View Full Version : So my pet fish just died.
July 5th, 2007, 03:25 AM
My little black bulgy-eyed fish died a few minutes ago, after nearly 4 years of swimming around his bowl trying to break the glass by spitting rocks at it and chasing his own reflection around... we couldn't just flush him or throw him out, so we put him in a ziplock plastic bag and buried him in the garden.
RIP Bulgy, you might've been a bit lacking in the mental department but you were an awesome pet :(
Bad Waffle
July 5th, 2007, 03:28 AM
go outside and get some friends :)
July 5th, 2007, 03:29 AM
Hey, fuck you.
Bad Waffle
July 5th, 2007, 03:30 AM
You already did, and im still angry because my anus hasnt healed yet :mad:
but seriously. im sorry to hear that. I guess fishies are the austrailian mans best friend?
July 5th, 2007, 03:32 AM
We've had him for ages, most people have trouble keeping that kind of fish alive for over 6 months, even in aquariums. He lived in a little glass bowl on top of the bookcase. You know the little ones with the huge bulgy eyes? He was one of those.
July 5th, 2007, 03:37 AM
I remember when my first fishes died. I was so sad because I thought I treated them well but then they got some disease that infected the entire tank. Ahh... Other than that I have had no pets die on me. We've had this cat for like 16 years that seems like he's on his way out. =(
July 5th, 2007, 03:40 AM
Most of our pets live way past their normal lifespans before they die, the exceptions being one duck (though she was pretty old) and a stillborn alpaca. My nanna's cat is almost 20 and still fine.
Love De Lux
July 5th, 2007, 03:44 AM
The last Fish I had..? Oh well, my dog ate it :lol:
July 5th, 2007, 04:55 AM
=( sucks to hear dude.
The only fishies that have died on me were a few hundred sea monkeys. They had lived in the tank for over 2 years and I found them all dead one day, it looked like they're fishy stomuchs had exploded. I haad mantained the tank very well, but I guess some disease got in and killed 'em all.
I have also lost 2 outdoor cats. Well, they never were mine, they just came around and demanded food and affection. The first one was many many years ago, like when I was 9 or 10. The other was about a year or 2 ago. They were both probably taken by some jackass.
July 5th, 2007, 04:59 AM
My friend who works at a fishstore has had countless fish die on him, he's actually gotten good at predicting how long they'll last now. lol. But yea, if the fish was special or something, that sucks.
July 5th, 2007, 06:55 AM
You had an Alpaca?...... Must be an Australian thing.....
July 5th, 2007, 07:40 AM
Sorry to hear that. And for 4 years, wow, you've done a great job caring for it. I lost my dog just half a week ago... it was with us from birth, 7 years...
July 5th, 2007, 07:47 AM
lol u should see my fish tank it's win but i have ahd a few troubles iwth MASSIVE OMG problems totally destroying my tank >:U
last time it happend was liek a year and a bit ago i lost one of these babies
sucked ass cause he was like $60 when i bought him, as a baby.
i had ammonia get way outta control and i ended up loosing 2 discus, 4 clown loaches, 4 silver sharks, and a brissle nose. i eneded up loosing probebly over $1000 in fish and Weed logs ect.
lucky i managed to save my pleco and other brissle noses :( i'll have to get a pic of my tank up for ya rossy :D
r.i.p googly eyed goldfish
July 5th, 2007, 09:52 AM
Get cat rossmum. Remember, a fish can't do this:
or, a drug addicted ferret voiced by Dee Baker
July 5th, 2007, 10:02 AM
You had an Alpaca?...... Must be an Australian thing.....
we have alpaca farms in ohio. i drive past them all the time.
those damn things pay for themselves 10 times over with that damn wool.
July 5th, 2007, 10:40 AM
Rossmum, I'm sorry to hear that you fish died, now go buy your self a new one. the only time I've goten sad over a dead fish, was when one of my baby sharks landed on a lionfish.
July 5th, 2007, 10:59 AM
way to be polite, stealth.
July 5th, 2007, 11:15 AM
so then you're shallow. doesn't make you any less of a jerk.
July 5th, 2007, 11:19 AM
>.> no, it'd be shallow of me to go and say that you guys idiots for feeling sad over a dead fish. but I didn't say that did I, I feelt like saying that, but instad I said that you guys are weird. now if it was a person who died, I'd be less shallow about it.
