with that person, doing what ever, a simmilar recollection of thoughts in REM is very possable.
June 26th, 2007, 02:41 AM
I'm undressing you with my my dreams :(
June 26th, 2007, 02:42 AM
Jumping into the air. Gravity is often distorted in a dream state and floating, flying or "moon jumping" will occur.
I've had this happen to me so many times and the feeling of jumping and then falling is so uncomfortable, it isn't even funny anymore. Yet, I do it in a majority of my dreams, even when I don't want to.
June 26th, 2007, 02:43 AM
I've had this happen to me so many times and the feeling of jumping and then falling is so uncomfortable, it isn't even funny anymore. Yet, I do it in a majority of my dreams, even when I don't want to.
And then you jerk into being awake. >>; I fucking hate that and love it at the same time.
June 26th, 2007, 02:44 AM
its like: you:"oshi-" brain:"gotcha bitch, pwnd" you::saddowns:
June 26th, 2007, 02:57 AM
I do this quite often.
A lot of my dreams revisit the same excessively weird places, too.
June 26th, 2007, 03:13 AM
And then you jerk into being awake. >>; I fucking hate that and love it at the same time.
Dude, EXACTLY. Fuck, I don't know how many times that's happened to me. I will be dreaming im in some type of cave, there's a bottomless pit, and I fall into it, I can year a sort muffled scream/yell and then I flip my eyes open REALLY fast. In less than a nanosecond.
I'll be like, WTF?
Bad Waffle
June 26th, 2007, 04:27 AM
i do it all the time randomly. Oh my god, my last nights dream was pure genious. It was comedy--my brain is really good at making me laugh by putting on some great acts of entertainment. It was a bunch of explorer guys going through a cave until they found some cavepeople having sex. they all stopped in shock for a second, and then out of nowhere one of them pulls out a camera and sets it up. The next part it flashes to them all sitting around making bets and stuff or pointing chicks out, eating cereal, twinkies, and then one of them spills soda through his nose. The next scene is a train chasing indiana jones, then the train eats him and then he's on the roof of the train. some guy is sitting there telling him how he has to save the children from the evil cavemen seller at the front of the train. So, you get to him, and then he talks to indiana jones and is willing to sell the kid as food for a few hundred something (i forgot the currency). Indiana jones says its too high, and then the caveman seller replies he has to make a living somehow. than it flashes back to the cavemen having sex until one of them screams in orgasm, causing one of the explorer guys watching to barf his guts.
Then i woke up in laughter. I love my squishy squishy meatsack brain :D
June 26th, 2007, 05:43 AM
I've been using this guide for the past couple months. DREAM-INITIATED LUCID DREAMS (DILDs) work treat and have excellent recall potential.
On another note, I'm leaving to go to Wisconsin for a couple weeks. Goodbye all, I shall check up when I get back.
June 26th, 2007, 11:17 AM
I've had vivid dreams, but I can never remember every detail. I just remember a basic outline and the fact that the dream was entertaining.
The whole "random factor" is what makes it so great, it's like watching a new 8-hour movie every night: the fact that you don't know what's going to happen next is what makes it so rich and immerses you into the experience.
Are you going to have rigorous sex with Carmen Electra for five straight hours on an abandoned ocean liner? Maybe.
Are you going to be set in the middle of a suburban setting fighting your way through a zombie holocaust? Who knows?
Are you going to be forced to climb up a rickety ladder and crawl over a narrow, mile-long rope net eighty stories over New York City in the middle of the night? Could be.
To me, the fact that part of your brain can independently process such incredible feats of cinematography and choreography and then weave and execute such a beautiful storyline without your voluntary or consious intervention is absolutely astounding to me... not to mention the fact that this happens almost every single night. The quality of a movie, only interactive and engaging. You're a member of the cast, and yet you are barely in control over your actions. Brilliant, isn't it?
I haven't had a dream that genuinely scared me in about eight years, and even so the dream was still exciting, and it wasn't something I wou;d classify as a "nightmare".
My only regret is that on some nights instead of dreaming you only get "lost time"; you are unaware of what happened, yet you do not recall spending eight hours in a blank haze, nor are do you recall falling asleep seemingly only minutes before you wake up.
June 26th, 2007, 11:59 AM
I actually remember a lot of my dreams, and I often do have some degree of control; even when I don't, though, I can still recall most of what happened. There are a few locales which keep popping up, most noticeably green, rolling hills dropping sharply into the rough sea, with a gigantic whale skeleton lying belly-up atop the cliffs, bleached ribs jutting towards the sky, all alongside a little village with white picket fences and cobbled walkways. Another walkway leads through miles of farmlands until it reaches a major city, where there's something that can only be described as "my school on crack".
