View Full Version : [CNN] Online help sought to organize galaxies

July 12th, 2007, 11:37 PM

LONDON, England (AP) -- Scientists need help sorting through an unusual digital photo album: pictures of about 1 million galaxies.

They are asking volunteers on the Internet to help classify the galaxies as either elliptical or spiral and note, where possible, in which direction they rotate.
It would be the largest galactic census ever compiled, something scientists say would provide new insight into the structure of the universe.
"We're in the golden era of astronomy," said Bob Nichol, an astronomer at the University of Portsmouth in southern England. "We have more data than we can assimilate, and we need help."
Astronomers say computer programs have been unable to reliably classify the star systems.
Without volunteers, researchers would need years to wade through the photographs, which were taken automatically by a massive digital camera mounted onto a telescope at the Apache Point Observatory near Sunspot, New Mexico, Nichol said. With 10,000 to 20,000 people working to classify the galaxies, the process could take as little as a month.

Volunteers would sign on to the Web site, http://www.galaxyzoo.org/, complete a brief tutorial and pick through one galaxy after another. The galaxies would be identified by several people to guard against errors and pranks, and scientists would rule on any disputes.
The catalog would help researchers understand how galaxies form and interact.
"At some level, what we learn about these galaxies could tell us something quite fundamental about cosmology and particle physics," Nichol said.
The project was inspired by similar projects at NASA, such as Stardust(at)home, which enlisted the help of thousands of volunteers to sift through grains of space dust gathered during a 2006 mission.This is awesome. The collective force of the internet will finally help SCIENCE!

And plus also, Hello. :eyesroll:

July 12th, 2007, 11:38 PM
hi there!

this is a pretty damn interesting article. hooray for the powers of the internets! I might try it out since i'm bored out of my mind anyway.

At the same time though, people could easily mess up or purposefully screw up the system... :\

July 12th, 2007, 11:39 PM
If I actually had the time I would do that. I loves my science :haw:

July 13th, 2007, 12:53 AM
Most of the pictures are really blurry :/ I cant make out some of them.