View Full Version : I need a bit of help.
July 1st, 2007, 08:02 PM
I have a few years of experience at modding Halo PC using tools such as HMT, HHT, Sparkedit, etc... Now I want to go to something bigger, so I chose to start. modding Halo Custom Edition. The first thing I want to do is just play around with the Campaign and add new content. However, I have a few problems which are stopping me from starting and I was hoping that some of you could help me. Here are my questions :
1. Should I use the original HEK or HEK+?
2. How do I add tags to the map?
3. How do I place the new weapons, vehicles and bipeds around in the map?
4. How do I get a certan enemy\ally to go into a vehicle one he\it sees it?
5. How do I add more actor varients?
These questions may sound simple and noobish to some of you, but remember that I am new in Halo CE modding.
teh lag
July 2nd, 2007, 06:11 AM
1. Should I use the original HEK or HEK+?
HEK. Hek+ is more of an addition of tools, not an an entirely new thing.
2. How do I add tags to the map?
HEK comes with a tutorial that covers the basics, like this.
3. How do I place the new weapons, vehicles and bipeds around in the map?
See above.
4. How do I get a certan enemy\ally to go into a vehicle one he\it sees it?
If you're in Campaign, there's not much you can do here; I think most of that is pre-scripted in. You CAN make a new AI encounter and command list to have AI enter vehicles, but that can be very unreliable.
5. How do I add more actor varients?
There's an AI section in Sapien, and many tutorials floating around about AI.
July 2nd, 2007, 09:21 AM
I have a few years of experience at modding Halo PC using tools such as HMT, HHT, Sparkedit, etc... Now I want to go to something bigger, so I chose to start. modding Halo Custom Edition. The first thing I want to do is just play around with the Campaign and add new content. However, I have a few problems which are stopping me from starting and I was hoping that some of you could help me. Here are my questions :
1. Should I use the original HEK or HEK+?
2. How do I add tags to the map?
3. How do I place the new weapons, vehicles and bipeds around in the map?
4. How do I get a certan enemy\ally to go into a vehicle one he\it sees it?
5. How do I add more actor varients?
These questions may sound simple and noobish to some of you, but remember that I am new in Halo CE modding.
i have the answer to all of your questions right here (
credit goes to ghost for his awesome tutorials database
July 2nd, 2007, 03:15 PM
I'm still confused and I can't find the tutorials that I need. If anybody would be willing to help me more, please tell me. I also want to know how to modify the SP levels.
July 2nd, 2007, 04:07 PM
to help you you need basic knowledge of how to work the HEK. I would suggest reading the tutorial that came with the HEk, then maybe watching the 6-7 video sets on how to make a level. You might not be looking to make a multiplayer level, but it will show you the basics on all the tools. Gurilla is your tag editor: You edit the properties of things. Sapien is your level population tool, that places weapons/vehicles and sets up AI. tool is used to convert raw models, bitmaps, animations, etc into halo's format.
I can't really help you ay more until your learn the basics of it by watching those tutorials.
July 2nd, 2007, 04:12 PM
I read the tutorials and I understand how to use the program. All I need to do now is put it all together in Halo's SP maps. My test level is Assault on the Control Room.
July 2nd, 2007, 05:33 PM
Well, if you know how HEK+ works:
Extract the scenario file of B40 (AotCR) and open it with sapien. Edit it to your liking, and compile it with ToolEX, which comes with Hek+. Use the build map cache file and you've got yourself a new map.
Open the map in Halo CE with the map_name command, using tilde (~). You enable ~ by typing -console at the end of path of the halo ce SHORTCUT.
July 3rd, 2007, 12:02 PM
When I try to load the .scenario file, there's an error. It says "The intruction "0x7c9111de" referenced memory at "0xe0011400". The memory could not be "read". What do I do now?
Also, when I check the debug.txt it says this :
07.03.07 10:33:42 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
07.03.07 10:33:42 reference function: _write_to_error_file
07.03.07 10:33:42 reference address: 401b13
07.03.07 10:33:42 Couldn't read map file './'
07.03.07 10:33:43 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
07.03.07 10:33:46 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
07.03.07 10:33:50 file_open('tags\scenery\halo_destroyed\bitmaps\hal o_explosion_flares.bitmap') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
07.03.07 10:33:50 couldn't open bitmap tag 'halo_explosion_flares.bitmap'.
07.03.07 10:33:50 failed to load lens_flare tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:33:50 failed to load light tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:33:50 failed to load effect tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion'
07.03.07 10:33:50 failed to load model_collision_geometry tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:33:50 failed to load scenery tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:34:13 the model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' and the collision model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' don't match (node counts don't match)
07.03.07 10:34:13 the object 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' will not be collidable
07.03.07 10:34:13 file_open('tags\scenery\halo_destroyed\bitmaps\hal o_explosion_flares.bitmap') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
07.03.07 10:34:13 couldn't open bitmap tag 'halo_explosion_flares.bitmap'.
07.03.07 10:34:13 failed to load lens_flare tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:34:13 failed to load light tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:34:13 failed to load effect tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion'
07.03.07 10:34:13 failed to load model_collision_geometry tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:34:13 failed to load vehicle tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:34:14 file_open('tags\scenery\halo_destroyed\bitmaps\hal o_explosion_flares.bitmap') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
07.03.07 10:34:14 couldn't open bitmap tag 'halo_explosion_flares.bitmap'.
