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July 9th, 2007, 08:18 PM
I am an old member of the forums and I request that I not be banned, but DSalimander has requested I post this on these forums.
It's the people like Hogdriver, Cheatsman, you, sarge, deep, dsalimander and all the people who came before you, yance, sowvapor, and back to the PC modding days is the reason why most people now don't release their apps. Because little kids who don't know how to respect others turn creations into monsters. It's the same reason why the H3B model extraction tools arn't public.Attention Halo CE Community:
As we have said before: it is better for the community to release the tags and advance our skills in making maps. Arrogant people like CMT who keep their skills, methods, and apps from the public only hold the public back from advancing in ways we make better things. If everybody released their tags, the community could make unbelievable maps. There really is no reason to protect maps if you plan to release them. If you release maps, keep them unprotected. If people rip tags and place them in "box maps" WHO CARES? Just don't download the crappy maps. Crappy maps are inevitable. But if people make awesome maps everybody loves, congratulations, the community can enjoy better maps.
I am releasing the tags for the better of the community. Like it or not.
July 9th, 2007, 08:23 PM
ce tag freedom fighters. :haw:
July 9th, 2007, 08:25 PM
I am an old member of the forums and I request that I not be banned, but DSalimander has requested I post this on these forums.
Attention Halo CE Community:
As we have said before: it is better for the community to release the tags and advance our skills in making maps. Arrogant people like CMT who keep their skills, methods, and apps from the public only hold the public back from advancing in ways we make better things. If everybody released their tags, the community could make unbelievable maps. There really is no reason to protect maps if you plan to release them. If you release maps, keep them unprotected. If people rip tags and place them in "box maps" WHO CARES?- while also not giving credit to the original creators or claiming it as there own Just don't download the crappy maps. Crappy maps are inevitable. But if people make awesome maps everybody loves, congratulations, the community can enjoy better maps.
I am releasing the tags for the better of the community. Like it or not.
The reason people protect maps is to attempt to stop people like you. They don't want all that time/work they spent on making something to be used by some random idiot who claims it has his own. I wish the damn hek+ was never released..
July 9th, 2007, 08:26 PM
unbelievable maps. You mean box maps with HAYRO TREE WEPUNS placed all over the floor?
July 9th, 2007, 08:26 PM
GO SALIMANDER![/sarcasm]
Way to bite the hand that feeds you man.
July 9th, 2007, 08:30 PM
Lol, well if he can read this then I have a few things to say to you. We don't hold stuff back. What is the deal with us releasing H2 Oblivion, so you guys could have acess to the tags. Why was the spv1 HUD released. Why is HEK+ released? Why did we release other tags from SPV1? Why are we open sourcing our old brute?
You say if everyone released their tags, people (and no doubt, you are refering to yourself as one of the people) you could make better maps. How do you figure that? You have HEK+, and tons and tons of other tags. Yet, most of you turn out shit. If you are a good mapper, and ask us for tags, most of the time we will say yes. Shocking isn't it?
You say who cares if our tags are used in shitty maps, who cares? We care. Why do we want our skills associated with someone who sticks them in a box, and then every fucking idiot who plays it thinks its one of ours, or, that the box map man is responsible for the tags.
You can release the data you got via the DXripper, and guess what? We don't care. The data is useless to people unless they know how to use it well, and those that can use it well, well they are the ones who deserve it anyway.
I am interested in hearing your responce.
teh lag
July 9th, 2007, 08:32 PM
Because CMT is the ONLY group of people that are good at anything, right? We earned all of our skills, as can anyone who tries. We have no responsibility to share with anyone, but on a number of occasions we have. I have personally explained some of what we do to many people who took the time to politely ask and learn, rather than beg. Anyone who is as devoted as we are can become as good as one of our members. Saying that we're holding down the community by not releasing our content is akin to saying Boeing is holding down the plane manuafacturing industry by not open-sourcing te 747. We are not holding any technology - what we have can be made by anyone. I didn't even KNOW we had our own special apps that could revolutionize the community. You're not doing this for "the good of the community" - any rational person would realize what I am saying now. No, you, like many others, have simply chosen the easy route, and want to "stick it to the man," for simply being better than you. We don't have some god-given holy fire of knowledge. All we have is years of experience and dedication, which, as I have stated repeatedly, can be in the posession of anyone. You seem to be the arrogant (and ignorant) one - your pretenese for releasing our content, which we worked very hard on, is that it will benefit the community. Did WE have people giving us well-made content? No. We made it all ourselves. It also isn't sometihng that will revolutionize the community. It will only please the lazy man who wants all gain with no work. I could understand if this was something like the HEK+; that's something that DID revolutionize CE. Or scripting for that matter. But this is no more than a case of jealousy fueling delusional revenge.
This will not benefit the community.
This will result in CMT content being placed in maps that are poorly-made.
July 9th, 2007, 08:36 PM
Because CMT is the ONLY group of people that are good at anything, right? We earned all of our skills, as can anyone who tries. We have no responsibility to share with anyone, but on a number of occasions we have. I have personally explained some of what we do to many people who took the time to politely ask and learn, rather than beg. Anyone who is as devoted as we are can become as good as one of our members. Saying that we're holding down the community by not releasing our content is akin to saying Boeing is holding down the plane manuafacturing industry by not open-sourcing te 747. We are not holding any technology - what we have can be made by anyone. I didn't even KNOW we had our own special apps that could revolutionize the community. You're not doing this for "the good of the community" - any rational person would realize what I am saying now. No, you, like many others, have simply chosen the easy route, and want to "stick it to the man," for simply being better than you. We don't have some god-given holy fire of knowledge. All we have is years of experience and dedication, which, as I have stated repeatedly, can be in the posession of anyone. You seem to be the arrogant (and ignorant) one - your pretenese for releasing our content, which we worked very hard on, is that it will benefit the community. Did WE have people giving us well-made content? No. We made it all ourselves. It also isn't sometihng that will revolutionize the community. It will only please the lazy man who wants all gain with no work. I could understand if this was something like the HEK+; that's something that DID revolutionize CE. Or scripting for that matter. But this is no more than a case of jealousy fueling dellusional revenge.