July 5th, 2007, 11:23 AM
The only pets my family ever had were a pair of goldfish when I was about 3 or 4. I simply killed them. Word to the unwise: Never let a youngster (over)feed the fish unattended. We haven't had any other pets ever. But when I get my own house, I'm gonna get a goat. Sorry about Bulgy, Ross, I almost feel your pain. (Can't really since I haven't had any pets in my recent sentient life.)
July 5th, 2007, 11:30 AM
>.> no, it'd be shallow of me to go and say that you guys idiots for feeling sad over a dead fish. but I didn't say that did I, I feelt like saying that, but instad I said that you guys are weird. now if it was a person who died, I'd be less shallow about it.
lmfao, I must say, you guys are weird, getting all sad because a little cheap fish died
so then you really are shallow. why can't you just own up to it. next time, just don't post your shallow-minded drivel.
July 5th, 2007, 12:01 PM
Stealth, if your going to be a dick take your business elsewhere. It's doesn't matter if it's a dog, cat, bird or fish, all pets are living animals and it is sad when they die. Just because a fish is small and "cheap", doesn't meen someone can't get emotionally attached to it over a span of 4 years. Sure, it may not make you feel as bad as your dog dieing, but none the less death is sad in whatever size package it comes in. So be nice, or
July 5th, 2007, 12:03 PM
Stealth, if your going to be a dick take your business elsewhere. It's doesn't matter if it's a dog, cat, bird or fish, all pets are living animals and it is sad when they die. Just because a fish is small and "cheap", doesn't meen someone can't get emotionally attached to it over a span of 4 years. Sure, it may not make you feel as bad as your dog dieing, but none the less death is sad in whatever size package it comes in. So be nice, or
teh lag
July 5th, 2007, 12:08 PM
Llama is right. Don't be a dick. Death is a part of life, but that doesn't give you an excuse to completely ignore common sense and being aware that other people may not have the same approach to it as you.
July 5th, 2007, 12:10 PM
stealth i didnt read any of your posts in here but fuck off anyways
July 5th, 2007, 12:12 PM
Emos dont care about death :v
especially ones who tried to fake suicide on the internet
July 5th, 2007, 12:29 PM
Ah, Black Telescope eh? I had a few of those in my backyard fishpond for a LONG time, and then a few years ago we had one of the worst blizzards in years and the ice reached the bottom of the pond and they froze to death. :(
July 5th, 2007, 01:10 PM
Ross terribly sorry to read about this, but you made a excellent point,
after nearly 4 years of swimming around
Four Years >___> Its amazing he lived that long. So you have succeeded in making sure he was as comfortable as possible. I believe you have a lot of funny memory's with your fish, memory's are worth so much.
Take care Ross.
lmfao, I must say, you guys are weird, getting all sad because a little cheap fish died, the only time I've goten sad over a dead fish, was when one of my baby sharks landed on a lionfish.
Who gives a fuck is it was cheap? The kind of memory's that Ross has had with that fish out ways any kind of expensive kind of fish.
I paid over $100 for a shark egg just to have it hach and a few weeks later die because of a fucking lion fish killing it. the death part I could care less, it's the money that I was sad about.
Money comes and goes. You where sad because you spent 100 measly dollars on a Shark egg, and you where sad about the money?
lmfao, I must say, you sir are weird, getting all sad because you spent 100 measly dollars.
no, it'd be shallow of me to go and say that you guys idiots for feeling sad over a dead fish. but I didn't say that did I, I feelt like saying that, but instad I said that you guys are weird. now if it was a person who died, I'd be less shallow about it.
I don't think you understand the kind of bond can form between a human and a animal. Go learn, please. "now if it was a person who died, I'd be less shallow about it."
A lot less? Man you better have no shallowness. At all.
Stealth, if your going to be a dick take your business elsewhere. It's doesn't matter if it's a dog, cat, bird or fish, all pets are living animals and it is sad when they die. Just because a fish is small and "cheap", doesn't meen someone can't get emotionally attached to it over a span of 4 years. Sure, it may not make you feel as bad as your dog dieing, but none the less death is sad in whatever size package it comes in. So be nice, or
Quoted for 100% truth.
Stealth, maybe if you had been a lot less of a jerk you wouldn't be getting these kinds of comments posted.
I don't think you understand this at all, no matter what we say, until it happens to you.
