View Full Version : Halo 2 Bug/Request Submission Thread
June 28th, 2007, 08:11 PM
I saw a post by one of the H2V developers that went something along the lines of how he had missed that specific thread, and had only then reported the bugs to the programming team.. Turns out it was the Bugs that REALLY need Fixing ( Thread :lol:.
Anyway onto my point, if we could have a central place where bugs/requests are reported it will be easier for the H2V dev team to quickly take a look at one thread and judge how important each post is, rather than how it is now, browsing through thread after thread, and post after posts looking for things that may or may not be true.
So in summery i hope this thread can become a central place where people can post issues they have with the game.
Remember to explain every detail if you're postings bugs, with screenshot's if applicable, or mock-ups of features that you may want requested (If you've already made a thread and or post about an issue with the game, could you please repost in this thread)
Request - Microphone Output
Could we have an option to select the output of other people's microphones in game, this feature was available in the xbox version of the game.
Bug - Graphics Corruption
When using 4xAA and Anti aliasing transparency enabled in the Nvidia control panel I had weird graphics's corruption.
Vista 32bit
Nview Forceware 160.03
Computer Specifiction Contained in profile
Bug - Incorrect procedure in H2EK Help File
Under the 'Creating Shader Files' help page, it describes saving a shader template with the file extention '.shader_collection', however the file extention should be '.shader_collections', there must be a final s.
June 28th, 2007, 08:35 PM
Request - More Settings
More settings menu options definitely, it's really sad right now. Sound--we should be able to mix things ourself instead of a master volume. People are complaining that the ingame voice chat is either not loud enough or they want to turn up music in the SP mode. Graphics--just take a look at any other game. Where's the vsync, the AF? I would also like to turn off mouse acceleration
bum has knife
June 28th, 2007, 08:53 PM
Wow, you guys are really making this easy for me. Very helpful.
Nview Forceware 160.03
Is that a release driver?
June 28th, 2007, 10:28 PM
BUG- Unable to create games, Network or Live, with a Gold account. I click create game and it just sits there, nothing happens.
BUG- "Unable to join this party, sorry about that" bug. I can't join any games, at all. (
And I'm sorry, I know this isn't very specific, but the "Halo 2 has stopped working" bug. Basically happens at any random time.
Maybe this is a clue or something, but the first day I got this game, it ran great, with the patch and everything. 2 days later the thing can't run for more then 2 minutes.
But it sucks, because the game really is great, integrated with LIVE and stuff, custom maps etc... it just needs to be able to run.
June 28th, 2007, 10:38 PM
Bug - No Image Shown for Custom Map
When creating a custom image for a compiled map, the image does not display in-game. So, no custom maps have a preview image now. This occurred AFTER the first update.
Request - Editing Kit Add-on
It would be awesome to have an add-on or a patch for the editing kit with any optimizations, bug fixes (any others post), and a bigger set of tags to be able to use.
For optimizations, I specifically mention tool and creating lightmaps. If it could optimize a dual-core processor, calculations would be done MUCH faster. Also for bug fixes, when you load a map, or do lightmaps, I don't know if it's possible to bypass all those warning errors. They REALLY slow down the map-making process. You have to constantly wait, and wait, and wait.
Request- Better Engine Optimization in future patch
I'm going to be all out honest here. The game runs terrible, FPS wise. Graphic wise, it looks nice! It could sure use some upgrades on the optimization of the engine though. If FEAR and Source-Engine games can run incredibly well on an x700, Halo 2 Vista SHOULD be able to, considering it's graphically less advanced (BIG UNDERSTATEMENT), but, it does not. It needs to function more like a PC game, not a console game. Options are nice :D
June 28th, 2007, 10:41 PM
Bug - Invalid Checkpoints
I decided I wanted to beat the campaign on legendary. I went through cairo station until near the end when I went to bed. I return the next day to try to finish it and it says I have an invalid checkpoint; that it doesn't match the one on live or something. It gave me the option of restarting the level, or continuing without achievements. This is REALLY annoying because it prevents me from getting achievements unless I play the entire level over again. This happened to me the first time I played the campaign as well; half the time it ended up being invalid, and in the end I never got the achievement for beating the campaign.
I also edited my first post in this topic, added that we need an option to disable mouse acceleration.
June 28th, 2007, 10:48 PM
There should be more then just, "Unable to join this party, sorry about that". If it is closed or invite only it should say that cause sometimes the information doesn't come up saying its invite only.
*Request* - enable banning
No banning???? I tried finding a way to ban someone but it appears that there is only a ban list for the dedicated server and if you want to host an open party server after you boot the guy he can just come right back in unless you close the server but then no body else will be able to join.
June 28th, 2007, 10:49 PM
Request/Bug - Crouching While Walking
I don't know whether this is a bug or a suggestion, but we should be able to hit crouch while we're walking to start crouching. Now, we have to stop moving to be able to start crouching.
Request - Naming Server
We should be able to name our own server, instead of just the game naming it after our gamertag.
June 28th, 2007, 11:21 PM
request- take off the aimbot, and put back in ping's and a more halo 1 style feeling of aiming. If you just take how the mouse moves in halo 1, and then compare it to halo 2, they dont even feel like they are part of the same game. Most people who are playing h2v that i know of are halo 1 pc fanboys, and it would be a great help if you reverted back to the same type of aiming we had before, and not have it oriented so much towards a console, if they wana play halo 2 with a controller, go get an xbox, it will cost a lot less than the rig that is required to play this game.
bug- mouse lag. even with a high precision razer copperhead gaming mouse, the aiming still is not fluid, even on low settings, it jerks slightly. VERY ANNOYING.
request- include everything that should come with the editing kit if possible. In the halo 1 CE, it came with all of the tags and bitmaps used to create the multiplayer and single player levels. currently the no scenery, especially interactive scenery with physics (like you have put in some of your levels) is vary hampering to the quality of the final product of a map.
bug- live only works randomly on vista 64 bit. works fine on 32 bit, but there are many problems (or more problems) when using the 64 bit version of vista.
just a tip- for the akwardness of the aiming, in halo 2 it almost feels as i f when you turn it pivotes on an axis going down the middle of his body, while in halo 1 it feels as if when you turn, your moving the tip of the gun to where you want to aim, but the body just falls in line with it... or thats the way it feels to me. another comparison is that in halo 1 it feels as if the mc is actually moving around in the level and when he turns HE actualy turns, while in halo 2 it feels almost like the worlds actually moves around you, not you moving in it.
bug- from a 3p point of view (me looking at other people) they sometimes dont walk at all, aka the animation is not working, they just glide over things. Kina freaky/cool looking lol :)
June 28th, 2007, 11:22 PM
Halo 2 (game)
-More screen resolution options. Preferably more compatible with 16x10 aspect ratio for wide screen. 640x480 for better performance. And also options for vsync and 30 fps capping.
-More graphics performance/quality options. Specific or advanced settings for PC games is a must. Such settings should include low, medium or high texture resolutions, low medium or high model LOD bias, anisotropic filtering quality, low medium or high shader quality, ability to disable shader features such as reflections, shadows, bump mapping. And basically all the options available in Halo PC as a good example.
-More sound volume controls. Mainly so you can lower the volume of game music, but leave sound effects high. Some people like to blast itunes while playing ingame but still want to hear the game's sound.
-Options for servers or hosts to allow or disallow the aiming assistances. Specifically for the xbox360 controller. Some typical or casual gamers people may find it balanced while other hardcore PC gamers may strongly disagree. Either way it was something that should have been completely left out of multiplayer like in Halo PC, but if MS insists that it must be used in multiplayer, we should at least have to options to disallow it so its not a cause for controversy with players.
-Mouse smoothing/acceleration options. If you play halo pc often, then switch to some halo 2 using the keyboard and mouse, you will almost instantly notice the 'stiffness' of the mouse. Even at a sensitivity level equivalent to halo PC's it feels completely different. I can't quite pinpoint what exact it is, but it just feels too stiff regardless of sensitivity. Also even with the highest sensitivity, the sensitivity feels extremely low when using vehicles/turrets when using the mouse.
-Server filtering. Why the hell is this a gold only feature? It is a client based optioning feature. This was available in Halo PC... I could go on a rant for hours on live, but this is just ridiculous. Whats next, only gold members can change their screen resolutions in h3pc?
-Public/Private listening server hosting. As a mapper, I find it particularly frustrating that I can't host a listening server with my map along with a password for beta testers to join up to to beta testing like I did in halo ce. Basically I want to be able to do as I did in Halo CE. Right now the only way to do something similar to it is through using the annoying gold only 'party' system. I don't really care for xbl gold as I don't have an xbox360, but these standard PC fps multiplayer options should be available to anyone who owns the game.
-Quick Join (aka matchmaking). Should work as it does as it does on the xbox by matching players based on interests, location and skills. Otherwise there is once again no reason why it should be another gold only feature, and definitely not worth ~$8 a month for. For some reason, 80% of the time it puts in an empty server.
-Ability to mute players from the status/game report screens. So far the only way I figured out how to mute players is by opening the live window, browsing through several menus in the UI, searching though a huge list of players and finding the one which I want to mute, and setting it to mute it. This could be made a hell of allot simpler by allowing you to mute the player where ever you see their name from within the game.