I'd like to think that I am living proof of this.
teh lag
July 9th, 2007, 08:45 PM
LagRant : Continued...
Let's take the infamous Spartan Laser as a case to examine.
If it was released, what would be better?
Would maps with it magically get better gameplay? Will once bad maps become sucessful? No. They will only be able to advertise that they have the CMT Spartan laser, which will only attract the ignorant. The same goes for any of our content that we have worked hard over. A good map is a good map, a bad map is a bad map, and nothing will ever change that. Good content can make a good map better, but it will only increase the playability fo a bad map by a few minutes. If the map is very good, then we may approach the creator, asking if they would like it to be remade with CMT content. (Again, pointing to the Neuro incident.) We also WILL consider adding our content to a well-designed map with good gameplay if the author approaches us with this. Unless the map is good stand-alone, it will not be improved by our work. Your point is null, and again comes down to petty delusional revenge.
July 9th, 2007, 08:48 PM
Don't forget that just because a map has cmt content doesnt mean it will be good. We have plenty of CMT maps that sucked so much we didn't even release them. So again, why would our content make people have better maps?
July 9th, 2007, 09:00 PM
that little son of a bitch. im glad i kicked his ass a thousand times. "for the good of the community" HAH. halo community needs to learn to do shit for themselves, not just the community but the whole frickin world. people are so used to having good things brought to them on a fuckin silver platter that they think they have the right to these things. and who fills their heads with these lies? politicians, POLITICALLY CORRECT people and their own fucking grandmas. dsalimander you are a FAILURE as a person and a mapper.
July 9th, 2007, 09:54 PM
I am an old member of the forums and I request that I not be banned
if you are such an "old" member then how come you only have 8 Posts including this thread. lame
July 9th, 2007, 10:00 PM
Still, I think releasing the tags to the public is jack shit. I think releasing the tags to people that can actually do shit is OK.
July 9th, 2007, 10:15 PM
yes and more dead babies for the sex addicts. i hate dsalimander. even before this incident i didnt like him. rubbed the wrong way
July 9th, 2007, 10:32 PM
"For the better of the community" BS.
I don't want every potentially good map to have overused fucking halo 3 weapons that i can't even fucking stand.
Plus, I heard that he only has the models and bitmaps, which anyone can do anyways. The actual tags are nothing special either.
Give a dog a bone and he'll bite your arm off.
Bitmaps: 3d Ripper DX
Models: Same as above OR HMT header swap
Sounds: Hold a fucking mic to your computer's speakers
July 9th, 2007, 10:43 PM
if you are such an "old" member then how come you only have 8 Posts including this thread. lame
I don't exactly reply to everything I read. While some may see one who does that as superior to someone who doesn't always (or rarely does) contribute, I only see that as boderline retardation unless the posts they make are useful and pertain to the actual topic (which they rarely ever do.) Besides, unless I am very much mistaken, this is not about me.
Sali's rampage (or, I could say, arrogance), on the other hand, continues.
1.) Arteen's map "Grove" with the addition of your tags made a hit. Your tags can make a difference.
2.) Even if people can't use your tags, it would be interesting to see how they were made and help them/us make better stuff.
3.) People do need to learn how to make their own tags, but why make your own if you have better ones already made? DUH.
4.) People have been claiming tags their own for a long time. It happens to everything. Don't cry about it. Thing have a way of sorting out.
5.) If your tags are used by others and placed in crappy maps, who cares. Some of your maps suck too. Are we crying about it?
6.) For the 2nd time, I did not use the fucking DXripper.
7.) The tags will be placed in good and bad maps. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
8.) Maps with your tags might have better gameplay, it all depends on how smart the map maker is.
9.) Even if your tags don't make maps better, people can leard from them about how such beautiful things are made. (See 2.))
10.) Ironclad, what is up your ass? I am not a bad mapper, you are. I have a couple W.I.P.s I am about to release. I remember in-game when you saw that invisable face floating (map bug) and you were totally amazed by it, YOU are the n00b. And I am not a failure as a person, I am actually quite nice. I am just irritable when it comes to bull shit like this.
11.) russmum, I couldn't agree any more that idiots should be shot at birth. But your post indicates that you should have been shot at birth, because it makes absolutely no sense you fucking idiot.
July 9th, 2007, 10:46 PM
July 9th, 2007, 10:50 PM
TBH this community does NOT accelerate because of people like DS. People will NOT learn from the tags; they will only use them, unedited from from the download. If people aren't smart enough to make good maps in the first place; they won't be able to use those tags effectively to create good gameplay. The only thing accomplished by this is that every map, from now on, will be loaded with bullshit CMT content.
BTW, if the "tags" do get released, I will fucking lol.
July 9th, 2007, 10:53 PM
Also: Say I released my Civihog tags. How the bloody hell would that "advance your skills in making maps"?
Please, I pray, do tell.
July 9th, 2007, 10:53 PM
No one learned from tiamat's tags did they? Just a ton of huge open box maps with the EXACT same content, from what I've seen.
July 9th, 2007, 11:01 PM
Paradox do you relise that 90% of the people who use the tags after they have been released in any way all that do is put them in their own map. Very little people actually open them up, tweak with them and learn from the tags. This is probably why alot of the tags arent released, these people put a shit load of effort into the tags and they must get pissed when they some one only put in the effort to click download, extract into tags folder, open sapien and populate them. Sure they might get credit, does that justify what they do? No..they should try to learn from them at least.
Also, apps are the thing in CE that dont get released the most, most of the apps people dont even know exist. Why dont they get released?
1. They aren't in a fit state to release, when I make my apps and test them, they aren't all nice and good looking, they have a few bugs which I personally dont care about because im in testing stages.
2. If they get released, people bitch how "HOW DO I USE IT??" WTF I clicked ok and then another button and it messed up. You gotta relise really dumb stupid people can end up using these and not have a clue what they are doing.
3. We like to keep improving on the apps, adding things, making them faster, etc.
July 9th, 2007, 11:09 PM
Paradox do you relise that 90% of the people who use the tags after they have been released in any way all that do is put them in their own map. Very little people actually open them up, tweak with them and learn from the tags. This is probably why alot of the tags arent released, these people put a shit load of effort into the tags and they must get pissed when they some one only put in the effort to click download, extract into tags folder, open sapien and populate them. Sure they might get credit, does that justify what they do? No..they should try to learn from them at least.