July 5th, 2007, 01:14 PM
The effect death has on someone is relative, Stealth just may have never had any body important in his life die, or never had a pet (who died). Or is just ignorant of the way humans become attached to other objects. Whatever the case may be, it doesn't waive the fact that rossmum is a post whore.
So long and thanks for all the fish!
July 5th, 2007, 02:12 PM
I was sad because the shark only live a few weeks, and I was planing on puting the sucker into a bigger fish tank at the Nu Skin office building in down town Provo.
Could've fooled me.
I'm sorry if I'm the kind of person who knows death is a part of life. I paid over $100 for a shark egg just to have it hach and a few weeks later die because of a fucking lion fish killing it. the death part I could care less, it's the money that I was sad about.
July 5th, 2007, 02:35 PM
go outside and get some friends :)
July 5th, 2007, 03:11 PM
So my pet fish just died.
Did it see your face and turn to stone? :v
July 5th, 2007, 03:14 PM
Sorry to hear ross. And stealth, STFU.
July 5th, 2007, 03:15 PM
Ok I've edited my first post to be less mean. and deleted my others. >.>
Stealth, maybe if you had been a lot less of a jerk you wouldn't be getting these kinds of comments posted.
I don't think you understand this at all, no matter what we say, until it happens to you.
oh and FlyingStone, I wouldn't be saying that if I was you, Fish dieing I could care less some times, Cats, dogs, and very big birds, I'll feel sad when they die.
I don't think you understand this at all, no matter what we say, until it happens to you.
I've had a big cockatoo die one me, and it was my bird, and mine alone. she died from a cold and I was very sad when it happened, not because of the money, because I didn't pay any thing for her, she was given to my mom and dad before I was born. it took me a year to get over it. unless you guys have meet me in real life, and had lived with me most of my life, don't be guessing I haven't had something happen to me like that before. There is alot about me that you guys don't know. and that was one of them.
teh lag
July 5th, 2007, 03:43 PM
oh and FlyingStone, I wouldn't be saying that if I was you, Fish dieing I could care less some times, Cats, dogs, and very big birds, I'll feel sad when they die.
Yeah, that's a great example of being a jerk. Anyone has a right to be sad abut a fish or "small bird" just as much as a cat or dog. Saying that it's weird for them to be sad is pretty insensitive and arrogant.
oh and FlyingStone, I wouldn't be saying that if I was you
Also, what is that doing there? Seems really awkward and out of usual context.
July 5th, 2007, 04:31 PM
oh and FlyingStone, I wouldn't be saying that if I was you, Fish dieing I could care less some times, Cats, dogs, and very big birds, I'll feel sad when they die.
Any person that has a animal, pet who they care about will be effected by it. Even a Insect. They are all equal in the owners eyes.
I've had a big cockatoo die one me, and it was my bird, and mine alone. she died from a cold and I was very sad when it happened, not because of the money, because I didn't pay any thing for her, she was given to my mom and dad before I was born. it took me a year to get over it. unless you guys have meet me in real life, and had lived with me most of my life, don't be guessing I haven't had something happen to me like that before. There is alot about me that you guys don't know. and that was one of them.
Then why in heavens name are you saying you don't give a darn if it was a fish? A pet is a pet, the bond is always there no matter what kind of animal it is. When your bird died how the heck did you think Ross felt? Happy? No he felt sad, the same kind of feeling you felt when your Cockatoo died man. I'm not trying to make war with you Stealth but your contradicting yourself. On one side you could care less if a Fish died, but then you would care if a cat or dog died? Then you come back with saying but wait Flying you don't know me, my Cockatoo died, and i was really sad. Yet you cannot sympathize with Ross' situation? You can't give support? You can't just put your guns down and say "I'm sorry that happened Ross, my Cockatoo died. I understand your pain :(." No you can't now, or you won't. Why?
Also I don't doubt you have had some hard times, but when you say you don't give a darn when you have experienced a similar loss why wouldn't we assume you haven't had a pet nor any kind of loss?
Do you see where I'm going with this?
July 5th, 2007, 05:04 PM
when my discus kicked the bucket it stung, nearly gave up on having fish tanks all together. took me a while to get going again.
and thats when i found one of these
He's a blood parrot hybrid and is basically a test tube fish lol.
look man what i'm getting at is it sux ass when something you've had for so long and looked after dies. but mb in a year or 2 you might just see something that catches your eye
July 5th, 2007, 05:21 PM
Wow, last fish I had was about 50 guppies, in a big 150 gal tank, it was so awesome, they grew, fought to stay alive, mated, and then got eaten by bigger guppies, which in turn made the recently eaten guppies wife his bitch.