-XP compatibility. Ok its been proved that Halo 2 and it's features, as well as multiplayer can run just fine in XP and is not impossible as claimed. Time to make it official before MS makes more of a fool of themselves. A large majority of PC gamers still use XP, so there is no excuse now plus halo 2 needs the players before it dies at it's infancy. XP won't become obsolete no matter how hard ms tries until almost every PC currently running XP today have become obsolete. I still see more players in CE than I see in halo 2 and CE has been claimed to be dieing for over a year. XP compatibility could be officially enabled with a very small update or patch and would probably exponentially increase the amount of players online.
Halo 2 (game)
-Custom keyboard/mouse input settings. I can't map out the keys to be the same as they were in Halo PC. For example, if I assign 't' to open the chat, everytime I type 't' in it, it closes. Basically, once the input can be mapped out to use all the same keys as halo pc with no conflicts or bugs it should be fine.
-FPS hiccups in Vista. Generally, the game runs with a smooth FPS, but you will notice hiccups or small periods of FPS lag every now and then, usually when doing a full 180 degree turn or moving around the map. After trying the game in XP using the same settings and the same pc, these problems were gone.
-Mouse lag in Vista. Another vista only problem that causes the mouse to lag a bit every now and then like the FPS.
-Corrupting Checkpoints. Don't know what causes this, but allot of users claim to be experiencing it.
Halo 2 (editing kit)
-More tags. Preferably sky boxes, scenery models, shaders, detail objects, crates, bitmaps, etc... Basically all that was used in MP maps and what ever that was used in SP would be great but not necessary. The tag database should at least be as diverse as the Halo 1 EK tag data base.
-Unlocked tag editor. Its best that it be made official for purpose of editing before all completely done unofficially by hackers and causing problems with live and achievements such which was the reason why it was locked in the first place. The tag editor should be able to at least do what was possible in the Halo 1 tag editor.
-Ability to export models/animations. This is something I'm working to break at this moment making it pointless to not officially support if it is just a matter of unlocking. I would prefer it was made official so mappers can create their own custom content for their maps to create more map diversity.
-Remembering reference tag paths. Just a small thing that would make setting up a bulk amount of shaders A HELL OF A LOT quicker. I find myself re-navigating though 20 million folders every time to assign a bitmap to a shader. Having to set up 40+ shaders with 100+ bitmaps takes hours when it could take less than 1. It always defaults to the location of what bitmap tag was used in the template shader and should default to the last location of the last bitmap referenced.
Halo 2 (editing kit)
H2Guerrilla crashes. Everytime I try to view certain large sized bitmaps. Don't know what causes it, but I know its just just me who experiences it.
LOONNGGGG load time for H2Sapien. I don't know what causes this either but it just seems unreasonably long. It is also noticed when running lightmaps. It takes forever to start the lightmapping process as well.
Can't compile image plates larger than 2048x2048. I know the size restriction is 2048x2048, but it should be checking the size of the individual bitmaps, not the bitmap plate itself as the blue area just gets ignored.
Can't compile individual bitmaps. Every time I select a specific bitmap to complile, it compiles every bitmap in the folder. This makes it very frustrating to tweak bump mapping for one specific texture.
Corrupting lightmaps. I just found out I was not the only person who experienced this. Don't know the cause of this either, but at some point, tool will only compile corrupted lightmap bitmaps and won't be fixed until I reinstall the EK.
Well thats all I can think of off the top of my head for now. I know theres more stuff too, but I can't remember. Hope this was of help.
June 28th, 2007, 11:53 PM
Wow, you guys are really making this easy for me. Very helpful.
Is that a release driver?Yeah, it is an older version. Might have been a beta driver, or a leaked one. I am running version 158.43, also with a 7950GT, and do not have problems. He should try different drivers.
June 28th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Bug - Server Browser Menu Buttons Dissapearing
For some odd reason, when I start scrolling through the server list, certain servers that become selected will actually make my menu buttons dissapear from the bottom of the screen. If I scroll around for a bit more, it will come back. It seems as if almost half of them cause this glitch.
Request - Server Browser SortingIt sorts just fine, but it would be nice if when you clicked a column header to sort by that column, that it would automatically set your view to the top of the list. I hate clicking the sort by players column then having to scroll up to the top to see the ones with the most players.
It would also be nice if you removed the feature that once you're at the top of the list and keep scrolling, where it sends you to the bottom of the list. It's annoying when I have to scroll to the top and end up going past it. Just a little thing, but it ends up an annoyance. If people wanted to go to the bottom of the list, they could just click the sorting column again and have it show the "top" of the list, like I suggested above.
June 29th, 2007, 12:14 AM
Bug: Server broswer scrolling with mouse wheel
Priority: Low
Problem: When scrolling down on the server browser, the selected server appears to "jump" to two servers down before selecting the server directly below it. Scrolling in the up direction works fine.
How to re-create: Open the server browser. Click on a server somewhere in the middle of the screen. Use the scroll wheel in the up direction to select the server directly above. No problems here. Now use the scroll wheel to select the server below. You will notice the selected server "jumps" down before selecting the correct server and makes the sound like you scrolled down twice. Continuously scroll down to see this pattern.
June 29th, 2007, 12:31 AM
Bug: Plasma burn decal turning into grunt blood decal at certain angles. (
Not sure how to re-create, as it's only happened to me once. :|
June 29th, 2007, 12:45 AM
Ok now I'm going to point out some things that I've run into playing H2V.
Request - Reading and sending Halo 2 messagesI've pointed this out to you guys on your forums, lately I've been getting Halo 2 messages from friends, I can't read them suckers. But I think it'd be nice if I could read them, and send Halo 2 Messages to my friends.
Request - the Halo 2 Xbox FOV backI don't know what's up and Halo ports, but Halo 1 lost it's FOV when it was ported from the Xbox, and now Halo 2 did, I hate the FOV in both games, in Halo PC I use a hack that I found some time back to give me the FOV I like. Here is an idea, give us an option to turn on, or turn off FOV, in case there is some one who doesn't want it on. that's if you can do that.
Request - Game reports, like on the XboxHalo 2 Xbox has this in it, where the game is saved on Bungie's web site and gamers can look at their past games, what they got, how many time they killed some one, where, stuff like that, I think it'd be nice if H2V had some thing like that, I like to go back and look at places that I've died the most in, or what was my best game, stuff like that.
Request - Fix in the scroll wheel on the mouseI know you guys thought it'd would be a cool idea, but I'm one of those people that likes to have more options for it, like in Halo CE and PC.
for Halo PC and CE I have it so I Scroll up with the scroll wheel and swich weapon and down to swich grenades, I find it faster to kill some one if I have my mouse set up like that, use one weapon to knock out the guy's shields, and some other weapon to kill him. I don't like it when it's set up like this
Scroll Up: Zoom in
Scroll Down: Zoom out
Scroll Wheel Click: Zoom
I find that point less, out of all of the games I've played the only game I can think of that's like that was AvP and it was Scroll up for Zoom in, and Down for zoom out, and click was something else. but then again this is Halo we're talking about. why Scroll up to zoom in, when I can just click? why scroll out to zoom if I can just click?
Edit | Oh and if you guys don't mind me asking, but I remember you guys (or Bungie) saying there'll be no AIs in MP? then why is 343 or who ever the crazy floating thing is in back wash? and is there any way that you can release the tags for the fish in the big lack of delta Halo, the birds of Delta Halo, the birds of the covie city, the bug thingys for the covie city, and the flood thingys in the tank like thing? I'd like to see those in MP, to hear and see birds in a MP map, and when no one's in the server with me, I can in prove my aim by shooting them.
and sorry for any spelling errors, or grammor errors, or lack of periods, I'm working on in proving those.
June 29th, 2007, 02:19 AM
Bug - Ingame "Kill Log"
Something I find annoying is the glitchy "Kill Log," where you see who killed who while you play in a server. I find that a lot of the time, I'll either receive two copies of a message, none at all, or it appears extremely late. It seems like it's been made overly complicated and thus buggy.
Related Request - "Kill Log" Length
It's sometimes hard to catch who killed who in the kill log when it fades away so fast, the messages should stay longer.
Bug - Chat Log "Overflow"
When people have been typing a lot of messages into the ingame chat log, of course it will fill up the little list they go into. The problem is, when someone then sends a message that contains more than 1 line, and it's added to the already full chat log, the chat log will only bump up 1 space when there has been two lines of text added. The result is that the second line of text is sticking out of the bottom of the chat log, and overlapping the actual part you type the messages into.
June 29th, 2007, 03:02 AM
Bug - Sometimes the in-game kill stats glitch out.
I actually had around 15 kills there, and the leader had around 80.
Once again I do not know how to re-create this, as it's only happened a couple of times.
June 29th, 2007, 03:32 AM
Oh, Timo, I think I saw that happen once as well. It was really weird and random.
June 29th, 2007, 09:22 AM
Bug: Server broswer scrolling with mouse wheel
Priority: Low
Problem: When scrolling down on the server browser, the selected server appears to "jump" to two servers down before selecting the server directly below it. Scrolling in the up direction works fine.
