View Full Version : -video\WIP- Ghost Boarding
July 6th, 2007, 06:01 PM
Well for yesterday and today ive been messing with scripts for ghost boarding.
I got it to work and made a animation for it :-)
Its still kind of sloppy but hey, its a start
July 6th, 2007, 06:13 PM
wow! Good job, +rep
July 6th, 2007, 06:21 PM
Whoa, good stuff!
July 6th, 2007, 06:39 PM
nice job, nice job indeed. btw it's "Click Click Boom" not boo
July 6th, 2007, 06:43 PM
Hah, that's cool.
July 6th, 2007, 06:49 PM
nice job, nice job indeed. btw it's "Click Click Boom" not boo
i know it was a typo -_-, thx for the support guys
Im going to work on a warthog one soon
July 6th, 2007, 06:58 PM
oo very very niice! :D
July 6th, 2007, 07:01 PM
Yea looks awesome, well done
July 6th, 2007, 07:02 PM
Nice Job.
July 6th, 2007, 07:39 PM
Neat stuff :D
July 6th, 2007, 07:44 PM
Wait, did someone change the title to TheGhost Boarding? >_>
July 6th, 2007, 07:55 PM
So Killa, the hijacking animation is completely separate from the normal "get-into-the-vehicle" animations, right?
As in, when getting into an unoccupied vehicle you don't hop on the front, swing around, and then land in the seat?
July 6th, 2007, 08:05 PM
Can't you make a different, quicker "enter" animation and use that instead of the old enter-ghost one?
July 6th, 2007, 08:08 PM
I don't think there are any commands to make a player enter a vehicle without playing the animation.
July 6th, 2007, 08:15 PM
And the Hijacking animation is the MC entering a different vehicle, then wen the AI exits i used a command that loads the player in to the ghost, and the seperate vehicle is destroyed until occupied by an ai again.
I will probly make some enter anim thats 1 keyframe for the enter animation
July 6th, 2007, 08:28 PM
Then, when you want to manually enter a ghost, he'll just magically enter it without any animation.
July 6th, 2007, 08:36 PM
well maybe ill make it a different anim, a faster one. Trying to think if theres any way around this
Elite Killa
July 6th, 2007, 09:20 PM
I like! [/borat]
[BD] Spartan
July 6th, 2007, 09:36 PM
Finally, boarding to a ghost! +rep
July 6th, 2007, 09:38 PM
Whoo finnally a working hijacking script. Hmmm.....maybe you could change the boarding anim to have the person to sorta swing to the other side and then have the "get in" animation.
July 6th, 2007, 09:41 PM
yeah i was thinking that
July 6th, 2007, 09:42 PM
I'm not gay, but I think I'll make an exception for you.
July 6th, 2007, 09:53 PM
Is this just for a single player map or is this online as well?
July 6th, 2007, 10:02 PM
Seeing as he said it works online, I'm guessing its for online too......though he also said its very laggy but this is still early on.
July 6th, 2007, 10:03 PM
im not 100% if it works online, i know that if it did it would be really laggy
but the way i did these scripts it should sync. but the boarding part would be very laggy
If vehicle_load_magic syncs then yes it will work
July 6th, 2007, 10:20 PM
It won't work well online. Clients cannot perform any script command involving a server vehicle (unit_enter_vehicle, vehicle_unload, objects_attach, etc); therefore, the client wont see any of the fancy stuff (going into third person, animations). When he presses action to board, nothing will happen, then he'll just magically be in the vehicle a few seconds later.
July 6th, 2007, 10:29 PM
oh :smith:
didnt know that
July 6th, 2007, 11:08 PM
thanks for putting a dumper on things... :suicide:
Love De Lux
July 7th, 2007, 05:31 AM
Awesome stuff ! +rep :)
July 7th, 2007, 07:35 AM
Next time you make an awesome movie like this spell successful correctly
July 7th, 2007, 10:18 AM
I'll take a look in a min once I get FLASH downloaded for Youtube.
Sounds good though. :)
July 7th, 2007, 11:51 AM
This is going in my up coming sp maps
July 7th, 2007, 03:32 PM
awsome. cant wait till its perfected, looks awsome now.
July 7th, 2007, 03:33 PM
It won't work well online. Clients cannot perform any script command involving a server vehicle (unit_enter_vehicle, vehicle_unload, objects_attach, etc); therefore, the client wont see any of the fancy stuff (going into third person, animations). When he presses action to board, nothing will happen, then he'll just magically be in the vehicle a few seconds later.
July 7th, 2007, 04:16 PM
Don't just post "no" without explaining yourself, or I can just delete your post or cite it.
July 7th, 2007, 04:34 PM
wtf r u talkn bout :saddowns:
July 7th, 2007, 04:39 PM
Don't just post "no" without explaining yourself, or I can just delete your post or cite it.
Rain is exempt from that. For he is a super modder that produces high-quality content!
July 7th, 2007, 05:20 PM
Rain is exempt from that. For he is a super modder that produces high-quality content!
I lol'ed.
Duck > Llama
July 7th, 2007, 05:48 PM
This looks great killa. Is it possible get the MC to enter the ghost without playing the standard enter ghost animation?
July 7th, 2007, 08:03 PM
Earlier there was a post there that said something along the lines of using it in an MP map, someone deleted it obviously.
July 7th, 2007, 08:10 PM
Wow.....why did we ever say boarding a vehicle with someone else in it was impossible? This is cool.
July 7th, 2007, 10:49 PM
EP Killa awesome job on the boarding animation. Hope to see it in a MP map or a SP map. Keep it up!
July 8th, 2007, 02:17 PM
Make one for a scorpion and a wraith!!
July 8th, 2007, 02:52 PM
I wonder if its possible to get the "pound the back of the scorpion off and plant a grenade" boarding......
July 8th, 2007, 03:59 PM
Maybe... we'll see. ;p
July 8th, 2007, 05:01 PM
....cmt has boarding i bet thats the secret
July 8th, 2007, 11:24 PM
Maybe... we'll see. ;p
How did I know that post coming? >.>
July 9th, 2007, 11:13 AM
How did I know that post coming?
Because it doesn't guarantee that it has\will been\be done?
July 9th, 2007, 03:42 PM
thats good but the sparten was off the ghost while boarding but its still very good
July 10th, 2007, 04:38 PM
oh :smith:
didnt know that
well... if the samus ball vehicle thing works then i'd imagine ther shud be a way to get it to work online... using the same methods I would imagine, idk tho...
otherwise idk, make an sp map?
July 10th, 2007, 05:29 PM
already am, i am curious to test it out ingame
maybe ill get llama master to test it with me
July 10th, 2007, 05:35 PM
This is looking awesome, I hope you get it working well. +rep to you sir.
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