July 5th, 2007, 06:12 PM
stealth: gtfo already. just because you're too retarded and materialistic to understand the importance of all life doesn't mean we want to hear your pointless and shallow bullshit. :downsgun:
and /wrists.
zilla: that one looks pretty awesome. yay science? D:
freelancer: wow. i want me some Spore now. or 50 guppies of my own, but then that would really suck for the little guys. stealth might do it since he obviously doesn't give a shit about physically smaller lifeforms amirite?
July 5th, 2007, 06:16 PM
Hey, I'm sure we can all see were Stealth is coming from, How many of you have killed Ants before? same deal, normally you don't feel to sad if you kill an Ant.
But yes, Stealth is retarded, so he is exempt from this rule.
July 5th, 2007, 08:08 PM
normally you don't feel to sad if you kill an Ant.
what am I, a freak :smith:
Bad Waffle
July 5th, 2007, 08:36 PM
Hey, I'm sure we can all see were Stealth is coming from, How many of you have killed Ants before? same deal, normally you don't feel to sad if you kill an Ant.
But yes, Stealth is retarded, so he is exempt from this rule.
But is it YOUR ant? did you spend countless hours feeding, cleaning, and maintaining it? did you provide for it? Did you have a bond with that ant?
It's the same thing when you hear about a death on the news. To the outsiders, it just means somebody died. to the family, it means a lot, lot more.
Thanks stealth, for shitting the topic up. Really wonderful. Everything nowadays is a flamewar on this damn forum. And so, i retreat back to the junkyard.
Neuro Guro
July 5th, 2007, 08:46 PM
I love all kinds of animals!
But if I see a ant party, I get a can of raid and pretend I'm Hitler and I'm gassing the jews. That may seem a little extreme, but when im spraying that can of raid, I just can't help exploding into a rant of germanic jibberish.
July 5th, 2007, 08:51 PM
Hey, I'm sure we can all see were Stealth is coming from, How many of you have killed Ants before? same deal, normally you don't feel to sad if you kill an Ant.
But yes, Stealth is retarded, so he is exempt from this rule.
Thats different though, ants suck. They bite your feet when you mow the lawn, and sometimes just because they feel like it. I attack ants because they attack me. I did however use to burn rolly pollys (pill bugs) as a child, but now I realize how mean and heartless that was. Sure it's still just a bug, but it never caused anybody harm. I never burn them anymore because I feel bad for them.
Edit: Lol nero...
July 5th, 2007, 10:28 PM
Edit: Lol nero...
Neuro is a homosexual self-obsessed Roman emperor who tried to kill his mother?
I thought he said that he wanted to pretend he was killing Jews, not Christians. :confused2:
July 5th, 2007, 11:02 PM
I love all kinds of animals!
But if I see a ant party, I get a can of raid and pretend I'm Hitler and I'm gassing the jews. That may seem a little extreme, but when im spraying that can of raid, I just can't help exploding into a rant of germanic jibberish.It's much more fun to pour lighter fluid all over and then light it, it's awesome.
July 5th, 2007, 11:09 PM
1. Thats different though, ants suck. They bite your feet when you mow the lawn, and sometimes just because they feel like it. I attack ants because they attack me. 2. I did however use to burn rolly pollys (pill bugs) as a child, but now I realize how mean and heartless that was. Sure it's still just a bug, but it never caused anybody harm. I never burn them anymore because I feel bad for them.
1. What do you up against, fire ants? :confused:
2. Aww... that's mean, those little guys are cute.
July 5th, 2007, 11:17 PM
Okay guys, back on topic now!
I feel your pain Ross... my first ever pet was a goldfish that I named Ricky, and he died after about a year. He was growing bigger, so we put him in a new, bigger goldfish bowl and the next morning we found him belly-up. Guess he didn't like the new accomodations.
About five years after that we got a pair of fish (I can't remember what type they were; they were the size of a small goldfish, silver with red fins) that we named Feng and Shui. Feng died after a few months, and poor Shui seemed listless and unhappy without a friend. We bought a cherry-red fish (can't remember the type of that one either) and when we dropped him in the tank, Shui livened up. They both lived another 6 months... we had a small funeral service around the toilet at their passing (they both died the same night). I may have shed a tear or two. I loved those fish; they were always a neat thing to have around the house.