How to re-create: Open the server browser. Click on a server somewhere in the middle of the screen. Use the scroll wheel in the up direction to select the server directly above. No problems here. Now use the scroll wheel to select the server below. You will notice the selected server "jumps" down before selecting the correct server and makes the sound like you scrolled down twice. Continuously scroll down to see this pattern.
Confirmed, great job so far guys. And yes bum has knife i'm using a non WHQL nvidia driver, i'll update to the latest official one and try it out again later.
Request - Mouse cursor when using controller
When using a controller to navigate the menu's, if the mouse cursor is hovering over a menu item, it will automatically jump to that. What i suggest is that when you are navigating the menu's with a controller, it disables the mouse cursor until you start moving your mouse again.
June 29th, 2007, 01:32 PM
Halo 2 (editing kit)
H2Guerrilla crashes. Everytime I try to view certain large sized bitmaps. Don't know what causes it, but I know its just just me who experiences it.
That happens to me. It gets annoying when your making a bumpmap at that size too, can't see what it looks like.
June 29th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Request - Spectator mode option in dedicated or lan based servers.
It would be nice to have a way to view game play without actually joining the game. With the option to follow a player or free float for self guided viewing. This option should be able to be enabled or disabled in the server.
June 29th, 2007, 05:00 PM
Halo 2 Multiplayer
Over shield "jumps". (¤t=overshield_error.flv)
Sometimes filter-text on the server browser disappears: (¤t=BUG.flv)
When I take a screenshot (by pressing F11), (sometimes) all I get is just a blank blue screen, it looks like this. ( I don't know what causes this... sometimes it captures them, and sometimes it doesn't.
When I want to get in a game quick, I choose Quickmatch right? Well... sorta... Every time I've tried to use the Quickmatch feature, it puts me into an empty game... this completely defeats the purpus of using it... It would be a great feature if it put me in game with other people! ;)
Allow whoever is speaking to hear themselves. I think this would be very helpful for anybody that wants to check how their mic sounds in-game, and it would also force those who spam bad/broken mics. to un-plug them, or fix them.
Pressing X to delay... I don't think you should completly remove this feature, as I have used it before to change teams, but limit the amount that everybody can do it. I've been in game where somebody has delayed it 10 times. It can get very annoying.
Request- Field of Vision NEEDS to be changed. It feels like you're playing a console game. 65 degree FOV would be ok if you were sitting on a couch five feet away from your TV set.
I'll quote a little peice from the YouGamers ( review..
Halo 2 also feels too much like a console game - at first I was bit puzzled trying to figure out what the problem was. It wasn't the controls - you could go WSAD-mouse just fine (or plug in a gamepad and play like on the Xbox, if you so prefer). How about the visual quality? Yes, the textures are low-res in places and the geometry is simpler than usual, but that wasn't it either. Then I figured it out - Halo 2 uses a different field of view than most PC shooters. When you play a console shooter from a couch, your TV is usually at least five feet away, so it feels natural that you see things in front of you with a narrow FOV as the display doesn't fully cover your field of view anyway (unless you have an absolutely monster TV, or watch it too close). PC games are usually viewed less than a feet away from your monitor, and the display fills the view - so PC games tend to have much wider field of view. After some highly inaccurate manual measuring, Halo 2 for Vista appears to use a FOV of around 60-70 degrees, while just about every other first person shooter on the PC uses a default FOV of 90 degrees.
It's a PC game, adjust it accordingly.
edit Request- (longshot)
Multi-threaded support.
My specs:
CPU- Intel Core 2 Duo e4300
VGA- Sapphire Radeon X1950GT
RAM- Crucial Ballistix Tracer DDR2 (2gigs)
Motherboard- Biostar T-Force P35
I run the game at high settings, 1280x1024, 2x AA, 8x AF (forced through ATI CCC)
I'm kinda wondering why half of the stuff we're suggesting didn't make it into the retail product. :S
June 29th, 2007, 05:04 PM
It might have just been me but my coagulation sky doesn't have a sun not in coagulation but the actual sky tag for my map. edit: Nvm I'm missing the tag for the sun D:.
June 30th, 2007, 02:00 PM
Bug - Custom Map Names
When a custom name has more than two lines in it's name, it will not display correctly.
June 30th, 2007, 06:57 PM
Now that this thread is stuck, i'd like to keep it to bug submissions/requests only, unless further input is actually needed. Thanks :)
June 30th, 2007, 09:55 PM
Um, here is a bug I really hate, ok every now and again when I play on a server (Dede servers most of the time) when I'm looking at the post game carnge and it'll be like that for about 20 min, the plays would be in the new game playing, and I'd still be looking at the carnged report from the last game. that or I've played a game or two I'm siting in the pregame loby waiting for host to click start and same thing happens people are playing the game, I know of this because I ran into a game just like it and I was getting text in the pregame loby and voice of the other players playing the game (well more of learning glichs). and I want to get some of those metals where you have to be in a server as long as you can all maps, all game types but I can't do that with that stupid little bug.
July 2nd, 2007, 09:35 AM
Bug - Sometimes the in-game kill stats glitch out.
I actually had around 15 kills there, and the leader had around 80.
Once again I do not know how to re-create this, as it's only happened a couple of times.
i dont think thats a bug, im pretty sure it a gametype of slayer where you loose points if you die, so if you kill 20 peeople but die 10 times, your score will be 10.
July 2nd, 2007, 11:02 AM
Bug - Helper Tips
Sometimes during gameplay, little tips will come up saying things like "Press Q to talk to your entire team." But what about people who have changed their controls. My teamchat is F3, but it still says Q. The two should be linked.
July 2nd, 2007, 11:08 AM
i dont think thats a bug, im pretty sure it a gametype of slayer where you loose points if you die, so if you kill 20 peeople but die 10 times, your score will be 10.
yes, in slayer you do lose points, but what if he wasn't playing Slayer? maybe it was odd ball? or king of the hill? then it's a bug.
July 2nd, 2007, 03:21 PM
the slayer glitch is just cosmetic, at the end the score fixes itself. It's in the Xbox version as well. Although I may be wrong. And about the "Q to talk to team" bug, that is either a bug or very lazy programming. I remember in Halo when it said <missing string> or whatever, but thats still better then the wrong key all together.
July 2nd, 2007, 03:50 PM
Bug - Custom map images do not show after installing the update.
I have no idea why, or how, this happened, but everyone who I have talked to also said they were unable to compile a custom map image for their maps.
Bug - Default sunny sky missing sky lens flare.
Eh? >>;;
Bug/Request - Could we please, please have at least all the tags that were mentioned in the tutorial, for God's sake. It's almost impossible to do some things mentioned because the things mentioned in the tutorial don't..exist...
July 2nd, 2007, 04:34 PM
Bug - I get gaps around the faces that make up a map: (
I'm running it on a GeForce 6600GT using version 158.24 of Nvidias drivers.
Request (If it doesn't already exist) - A toggle between seeing names and symbols above a players head.
July 2nd, 2007, 05:06 PM
Bug/Request - Could we please, please have at least all the tags that were mentioned in the tutorial, for God's sake. It's almost impossible to do some things mentioned because the things mentioned in the tutorial don't..exist...
Since we don't have the tags it takes 10x longer for tool to compile or do anything cause it reads a whole bunch of missing files. I watch the page go flying as it only takes a few seconds for tool to actually run lightmaps or compile the map without counting all the files it reports missing.
^That happens to me as well and I have a nvidia 8600. I think it might just be open edge errors?
July 2nd, 2007, 08:17 PM
because of the lack of tags the so called H2EK made that a little kid could use, is now one that makes the pros wine. >.>
July 2nd, 2007, 08:38 PM
Since we don't have the tags it takes 10x longer for tool to compile or do anything cause it reads a whole bunch of missing files. I watch the page go flying as it only takes a few seconds for tool to actually run lightmaps or compile the map without counting all the files it reports missing.
That probably explains the super long sapien load times as well because all those same missing/error comes up in the sapien debug log as it does when compiling maps or running lightmaps.
July 3rd, 2007, 01:32 AM
Bug - I get gaps around the faces that make up a map: (
I'm running it on a GeForce 6600GT using version 158.24 of Nvidias drivers.
Request (If it doesn't already exist) - A toggle between seeing names and symbols above a players head.
I don't see anything wrong, really...
July 3rd, 2007, 01:41 AM
same here...
Request (if it can be done)
a Health bar for Vehicles, or even a Health/Sheild bar above the heads of team members.
July 3rd, 2007, 03:50 AM
I don't see anything wrong, really...
Heres a more obvious case, this is my own map so I know there are no open edges. (
July 3rd, 2007, 12:48 PM
Request (If it doesn't already exist) - A toggle between seeing names and symbols above a players head.
I was going to suggest that too. When someone says, "follow me," I always have to look up their symbol from the scores list, then look around the map for them. It's such a waste of time (especially when playing Zombies!)
Request - Pregame Muting
Why can't we just click that to mute people?
July 3rd, 2007, 01:15 PM
Request - Pregame Muting
Why can't we just click that to mute people?lum
Cause that'd be the smart and easy thing to do. And lets build on your idea, con, lets make it a volume control that when you click there, you can turn up the voume for some one who is hard to hear, or turn down (or just trun off) some one if they're too loud.
