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Rob Oplawar
July 24th, 2007, 03:49 PM
Anyone here program in Java?
When I started my internship here, I assumed I would be programming in C++, because, well, I know that language...
But no, I'm programming in Java, and while it seems simple enough and wasn't all that hard to pick up after OO C++, I have to say...

Java is dependency hell. I just can't understand how people can actually program in this language and maintain their sanity. Right now I am posting this as I wait for my JBoss server to start up withing my Java environment, because it depends on about 30 Java libraries (and I'm not even kidding). Then it has to start up JBoss Seam. Then Seam has to load my webapp I'm working on. My webapp's lib folder contains 25 JAR files containing all of the dependencies for the library the one tag I'm trying to test depends on. And it doesn't work, and gives me useful errors like "Servlet could not be started." and "com.sun.facelets.compiler.TagLibraryConfig loadImplicit".
Either that, or the page loads up just fine, but the Faces tags simply fail to output anything, but don't give me any errors.

I'm just posting this because I'm curious, does anyone else program in Java? Of those, has anyone ever tried to make a Java webapp? Of those, are any of you still sane? Please tell me your secret, if so.

God, I miss C++.

Edit: maybe I'd have an easier time with this if I didn't keep returning to the h2v forums while I'm supposed to be working...

July 24th, 2007, 04:59 PM
Edit: maybe I'd have an easier time with this if I didn't keep returning to the h2v forums while I'm supposed to be working...

Do what I do, add h2vista.net to your block list =D

Oh wait...

Rob Oplawar
July 25th, 2007, 09:46 AM
block h2v? I would cry

July 25th, 2007, 12:17 PM
Fuck. No.

I wouldn't touch Java again, even if I was paid to do it.

Java, and C++ are not even true OO languages. .NET is, however/ While it may sound fanboish, its the truth.

God I hated those 2 years of AP Comp Sci. FUCK JAVA :|

And super-duper fuck its lowerCamelCase dipshitting conventions. They need to be shot.


super double fuck their namespace usage. They don't even stick to a single convetion. GAWD, just FUCK Java <:mad:>