View Full Version : Travel to the 10th dimension! OOooOOOOoooOooO!
Chewy Gumball
November 19th, 2006, 09:50 PM
Hmmm (
Do you think its a plausible explanation?
November 19th, 2006, 11:33 PM
As intriguing as it is, I believe it is a false explanation.
November 20th, 2006, 12:33 AM
As intriguing as it is, I believe it is a false explanation.
November 20th, 2006, 01:29 AM
Extremely old. Been discussed on Gearbox many times.
The first four are sorta good definitions and give a some what simple explanation to grasp.
Mr Buckshot
November 20th, 2006, 01:30 AM
all bullshit. seriously, only RETARDS would believe that. I'm speaking as a physics student btw.
November 20th, 2006, 01:38 AM
eh seen it before...
not a big fan of it, since i can't really picture it that well :/
November 20th, 2006, 01:40 AM
Also speaking as a physics student... you shouldn't immediately discount something just on the grounds that it sounds absolutely insane and doesn't agree with the laws of the universe as we know them. Remember, there are whole regions where we don't even HAVE any working laws, like black holes... normal physics laws we take for granted cease to have meaning.
That said, I'm undecided on this. I prefer to keep an open mind and pick up evidence for/against as I find it.
November 20th, 2006, 06:42 AM
Seems plausible to me. I always went by the belief that the fourth dimension was time.
...heh. I guess that means 3d Studio Max is actually a 4D editor, if you're doing animations.
Chewy Gumball
November 20th, 2006, 11:33 AM
Ya, I agree up until the 5th dimension then its more of a dimension inside a dimension rather than a separate one. A Demidemention if you will.
November 20th, 2006, 06:08 PM
Theory...all can trick people with it though and make money $_$
November 22nd, 2006, 10:45 AM
It's intriguing, but not at all correct.
That said, I'm undecided on this. I prefer to keep an open mind and pick up evidence for/against as I find it.
In every theory that invloves more than four dimensions, the extra dimensions are not at all like the way they are presented in this link.
String theory, for example, has
3 spread-out spatial dimensions
1 spread-out time dimension
6+ tiny, curled-up spatial dimensions that look like this (
November 27th, 2006, 11:22 AM
I saw this ages ago, and it's quite interesting, although unlikely. I prefer just having to think about the dimensions that I need to think about, to be honest. ;)
August 3rd, 2007, 03:50 AM
Seems plausible to me. I always went by the belief that the fourth dimension was time.
...heh. I guess that means 3d Studio Max is actually a 4D editor, if you're doing animations.
3ds Max could not be a 4D editor, from my standpoint. Simply because you know the time set, you know what happens, and you create it. As for the actual 4D, that we believe exists as "time" has uknown possibilities that are unpredictable to us.
Now... if you took that animation over the timeset, created it, and spread it to others, it could be a "possible 4d ideaology," reason being - they simply don't know what happens throughout it's entirety. But, then once they've seen it, they can go back, and watch it again. Of course, then again, that idea of 3ds max being "4D," is a hard statement to prove.
August 3rd, 2007, 03:56 AM
wtf et_cg?
don't necro :(
August 3rd, 2007, 04:50 AM
My friend and I thought up descriptions for what each dimension would be. We agreed that 4th is time, and that in the 5th, it would be possible to eat an orange from the inside out, without breaking its skin. Also, that in the 42nd dimension, it is impossible for anything to be incorrect :awesome:
August 3rd, 2007, 04:57 AM
the internet is clearly on the 42nd dimention then :awesome:
but there's 3 dimensions of space so time would be the forth thust meaning the internet exists on the 43rd :O
August 3rd, 2007, 05:12 AM
Sorry, I meant to say 4th is time :saddowns:
August 3rd, 2007, 07:00 AM
3ds Max could not be a 4D editor, from my standpoint. Simply because you know the time set, you know what happens, and you create it. As for the actual 4D, that we believe exists as "time" has uknown possibilities that are unpredictable to us.
Now... if you took that animation over the timeset, created it, and spread it to others, it could be a "possible 4d ideaology," reason being - they simply don't know what happens throughout it's entirety. But, then once they've seen it, they can go back, and watch it again. Of course, then again, that idea of 3ds max being "4D," is a hard statement to prove.
I almost want to say you didn't watch the entire video. You or anyone else can't really claim to know the actual 4D as we don't exist in a 4D world.
Maya or w/e would actually be a 7D editor. You have a 3d model which can actually create events (a rotation, translation or scale) through multiple sets of given time (multiple animations).
I thought the video did an excellent job of imagining the 10thD, but is it right? We'll never really know. I have one argument, if infinity plays a part, wouldn't their be infinite dimensions? Because as you go up higher its really just a collection of simpler dimensions so whats stopping another instance of any other N-dimension from existing plus a line to another same N-D and so on.