Also, apps are the thing in CE that dont get released the most, most of the apps people dont even know exist. Why dont they get released?
1. They aren't in a fit state to release, when I make my apps and test them, they aren't all nice and good looking, they have a few bugs which I personally dont care about because im in testing stages.
2. If they get released, people bitch how "HOW DO I USE IT??" WTF I clicked ok and then another button and it messed up. You gotta relise really dumb stupid people can end up using these and not have a clue what they are doing.
3. We like to keep improving on the apps, adding things, making them faster, etc.
Mmmmmm... In case you haven't noticed, this is all from DS. Not me. I stand fairly neutral in this case, though I have to admit I am getting tired of him myself.
MORE replies from DS.
Also, does anyone else find it highly ironic that dsal called me stupid because "that post made no sense" when he's the one who apparently does not understand the concept of mockery?
mocking me? lmfao! i never said i was going to use cmt tags and say they are mine, replies to my post usggested that people would do that. thus you are actually mocking fellow forum members, you fucking idiot.
July 9th, 2007, 11:14 PM
Mmmmmm... In case you haven't noticed, this is all from DS. Not me. I stand fairly neutral in this case, though I have to admit I am getting tired of him myself.
Then get them to read my reply, then get them to reply to it. Instead of just saying "yeah, im not really the one that really wants this, im just passing on the message"
July 9th, 2007, 11:28 PM
in my own defence, i never claimed i was a great mapper, second ofall you mentioned a floating face when we were in distinction, i didnt even fucking see it. i kinda pretended i did because i didnt want to argue. third, your not nice your a whiney douchebag. trust me, i know douchebags. you are grade A
July 9th, 2007, 11:34 PM
Well, I'm getting tired of relaying shit... but I think this is a special case.
second ofall you mentioned a floating face when we were in distinction, i didnt even fucking see it.
ROFL X999999999999999999999999.
I said it was invisable, YOU DUMB SACK OF SHIT.
oh, and:
you know douchebags eh? I'd bet you do
July 9th, 2007, 11:37 PM
Wow I sure do wish I was as amazingly witty and intelligent as dsalimander.
July 9th, 2007, 11:42 PM
1.) Arteen's map "Grove" with the addition of your tags made a hit. Your tags can make a difference.
2.) Even if people can't use your tags, it would be interesting to see how they were made and help them/us make better stuff.
3.) People do need to learn how to make their own tags, but why make your own if you have better ones already made? DUH.
4.) People have been claiming tags their own for a long time. It happens to everything. Don't cry about it. Thing have a way of sorting out.
5.) If your tags are used by others and placed in crappy maps, who cares. Some of your maps suck too. Are we crying about it?
6.) For the 2nd time, I did not use the fucking DXripper.
7.) The tags will be placed in good and bad maps. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
8.) Maps with your tags might have better gameplay, it all depends on how smart the map maker is.
9.) Even if your tags don't make maps better, people can leard from them about how such beautiful things are made. (See 2.))
10.) Ironclad, what is up your ass? I am not a bad mapper, you are. I have a couple W.I.P.s I am about to release. I remember in-game when you saw that invisable face floating (map bug) and you were totally amazed by it, YOU are the n00b. And I am not a failure as a person, I am actually quite nice. I am just irritable when it comes to bull shit like this.
11.) russmum, I couldn't agree any more that idiots should be shot at birth. But your post indicates that you should have been shot at birth, because it makes absolutely no sense you fucking idiot.
3- I'd rather make my own tags and make it better than use one already made. I'm sure many will agree.
8- The problem there, is that a lot of "mapmaker" (people who can't model for shit that think a box is a good map) are too lazy too learn from tutorial, use tags correctly and make sure it isn't loaded with thousands of vehicles and weapons for no reasons.
Now, i didn't release any maps, mainly because i can't model properly, but while i'm trying to learn i also play around with the tags I have to make them better and balanced. Even if I where to release something with the tags I have, what would it be? Another Blood Gulch mod? No thanks, too many of that. Perhaps Sidewinder? Nah, not a custom map that I made.
This is what the "noobs" mapmaker don't seem to understand (There are some that do, of course, I'm not trying to put them in the same bag).
10, 11- These two show how much of a retard you are. Trying to sound better than everyone only make you less appreciated, just ask SVC.
July 9th, 2007, 11:59 PM
first off, paradox why are you posting for this loser? and hey dsalimander, how did YOU see something invisible?
get your scaredy ass on xfire and lets duke this out there
July 10th, 2007, 12:07 AM
1.) Arteen's map "Grove" with the addition of your tags made a hit. Your tags can make a difference.Arteen's map was already good. CMT tags only improved just a small bit of the game play. The only reason it was such a hit was because CMT made it, that doesn't mean it was the weapon or other tags they included.
2.) Even if people can't use your tags, it would be interesting to see how they were made and help them/us make better stuff.Its called exploration and experimentation! That is how people learn!
3.) People do need to learn how to make their own tags, but why make your own if you have better ones already made? DUH.How will they learn if they use someone else's in their map?
4.) People have been claiming tags their own for a long time. It happens to everything. Don't cry about it. Thing have a way of sorting out.And who are those people? The retards of course!
5.) If your tags are used by others and placed in crappy maps, who cares. Some of your maps suck too. Are we crying about it?
Well at least CMT put effort in their maps, some people just make a box with 10000 faces and like a hole in the middle, no mountains, no structure, no actual gameplay, and they stick these big ass guns that make 1000 nukes appear out of nowhere.
6.) For the 2nd time, I did not use the fucking DXripper.
Whoopdee fucking doo, no one cares.
7.) The tags will be placed in good and bad maps. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.They are CMT, get the fuck over it.
8.) Maps with your tags might have better gameplay, it all depends on how smart the map maker is.
Statistics show that 3 out of 20 halo mapmakers actually know what they are doing. 2 of those people lied.
9.) Even if your tags don't make maps better, people can leard from them about how such beautiful things are made. (See 2.))
