View Full Version : Biped/Shader/AI help
July 2nd, 2007, 03:16 PM
Anyway to make an actor variant shader (in this matter the zealot elite) onto a biped?
I need it to enter a vehicle, but I only have the proper unit_enter_vehicle command and it only works for bipeds.
Don't give me the ai_go_to_vehicle stuff, I don't want it. I'm looking for these options:
golden shader onto biped (O_o??)
making an encounter/squad into a unit instead of ai
a script to place ai into a vehicle, not making it go to the vehicle itself
Much appreciated.
July 2nd, 2007, 11:31 PM
There is no golden shader to change the elite's color open the actor variant tag scroll to the bottom and you will see a field called change colors.
July 3rd, 2007, 01:27 PM
make a new comannd list that tell it to go into a certain vehicles seat.
then however the script gets started (EX: volume test objects, unit heath, etc)
then add (ai_command_list <Encounter name> <Command list name>)
heres an little example i made
(sleep until (volume_test_objects trig_c (players 15))
(ai_command_list vehienter enterunit)
if you want to attach a biped to an ai then you would do this
(sleep unit (volume_test_objects trig_c (players 15));triggers below script
(ai_attach biped1 vehienter); tells the biped to use the vehienter encounter
(ai_command_list_by_unit biped1 enterunit); tell the biped to enter a vehicle
thats all you need to know
July 3rd, 2007, 01:54 PM
I knew all that already, I've got my singleplayer map full of scripts.
This is for cutscene matters, and the vehicle is the covenant dropship, which the golden elite doesn't go into by itself.
Only the unit_enter_vehicle command works, as far as I know, and that command only works on units/bipeds, not ai.
July 3rd, 2007, 02:07 PM
(vehicle_load_magic *VEHICLE* *SEAT STRING/SUBSTRING* (ai_actors *ENCOUNTER*))
(unit_enter_vehicle (unit (list_get (ai_actors *ENCOUNTER*) #)) *VEHICLE* *SEAT STRING*)
something like that
July 3rd, 2007, 02:19 PM
ohh the vehicle is a dropship thats a whole different story
attach the biped to an ai and do what CAD said
make an biped BE an ai using ai attach >_<
(ai_attach <unit> <ai>)
attaches the specified unit to the specified encounter.
July 3rd, 2007, 02:26 PM
Or... just use an AI?
July 3rd, 2007, 04:00 PM
AI refuse to enter dropships unless there a biped attached to an ai
atleast they do for me, and adumass
EDIT: just looked at your script again, the way you have it set up, it should work.
i meant that ai dont get in dropships wth a command list or an ai_go_to_vehicle script
July 3rd, 2007, 11:04 PM
(unit_enter_vehicle bipedname vehiclename seat)
(ai_attach bipedname encounter/squad)
(ai_exit_vehicle encounter/squad)
You have to attach the ai after you get the biped in the seat or the ai will mostly likely run up near the drop ship and just stand there or one of them will maybe jump in.
July 4th, 2007, 03:53 AM
(vehicle_load_magic *VEHICLE* *SEAT STRING/SUBSTRING* (ai_actors *ENCOUNTER*))
(unit_enter_vehicle (unit (list_get (ai_actors *ENCOUNTER*) #)) *VEHICLE* *SEAT STRING*)
something like that
Ah! Thank you. I haven't tried yet, but ai_actors converts it to an object list, right? I never knew how it worked. <3
@ adumass: If I'd do that, I'd still have the normal biped in the vehicle, not the zealot Elite.
Edit: It works! the second one works, the first just returns a boolean. Thank you Ctrl!
July 4th, 2007, 12:25 PM
Ah! Thank you. I haven't tried yet, but ai_actors converts it to an object list, right? I never knew how it worked. <3
@ adumass: If I'd do that, I'd still have the normal biped in the vehicle, not the zealot Elite.
Edit: It works! the second one works, the first just returns a boolean. Thank you Ctrl!
No you would not have a normal biped the ai_attach gives the biped ai it would act like the zealot. You could make a new elite biped and just change the color in the biped to make it look like a zealot.
July 4th, 2007, 01:23 PM
I know you can attach the AI to the biped, but the biped will still be the ordinary color, and the color cannot be set in the biped tags, I've tried. You only get different diffuses or whatever, I don't know much about shaders. What I do know is that it won't work, it will have messed up colors.
July 4th, 2007, 02:39 PM
I know you can attach the AI to the biped, but the biped will still be the ordinary color, and the color cannot be set in the biped tags, I've tried. You only get different diffuses or whatever, I don't know much about shaders. What I do know is that it won't work, it will have messed up colors.
I've changed biped colors before.. if it doesn't work in the biped you could always change the bitmaps color.
July 4th, 2007, 05:26 PM
I can change colors too, but I always have the blueish elite shader ontop of it.
teh lag
July 4th, 2007, 06:20 PM
The blue is from the cubemap used by the Elites - it uses permutations. (see : forced shader permutation in the actor variant.) You can solve this by copying the elite gbxmodel, assigning it to your biped, and setting the shader permutation on the gbxmodel's shader list to the permutation ID of the cubemap you want.
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