August 3rd, 2007, 07:00 AM
I don't think time can be considered a logical dimension of space, you can measure any dimension in 3d space with a ruler, but how the hell do you measure time with a ruler? Time follows completely different scales as space and has no direct relation to length, width or depth. Dimensions is a term that is tossed around allot. To me a dimension is merely an index of a multiple numerical system. We use 3 dimensions to define measurement in real life space. We use 1 dimension to define measurement of time. We use 4 dimensions in video games to define a measurement of orientation (a quaternion). We use 3 dimensions to define color on computers (RGB). We use 2 dimensions to measure the placement of UV texture coords on a 3d model. If there exists anything that can be defined by any sort of measurement, we can assign it any amount of dimensions it needs to have to define it. All this "travel to the 497th dimension.... whooooo!!! bend the time space continuum! look at the 10 dimensional cube!" is all scientific rhetoric. You could take every dimension of a vertex on a 3d model, from its texture coords, to its xyz position, to its normal orientation, and even its weights to specific bones, and make it sound all interesting and say "OOO My model's vertexes has 12 dimensions!" but thats all it is.
I think the amount of dimensions that can be assigned to anything should have a direct relationship and use the same scales of measurement to allow proportional rotation, scaling, translations and other transformations between the different dimensions. It may be possible for time to have more than 1 dimension, as what that video tries to explain in the supposed "5th dimension", but it depends if that can also be measured and defined in minutes and seconds as well.
Anyways, heres a more interesting video!
August 3rd, 2007, 07:03 AM
Stop thinking so 3 dimensional jahrain and you'll realize greater dimensions ;p
August 3rd, 2007, 07:18 AM
I have traveled to the infinith dimension and back, and it has taught me that there are 3 dimensions of object space.
August 3rd, 2007, 01:24 PM
I don't think time can be considered a logical dimension of space, you can measure any dimension in 3d space with a ruler, but how the hell do you measure time with a ruler?
Because we cannot see, touch, or sense that next dimension.
If a 2D being were to look at a 3D being, that 2D being would only see one slice of them. As 3D beings would move up and down through that plane, we would appear to shapeshift to the 2D beings.
Likewise, if time really is the fourth dimension, and 4D beings did exist, if a 4D being were to appear in our world, we would only see one moment of that being. If that being were to move along its fourth dimension, it would then appear to grow older and younger.
We cannot accurately represent ANYTHING past our dimension. Whenever someone talks about a next dimension, it is 120% theory.
August 3rd, 2007, 01:27 PM
Polar bear, there ARE signs of the 4th dimension. This is what Relativity tells us:
Think of your movement through Space and Time as a vector of constant magnitude.
This phenomena has been observed on satellites. Their clocks are actually slower because they're moving so fast. :lol:
August 3rd, 2007, 01:34 PM
Pfft. Science....
Until I see something age and de-age in front of my face, I'll hold this as theory.
August 3rd, 2007, 01:48 PM
Polar bear, there ARE signs of the 4th dimension.
I wasn't saying that there isn't a fourth dimension, I'm saying that we can't see it, can't touch it, and that we don't know anything about it. It could very well be time, but what if it isn't?
August 3rd, 2007, 02:04 PM
I wasn't saying that there isn't a fourth dimension, I'm saying that we can't see it, can't touch it, and that we don't know anything about it. It could very well be time, but what if it isn't?
There is no absolute definition of the order of dimensions. We defined the first three dimensions ourselves from observation. We can define Time as the fourth dimension if it fits the way we think about the first three, which it does.
August 3rd, 2007, 02:09 PM
Polar bear, there ARE signs of the 4th dimension. This is what Relativity tells us:
Think of your movement through Space and Time as a vector of constant magnitude.
This phenomena has been observed on satellites. Their clocks are actually slower because they're moving so fast. :lol:
Shouldn't green say "slower movement through time?"
August 3rd, 2007, 02:13 PM
Yeah thanks, just fixed it.
Dr Nick
August 3rd, 2007, 02:24 PM
The guys in that satellite thingy orbiting the earth have actually went like 16 hundredths of a second through time. Because they're moving faster than the earth is rotating.
August 3rd, 2007, 02:25 PM
I almost want to say you didn't watch the entire video. You or anyone else can't really claim to know the actual 4D as we don't exist in a 4D world.
Maya or w/e would actually be a 7D editor. You have a 3d model which can actually create events (a rotation, translation or scale) through multiple sets of given time (multiple animations).
I thought the video did an excellent job of imagining the 10thD, but is it right? We'll never really know. I have one argument, if infinity plays a part, wouldn't their be infinite dimensions? Because as you go up higher its really just a collection of simpler dimensions so whats stopping another instance of any other N-dimension from existing plus a line to another same N-D and so on.