June 26th, 2007, 12:04 PM
I had Jigglypuff dancing in my screen during startup last night. dream of course.
Neuro Guro
June 26th, 2007, 12:22 PM
I was in a weird version of my highschool last night and it was near the end of the day, I go into a oddly designed restroom and there were guys and chicks in there, and I start to take a piss, and i keep pissing for like, 3 mins. When I'm done, everyone is clapping. I get on my skateboard and I'm leaving the building and I actually see Kornmann. He is black and is on a mountain bike, and so we're riding to my house and we see this little black kid running in the street and I'm like "LOL_MalcomXD". Korn dies laughing from this. We get to these garages that are behind my house in my condos and Korn crashs off his bike, and I pull him up by grabbing his nose. And that was it.
June 26th, 2007, 12:25 PM
and I pull him up by grabbing his nose. And that was it.
**** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU
also, you
Reaper Man
June 26th, 2007, 12:31 PM
I love dreaming, be it lucid or not. I haven't had a nightmare in over 2 years, so I'm happy. My dreams are just so freaking real (taste, smell, etc) that a lot of the time I wake up and think "GODDAMNIT." :saddowns:
June 26th, 2007, 12:40 PM
I can't stop dreaming about your boobs, Reaps :-0
they're just so...fluid...and bounceful...
June 26th, 2007, 12:45 PM
I am lucky if I remember 12 dreams in a year D: I've had a lucid dream once in my life.
I suck! </cuts wrists>
Really though, I don't get the pleasure of remembering dreams, hardly ever. Though, the ones I do remember are so vivid in detail, its unbelievable.
June 26th, 2007, 12:50 PM
only 12 dreams every year O_o? What are you smoking (or lack thereof :-3)?
June 26th, 2007, 01:14 PM
I haven't dreamed (or remembered a dream) in a long time.
June 26th, 2007, 02:12 PM
Lucid dreaming is fun, but it's so hard for me to kno im in a dream. If I know i'm in a dream, the dream goes away...aww, no going commando in iraq for me =(.
June 26th, 2007, 03:08 PM
And then you jerk into being awake. >>; I fucking hate that and love it at the same time.
I did that and fell out of bed once.
Fucking horrible something's about to hit me dreams :(
June 26th, 2007, 03:09 PM
Yes, my friend and I have been screwing with sleep methods for some time now. I say "Some time now" in relation to since grade 6 (we are now both in 11), our teacher in grade 6 was a magician and experimented with a bunch of sleep methods himself, we thought it was cool, and he tought us some techniques for Lucid Sleep. We've been able to control our dreams ever since, it's rather fun at times.
Think along the lines of this; Your having a horrible nightmare, after about five minutes of "nightmare" you realize that it is indeed a nightmare, from then on, you start to control whats going on in your nightmare. Turning the tides of the battle. I kid you not, I've had nightmares of being chased by seemingly invincible monsters and aliens before, after realizing it was a nightmare, I've actually (yea I know it's weird) turned myself into a Spartan or some type of heroic figure to kick the shit out of them.
Dream manipulation is rather fun once you get it down. Even then though, you can't master anything in relation to your subconscious mind, so it doesn't always happen. Sometimes those monsters win and I get jerked into the real world in a panic.
Note: Bottomless Pitt dreams that are all scary are what gets me, I can't seem to sprout wings yet >.>. Seriously wth, I'm not even scared of high places, and I want to be a pilot.
June 26th, 2007, 03:20 PM
My favorite dream like that was me and this bum started fighting Dragonball Z style, where we're flying around punching and dodging punches. I don't think anyone won. He just kinda disappeared and I woke up.
I had one last night where it was actually tied to real life. So i was asked to work for someone on Friday night, and I said no cause I have a party. I was then asked again to work for someone that same night and I hadn't gotten back to them yet. So I drempt that I told her that I'm going to Rockford (I donno, random city in Illinois) and then my boss came and I told him as well, and I tried to call my parents o warn them not to talk to him, but I didn't have time and he found out and I got in trouble.
I called my coworker today and told her the truth X0. Maybe it was a warning not to lie.
Soilent Green
June 26th, 2007, 03:23 PM
Anybody seen the movie "Waking Life" before? It's about lucid dreams and out of body experiences. It was filmed and then masked with a cartoon effect to give the movie this cool feel. I highly recommend watching it, if you're interested in lucid dreams and oobe's.
June 26th, 2007, 03:29 PM
My dream started as a lucid dream last night, because I was thinking about it, but after a little bit of control, I lost it, and I was suddenly endused in a cinematic dream/light-nightmare.