July 3rd, 2007, 06:25 PM
An indicator that would show who is using a controller and who is using a keyboard/mouse...
I mean, I thought about this, I thought it would be at least NICE to know if they're using a controller, but people may think, "you just suck against them" or "this is redundant"...but hey, there is probably some other redundant things in Halo 2 Vista...
July 3rd, 2007, 10:00 PM
An indicator that would show who is using a controller and who is using a keyboard/mouse...
I mean, I thought about this, I thought it would be at least NICE to know if they're using a controller, but people may think, "you just suck against them" or "this is redundant"...but hey, there is probably some other redundant things in Halo 2 Vista...
na, I agree. I would like to see this as well.
Request - Gametype Sharing
I've found a few cases in which it would be nice to share gametypes with people. Either I've found some that I like, or people have liked mine. This is a chance to improve on halo 2; it doesnt need to be just like the xbox version as it seems to be right now.
July 4th, 2007, 02:23 AM
An indicator that would show who is using a controller and who is using a keyboard/mouse...
I mean, I thought about this, I thought it would be at least NICE to know if they're using a controller, but people may think, "you just suck against them" or "this is redundant"...but hey, there is probably some other redundant things in Halo 2 Vista...
the idea sounds nice, but wait a sec here, what if a play has both a Xbot controller and a KeyBoard? then what?
na, I agree. I would like to see this as well.
Request - Gametype Sharing
I've found a few cases in which it would be nice to share gametypes with people. Either I've found some that I like, or people have liked mine. This is a chance to improve on halo 2; it doesnt need to be just like the xbox version as it seems to be right now.
yes, I've seen that some people do like some of my Custom game types, mostly the ones I've made for Halo CE, the Hide and Run gametype is fun.
July 7th, 2007, 07:08 PM
I don't if this is a bug, but its something really bugs me. Every time I click on a value tab in the shader tag editor to change a value of a function, it auto scrolls to the top of the tag, making me loose my place in where I was editing the tag. Very annoying sometimes.
Also, when ever editing any other tag, when referencing another tag, it always defaults to some halo 2 folder in my user's directory instead of where everything is located in my program files directory. This also bugs me.
July 8th, 2007, 01:36 AM
I don't if this is a bug, but its something really bugs me. Every time I click on a value tab in the shader tag editor to change a value of a function, it auto scrolls to the top of the tag, making me loose my place in where I was editing the tag. Very annoying sometimes.
I swear, that little "bug" is in every kind of map editor that I've ever used both in Halo map editing, and StarCraft, and I must say it is one bug that needs to hit the road. Can Hired Gun fix this little thing, or is it forever suck that way until Nick get's his map editing kit finshed? I do wish to know if this can be done.
July 8th, 2007, 06:05 PM
I don't if this is a bug, but its something really bugs me. Every time I click on a value tab in the shader tag editor to change a value of a function, it auto scrolls to the top of the tag, making me loose my place in where I was editing the tag. Very annoying sometimes.
Thats what annoys me, like when im doing something on one of my tags i change a value and it zooms back to the top, this would be very good if it could be fixed.
Also i dont know if this is a bug in H2 or the map but i was looking around firescythes beta map i walked to a tank looked down and saw the other half of my body like i wasnt attached, heres a pic¤t=ZOMGWTF.jpg
July 8th, 2007, 11:29 PM
I'm sorry to say, but that's in Halo 2 Xbox as well, that one of the down sides of having a first person veiw of the lower half of your body, I think there is a few places in the SP levels that you can walk onto a path and look down and that happens. I saw a video on it once, can't remember where tho.
Oh and here is something, can I Request a way that a player can go in and change his gamer tag, in H2V, or even a way to make it so a play can pick between his Gamer tag, or his profile names, I think that'd be helpful, because if we want to add our clan tags to our names we have to edit our gamer tags or just have it in our game profiles.
July 8th, 2007, 11:36 PM
I think that'd be helpful, because if we want to add our clan tags to our names we have to edit our gamer tags or just have it in our game profiles.
Is it the same as Xbox Live though where you need 800 Gamerpoints to change your gamertag?
July 9th, 2007, 09:17 PM
That scrolling 'feature' is part of the default code. I've had the same problems with .NET apps I've made. I could have sworn I saw code in h1's guerilla that fixed this though...
July 10th, 2007, 12:04 AM
Is it the same as Xbox Live though where you need 800 Gamerpoints to change your gamertag?
Um I have no idea, I have 845 gamer points but I've yet to see a way to change my gamer tag.
That scrolling 'feature' is part of the default code. I've had the same problems with .NET apps I've made. I could have sworn I saw code in h1's guerilla that fixed this though...
;_; that sucks.
July 10th, 2007, 01:40 AM
not gamer points, microsoft points.
July 10th, 2007, 04:43 AM
What you have to pay to change your screen name on live!?
July 10th, 2007, 10:59 AM
not gamer points, microsoft points.
and how do you get those?
July 10th, 2007, 01:26 PM
By buying them.
Llama Juice
July 10th, 2007, 01:49 PM
An indicator that would show who is using a controller and who is using a keyboard/mouse...
I mean, I thought about this, I thought it would be at least NICE to know if they're using a controller, but people may think, "you just suck against them" or "this is redundant"...but hey, there is probably some other redundant things in Halo 2 Vista...
What if we use both?...
I use the controller to walk around (L Trigger to throw nades L Bumper to switch nades and push in the left thumbstick to crouch)... and the mouse to shoot, switch weapons, jump, and melee.
July 10th, 2007, 10:24 PM
Don't know if this was posted or not but.
Whenever you play with like 90+ frames your mouse lags and skips horribly, Fix please ;___;
July 12th, 2007, 06:16 PM
make it so when you uninstall map editor it only rmoves defaults instead of whole folder
July 13th, 2007, 11:27 AM
Bug - Unhandled exception at the game details screen
Before actually joining a server at the live browser, you can double click it to view more information at the Game Details screen. If I press "tab" while on this screen the game will crash. If key assignment has anything to do with it, tab is my switch weapon. I'ts likely something more related to viewing the post-game statistics in the pre-game lobby, where you press tab to bring them up.
July 13th, 2007, 11:48 AM
Bug - Unhandled exception at the game details screen
Before actually joining a server at the live browser, you can double click it to view more information at the Game Details screen. If I press "tab" while on this screen the game will crash. If key assignment has anything to do with it, tab is my switch weapon. I'ts likely something more related to viewing the post-game statistics in the pre-game lobby, where you press tab to bring them up.
Nice idea Con, and if we can mix it in with UXB's idea that'd be cool.
Request - Spectator mode option in dedicated or lan based servers.
It would be nice to have a way to view game play without actually joining the game. With the option to follow a player or free float for self guided viewing. This option should be able to be enabled or disabled in the server.
there are times that I wish I could do that.
July 14th, 2007, 01:06 PM
What idea? I think you misread my post, Stealth.
July 14th, 2007, 03:01 PM
now that you point that out, yes, I think I did....
crap. but oh well.
July 14th, 2007, 03:06 PM
Con, it doesn't crash for me =/ IT'S YOU!
July 14th, 2007, 03:16 PM
must be a controls bug then
Suggestion - Postgame Carnage Report->Pregame Lobby skip
I hate having to wait for the host to stop viewing the postgame carnage report before I can chat at the pregame lobby. We should be able to skip that screen and go straight to the pregame lobby. Others can view their scores all they want, but sometimes I would rather chat.
July 14th, 2007, 03:26 PM
Not sure if you call it a bug or even if its been said but if you have a shotgun then look straight up change weapon then change back to shotgun his hand will come up first then his gun will come up
July 14th, 2007, 03:31 PM
must be a controls bug then
Suggestion - Postgame Carnage Report->Pregame Lobby skip
I hate having to wait for the host to stop viewing the postgame carnage report before I can chat at the pregame lobby. We should be able to skip that screen and go straight to the pregame lobby. Others can view their scores all they want, but sometimes I would rather chat.
that'd be cool, and maybe text chat in postgame carnage, I like to taunt other players some times.
July 14th, 2007, 07:44 PM
that'd be cool, and maybe text chat in postgame carnage, I like to tont(SP?) other players some times.
Maybe, but IMO a skip is better because we could then see what the next map is. It would just be nice if it was more simplified. Right now it's overly complicated and not very user-friendly. The two screens (post-game and pre-game) should just be interchangeable with a next/previous button or something at the bottom, so it just switches back and forth between the two.
Bug - Scores Glitching to "0"
I've encountered this once so far, in a team slayer game, but others ingame have told me that they have encountered it multiple times, but didn't tell me what gametypes, so it could also occur with anything other than team slayer. It's a very easy to describe glitch; all scores seen while playing (scores overlay or the HUD widgets) have a value of 0 until the "game over" comes up.
July 14th, 2007, 08:07 PM
Bug - Scores Glitching to "0"
I've encountered this once so far, in a team slayer game, but others ingame have told me that they have encountered it multiple times, but didn't tell me what gametypes, so it could also occur with anything other than team slayer. It's a very easy to describe glitch; all scores seen while playing (scores overlay or the HUD widgets) have a value of 0 until the "game over" comes up.