I can't really say I feel the pain to the same extent as you, Ross, in that I have never had a fish last four years. I can only give condolences.
Elite Killa
July 5th, 2007, 11:21 PM
Four Years >___> Its amazing he lived that long.
I once had a gold fish that lived for a little over 5 years! But 4 years is still a pretty long time for a pet fish anyways. Sorry to hear about your loss, rossmum.
And stealth, why the flippin' fuck would you make fun of the loss of a pet fish?!?! You are horrible. Absolutely, horrid. Rossmum and his family is sad of the tragic loss of a long-loved pet, and you are teasing that a fish is cheap and meaningless. In fact, they're the reason why you are here this very day. You should be thanking them. They were the first vertebreae to ever exist, and after millions of years of evolution, humans came along, being decendants from the very first tiny fish that swam in the oceans 580,000,000 years ago.
July 5th, 2007, 11:36 PM
when I had goldfish, they all died after a year :( poor little guys, the water was too warm. I rushed down to see them that morning and they were all white and floating on the surface with all their scales missing and floating about :gonk:
July 5th, 2007, 11:44 PM
Odd, I had fish for dinner.
July 5th, 2007, 11:50 PM
I had a Siamese fighter I used to love alot. I would always just sit there and stare at it swimming around majestically. One day....I don't know what was just....dead. :'( I miss him.
July 6th, 2007, 12:09 AM
Rossmum, I'm sorry to hear that you fish died, now go buy your self a new one. the only time I've goten sad over a dead fish, was when one of my baby sharks landed on a lionfish.
>.> no, it'd be shallow of me to go and say that you guys idiots for feeling sad over a dead fish. but I didn't say that did I, I feelt like saying that, but instad I said that you guys are weird. now if it was a person who died, I'd be less shallow about it.
Hey guys, I'm going to kill my self, because you were mean to me on the forums, please stopm, you are so horible, I just want it all to end. :downsgun:
...Sorry what?
stealth i didnt read any of your posts in here but fuck off anyways
Anyways, we got another one, pretty much the same except smaller. He's not a replacement by any means, but hopefully he can enjoy a long life spitting rocks at the glass and watching the TV too.
I was looking after some fish in a decent-sized tank for our neighbours over the Christmas (summer) holidays a few years ago, and one day when I went to feed them the fish were all dead and the water was gone completely out of the tank. Turns out the seals just let go and the water soaked right through the slate floor, but we called them and told them straight away. When they got back they bought a new tank and new fish, and gave me one. That's where we got Bulgy.
July 6th, 2007, 12:53 AM
had a 55 gallon tank with some interesting fishes in it. an arowana and a clown knife. the arowana died early of ick because of some diseased feeder minnows that the store gave me. my brother's clown knife lived about 6 years and grew to a total length of nearly 2 feet. she even laid eggs one summer. other than that, i've had a bluegill, multiple sunfish (which managed to eat all my crabs and crayfish), and an archer fish. it really sucks when these beautiful animals die, and it really can make you feel like you let them down.
Elite Killa
July 6th, 2007, 12:59 AM
I once had a Plecostomus fish ( that looked like it would live for over 3 years. I loved that fish. I named him Pleco. Everytime I would put the fish food in the tank, he would float upside-down on the surface of the water, trying to get at the food. He actually succeded most of the time. It was going great for him, until that one day. Something went wrong with his skin and he died...:(
July 6th, 2007, 03:55 AM
I once had a gold fish that lived for a little over 5 years! But 4 years is still a pretty long time for
not really it depends on the type of fish
theres a thing called a plecoctomos catfish. ( i have 3 different types) and they can live up to 25 years. a fella that owns a pet store a town over has some that are older then his kids lmao. he had one die last year at the grand age of 23.
now thats a fucking old fish :D
Edit: lol dude beat me to it about the plecos :(
had a 55 gallon tank with some interesting fishes in it. an arowana and a clown knife. the arowana died early of ick because of some diseased feeder minnows that the store gave me. my brother's clown knife lived about 6 years and grew to a total length of nearly 2 feet. she even laid eggs one summer. other than that, i've had a bluegill, multiple sunfish (which managed to eat all my crabs and crayfish), and an archer fish. it really sucks when these beautiful animals die, and it really can make you feel like you let them down.