It is spelled learned, and also, they can learn by exploration of the HEK. That is how many of these people learned how to make a good map and luckily you people can do the same. (see 2)
11.) russmum, I couldn't agree any more that idiots should be shot at birth. But your post indicates that you should have been shot at birth, because it makes absolutely no sense you fucking idiot.HOW DARE YOU INSULT THE OWNER OF THE INTERNET!! :mad: (And also its spelled rossmum)
Also, you forgot to mention hogdriver, cheatsman, and yourself.
Also I never heard of a DSalamander.
July 10th, 2007, 12:08 AM
Just a few questions.
Is this dsalimander guy even banned? His account musth ave been deleted because theres no account named dsalimander.
How long has he been in halo pc modding community? You say "old" but how old is old?
He has 1 map on halomaps, it is an ok map filled with others tags. Did he give proper credit? no. So what the fuck has he done for CE that allows him to demand these tags.
Borrowed Tags:
(Ripped) Yoyorast Island: Mongoose (Modified) didnt put who by, a few people made it
(Ripped) Engine Room Beta: Flag Stand
Corner Teleporters by Domi1975
Colored Teleporters by Arteen
Halo 2 Teleporter Sheild by Lightning
July 10th, 2007, 12:13 AM
As we have said before: it is better for the community to release the tags and advance our skills in making maps. Arrogant people like CMT who keep their skills, methods, and apps from the public only hold the public back from advancing in ways we make better things. If everybody released their tags, the community could make unbelievable maps. There really is no reason to protect maps if you plan to release them. If you release maps, keep them unprotected. If people rip tags and place them in "box maps" WHO CARES? Just don't download the crappy maps. Crappy maps are inevitable. But if people make awesome maps everybody loves, congratulations, the community can enjoy better maps.
If everybody released their tags, the community would have an unbelievable amount of maps which are nothing more than an embarrassment to the creators of the tags. The "unbelievable maps" are the ones which actually don't have any problems with tags. They can either handle making all the tags on their own, or they have the connections and RESPECT to get their hand on whatever they want. That is where most people go wrong. They do not know how to actually work their way up the ladder and end up digging their own graves. Weapons are designed the way the developer wants. They spend hours working on it, perfecting it, and for what - so they can have it all crushed and manipulated by someone they don't have any affiliations with? Releasing all tags would do nothing more than produce not just bad maps, but bad maps which are a bad image for everyone, not just the map maker. There's also the issue of not giving credit where it is due. That's an issue which could spike an entire debate about who owns what.
I am releasing the tags for the better of the community. Like it or not.You're not doing it for anyone but your own ego. You have the motive of those like the prosecutor of the Duke Lacrosse case where he most likely knew he was doing the wrong thing, but did it for nothing more than seeing themselves in the headlines and being a name everyone knows. You are doing this because it will make you a "hero" among those who have wanted the tags for so long. That's the real reason for you doing this, whether you can see it in yourself or not. You're not "showing anyone up", you're not teaching anyone a lesson. All you're simply doing is taking an already gaping wound and making it bigger. If you're completely convinced on that's what you want to be known for, then I guess there isn't anything else anyone can do about it. Just remember to make the most out of your 15 minutes of fame, because it will be come and gone like it never happened, and you'll just become another shadow with nothing, just another brick in the wall of shame, walking in everyone else's footsteps.
I really want to talk to you. I don't want to be all hostile or anything, I just want to understand this. I simply do not understand. The only thing I do have a clue about is the psychological aspect. I want to know not just about the tag issue, but about your ransom and the website.
1.) Arteen's map "Grove" with the addition of your tags made a hit. Your tags can make a difference.
2.) Even if people can't use your tags, it would be interesting to see how they were made and help them/us make better stuff.
3.) People do need to learn how to make their own tags, but why make your own if you have better ones already made? DUH.
4.) People have been claiming tags their own for a long time. It happens to everything. Don't cry about it. Thing have a way of sorting out.
5.) If your tags are used by others and placed in crappy maps, who cares. Some of your maps suck too. Are we crying about it?
6.) For the 2nd time, I did not use the fucking DXripper.
7.) The tags will be placed in good and bad maps. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
8.) Maps with your tags might have better gameplay, it all depends on how smart the map maker is.
9.) Even if your tags don't make maps better, people can leard from them about how such beautiful things are made. (See 2.))
10.) Ironclad, what is up your ass? I am not a bad mapper, you are. I have a couple W.I.P.s I am about to release. I remember in-game when you saw that invisable face floating (map bug) and you were totally amazed by it, YOU are the n00b. And I am not a failure as a person, I am actually quite nice. I am just irritable when it comes to bull shit like this.
11.) russmum, I couldn't agree any more that idiots should be shot at birth. But your post indicates that you should have been shot at birth, because it makes absolutely no sense you fucking idiot.
1.) That's actually quite a compliment, but let us examine that claim for a moment. Grove was taken and "updated" by CMT. While the bulk of it is focused on the tags, it wasn't made a hit because of that. Grove was a hit before then. The second time around, it was just a bigger hit because of the foundation it had the first time. CMT is a popular name, mainly because of their SP release. Quite frankly, you can probably brand a piece of shit with CMT, and it will be a big hit (oh wait, wasn't shit voted to be better than CMT in The Arena? :-3). Any map with their tags will not just make a map "excellent". More than the weapon set goes into making a map.
2.) Why would it be so interesting? Look at Halo's weapon set. They don't have anything "special" or anything added to them. They did nothing more than take what we already had and use it to the best of its ability. If there ever is a question concerning how something is done, really the best thing to do is to come here and ask it in the editing forum. ALWAYS someone will help and give you an answer to how it can be done, and they might (on occasion) give the files for doing it. This has happened in the past. What this does is not only educate the content creator, but it gives them the confidence in doing it and it then becomes their own.
3.) Originality. Distribution rights.
4.) Of course, after long (usually days) of debating. However, by that time, usually the damage is done and too widespread to manage to correct.
5.) The creators care. Unfortunately, you probably never had the experience to share, so what do you know?
6.) I'll take your word for it.
7.) Understand the argument.
8.) You said it yourself, "it all depends on how smart the map maker is". Sadly, the bulk of map makers who would have to resort to CMT's tagset aren't smart. This goes back to what I said about the balance and respect. Usually, if it is a good map and people are interested, the creators of the content they want will share it.