07.03.07 10:34:14 failed to load lens_flare tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:34:14 failed to load light tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:34:14 failed to load effect tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion'
07.03.07 10:34:14 failed to load model_collision_geometry tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:34:14 failed to load vehicle tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:34:23 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
07.03.07 10:34:23 EBX: 0x00000004
07.03.07 10:34:23 ECX: 0x00A4E300
07.03.07 10:34:23 EDX: 0x00000005
07.03.07 10:34:23 EDI: 0x0D1E9FFC
07.03.07 10:34:23 ESI: 0x00000004
07.03.07 10:34:23 EBP: 0x00A4E30C
07.03.07 10:34:23 ESP: 0x0012F0E4
07.03.07 10:34:23 EIP: 0x005AB968, 66 8B 04 3E ?????
07.03.07 10:34:23 6F697461 ?????
07.03.07 10:34:23 00000008 ?????
07.03.07 10:35:11 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
07.03.07 10:35:11 reference function: _write_to_error_file
07.03.07 10:35:11 reference address: 401b13
07.03.07 10:35:11 Couldn't read map file './'
07.03.07 10:35:12 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
07.03.07 10:35:14 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
07.03.07 10:35:18 file_open('tags\scenery\halo_destroyed\bitmaps\hal o_explosion_flares.bitmap') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
07.03.07 10:35:18 couldn't open bitmap tag 'halo_explosion_flares.bitmap'.
07.03.07 10:35:18 failed to load lens_flare tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:35:18 failed to load light tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:35:18 failed to load effect tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion'
07.03.07 10:35:18 failed to load model_collision_geometry tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:35:18 failed to load scenery tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:35:35 the model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' and the collision model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' don't match (node counts don't match)
07.03.07 10:35:35 the object 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' will not be collidable
07.03.07 10:35:36 file_open('tags\scenery\halo_destroyed\bitmaps\hal o_explosion_flares.bitmap') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
07.03.07 10:35:36 couldn't open bitmap tag 'halo_explosion_flares.bitmap'.
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load lens_flare tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load light tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load effect tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load model_collision_geometry tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load vehicle tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:35:36 file_open('tags\scenery\halo_destroyed\bitmaps\hal o_explosion_flares.bitmap') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
07.03.07 10:35:36 couldn't open bitmap tag 'halo_explosion_flares.bitmap'.
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load lens_flare tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load light tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion_core'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load effect tag 'vehicles\pelican\effects\pelican explosion'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load model_collision_geometry tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:35:36 failed to load vehicle tag 'vehicles\pelican\pelican'
07.03.07 10:35:43 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
07.03.07 10:35:43 EBX: 0x00000002
07.03.07 10:35:43 ECX: 0x00A4E2F8
07.03.07 10:35:43 EDX: 0x00000005
07.03.07 10:35:43 EDI: 0x0D1E9000
07.03.07 10:35:43 ESI: 0x00000000
07.03.07 10:35:43 EBP: 0x00A4E30C
07.03.07 10:35:43 ESP: 0x0012F0E4
07.03.07 10:35:43 EIP: 0x005AB968, 66 8B 04 3E ?????
07.03.07 10:35:43 6F697461 ?????
07.03.07 10:35:43 00000008 ?????
teh lag
July 3rd, 2007, 12:09 PM
07.03.07 10:35:18 file_open('tags\scenery\halo_destroyed\bitmaps\hal o_explosion_flares.bitmap') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
Find that tag, for one.
07.03.07 10:35:35 the model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' and the collision model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' don't match (node counts don't match)
07.03.07 10:35:35 the object 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' will not be collidable
Try re-extracting the c_dropship tags. Though they may not be exactly causing your exception, it's always possible.
July 3rd, 2007, 03:19 PM
Find that tag, for one.
I looked in the tag folder and the tag isn't there. All there is is halo_burning_debris.bitmap.
EDIT : Fixed that problem.
When I try to load Sapien it still doesn't work I checked in the debug.txt and it says this :
07.03.07 13:28:09 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
07.03.07 13:28:09 reference function: _write_to_error_file
07.03.07 13:28:09 reference address: 401b13
07.03.07 13:28:09 Couldn't read map file './'
07.03.07 13:28:10 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
07.03.07 13:28:13 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
07.03.07 13:28:38 the model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' and the collision model 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' don't match (node counts don't match)
07.03.07 13:28:38 the object 'vehicles\c_dropship\cd_gun\cd_gun' will not be collidable
07.03.07 13:28:46 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
07.03.07 13:28:46 EBX: 0x00000002
07.03.07 13:28:46 ECX: 0x00A4E2F8
07.03.07 13:28:46 EDX: 0x00000005
07.03.07 13:28:46 EDI: 0x0D226000
07.03.07 13:28:46 ESI: 0x00000000
07.03.07 13:28:46 EBP: 0x00A4E30C
07.03.07 13:28:46 ESP: 0x0012F0E4
07.03.07 13:28:46 EIP: 0x005AB968, 66 8B 04 3E ?????
07.03.07 13:28:46 6F697461 ?????
07.03.07 13:28:46 00000008 ?????
teh lag
July 3rd, 2007, 03:54 PM
Try opening those tags in guerilla, see if they're somehow corrrupted.
July 6th, 2007, 03:54 PM
OK, I'll try that to see if it helps.
July 6th, 2007, 05:02 PM
You can try overwrite extracting the Spirit's tags.
July 9th, 2007, 09:08 AM
Nope, it's still not working.
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