I did watch the whole video, I was just making available the fact that we already know and understand what happens in Maya or 3ds max. As in the further dimensions from our third, we have no idea as to what occurs, nor can we begin to speculate upon them. Yes, we can theorize that they exist, but to put software in that category? I mean, software has it's limits, and all are reachable by us.
August 3rd, 2007, 07:47 PM
Polar bear, there ARE signs of the 4th dimension. This is what Relativity tells us:
Think of your movement through Space and Time as a vector of constant magnitude.
This phenomena has been observed on satellites. Their clocks are actually slower because they're moving so fast. :lol:If this was true, then everyone's clocks would be out of sync based on how far they are away from the equator. Those who are closer to the equator are moving much faster than anyone living far away from the equator. My clock would be moving slower than someone's clock living in canada. Even if it was by a small fraction of a millisecond, it would grow more and more out of sync each day. Is there scientific proof showing that clocks move faster farther away from the equator? Getting such proof would be pretty easy. If so, then I would believe this.
Because we cannot see, touch, or sense that next dimension.
If a 2D being were to look at a 3D being, that 2D being would only see one slice of them. As 3D beings would move up and down through that plane, we would appear to shapeshift to the 2D beings.But there are no "2d beings" as such things can only exist in our imagination.
And we all have a natural sense of time, and time can be measured. If things could move and pop in and out of the 3rd dimension by traveling through time, not only would we have the most generic of time travel scifi, but we would observe things breaking the conservation mass law by seeing things just vanishing, and popping in and out of no where in our universe just by moving at different velocities through time. Objects could be measured in the 4th dimension by its duration of existence before it vanishes out of the 3rd dimension. Such phenomenons have yet to be observed happening in this universe.
All I'm saying is that I think time is just separate from space. They may have some relationships with each other, but I don't think its enough to classify it as another dimension of object space even if we can't see or touch, or even vaguely try to imagine it.
August 3rd, 2007, 11:32 PM
:/ I hate to say it, but it makes alittle bit of sense.
here is how I look at it as, if you remember the movie called "The One ("
you have a person in a town or city, in a state, on a content, on a planet, in a sloar system, in a galaxy, in a universe, in the Miltiverse.
the "Miltiverse" is 10th dimension. and as for 1 - 5 they make sense as well, we know of 2D, and 3D, 4D is time which is like the "Seek" bar in Windows Media Player. now for 5D which makes as much sense as 1D - 3D to me, now in Halo or any RTS game if you die, the level is over, and you start over, you learn new ways to get past a level. In star Craft if some Unit that you have that has to be keeped alive dies, you lose the game, if you keep him/her/it alive, you win. in Halo you can be playing a level and run into a few stealth elites and you get meleed in the back by one and you die, then you start over at the last saved check point and you go back to where you "died" and this time you get a face full of needles, and so on and so forth.
August 3rd, 2007, 11:55 PM
Yeah i stumbled upon that site with my brother...great explanation of the 10 dimension's, i show it to all my friends.
August 4th, 2007, 12:18 AM
ya, i watched the video, and was like "WTF, he's just talking about some stupid little ant" but then it started making more sense.
August 4th, 2007, 02:40 AM
I wouldn't say it's an explanation. More like one HELL of a credible theory.
Also Jahrain, who's to say 2D beings don't exist? With science, anything is a possibility unless disproven through and through with enough undisputable evidence to sink my battleship.
Also, don't take my arguments too seriously; I'm speaking out of stuff I learned in sophomore Geometry and a little bit of every science class I took. I'm no physics major or anything, I just like to make, dissect, and break theories; it's what makes science fun, if you ask me. If you want to see where I'm coming from with my arguments, find and read a book called "Flatland."
August 4th, 2007, 03:24 AM
If this was true, then everyone's clocks would be out of sync based on how far they are away from the equator. Those who are closer to the equator are moving much faster than anyone living far away from the equator. My clock would be moving slower than someone's clock living in canada. Even if it was by a small fraction of a millisecond, it would grow more and more out of sync each day. Is there scientific proof showing that clocks move faster farther away from the equator? Getting such proof would be pretty easy. If so, then I would believe this.
Interesting point. It seems to be a popular question after looking through Google.
Thus, the very useful result has emerged, that ideal clocks at rest on the geoid of the rotating earth all beat at the same rate. This is reasonable since the earth's surface is a gravitational equipotential surface in the rotating frame. (It is true for the actual geoid whereas I have constructed a model.) Considering clocks at two different latitudes, the one further north will be closer to the earth's center because of the flattening - it will therefore be more redshifted. However, it is also closer to the axis of rotation, and going more slowly, so it suffers less second-order Doppler shift. The earth's oblateness gives rise to an important quadrupole correction. This combination of effects cancels exactly on the reference surface.
Tell me if that makes sense to you. It seems to be widely accepted since GPS runs on these fundamentals.
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