9.) See number 2.
10.) I'll let Ironclad answer...
11.) ... :eyesroll:
July 10th, 2007, 12:18 AM
hey jcap you WIN but not like he'll listen
July 10th, 2007, 12:29 AM
ironclad already answered, and yet dsalimander will not get on xfire. i have things i want to say to him that wouldnt look good on the forums. if i was you jcap id ban paradox. i know he isnt the offender here but hes sure as hell helping him out.
July 10th, 2007, 12:34 AM
If I may interject...
People tend not to release tags, especially on total conversion projects, simply because THEY PROBABLY WILL NOT WORK OUTSIDE OF WHAT THEY WERE MADE FOR.
Take the Metroid mod for instance. God, I love that biped, I think I want to put it into a Halo map! Well, even if I DID have the tags, it wouldn't work right! Why? The biped rig and animations definitions are COMPLETELY different from the Master Chief's! If that biped were to be released, what are the odds someone would actually USE it, let alone USE IT RIGHT?
And onto my H2 HUD; do you have any idea how much time I spent making sure that it worked COMPLETELY INDEPENDANTLY from the stock tagset? How much time I spent WRITING THE INSTRUCTIONS to make sure if used, people HAD A GUIDE to go by? Tell me, HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE USING THE H2 HUD TAGSET? I only know of 1 (kenney), and he hasn't finished fixing it up to work on his map!
My point? Why bother releasing them? Nobody fucking uses or appreciates what work goes into said tags besides the teams that make them. And when someone DOES use them, they usually break because they're too dumb or too impatient to make it work right.
Also, cliffnotes: :fuckoff:
July 10th, 2007, 12:35 AM
Hey, you got it wrong jcap, we lost to dog shit.
Anyway, I was playing a game last night and DS was in it under the alias of M6dEEp. Actually just an ignent (lolpun) ass hole. Tbqh he has no idea what he is talking about; that's not even mentioning how much of a self contradictory he is.
July 10th, 2007, 12:39 AM
This topic makes me lol. If I remember, the first version of cmt grove was so bad not even the testers wanted to play it. You're a piece of shit DS, you will never be able to be a great mapper or modder. And I will have fun when it is time to give you what you deserve.
July 10th, 2007, 12:42 AM
DSalimander: guys i dragged the tag folder on to the map and it added it to it but when i try to play the map i get an exception error
July 10th, 2007, 12:42 AM
he was pretending to be m6deep? how do you know it was dsalimander?
July 10th, 2007, 12:44 AM
suggestion for Dsalimander:
July 10th, 2007, 01:06 AM
he was pretending to be m6deep? how do you know it was dsalimander?
He kept saying something reminiscent of this:
"I suck DSalimanders WHITE COCK."
Over and over. Also, he said he was, and Teh Ganon ended up joining and he confirmed it was him =p.
July 10th, 2007, 01:22 AM
he was pretending to be m6deep? how do you know it was dsalimander?
This is an easy distiction.....m6dEEp isn't a douchebag.
July 10th, 2007, 01:47 AM
Xetsuei™;98013']DSalimander: guys i dragged the tag folder on to the map and it added it to it but when i try to play the map i get an exception error
July 10th, 2007, 01:59 AM
Xetsuei™;98013']DSalimander: guys i dragged the tag folder on to the map and it added it to it but when i try to play the map i get an exception error
this guy is mister wizard or something amirite? :lmao:
July 10th, 2007, 03:38 AM
suggestion for Dsalimander:
You made me giggle like a little school girl.
July 10th, 2007, 03:39 AM
This is an easy distiction.....m6dEEp isn't a douchebag.
umm i wouldnt say that.......
July 10th, 2007, 04:55 AM
This is the real deal, the fucking sha-bang. it's me, DSalimander. I love causing hell, its very entertaining. I have used my 1337 h4X to get myself a fake user, and post my thoughts. You cant keep me out. Paradox621 just couldn't deliver. Here goes: After reading some of these posts (like I am going to read every fucking post you n00bs made) I have decided that you n00bs aren't going to budge. And I don't feel like arguing any more. Arguing flat out sucks. You obviously don't care about the advancement of the Halo CE community and frankly I don't care either. According to this thread, to you guys, the Halo CE community is just a bunch of idiots, and you guys are the pros. It sickens me. I give up. You win (kinda). You guys are fucking irritating as hell. CRYING ABOUT ANY FUCKING DETAIL/FLAW YOU CAN FUCKING FIND. Just to make an excuse not to release your "wonderful" tags. Frankly I couldn't give a shit if you release the tags. I don't want them. You douche bags use other people's stuff and say its your own. Your'e, your own enemy. And Masterz1337, you have quite the temper, don't you. Your'e a cry baby just like Halo Guru. I tried to help the community, but as much as I have seen, this is the community. And apparently they dont want the tags. Its rather gay. All of you people stick around and stick together. Why? Just to look tough? You really can't look tough here, this place is teh fucking gay lookin'. It makes me wanna barf. As up now, I give up with you losers, I am just gonna release the tags and don't look back. I could care less if it got me removed from the UMT mapping team. That team was boring. I am offering the tags to whoever IMs me (via Xfire) saying they want them. But I am also working on getting some uploaded to HaloMaps. I like to follow through with my plans. I actually DON'T want to do this, but Masterz1337 said:
[15:08] CMT-Masterz1337: you just make everthing easier for me [15:08] CMT-Masterz1337: if you release them [15:09] CMT-Masterz1337: so do what you want [15:09] CMT-Masterz1337: I don't care (FUCK YEAH!) So, to make him regret saying that, I am standing before you presenting the tags. If (the person who's name doesn't fit) wouldn't have said that, none of this would have happened. As I have said to him during that chat, "Do not under-estimate the tiniest of threats." I bet he feels it now. Here is a personal note to rossmum: You aren't smart. In fact, I am smarter than you. I am gifted and smarter than 96% of the people in (my state). Want to see the fucking certificate from Duke? I don't, however, know what my exact IQ is. Logic and chaos fuel me. Just look at all my posts, very logical, eh? This is all a big game. Winning is not the object, fun is (helping the Halo CE community is last on my list). This forum has been quite exciting, and I wish to continue this fun, but I am simply too lazy. (And the name calling is getting sad, very sad.) Sometimes it scares me when I think of what it would be like, being as dumb as people like CMT... CMT's logic fails. After this post, you people will likely never hear from me again (I am expecting a ban MB?). If I feel I must return (Maybe another round of gay porn?), I will with style. So for now, I will leave with style: CMT, Fuck You.