I had that bug today i was playing with about 10 people on oddball and someone asked what the score was and i said 0. I was like is this a server glitch or is it just the gametype, then it said something like "Yellow team 1 minute remaining" even though everyone's time with the oddball was 0
July 14th, 2007, 09:16 PM
I also had that, it all started with horrible lag in my first game and everyone score was 0. I kept thinking "It's an FFA game, what the hell?" Then after the game was over, all the scores showed up.
July 15th, 2007, 01:37 AM
Maybe, but IMO a skip is better because we could then see what the next map is. It would just be nice if it was more simplified. Right now it's overly complicated and not very user-friendly. The two screens (post-game and pre-game) should just be interchangeable with a next/previous button or something at the bottom, so it just switches back and forth between the two.
Bug - Scores Glitching to "0"
I've encountered this once so far, in a team slayer game, but others ingame have told me that they have encountered it multiple times, but didn't tell me what gametypes, so it could also occur with anything other than team slayer. It's a very easy to describe glitch; all scores seen while playing (scores overlay or the HUD widgets) have a value of 0 until the "game over" comes up.
2 things....
#1 I found a way to look at the past game scores in the pre-game but I only know how to do it with a gamepad, and that's LB or LT... one of those two should make a little window pop up and show you the scores from the last game. I've had to do that a few times.
#2 I've goten that bug a few times today every thing that deals with scoring was screwy.
and here is a big request.
a way to save a new check point like in Halo PC, I've found that I run into a bottel neck in SP and some times once I get past that I wish I could save it, like I would if I quit the game or something, that way if I get killed by chance. Like a dead hog or ghost falling onto me. and I've found that kind of thing useful in Halo PC I could go in, play the game and if I die a few times at some point, mostly in the same area, I like to try and save the check point if I get past that point, that way if I die some how I don't have to go back and kill some kind of AI that was a big pain in my but.
July 15th, 2007, 03:40 PM
#1 I found a way to look at the past game scores in the pre-game but I only know how to do it with a gamepad, and that's LB or LT... one of those two should make a little window pop up and show you the scores from the last game. I've had to do that a few times.
It's tab for keyboards. It just seems odd that you can't go from post-game to pre-game without waiting, bu you can go the other way once you've reached the pre-game, but it only brings up a little box.
Bug/Suggestion - Accidentally bringing up LIVE player profiles in Post-game Carnage Report.
In the post-game carnage report screen, you can click arrows to switch between kills, hit stats, player vs player, etc. If you just miss clicking on of these buttons and click on the blank area next to it (actually most of the screen's background is like this), it will bring up the selected player's LIVE profile. It's just annoying and doesn't make any sense why clicking blank areas of the screen would bring up menus.
July 15th, 2007, 04:53 PM
Oh, I hate that bug, that is such a pain.
July 15th, 2007, 11:46 PM
Do the developers even check this thread anymore? I just hope our requests aren't falling of deaf ears.
forward this to the MS brass
I'm really quite frustrated at the moment with H2V. There's plenty of frustration to go around when I play this game. It seems that every time I leave the game, I do so angrily. I am sick and tired of these LIVE gold restrictions. I am not going to pay just to play online like I can do so for free in every other game I own. I want to be able to play with my friends, and I want to be able to host and join normal servers. On top of this, with this game being Vista exclusive for no reason at all, there is a very small number of servers to choose from.
I have two vital suggestions for this game. If they're being worked on the next update, that's great, but I want to bring the issue up. If they're not corrected then it just confirms my current understanding on GFW's whole idea on what PC gaming is about and the value of their user-base.
1. Bring H2V to XP as well
It's pretty obvious that H2V was meant to force people into buying Vista. This isn't a popular tactic. People hate being forced to do things, from buying operating systems to paying for a gold account for features they can get for free on other games. The game was released exclusively for Vista under the guise that LIVE would not work on XP, but this is contradicted by the fact that Gears of War, set to come out for both Vista and XP, will use the LIVE service. Vista exclusivity is hindering H2V's growth, and gold accounts aren't helping
2. Remove gold exclusivity
I've already talked about this, just please remove it and refund the gold players while you can; there can't be many at this point.
July 16th, 2007, 12:42 AM
Oh, but I like my gold acount, leave gold in there, just make it so silver acounts can make servers, and play one all of them, and leave game invites for gold users.
July 16th, 2007, 12:45 AM
You like your gold because you have it, but I refuse to pay for something that is free in other games, hell even other GFW titles.
If you're going to charge us to play online, you better have a good reason. I don't see any at all right now; there's nothing special or outstanding in H2V's multiplayer features.
July 16th, 2007, 01:39 AM
Bug - Achievements not registering
I had to board several vehicles before I got the boarding achievement, I've blown up multiple banshees and I haven't gotten the 'Air traffic control' achievement. And in the last game I had, I must've whacked dozens of guys in the back, and I didn't get the ninja achievement :((yes it was FFA). It might tie into the text bug where text doesn't show up, as text for me rarely shows up in-game (probably due to my connection/distance from the servers).
July 16th, 2007, 10:22 AM
Bug - Achievements not registering
I had to board several vehicles before I got the boarding achievement, I've blown up multiple banshees and I haven't gotten the 'Air traffic control' achievement. And in the last game I had, I must've whacked dozens of guys in the back, and I didn't get the ninja achievement :((yes it was FFA). It might tie into the text bug where text doesn't show up, as text for me rarely shows up in-game (probably due to my connection/distance from the servers).
ya, but then again my gamer score hasn't moved in days, and I've boarded a few vehicles, and got many Achievements in MP and yet my gamer score is still 845, I don't know if it's just because I haven't unlocked any new achievements lately, or if it's a problem on the other end of things.
July 18th, 2007, 02:44 PM
1. Bring H2V to XP as well
It's pretty obvious that H2V was meant to force people into buying Vista. This is only obvious to people who have absolutely no experience in corporate planning or who are not looking beyond their own desires.
I am not a Microsoft lackey, I have plenty of bad things to say about MS and disagree with many of their decisions, but this is not one of those times. The profits realized from the number of people who are going to upgrade to Vista just to play Halo 2 on the PC wouldn't pay for lunch for the Hired Gun crew. The "...done to force people to upgrade conspiracy theory" is bunk and implausible. The numbers of those who would upgrade just to play are so small as it make the concept ridiculous.
Microsoft is making a concerted effort to upgrade the desktop to the Vista operating system. Vista with all it's faults has a more enhanced security model and answers what many of the corporate IT and security experts have asked for. MS is mostly targeting the corporate market because that is where the money is. The corporate edict at Microsoft is to develop for the Vista platform. They have accelerated their end of life policy and will stop selling XP in Jan 2008 and end support Jan 2009 so from a business decision it makes no sense to develop and support any product for XP. The savings in cross platform support more than outweighs the lost revenue in possible XP sales. Even if it did not the corporate direction is Vista and THAT is what is important to Microsoft. MS is thinking 5-10 years ahead whereas the people who complain about running the game on XP are just looking at today and yesterday.
I apologize for dragging this debate into this thread and Conscars I am not upset with you it was just a matter of timing. I am sick and tired of seeing this type of statement all over the place. There are so many other factors involved in the H2 on Vista decision that the actual H2 game is irrelevant.
I am done venting.
July 18th, 2007, 03:42 PM
If Microsoft saves money by no longer supporting XP, then why is Gears of War set to come out and run on both Vista and XP? It doesn't make sense. They are more concerned about upgrading PC's to Vista, as you said, than making this game a success. Can't they do both? If H2V were XP and Vista compatible, it would do a lot better in both the short term and the long term. If it's going to take 5-10 years for Vista to become widely used, then it's going to take just as long for H2V to grow.
bum has knife
July 18th, 2007, 05:21 PM
The profits realized from the number of people who are going to upgrade to Vista just to play Halo 2 on the PC wouldn't pay for lunch for the Hired Gun crew.
I dunno, we're a small team and we eat pretty light ;)
July 18th, 2007, 11:17 PM
MS is thinking 5-10 years ahead whereas the people who complain about running the game on XP are just looking at today and yesterday.
now those are words of a wise man, looking 5-10 years ahead of you. that kind of like it's better to look 5-10 feet ahead of you when you're on the road, instead of looking at your feet. and most people (not me) are basicly looking at their feet. XP might still be around come 5-10 years, but you won't find it in a store, or on a web site other then Ebay, you might find it on a old computer, or in a box in some one's house. Vista in 5 years might be the same has XP is now, the main OS on computers, with a few computers running older OSs. and people then will act like people now are acting, complaining about the new OS, saying how bugy it is, and complaining about some game that was made just for the new OS.[/rant]
I dunno, we're a small team and we eat pretty light ;)
heh, I'm the same when I'm buying me food, but when others buy me food, I try and eat as much as I can.:cool:
July 19th, 2007, 11:10 AM
they're making gears of war!!! it'll be crap without directx10 though (until hackers make it for xp)... the graphics are amazing on xbox 360, i have it, it'll have high requirements. do you think they'll have cross-platform multiplayer like shadowrun?