Those are some fucking awesome fish bro.
did ya train the archer fish to shoot?
and my bro used to have a ghost knife fish that was about a foot and a half long but the idiot was playing around with his heater one day and forgot to put it back to normal >:I
we found out like after an hour and fixed it. and the knife came good and was swimming round (upside down, side to side) as they usually do then another hour later he just died >:(. twas kinda fucked up. " Yay he's better :D, WTF he's dead >:U" fish's are strange addictive creatures. i'm guessing the temp fucked with all the enzymes he had in his body helping him break down food. and then he basically couldnt break down food and shit in his system.
Neuro Guro
July 6th, 2007, 04:02 AM
I say we burn stealth in a van. Then push it in the river.
July 6th, 2007, 04:10 AM
so he sleeps with the fish's?
mb then he'll finally learn to love them :XD:
July 6th, 2007, 04:15 AM
Those are some fucking awesome fish bro.
did ya train the archer fish to shoot?
yeh they were pretty freakin slick. had aquariums since i was 5 years old. yeah, i taught the archer to shoot. one thing he shot at was my eye. it hurt.:lol:
feel like building an acrylic ray tank. depends on whether or not i find some local species i like.
Neuro Guro
July 6th, 2007, 04:18 AM
so he sleeps with the fish's?
mb then he'll finally learn to love them :XD:
Yeah, and we're gonna poke holes in the van too. So he's really screwed.
July 6th, 2007, 04:52 AM
Lol, sry to hear that(yeah, me too)... But I kinda like fishes... What can I say, I have good taste :DTell me what specie was it and send him via mail. :lol:
Elite Killa
July 6th, 2007, 09:54 AM
I say we burn stealth in a van. Then push it in the river.
May I supply with the torches and/or explosives?
-£§- §age
July 6th, 2007, 12:02 PM
No, don't poke holes in it! Then he'll have oxygen. Wtf.
The fire will melt enough steel to let water flood in and kill him.
Stealth, you sir, are a fucking douche bag.
That sucks, ross.
July 6th, 2007, 12:03 PM
Stealth, you sir, are a fucking douche bag.Douche bags get more action than he does.
teh lag
July 6th, 2007, 12:28 PM
yea yea lets get on the :bandwagon: and tak about hating stealth like every1 else cuz itl make us cool!!1!!!!1!1111!
July 6th, 2007, 01:23 PM
Yeah, it is getting kind of old (in this thread, anyway)...
July 6th, 2007, 05:02 PM
one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish ...
Neuro Guro
July 6th, 2007, 05:16 PM
No, don't poke holes in it! Then he'll have oxygen. Wtf.
Yes, exactly. If you ever took a physical science class of any kind you would know that fire needs oxygen to burn.
But anyways, we actually burn the van a bit first on land before we push it in the river.
July 6th, 2007, 05:20 PM
Yes, exactly. If you ever took a physical science class of any kind you would know that fire needs oxygen to burn.
But anyways, we actually burn the van a bit first on land before we push it in the river.
Just poke some holes in it and push it into a deep body of water ... and put some Rubidium in there too :x
July 6th, 2007, 05:30 PM
There there ross, it'll be alright have sum + rep, rep makes everything better =)
July 6th, 2007, 09:33 PM
yeh they were pretty freakin slick. had aquariums since i was 5 years old. yeah, i taught the archer to shoot. one thing he shot at was my eye. it hurt.:lol:
feel like building an acrylic ray tank. depends on whether or not i find some local species i like.
haha wicked. i got a 4ftx2ftx2ft tank in my room :D holds like 500 litres lmao. i thinking bout draining it and building a backround into it and rigging up under-gravel-jet filters and shit. make it a self-sustainable winning machine.
heres some links to building aquariums, backrounds ect if ya want :D
>>linky<< (
and check this shit out. some fella build a 1700 gallon shark tank in his basement
something like that^ might just kick ass with the rays :D and theres step by step instructions on how he did it.
July 6th, 2007, 09:46 PM
Just poke some holes in it and push it into a deep body of water ... and put some Rubidium in there too :x
That's good stuff. Someone blew up a toilet at the school down the road from mine, they think that's what they used :D
July 6th, 2007, 10:47 PM
rubidium? are u serious
bring on the francium :D!
July 7th, 2007, 12:32 AM
I once fed my Oscars some grasshoppers. :downs:
July 7th, 2007, 02:09 AM
^ we used to feed ours frogs, lizards and worms :downs:
they'd smoke em for hours lol.