July 10th, 2007, 05:01 AM
that came out bad, there was supposed to be lines of space, but something got fucked up and they were replaced by spaces. wack, eh?
July 10th, 2007, 05:11 AM
lol, i am posting this at like 5 AM since there will be obviously minimum security
buahaahahhaha! these forums are in my hands for the next couple hours... i could do very bad things. good thing proxies are slow! i am too lazy
July 10th, 2007, 05:12 AM
hi there. go suck a cock.
July 10th, 2007, 05:18 AM
I L0Led.
July 10th, 2007, 05:18 AM
Hey Sally, if we're the nubs, then why are you the one using the word "noob" three times in every sentence and typing it in leetspeak? :raise:
Irony is beautiful, isn't it? :lmao:
buahaahahhaha! these forums are in my hands for the next couple hours... i could do very bad things. good thing proxies are slow! i am too lazy
Hmm... there are only three people currently logged on and I'm going to get banned within the hour, so what will I try to get away with in my last few minutes on the forum? I've got it! I'LL TRIPLE POST! MUHUHAHAHA!
July 10th, 2007, 05:26 AM
see. my point excellently proven.
eh, just to keep you losers entertained, stair at this for a while:
July 10th, 2007, 05:27 AM
lol, i am posting this at like 5 AM since there will be obviously minimum security
buahaahahhaha! these forums are in my hands for the next couple hours... i could do very bad things. good thing proxies are slow! i am too lazy
really? Kind sir, let me introduce you to one of the latest pronounced theories of science. Our planet is purportedly round! I know, I know, it sounds preposterous. As humorous as it is, and believe you me I laughed at the first utterance for two whole brews, it does present an interesting solution to travel. Should our lovely home indeed be round, that must mean it spins, cycling dawn and dusk. Now, surely with Earth being as round as a grape from my dear Uncle Henry's vineyard and London being a good three months sail from the Americas, such a great distance would mean 12 o'clock high noon here would put the fine municipality in late evening. While we here are settling down for din din, I say they are munching on a light brunch! So honestly faggot, just because your mommy had to get you up at 5 in the morning for summer school, it doesn't mean everyone else is asleep or getting ready to wake up.
July 10th, 2007, 05:27 AM
July 10th, 2007, 05:30 AM
you fucking suck at image tags. go blow a goat.
July 10th, 2007, 05:32 AM
holy shit that FortuneCity image is really.... PROVING YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON.
July 10th, 2007, 05:34 AM
Anyways, back to my book.
July 10th, 2007, 05:36 AM
1. see. my point excellently proven.
2. eh, just to keep you losers entertained, stair at this for a while:
1. Umm... no?
2. k. *stairs at nothing*
Learn to use capital letters if you manage to get out of the ban bin in six months.
July 10th, 2007, 05:37 AM
lol guys he was banned 25 warning points ftw.
July 10th, 2007, 05:39 AM
Yeah, I've never done that before and always wanted to try. Doesn't really matter, as changes are going to make warnings only a matter of book keeping in the distant future.
July 10th, 2007, 08:32 AM
I have used my 1337 h4X to get myself a fake user, and post my thoughts.
Wow, I think that is the lamest thing I've EVER heard. OR ELSE I CERD JiST SIGN UPP FER ANOTER ONE!!11!!!111!
Just because you fail at everything you do and we told you exactly that, you don't have to get pissy. You're just a little girl who can't accept criticism. The reason, as well, why you don't like to argue, is cause you can't. You're just another idiot. Can't come up with a reasonable case.
Good job at this grudge match, I' just glad to know people like you end up homeless.
July 10th, 2007, 09:16 AM
Is this another one of them Strider clones, or whatever you call em?
you fucking suck at image tags. go blow a goat.
Lmfao, thats going in my sig. :lmao:
July 10th, 2007, 09:55 AM
You've got it all wrong. You make it sounds like CMT members don't contribute at all to the community. However, why would we release everything that makes CMT unique? Isn't that the point of a mod team; to change the game into something different? When tags get leaked everywhere, that means our hard work is no longer unique to our maps. Have a little decency and respect for once. The only reason behind you doing what you're doing is jealousy. That's the root cause. It's because someone has something and you don't; so you want to get back at them. Take it from me, all it takes is some time contributing positively to the community; the whole community, not just your buddies. You have to see it from our view, and if you can't then you need to experience working on a project.
July 10th, 2007, 10:18 AM
This is the real deal, the fucking sha-bang. it's me, DSalimander. I love causing hell, its very entertaining. I have used my 1337 h4X to get myself a fake user, and post my thoughts. You cant keep me out. Paradox621 just couldn't deliver.
Obviously it looks like you didn't get to mine. Looks like my psychological theory was correct. You are fucked in the head, to say the least. You're doing it for nothing but your ego, and you're doing it because you feel that you have power and you can. You show the exact same hostile attitude that bullies, rapists, asshole lawyers, and the community failures show. I'll just let that speak for itself. Oh, and nice hacks. You sure showed us, using a proxy like that. What did it take you, all of ten seconds on Google Search?
Here goes: After reading some of these posts (like I am going to read every fucking post you n00bs made) I have decided that you n00bs aren't going to budge. And I don't feel like arguing any more. Arguing flat out sucks.
If you want to skip through the junk, please read my post. Out of all, it has the least idiotic babbling in it (if any) and I wrote it hoping for a follow up. You can read it here:
You obviously don't care about the advancement of the Halo CE community and frankly I don't care either. According to this thread, to you guys, the Halo CE community is just a bunch of idiots, and you guys are the pros. It sickens me. I give up. You win (kinda). You guys are fucking irritating as hell. CRYING ABOUT ANY FUCKING DETAIL/FLAW YOU CAN FUCKING FIND.