July 19th, 2007, 11:17 AM
It seems as if more money, time and effort was put into forcing the game to be vista only compatible. Hired gun was paid to ensure that the game would only work on Vista and not any previous versions of windows. Had the game been developed like ANY other DX9 game, it would most likely work on both XP and Vista just fine with no extra work done, except with probably less issues in XP as DX9 is emulated in vista. The most clear primary motive was to make vista appear more valuable by slapping exclusive titles on the side. Not to think it would sell the operating system, but just give it more shine and appeal. A small little < 1mb homebrewed loader was able fix it to run on XP just fine with minor issues. There is no serious "cross platform" compatibility adjustments need to be made for something to be both XP and vista compatible, so any claims that it's primary motive was to save money or prevent losses making the game "cross platform" between windows and windows (laugh) is just bull.
There is nothing in my mind that makes me even think the game would have been less successful if it was unlocked to work on XP. Microsoft has learned their lesson with whoring games just to increase vista's value the hard way with the major lack in H2V's and g4wl's success which is why Gears of War and as well as games for windows Live are now being planned to be XP compatible. The scandal is over.
July 19th, 2007, 11:53 AM
request: add online co-op like gears of war and possibly a co-op that you can play if you have two xbox controllers or 2 keyboards and 2 mice or key board and 360 controller
(I would request 2 player online but that would ruin achievements)
also, unlocked editing kit that also can somehow mark maps so the game recognizes them if they have custom vehicles, weapons, etc. so that you can't earn achievements in them, resolving the achievement issue
July 20th, 2007, 06:15 AM
Now that this thread is stuck, i'd like to keep it to bug submissions/requests only, unless further input is actually needed. Thanks :)
spookers622, you're way offtopic.
July 23rd, 2007, 01:01 PM
request: just remove the LIVE mentality (by removing LIVE) and vola! No more "security" issues :downs:
July 23rd, 2007, 01:30 PM
request: add online co-op like gears of war and possibly a co-op that you can play if you have two xbox controllers or 2 keyboards and 2 mice or key board and 360 controller
and he wasn't off topic.
July 23rd, 2007, 02:28 PM
and he wasn't off topic.
they're making gears of war!!! it'll be crap without directx10 though (until hackers make it for xp)... the graphics are amazing on xbox 360, i have it, it'll have high requirements. do you think they'll have cross-platform multiplayer like shadowrun?
July 23rd, 2007, 11:00 PM
Oh is right, I forgot about that, so he was 70% off topic.:p my bad.
oh, and just to give you an idea on why I said "NO" to co op in Halo 2 Vista. the only way I can see Co-Op working on a computer is if it is online Co-Op like what their trying to do with Halo 3. Now Co-Op is all fun and games but when it comes to computers, Co-Op would have to be lan or Online. plus I didn't buy H2V to play "Co-Op" I could care less about it, I bought H2V so I can play Halo 2, and have "real"* Custom maps in Halo 2 Vista. and unless MS/HG coded Co-Op into Halo 2 Vista, I don't think they can put it back into the game.
*Real - real as in well made maps that aren't box maps and are made for only one side/player to have the uper hand over every one else.
July 23rd, 2007, 11:06 PM
Bug - AA re-eneables on every map or level load even though it shows it's off. Once I bring back up the menu and turn it off again the game runs a lot smoother.
I have even tried tweaking everything in my drivers. I have tried forcing it off and even just letting the app decide. Nothing works.
July 24th, 2007, 07:19 PM
request: add ONLINE co-op like gears of war and possibly a co-op that you can play if you have two xbox controllers or 2 keyboards and 2 mice or key board and 360 controller
notice the ONLINE...
as far as co-op on one pc goes, i onnly suggest that so you can play custom maps with other people you know who don't have h2vista
July 24th, 2007, 07:22 PM
It seems as if more money, time and effort was put into forcing the game to be vista only compatible. Hired gun was paid to ensure that the game would only work on Vista and not any previous versions of windows. Had the game been developed like ANY other DX9 game, it would most likely work on both XP and Vista just fine with no extra work done, except with probably less issues in XP as DX9 is emulated in vista. The most clear primary motive was to make vista appear more valuable by slapping exclusive titles on the side. Not to think it would sell the operating system, but just give it more shine and appeal. A small little < 1mb homebrewed loader was able fix it to run on XP just fine with minor issues. There is no serious "cross platform" compatibility adjustments need to be made for something to be both XP and vista compatible, so any claims that it's primary motive was to save money or prevent losses making the game "cross platform" between windows and windows (laugh) is just bull.
There is nothing in my mind that makes me even think the game would have been less successful if it was unlocked to work on XP. Microsoft has learned their lesson with whoring games just to increase vista's value the hard way with the major lack in H2V's and g4wl's success which is why Gears of War and as well as games for windows Live are now being planned to be XP compatible. The scandal is over.
aahh... but what about people who want to make maps for directx10? how can people using directx9 play them without a simplier version being made
July 24th, 2007, 09:14 PM
If anyone's off-topic here, it's you guys arguing over the whole MS/Vista/Live thing. I seriously doubt Hired Gun made the decision regarding ANY of these things, so let's try and veer back onto the road here.
For those of you having mouse stuttering problems, I know a solution. For some reason, enabling Vsync completely fixes the issue.
Request: Add a Vsync option. Simple as that.
Work-around: Go into your video card's control panel and force it on for Halo 2. Be sure not to force it on for all apps, because some don't support it and you could have serious issues.
I don't think this is in Hired Guns' control, but it would be nice if Windows Live was more DSL-friendly. Right now, it seems to need an 'always on' connection, like cable. I was screaming and almost crying when I had tried for hours to get this to work (to no avail). On the other hand, this might be an issue with H2V, but again, I doubt it.
July 25th, 2007, 12:07 PM
If anyone's off-topic here, it's you guys arguing over the whole MS/Vista/Live thing. I seriously doubt Hired Gun made the decision regarding ANY of these things, so let's try and veer back onto the road here.
But Bum Has Knife is our only hope at getting these messages passed up to the ones who do make the decisions :smith:
July 26th, 2007, 03:23 AM
Bum Has Knife is our only hope at getting these messages passed up to the ones who do make the decisionsThat might be true, you've got a point. However, this isn't the thread to do it in? Let's report stuff that could be worked into a H2V patch.
Either way, now that I'm looking back on it, this thread probably has more bugs in it than a patch could handle.
Bum Has Knife! Have you given up on this thread yet? If not, I've got another question: is it possible that you guys will make more maps in the future? I fucking love District and Uplift - I think they're my new favourite H2 maps! Props!
bum has knife
July 26th, 2007, 12:30 PM
Bum Has Knife! Have you given up on this thread yet?
Of course not. When there is a new post in this thread, its the first I check. I want the same thing as you guys do. I'm in the (sometimes unfortunate) position of seeing things from your perspective but also being here on the team where I have to deal with reality. One part of me is very proud of what my team has done in such a short period of time with very limited resources. The other part is just as disappointed as you guys, that even though we all worked our asses off (weekends? what weekends), it still isn't where we want it to be.
Which leads me back on topic...
Bum Has Knife is our only hope at getting these messages passed up to the ones who do make the decisions
I don't know if thats totally true, but I suppose it depends on the topic. You should know that I'm just the artist here, which means I haven't even met these decision makers. Might as well be Keyser Söze.
On the hot topic of LIVE though, I will say that I do believe in the platform. I'm lucky in that i've seen the future and I think its bright. Is version 1 a rough transition for staunch pc users? maybe, but i'll be very interested in seeing how you feel once its reached maturity.
is it possible that you guys will make more maps in the future? I fucking love District and Uplift - I think they're my new favourite H2 maps! Props!
Yay, an artist question. First, the props for those maps should go to Pi Studios, they rock. Bungie and a couple of us here were mainly there to review and give feedback. Now, will WE make some maps? Maybe I'll have more to say about that soon...
July 26th, 2007, 01:18 PM
I've found one error in district, and it's kind of odd, but the game play still rocks. =p it's my fav map I'm all ways playing it, but I don't "own" on district as I do containment. oh and did any one know that Bum has knife's team released aGuide to Halo 2 Vista. I found it when I was trying to get a Halo 2 guide. :p
Oh and Bum has knife, you rock, I don't know about others, but I very much like hearing your thoughts on some of the things said in this forum.
July 26th, 2007, 02:00 PM
Oh and Bum has knife, you rock, I don't know about others, but I very much like hearing your thoughts on some of the things said in this forum.
I totally agree. You seem very down-to-earth. It's good that someone on the team actually checks the message board, too, because this way we actually have a chance of seeing improvements (which I can't wait for).
Suggestion: Would it be possible to make it so that when you click on something in the menu, it doesn't behave like the controller? Like, if I click on 'Browse Games,' for example, it just highlights it, and I have to click again to select it.
bum has knife
July 26th, 2007, 02:31 PM
Suggestion: Would it be possible to make it so that when you click on something in the menu, it doesn't behave like the controller? Like, if I click on 'Browse Games,' for example, it just highlights it, and I have to click again to select it.
Yeah, so the short story with that whole mechanic is that it allows us to use those "tooltip" type descriptions about the option you're selecting. You'll probably notice the inconsistency is actually consistent. Basically a screen or selection that doesn't have one of those (like the main menu or low level settings screens) only require one click.