July 7th, 2007, 04:07 AM
All my family's cats either go missing and are never found, or go missing, and then are found in strange places with yellow liquid seeping out of their mouths. One exception, though. We had to have one euthanized. The others, well, we think our neighbor hates cats. Hence the yellow liquid.
July 7th, 2007, 04:14 AM
haha wicked. i got a 4ftx2ftx2ft tank in my room :D holds like 500 litres lmao. i thinking bout draining it and building a backround into it and rigging up under-gravel-jet filters and shit. make it a self-sustainable winning machine.
heres some links to building aquariums, backrounds ect if ya want :D
>>linky<< (
and check this shit out. some fella build a 1700 gallon shark tank in his basement
something like that^ might just kick ass with the rays :D and theres step by step instructions on how he did it.
meh, i've always hated under-gravel filters. they do very poorly with amonia and nitrogen levels in the tank. biowheels kick ass. also, i've done much work with acrylic. i can even make a curved tank if i want to.
July 7th, 2007, 04:47 AM
meh, i've always hated under-gravel filters. they do very poorly with amonia and nitrogen levels in the tank. biowheels kick ass. also, i've done much work with acrylic. i can even make a curved tank if i want to.
but the UGJ i'm talking about are a reverse of under gravel filters. it basically makes it so u never have to clean your gravel again when cleaning ya tank. instead of sucking water into the gravel the filters pump water through small PVC pipe around to different places in the tank. like behind rocks, along the top of the gravel, in the corners ect.
long story short shit doesnt settle, it's blown around till it's picked up by ya filter ;)
July 7th, 2007, 10:52 PM
bring on the francium :D!
Find me a sizable quantity and we are in business.
-£§- §age
July 8th, 2007, 04:46 PM
Yes, exactly. If you ever took a physical science class of any kind you would know that fire needs oxygen to burn.
But anyways, we actually burn the van a bit first on land before we push it in the river.
Ahh. I did take a physical science class...dunno why i forgot that key element of fire. :confused2:
July 8th, 2007, 05:55 PM
Sorry about your fish ross, D:
Rossmum, I'm sorry to hear that you fish died, now go buy your self a new one. the only time I've goten sad over a dead fish, was when one of my baby sharks landed on a lionfish.
I didn't know you modded KotOR, Stealth. (
Hey, I'm sure we can all see were Stealth is coming from, How many of you have killed Ants before? same deal, normally you don't feel to sad if you kill an Ant.
But yes, Stealth is retarded, so he is exempt from this rule.
Why did this get an infraction
I say we burn stealth in a van. Then push it in the river.
And this didn't? (no offense neuro D: )
Way to play favorites.
oshit ima get banned
July 8th, 2007, 06:49 PM
I didn't know you modded KotOR, Stealth. (
and favorites much :raise:
July 8th, 2007, 06:53 PM
or no one reported the post...
July 8th, 2007, 11:53 PM
and favorites much :raise:
Mispelld words, and overues of commas, and terrible grammar, and separating compound words like every body, and some one, dose that not look like one of Stealths' posts too you?
July 9th, 2007, 01:26 AM
or no one reported the post...
I'm sure not going to, but Freelancers post didn't deserve one either, all he did was jump on the everyone hates stealth bandwagon
July 10th, 2007, 05:16 AM
if billy bob jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?
July 10th, 2007, 06:39 PM
ImSpartacus (
sry mate, jerk or not, u cant start a flame war like this
Oh hi negative rep. You say i started a flame war? Get your facts straight before you rep. Go up a few more posts and read what others said. I didn't post those now did i? I simply posted what i thought, no flames untented, in fact..
+rep for winnnnnnnnnn
the_lag gave me positive rep. Stealth had no right to say what he said to Rossmum, not that Rossmum cares but its the prince able. The fact that stealth new what kind of emotions Rossmum (might) have gone threw when his Fish died is a inexcusable and plain out mean, and shallow. Stealth edited his posts but you can ask anyone else here that they where much, much more rude and impolite than what he has now. You say i started the flame war? No way, sorry stealth brought it on to himself. This may be the Internet, but i think we can still show some decency and kindness when somebody else is going threw something that you have experienced yourself.
ImSparticus, i disagree 100% with what you said in my rep box.
I hope you read this because my freaking PM thing isn't working...
Think before you rep me ImSpartacus.
July 10th, 2007, 10:43 PM
I think this thread has served its purpose. New fish is doing great and growing to be a lot like his predecessor, though he's about half the size.
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