You obviously don't understand a single one of the community's perspectives. The sad truth of the matter is that there really are only two classes. There's the bunch of idiots, and then the bunch of pros. You would happen to fall under the first class. When you post your work, you are acknowledging that you are open for constructive criticism on it. In response to that, everyone gives their own opinions and suggestions on how to make it "perfect". That boils down to "any fucking detail/flaw [we] can fucking find".
Just to make an excuse not to release your "wonderful" tags. Frankly I couldn't give a shit if you release the tags. I don't want them. You douche bags use other people's stuff and say its your own. Your'e, your own enemy. And Masterz1337, you have quite the temper, don't you. Your'e a cry baby just like Halo Guru. I tried to help the community, but as much as I have seen, this is the community. And apparently they dont want the tags. Its rather gay. All of you people stick around and stick together. Why? Just to look tough? You really can't look tough here, this place is teh fucking gay lookin'. It makes me wanna barf. As up now, I give up with you losers, I am just gonna release the tags and don't look back. I could care less if it got me removed from the UMT mapping team. That team was boring. I am working on getting some uploaded to HaloMaps. I like to follow through with my plans. I actually DON'T want to do this, but Masterz1337 said: [quote] (FUCK YEAH!) So, to make him regret saying that, I am standing before you presenting the tags.
Again, this all goes back to your ego. You think that you can look like a "god" to the bottom 0.2% of the lower class of the community. Hey, don't they sell depression medications? "Ask your doctor!"
If (the person who's name doesn't fit) wouldn't have said that, none of this would have happened. As I have said to him during that chat, "Do not under-estimate the tiniest of threats." I bet he feels it now.Keep telling yourself that, kid. You would have done it no matter what because that's just you. You're doing a terrible job at making people feel sorry for you. You can be read like a children's book (put the analogies together).
Here is a personal note to rossmum: You aren't smart. In fact, I am smarter than you. I am gifted and smarter than 96% of the people in (my state). Want to see the fucking certificate from Duke? I don't, however, know what my exact IQ is. Logic and chaos fuel me. Just look at all my posts, very logical, eh?
Wow, I'd hate to know what state you live in. If you are one of the top 96% of people in your state, then I'd hate to know what everyone else is like. I'd love to see your certificate. The fact that you turned the offer down before anyone could even answer proves that you're insecure in resolving the matter because you're bluffing. I hope your last sentence was sarcastic.
This is all a big game. Winning is not the object, fun is (helping the Halo CE community is last on my list). This forum has been quite exciting, and I wish to continue this fun, but I am simply too lazy. (And the name calling is getting sad, very sad.) Sometimes it scares me when I think of what it would be like, being as dumb as people like CMT... CMT's logic fails. After this post, you people will likely never hear from me again (I am expecting a ban MB?). If I feel I must return (Maybe another round of gay porn?), I will with style. So for now, I will leave with style: CMT, Fuck You.
Leggo my "ego"!
Your logic fails.
Please get off of this forum. I can't tell you where to go, though, because no place in the universe is big enough for your EGO.
Also, just for the record, I'm not part of CMT and these forums are not affiliated in CMT any more than giving them hosting. If you want to extract your vengeance, please do it elsewhere, rather than bringing those who don't want "in" down with you.
Mr Buckshot
July 10th, 2007, 10:39 AM
This song describes Salamander very well.
July 10th, 2007, 11:19 AM
This is the real deal, the fucking sha-bang. it's me, DSalimander. I love causing hell, its very entertaining. I have used my 1337 h4X to get myself a fake user, and post my thoughts. You cant keep me out. Paradox621 just couldn't deliver. Here goes: After reading some of these posts (like I am going to read every fucking post you n00bs made) I have decided that you n00bs aren't going to budge. And I don't feel like arguing any more. Arguing flat out sucks. You obviously don't care about the advancement of the Halo CE community and frankly I don't care either. According to this thread, to you guys, the Halo CE community is just a bunch of idiots, and you guys are the pros. It sickens me. I give up. You win (kinda). You guys are fucking irritating as hell. CRYING ABOUT ANY FUCKING DETAIL/FLAW YOU CAN FUCKING FIND. Just to make an excuse not to release your "wonderful" tags. Frankly I couldn't give a shit if you release the tags. I don't want them. You douche bags use other people's stuff and say its your own. Your'e, your own enemy. And Masterz1337, you have quite the temper, don't you. Your'e a cry baby just like Halo Guru. I tried to help the community, but as much as I have seen, this is the community. And apparently they dont want the tags. Its rather gay. All of you people stick around and stick together. Why? Just to look tough? You really can't look tough here, this place is teh fucking gay lookin'. It makes me wanna barf. As up now, I give up with you losers, I am just gonna release the tags and don't look back. I could care less if it got me removed from the UMT mapping team. That team was boring. I am offering the tags to whoever IMs me (via Xfire) saying they want them. But I am also working on getting some uploaded to HaloMaps. I like to follow through with my plans. I actually DON'T want to do this, but Masterz1337 said: (FUCK YEAH!) So, to make him regret saying that, I am standing before you presenting the tags. If (the person who's name doesn't fit) wouldn't have said that, none of this would have happened. As I have said to him during that chat, "Do not under-estimate the tiniest of threats." I bet he feels it now. Here is a personal note to rossmum: You aren't smart. In fact, I am smarter than you. I am gifted and smarter than 96% of the people in (my state). Want to see the fucking certificate from Duke? I don't, however, know what my exact IQ is. Logic and chaos fuel me. Just look at all my posts, very logical, eh? This is all a big game. Winning is not the object, fun is (helping the Halo CE community is last on my list). This forum has been quite exciting, and I wish to continue this fun, but I am simply too lazy. (And the name calling is getting sad, very sad.) Sometimes it scares me when I think of what it would be like, being as dumb as people like CMT... CMT's logic fails. After this post, you people will likely never hear from me again (I am expecting a ban MB?). If I feel I must return (Maybe another round of gay porn?), I will with style. So for now, I will leave with style: CMT, Fuck You.
Wow. What are you, on crack?! Get off your high and mighty chair. Show me a fucking non-ripped high ground made by you. Show me a non ripped Coagulation. Show me a non ripped Valhalla. Show me a non ripped BSP before you get on your high and mighty chair. If you showed these, snaf, rossmum, me, connor(conscars), veegie, and all the other good modelers out there will be on your shit.