That's just an explanation of why its there, not really a statement about whether that is the best behavior or not.
bum has knife
July 26th, 2007, 03:51 PM
Bum has knife, you rock
Thanks! You're totally right, i do.
July 26th, 2007, 04:03 PM
On the hot topic of LIVE though, I will say that I do believe in the platform. I'm lucky in that i've seen the future and I think its bright. Is version 1 a rough transition for staunch pc users? maybe, but i'll be very interested in seeing how you feel once its reached maturity.
Your joking right? UT2004 for example, has ALL the features live gold has and much much more and yet somehow they manage it to be F-R-E-E. Not to mention the problems live is having on pc (Can't join any servers).
Early then stated that he still feels that the silver service, compared to other PC online services out there, "still comes out on top" (< lol no it doesn't) because of its suite of services, including friends lists and voice chat, and reaffirmed that GFW - Live games' option to run dedicated servers is one of primary ways that Microsoft is using to address the issue of isolated players spread across different servers.
Quoted this off of a review on the E3 for Games for Windows Live. There are many games that have all the feature of live that don't need to be payed for and work ALL of the time not most of the time.
Definately not bright at all.
July 26th, 2007, 04:12 PM
On the hot topic of LIVE though, I will say that I do believe in the platform. I'm lucky in that i've seen the future and I think its bright. Is version 1 a rough transition for staunch pc users? maybe, but i'll be very interested in seeing how you feel once its reached maturity.
Are you saying that very big changes will be made to LIVE to make it more popular with PC gamers? I too see potential in it, but I really dislike some of the decisions made. I would support LIVE mostly if it weren't for user-hosted servers being gold-exclusive. That is something I really dislike right now, because it doesn't make any sense that we should be paying Microsoft to host servers on our own computer. I kow the LIVE service needs to be payed for somehow, but there are better ways to do it. Overall i think LIVE is a good concept and idea, but poorly done as of now and it has given me a bad first impression. I just hope some changes will come along in the implementation of LIVE rather than just adding in little features to make it look more valuble.
bum has knife
July 26th, 2007, 04:18 PM
Your joking right?
I am not. Like I was saying, I have seen LIVE in a form that you have not yet. My comment was just a personal opinion about the future of the service, thats all. I understand how you feel about it right now compared to other services available on the PC. Naturally, Xbox Live had a better birth because it was on a console without much competition.
July 26th, 2007, 04:21 PM
Not to seem demanding, but are you able to tell us anything about it or hint as to what sort of changes will be made? Big or small?
July 26th, 2007, 04:29 PM
I am not. Like I was saying, I have seen LIVE in a form that you have not yet. My comment was just a personal opinion about the future of the service, thats all. I understand how you feel about it right now compared to other services available on the PC. Naturally, Xbox Live had a better birth because it was on a console without much competition.
Either way you will have to pay otherwise there will be no Gold/Silver and it will not be able to go cross platform (Gold only) with the xbox.
July 26th, 2007, 09:27 PM
Request: Compatibility with Hamachi. The only thing that will ever possibly make live an accepted service by PC gamers and have a bright future is if its 100% free, no silver, gold platinum bs. That's a hopeless wish if its coming from microsoft which is probably fixed on packing more useless novelty features into it and finding ways to ensure its forced onto pc gamers through windows like it is on the xbox instead.
July 27th, 2007, 07:13 AM
Oh and Bum has knife, you rock
no, he stabs :eng101:
Also, the only reason I would really want Hamachi is to have true private games with friends back in the states, or for testing maps etc :(
July 27th, 2007, 09:02 AM
I have faith in XBL and GFWL..
I see hamachi coming into play only because if they start getting pissed about custom content if we decide to create more then just maps in the future..
July 27th, 2007, 09:52 AM
i dont really mind paying lol i have to for xbox anyway and i use the same account :)
July 27th, 2007, 10:03 AM
You don't mind paying because you have a xbox, some of us don't. There are what two games that use live for pc? Why would I pay $50 just for 2 games and I only have one.
July 27th, 2007, 10:57 AM
Also, the only reason I would really want Hamachi is to have true private games with friends back in the states, or for testing maps etc :(Same reason I want it. I want to be able to host normal closed games for testing maps. As simple as that, as hosting private online games have been stander in online pc games since quake... Neither I want to be robbed into paying for gold, nor do I want any of my fellow testers being robbed just to test maps in a closed server.
July 27th, 2007, 02:03 PM
I got a question.
Would you guys paid for LIVE had the editor been more "open" and the dedicated server like CE's?
July 27th, 2007, 02:14 PM
If the dedicated server was more like CE's you could host your own server and play on it with silver. I doubt that bullshit about "host advantage" with the dedicated servers is more of a reason for someone to get Gold. There is no host advantage, if there was then why can user's with gold host their games and not have a stick shoved up their ass about it.
So if the dedicated server's were like CE's and you could host and play on it there would be no point in actually paying for live.
July 27th, 2007, 02:57 PM
Well I have to say this; even though you have to pay for a gold account LIVE is better on the PC then the xbox. The reason is that on xbox live (360) the Silver membership is free like the pc but you can't play multiplayer. So yes I hate the fact that you have to pay but still its better than xbox live.
July 27th, 2007, 06:16 PM
I got a question.
Would you guys paid for LIVE had the editor been more "open" and the dedicated server like CE's?Now admittedly I am old school so my comments on the subject will most likely not originate from the same experience as others here. When I purchase a video game I expect to pay for the game and nothing more. I do not expect to pay extra for an on-line multiplayer shooter experience when the game has that option.
If the Live system was just an anonymous server browser I would have no problems with it. But it is not. It is a community and retail sales system. I am not the least bit interested in achievements, chatting with others or being marketed to. I have a free account.
I understand the potential of the Live system to create a community and the cost involved in maintaining it, hence the fee. But from where I sit on the sidelines it looks as if Microsoft is trying to create and to a large extent control a single gamer community with Live, whereas I feel that communities of this type should not be centrally controlled but scattered, smaller and self organized. The primary benefit for MS that I see for a single gamer community is so that it can be marketed too efficiently whereas many scattered groups are harder to reach. There are also benefits for the gamer but to me they pall by comparison to the influence the central system can wield.
I am not even going to get into the loss of privacy involved. Just to say that now that my Live account is also for Halo 2 where before it was only for my MS partner program, Microsoft now has access to the exact times I play Halo 2 and can know by name and address.
As for the server I haven’t yet run tests on it directly but I can tell from just monitoring my connection that near T1 bidirectional speeds are required to run a full server. I deduce this because my downlink bandwidth was 10% higher than my uplink bandwidth. There are technical limitations imposed by the requirements. Since Live is not just a server browser, I am making a wild guess that MS's thoughts were that since they will have to field the Live complaints of the self hosted servers on low uplink connections they should at least get paid for it. Central control of the game once again.
I can not address the map editor specifically except to say that if there was any fault it was that it was never made clear that it was only a map editor and not an SDK like the Halo CE tools.
To sum up my thoughts: So far no company has enticed me enough to pay a reoccurring fee for ANY game and I expect none ever will. The games do not hold that much importance for me as they may for people more in the target market.
July 27th, 2007, 09:33 PM
If the Live system was just an anonymous server browser I would have no problems with it. But it is not. It is a community and retail sales system. I am not the least bit interested in achievements, chatting with others .
On xbox this feature would be great cause everyone has the same mic designed to work on the xbox. Where as everyone has a different computer with different mics and most of the time they buy the cheapest one they can find and then use it incorrectly, it is truely annoying to hear the static sound all the time. I'm not sure if there is a way to view a player (same place as the friends list) but mine hasn't been working for almost a month now (probly a gold only feature) so you can't mute them when playing (assuming).
July 27th, 2007, 09:51 PM
On xbox this feature would be great cause everyone has the same mic designed to work on the xbox. Where as everyone has a different computer with different mics and most of the time they buy the cheapest one they can find and then use it incorrectly, it is truely annoying to hear the static sound all the time. I'm not sure if there is a way to view a player (same place as the friends list) but mine hasn't been working for almost a month now (probly a gold only feature) so you can't mute them when playing (assuming).
You can mute while playing. I still don't see why it doesn't work for you. :(
July 28th, 2007, 01:24 PM
You can mute while playing. I still don't see why it doesn't work for you. :(
It takes forever though, you gotta open live, go into players, find the guy, but most of the time he's not even on the list, then you gotta open another menu and mute him. Why can't we just use the ingame scores list and the arrow keys to highlight players, then hit a normally unused button?
July 28th, 2007, 02:18 PM
Like Halo 3?
Integrate an easy in-game mute function. (For muting people)
August 6th, 2007, 07:10 PM
Has HG patched the game yet?
August 6th, 2007, 10:54 PM
Sadly, no. :(
August 10th, 2007, 12:45 PM
Technically yes. It disabled the map shots in fear of people adding nudity to them, i.e. porn, furry pron, goatse, etc.
August 10th, 2007, 01:32 PM
Lol, I laugh at that because they added "Partial Nudity" to the rating and if live has so much of an advantage they can ban whoever hosts the map/take down the server.