I was going on a trip with my friends at school in a huge helicopter, but on our way there, I fell out of the bus taking us, and it started pouring down rain, and I could barely see in front of me. My glasses filled up with water, so I took them off and ran after the bus :saddowns:. Then we got on the helicopter, which was perched atop a platform overlooking a large, metal pipe filled canyon, and the next thing I knew, I was in this big park or whatever it was. Took some pictures, ran around, watched as little kids fell to their dooms off railings...
Then I was in this Rainbow Six: Vegas type environment, shooting at people with Halo weapons inside a warehouse. They had killed all of my teammates and all of them were after me. Suddenly, I transitioned to another Vegas style street, but I wasn't in a game-looking environment. I went into a nearby store and there were a bunch of gang-ish looking teens. We hid from the cops or whatever it was, and then...
Then I woke up. I want to try lucid dreaming again tonight and see if it works. The thing on Wiki said that if you rub your hands during a lucid dream, you'll stay in it longer. I did that in my dream, but it didn't help.
Call me Strange Dream Master
June 26th, 2007, 06:27 PM
I'm really dumb and tend to walk off of a lot of cliffs and then re spawn naked at school. It sucks.
June 26th, 2007, 06:53 PM
I do enough thinking during the day. Sleepy time is for auto-pilot. Somehow, conscious dreaming doesn't sound very healthy.
June 26th, 2007, 07:02 PM
During the day I think too much and it gets worse before I sleep. I think about complex problems, the people around me...stuff which people might be thinking/doing right now...
Lying in bed for 1 hour even though you are completely tired and it's hard to clear your mind of any thoughts to finally get some sleep.
I rarely dream...but if I dream the dream passes by like images in my head and I'm not really realizing it. :)
June 26th, 2007, 07:03 PM
Some times I can lucid dream. Or I relise that I am dreaming and let my imagination run wild.
I would say what happens, but theres people here under 18 ;)
"in your fucking dreams" - damn right.. :O
June 27th, 2007, 03:01 AM
Note: Bottomless Pitt dreams that are all scary are what gets me, I can't seem to sprout wings yet >.>. Seriously wth, I'm not even scared of high places, and I want to be a pilot.
Perhaps you're just scared of low places. :downs:
Also, I once managed to screw with a friend's dreams while at camp... it was hilarious. We're both sleeptalkers, so I could hear the results and had to really try not to laugh :p
I'm really dumb and tend to walk off of a lot of cliffs and then re spawn naked at school. It sucks.
I get that from time to time, exept I roll off of the whale cliff :smith:
During the day I think too much and it gets worse before I sleep. I think about complex problems, the people around me...stuff which people might be thinking/doing right now...
Lying in bed for 1 hour even though you are completely tired and it's hard to clear your mind of any thoughts to finally get some sleep.
I hear you. I have a lot of trouble with that.
June 27th, 2007, 03:40 AM
I love dreaming, be it lucid or not. I haven't had a nightmare in over 2 years, so I'm happy. My dreams are just so freaking real (taste, smell, etc) that a lot of the time I wake up and think "GODDAMNIT." :saddowns:
Even when I'm not in a lucid state of dreaming, I have full control of my senses 90% of the time.
But it sucks when you materialize coffee and your sugar packets turn into band-aids. :(
June 27th, 2007, 05:59 AM
I've been using this guide for the past couple months. DREAM-INITIATED LUCID DREAMS (DILDs) work treat and have excellent recall potential.
On another note, I'm leaving to go to Wisconsin for a couple weeks. Goodbye all, I shall check up when I get back.
Does that make you a... DILD-o?... Fuck. Forget I said that.
As for lucid dreams, I've had a couple. Not many. I wish I could have more. There's only one problem.
...a feeling of twirling into another state of body awareness, "to drift off into another dimension". Also there is frequently a sensation of falling rapidly or dropping through the bed as one enters the dream state.I get both of those. The only problem is, whenever I have the rapid drop through the bed, it scares the shit out of me, and I flinch. Then it takes a while to get back to trying to sleep. Occasionally, I'll get the twirling. It's really fun when it happens. Feels like I'm in one of those multiple-ringed rides, but it's huge, and I'm against the side of one of the rings, instead of in a harness in the middle. It feels great. Then I think, "Woo, this is fun!", and my brain jerks back into awareness. Can I win? :(
So, I've had a couple of lucid dreams, as I was saying. One included a giant slot machine. I pulled the handle, and I'm pretty sure it lined up three lemons. I got a tricycle. It was a pain in the ass to ride. I met a few people. I mean, actually met. They had personalities and everything. I actually noticed when I was coming out of the dream, and I knew I'd never see them again. It made me sad. Really, I had a lump in my throat when I woke up. The landscape of the dream was a cross between a beach with cliffs that bridged out over portions of the ocean about a hundred feet out, (Based on what Natural Bridges beach near where I live used to look like) and a giant jigsaw puzzle. The beach was broken up into sandy puzzle pieces. Most fit together nicely, but wherever there was a pile, the pieces bulged up, like a sidewalk when a root grows underneath it. I have no idea why they didn't stop my tricycle. Everywhere I went I was followed by the friends I had met in the dream. I seem to remember following one of them, a little girl, across some driftwood. On the other side, there was a tide pool full of what looked like lost souls. She asked me to save them, but I didn't know how, so we walked back across the driftwood. i don't remember much after that, but riding too far ahead of the group on my tricycle. That was when the whole thing just kinda slipped away. Then I woke up.