You obviously don't care about the advancement of the Halo C-
Shut the fuck up, stop right there. We never said we didn't want the tags. We said that if we put it in box maps and maps that don't even work, then what was spending 2-3 years working on them would be ruined. What would we gain? NOTHING, NOTHING NOTHING. GET OFF YOUR HIGH AND MIGHTY CHAIR.
Want to see the fucking certificate from Duke? I don't, however, know what my exact IQ is. THEN SHOW US IT FUCKSTICK, GO TAKE AN IQ TEST. If your so fucking smart then how come you cant FUCKING PUT QUOTE TAGS ON. HOLY SHIT YOU ARE GOD BECAUSE NONE OF US CAN PUT QUOTE TAGS ON.
You sir, are a fuckstick. Good day to you sir.
teh lag
July 10th, 2007, 11:20 AM
:gonk: so much fuck in that post
And yes. Don't bullshit us about the advancement of the Ce community. Our tags won't do shit for that, we have no special methods or anything. I refer you to jcap's post. If you're man enough to accept defeat, that is.
July 10th, 2007, 11:22 AM
Mine has more.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
On a more serious note, jcap is my new hero.
July 10th, 2007, 11:34 AM
:gonk: so much fuck in that post
And yes. Don't bullshit us about the advancement of the Ce community. Our tags won't do shit for that, we have no special methods or anything. I refer you to jcap's post. If you're man enough to accept defeat, that is.
Correct. I know that the CE community will just overuse the CMT tags and no-one will want to play CMT anymore. I could probably remake all of CMT's tags in about 2-3 weeks if I REALLY tried. JFap won the thread.
July 10th, 2007, 11:46 AM
What a delightful topic.
salimander, your just a screaming lil kid that when they dont get what they want, they have a tantrum and try to annoy everyone else.
Its funny how many people joined in Jul 2007, that many people joined in 10 days hmmm.
Also, they could make it harder for you to "use ur 1337 h4x" to come back here but doing that would stop others who legitly want to join. And we dont want little pricks like you to give that much of an impression. Right now your just a whining dick that no one actually gives a shit about.
July 10th, 2007, 11:56 AM
So, can we throw this topic into the shitter in the name of the forum cleanup?
July 10th, 2007, 11:58 AM
So, can we throw this topic into the shitter in the name of the forum cleanup?I expect another will rise with "muahah u cant stop me" as the title
July 10th, 2007, 12:07 PM
So, can we throw this topic into the shitter in the name of the forum cleanup?
I'm with Polar. As all of this won't get us anywhere, he wants to release the tags and there's nothing we can do about it really.
July 10th, 2007, 12:09 PM
I'm with Polar.
I concur.
July 10th, 2007, 12:26 PM
ok, instead of a live grenade, how about shoving a 55 gallon barrel of napalm wired with c4 and a killbox up his ass?
crispy critter.
July 10th, 2007, 12:54 PM
It's been a while since I've seen ignorance of this caliber, he really just doesn't understand anything now does he?
July 10th, 2007, 12:57 PM
ok, instead of a live grenade, how about shoving a 55 gallon barrel of napalm wired with c4 and a killbox up his ass?
crispy critter.
Either way, we are all happy.
July 10th, 2007, 02:30 PM
So, can we throw this topic into the shitter in the name of the forum cleanup?
I concur.
Mr Buckshot
July 10th, 2007, 10:53 PM
Hi, I'm UC Sarge and I approve of this thread!
July 10th, 2007, 10:55 PM
so when are these CMT items coming out then ds?
July 10th, 2007, 11:40 PM
so when are these CMT items coming out then ds?
they didn't get posted because he forgot screenshots. LMAO.
July 11th, 2007, 12:05 AM
this thread is massivley funny
What kind of retard spells stare as "stair"
July 11th, 2007, 12:10 AM
they didn't get posted because he forgot screenshots. LMAO.
LoL! Sounds liek dis dood knowz so much and has so much lodgic in his poasts cuz he h4s a hi IQ. I tinksz heh did dat thar on pruposes too macke it l00k liek he wuz dum but heh rlly istn, LoL!
Typing that message above was so very hard. To be quite fucking honest, your state must be the biggest lot of retards I have ever heard of, as a fucking dumb shit like this is within the 96 percentile of the more intelligent folks. He even forgets fucking screen shots, how brilliant. I'd like to make a random stab at your state, but I don't feel like offending any of the more respectable members, because I show respect. It's something I do. A thing like knowing the difference between doing something for myself, and doing something for some one else. So, get the picture? Good. Fuck off dumb shit. If you don't, some how (this is a possibility I can certainly imagine). Then figure it out, smart ass.
July 11th, 2007, 12:30 AM
anyways what exactly does he have? (ps im past the whole flaming thing i was doing earlier) is it just models or are they actual tags?
July 11th, 2007, 02:21 AM
anyways what exactly does he have? (ps im past the whole flaming thing i was doing earlier) is it just models or are they actual tags?
Models, really when you think about it, this whole thing is like a massive joke, that he pulled on himself.
July 11th, 2007, 01:16 PM
most people dont know what to do with models... lol what will releasing them do aside from pissing off cmt
July 11th, 2007, 01:26 PM
most people dont know what to do with models... lol what will releasing them do aside from pissing off cmt
I don't think even they care. He threw everything away for nothing, lol.
July 11th, 2007, 01:45 PM
I don't think even theycare. He threw everything a way for nothing, lol.
Not like we are using all of the same models any way :X
Congrats on releasing old content that was either grossly inaccurate or is in the works of being remade. Also, massacre, thanks for bringing up that point, I had over looked it. In any case, I doubt the rest of CMT is going to stay in CE forever, anyhow. It shouldn't make much of a difference.
July 11th, 2007, 03:31 PM
We all know he won't be successful anytime in the future.
He fails at life and go back sucking his dads little dick. This thread was funny while it lasted. Lock mb?
Mr Buckshot
July 11th, 2007, 05:25 PM
This primitive primate attempted to behave like a human being but failed miserably. He should go back to the jungle.
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