August 10th, 2007, 11:05 PM
Suggestion: Remove the name restrictions for Live. Map names cannot be creative with such constraints. (The word Shaft is prohibited)
August 13th, 2007, 06:17 AM
I agree with et_cg on that one, look at There is no map there with any kind of profanity [I think mainly because Dennis (OK, fine, UXB) removes them]. Granted, there is one with nudity in it, but that's the secret room, and you can't stop them. I have not bought H2V yet, for 3 reasons:
1. Everyone I have talked to says it's exactly the same as the Xbox version, which I own. At least add in a couple more SP levels or something. Maybe a tiny preview of Halo 3.
2. Even if I didn't already have it for the Xbox, I've heard so many reports of bad framerate, and this entire thread full of 13 pages of bugs, that I wouldn't buy it until it was stable.
3. I also would like a fully unlocked HEK, which our good friend Kornman is providing for us (Thanks!). However, I would prefer to use the official one then the possibly illegal one, though I would currently go for the latter due to the lockiness.
August 13th, 2007, 08:55 AM
2. Even if I didn't already have it for the Xbox, I've heard so many reports of bad framerate, and this entire thread full of 13 pages of bugs, that I wouldn't buy it until it was stable.
:/ I can only see 3, but there is 124 posts in this thread with a list of bugs in them, but other then that H2V is a good game so far.
August 13th, 2007, 09:00 AM
You wouldn't know a good game if it came up and cockslapped you in the face. Which, incidentally, I sincerely wish someone would do.
August 13th, 2007, 09:02 AM
:/ I can only see 3, but there is 124 posts in this thread with a list of bugs in them, but other then that H2V is a good game so far.
You've got to be shitting me.
Honest to god, I bet you're one of those retards that believes Halo CE was a good port.
August 13th, 2007, 09:06 AM
August 13th, 2007, 08:19 PM
You wouldn't know a good game if it came up and cockslapped you in the face. Which, incidentally, I sincerely wish someone would do.
Dude, yea maybe I don't know what a good game is in your mind, but then again, I'm not you, and you're not me, the way we think are different, my idea of a good game is StarCraft.
You've got to be shitting me.
Honest to god, I bet you're one of those retards that believes Halo CE was a good port.
Um, Halo CE was good, but not the best, it's better then Halo PC in the long run because of the custom maps, I don't judge games one gfx or gameplay or the story line, I judge them on how easy some one can make custom models and crap. I do think Halo CE could of been a better port if Gear Box didn't fuck it up.
August 14th, 2007, 09:53 AM
Dude, yea maybe I don't know what a good game is in your mind, but then again, I'm not you, and you're not me, the way we think are different, my idea of a good game is StarCraft.
Um, Halo CE was good, but not the best, it's better then Halo PC in the long run because of the custom maps, I don't judge games one gfx or gameplay or the story line, I judge them on how easy some one can make custom models and crap. I do think Halo CE could of been a better port if Gear Box didn't fuck it up.
It might be easy to make custom models, but if they're good, then it can take quite a bit of work optimizing them to work with ce.
August 14th, 2007, 07:16 PM
It might be easy to make custom models, but if they're good, then it can take quite a bit of work optimizing them to work with ce.
good point, but at that point, I'm not judging the game it's self, I'm judging the modeling skills of the modeler, and the model and/or map.
August 15th, 2007, 12:20 PM
Let's stay on topic, please.
August 16th, 2007, 01:47 PM
Floating Warthogs when spawn(untill u get in or melee it)
Use the older Havok Physics engine so we can superbounce :)
August 20th, 2007, 06:32 PM
Floating Warthogs when spawn(untill u get in or melee it)
Use the older Havok Physics engine so we can superbounce :)
I agree with Conscars, and;
Select "At rest" in sapien.
Fix the bug where certain game types on dedicated servers cause everyone to see just 0 for the scores, or people who join mid game. I've seen it quite a bit lately, but I've yet to narrow down why it happens.
Fix the network errors, suggestion by maybe actually using Live servers for something other than connecting/sending messages?
August 22nd, 2007, 01:01 AM
We were told earlier in FAQs that we would be able to communicate with our Halo 2 360 friends by voice and text, I don't know if it's just me, but I cannot do it.
August 22nd, 2007, 06:36 PM
August 22nd, 2007, 07:08 PM
We were told earlier in FAQs that we would be able to communicate with our Halo 2 360 friends by voice and text, I don't know if it's just me, but I cannot do it.
it's called Xbox live PMs.:rolleyes:
August 26th, 2007, 04:06 PM
Sometimes, when I'm taking screenshots...well this is how it turns out:
August 27th, 2007, 10:44 AM
I don't know if this is a bug but whatever it is, it needs to be fixed. Since it's kind of annoying.
Sometimes I join a server or a game starts there is no score! It only says everybody has 0 kills. Only when the game's over in postgame report you can see the score. Has anybody else experienced this?
August 27th, 2007, 11:33 AM
For all those complaining about the mic issue, including myself. I'm not sure if anyone else has found this but I might as well post it. You can disable all the sounds coming from the mic in the settings panel under "voice".
Also there is some update :).
August 27th, 2007, 07:52 PM
Sometimes, when I'm taking screenshots...well this is how it turns out:
Thats pretty neat. Like a 10 frame blending.
August 27th, 2007, 07:58 PM
For all those complaining about the mic issue, including myself. I'm not sure if anyone else has found this but I might as well post it. You can disable all the sounds coming from the mic in the settings panel under "voice".
Also there is some update :).
That's always been there.
What they added was "Voice Threshold"
Basically how many decibles it takes to actually activate your voice. Before it was all controlled through recording volume, which in turn affected how loud you were and partly how loud you had to be to get your voice to activate.
Request; Instead of updating live, update Halo 2. lol, I'm sure you guys have been hard at work.
September 20th, 2007, 01:36 AM
im not sure if this has been posted yet ,but this absolutely has to be fixed ,maybe its just me
but when driving a warthog ,or in the passenger seat or in the gunner position ,its horrendously laggy
like the gunner seat ,firing the turret should be smooth
instead it pops up and down like crazy
September 20th, 2007, 10:49 PM
I don't know if this is a bug but whatever it is, it needs to be fixed. Since it's kind of annoying.
Sometimes I join a server or a game starts there is no score! It only says everybody has 0 kills. Only when the game's over in postgame report you can see the score. Has anybody else experienced this?
Yeah it's happened to me a couple times.
September 29th, 2007, 09:59 PM
Hmm not too sure if this has been requested, probably has:
Distinguishing between Global Chat, Ingame private whispers, and Team chat...
September 29th, 2007, 10:38 PM
It'd be nice to have separate colours.
September 29th, 2007, 11:06 PM
Hmm not too sure if this has been requested, probably has:
Distinguishing between Global Chat, Ingame private whispers, and Team chat...
It'd be nice to have separate colours.
Like have green for global chat, black for ingame private whispers, and Team color for team chat?
September 29th, 2007, 11:37 PM
black is a bad idea, it'll be hard to read.
September 29th, 2007, 11:40 PM
I wish it was a smart text, it adapts to whatever the background is (like if the you look at the grass, and the text for some reason is green, it'll change colors or blue or something that'll greatly contrast against the image?)
Actually that would be a request also: Smart text that contrasts against the background =D
September 29th, 2007, 11:58 PM
black is a bad idea, it'll be hard to read.
good point. forget black then.
I wish it was a smart text, it adapts to whatever the background is (like if the you look at the grass, and the text for some reason is green, it'll change colors or blue or something that'll greatly contrast against the image?)
Actually that would be a request also: Smart text that contrasts against the background =D
good idea, that'd be a very helf full thing, there are times when I'm playing Halo and some one is talking to me in text, I have to look up or at a wall that isn't 50% to 100% white just to see what the guy is saying.
September 30th, 2007, 01:06 AM
Actually that would be a request also: Smart text that contrasts against the background =D
That, and it could just say [TEAM] before team messages, [PRIVATE], and say nothing before global chat
[EJ] Bean
September 30th, 2007, 09:52 PM
Being able to type T & Y to differenciate between who your talking to, instead of the whole '/team' would be cool.
October 2nd, 2007, 09:00 PM
So hows that update coming? I recently got a Xbox 360 Controller update, which reminded me about H2V.
October 5th, 2007, 11:21 PM
Bean, you can do that. You can assign team, global chats.
The updates comes when it comes along, who knows when, soon is probably the answer.
Request: Less laggy-ness when using the LIVE Guide AND browsing through the LIVE Game lobby, please?
There was something else I thought was pretty important...geez
Ok, I KNOW this has been mentioned:
PLEASE PLEASE Limit the # of Delays each player can delay...AND PLEASE put up an indicator on who delayed it (especially on dedicated servers) so we know who to reprimand =D, but the # of limits on delay is a DEFINITE...please?
October 27th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Postgame Carnage Report XML files are horribly inaccurate and have quite a few problems.
1. Sometimes, in team games, places aren't recorded properly
2. In games with two teams, non blue/red teams' players do not have a team value. This and the above make it impossible determine who was on what team in a game of say, pink and yellow.
3. PCRs are sometimes just plain odd. I have a few on hand that have scores that don't add up even if you consider quitters and suicides / betrayals. Primarily, I have a slayer game where a player has no kills or deaths but has a score of 6.
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