The second one is almost as weird. I was on the computer, chatting with a friend, who I actually have on my buddy list. Then I noticed that I was sitting on a barrel, my computer perched on top of a wooden crate. I was on a sidewalk, and the street next to me was completely empty, and freshly paved. My friend told me he was at some amazing party. Just then I noticed that a lone house ahead of me and to my left, behind a single length of chain link fence about eighty feet long, which served no purpose, since the rest of the house was exposed, and the land around was a lettuce field. Multicolored strobe lights flashed from all of the windows, which were oversized. A loud bass beat was coming from it, and the house was wobbling with it. I tell my friend, "Hey, guess where I am?". He asks, and I tell him "Outside of where you a-". Bam. Without warning, my computer is gone, and I'm in a van with some girls from my school. We're going somewhere. My principal is driving. One of the girls leans over my shoulder and flirts with me. I notice, but at the same time, I don't. I'm oblivious. We arrive at a fancy cabin built on the rocks above a beach (what's with the beaches already?). I've never seen this place, and it's all made of curved wood, stained to a gleaming finish. of different hues. The exact way my dad colored a stool he made me when I was little. I exit the van and go inside. I stop as I enter the room I'm supposed to be staying in, realizing that the girl was hitting on me. I run back to the van, searching for the girl. I then run back inside, and find everyone in a room. End dream.
Trippy. I'll try some of the other methods listed. I'm aiming for a barren sandbox, where I can make objects, test weapons I've thought up, and generally screw around doing impossible things.
I did that and fell out of bed once.
Fucking horrible something's about to hit me dreams :(haha, I woke up on the floor once, with my mattress on top of me. i sleep on three mattresses (wtf?), and when the frame is considered, the entire mess is three feet high. Lucky I didn't hit my head on the edge of the chair that was three inches from where I landed.
June 27th, 2007, 06:17 AM
I remember my first nightmare.
My entire street turned green.
I've hated vegetables ever since. :v
June 27th, 2007, 05:23 PM
Fool, that was inevitable :v
June 27th, 2007, 05:30 PM
Sexual dreams that turn into nightmares suck to. Like realizing that the chicks insides are lined with razor sharp teeth. And that she kinda acts like an octopus and turns inside out to eat you.
Had that one last night. I'll let you guess from there on.
June 27th, 2007, 05:34 PM
My English class watched half of Waking Life, but everyone hated it, I was interested.
June 27th, 2007, 06:27 PM
Sexual dreams that turn into nightmares suck to. Like realizing that the chicks insides are lined with razor sharp teeth. And that she kinda acts like an octopus and turns inside out to eat you.
Had that one last night. I'll let you guess from there on.
You're a little screwed up. :awesome:
Rob Oplawar
June 27th, 2007, 07:09 PM
Lol, I'd tell you some of my dreams, but then everybody would realize what a fucked up little person I really am.
I will tell you though that almost all of my dreams are entirely indoors, and a good bit of the time they're underground- in a basement or secret tunnel or something. I wonder if that's a sign that I need to get out more? =P I currently live in my parents' basement (ah the college geek cliche) but I'm moving out for good this time in a month, so maybe things will be different from then on.
But I seldom remember anything other than the location and one or two random details from my dreams, and without fail whenever I realize I'm dreaming I wake up before I even have a chance to realize that I realized that I was dreaming.
I think I'm gonna try some of these things, starting with the dream journal, which if nothing else should provide some entertaining retrospection in a year or two.
June 28th, 2007, 02:47 PM
Lol, I'd tell you some of my dreams, but then everybody would realize what a fucked up little person I really am.
Read my last post.
July 3rd, 2007, 06:52 PM
Well, I did it, changed the whole environment to outside (I was in this store) and then the dream ended. :/
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