View Full Version : [HALO 3] The voice of the Halo 3 E3 SP gameplay trailer
July 25th, 2007, 10:06 PM
Ive heard a lot of different opinions, like brute, elite, prophet of truth, flood,
Just posting a poll to see what you guys think
I personally think its an elite, but thats just me
July 25th, 2007, 10:11 PM
Its a brute.. I told you on msn. Also why would an elite say that they were just betrayed by the brutes they would be fighting for their own survival now.
July 25th, 2007, 10:11 PM
don't ask, it's the idea of a few people in the last threat about the E3 trailer, just because it doesn't sound like prophet of truth, but may I ask that a mod fix the poll and add "a New Prophet" cause if it's not truth then maybe it's a new one.
July 25th, 2007, 10:13 PM
don't ask, it's the idea of a few people in the last threat about the E3 trailer, just because it doesn't sound like prophet of truth, but may I ask that a mod fix the poll and add "a New Prophet" cause if it's not truth then maybe it's a new one.
They wouldn't elect a new prophet days after the other ones were killed. :eyesroll: Also, Truth doesn't sound like that.
July 25th, 2007, 10:15 PM
They wouldn't elect a new prophet days after the other ones were killed. :eyesroll: Also, Truth doesn't sound like that.
yes, but for all we know it might be a "new one" or one that we've yet to learn of. This is Halo 3, no one out side of Bungie's stone walls has played the full SP campiagn.
July 25th, 2007, 10:20 PM
Sorry, but you're got to be tone deaf if you think it's anything other than a brute :(
July 25th, 2007, 10:22 PM
The bit up until the person says "glass" sounds prophet-ish. But I expect it's a Brute.
July 25th, 2007, 10:22 PM
Well i though it was the Arbitor some other elite right from the start :/
July 25th, 2007, 10:28 PM
Sorry, but you're got to be tone deaf if you think it's anything other than a brute :(
I'm not tone deaf, I'm kind of deaf in the left ear, but that's what I get for being in a band. (Danm fult players) but I'm not tone deaf.
The bit up until the person says "glass" sounds prophet-ish. But I expect it's a Brute.
and that's where I get the idea it sounds like (or close to) truth, but Glass can be more of an acient or something, or it could be brute but like I've said before we just don't know.
Well i though it was the Arbitor some other elite right from the start :/
yea, but it doesn't sound like a elite.
July 25th, 2007, 10:32 PM
But the elites are on our side and the prophets are in no position to be threatening anyone right now :\
July 25th, 2007, 10:34 PM
But the elites are on our side and the prophets are in no position to be threatening anyone right now :\
says who, truth has a forerunner ship with unknown power and weapons.
July 25th, 2007, 10:36 PM
In this one article it told you about the first level of the sp...
and it said that some elites were still on the brute side.. ill get the link
EDIT: here
July 25th, 2007, 10:56 PM
I thought it was:
"YOU ARE... ALL OF YOU, VERMIN.... Cowering in the dirt.... thinking.... WHAT?.... That you might escape? The cunning fire?....................Your world will BURN untill its surface is but GLOSS." GLOSS not GLASS... Sounds like Tartarus or a Cheiftan of some type.
July 25th, 2007, 10:58 PM
An Elite
An Brute
Where is the An Hero option :(
July 25th, 2007, 11:09 PM
Rain I'm pretty sure he says Glass.
July 25th, 2007, 11:11 PM
And it's the coming fire, not the cunning fire...
also, tartarus died remember?
July 25th, 2007, 11:31 PM
An Elite
An Brute
Where is the An Hero option :(
Dammit, I was gonna post that.
Also edit,
There it is!!! *vote*
July 25th, 2007, 11:31 PM
Yes, I meant something LIKE tartarus.
July 25th, 2007, 11:41 PM
Aw man is there some way I can get my vote back to vote for the new option?
July 25th, 2007, 11:45 PM
I thought it was:
"YOU ARE... ALL OF YOU, VERMIN.... Cowering in the dirt.... thinking.... WHAT?.... That you might escape? The cunning fire?....................Your world will BURN untill its surface is but GLOSS." GLOSS not GLASS... Sounds like Tartarus or a Cheiftan of some type.
Now what would make you think it would be Gloss?
July 25th, 2007, 11:50 PM
i think it says this, but im probably wrong.
You are, all of you burning... Cowering in the dirt thinking, what? That you might escape the comming fire? Home World Will burn until the surface is about to collapse
July 25th, 2007, 11:54 PM
Could you be more...wrong? :gonk:
You are, all of you, vermin.
Cowering in the dirt thinking...what?
That you might escape the coming fire?
Your would will BURN until its surface is but GLASS.
July 25th, 2007, 11:55 PM
i disagree :)
EDIT: fixed a typo
July 26th, 2007, 12:01 AM
How can you disagree?
Watch it again. The trailer is dialogue in the trailer is perfectly clear, so there should be nothing up for debate as there was with the announcement trailer.
July 26th, 2007, 12:03 AM
...soley on the grounds that Killa's "interpretation" makes less sense.
July 26th, 2007, 12:09 AM
Could you be more...wrong? :gonk:
You are, all of you, vermin.
Cowering in the dirt thinking...what?
That you might escape the coming fire?
Your would will BURN until its surface is but GLASS.
yes. there is no debate here. everyone who disagrees with jcap needs to clean out their ears.
July 26th, 2007, 12:15 AM
*cleans ears*
ahh there we go
lolz, ok i will agree with jcap
July 26th, 2007, 12:20 AM
Fapper is right.
July 26th, 2007, 01:52 AM
i think it says this, but im probably wrong.
You are, all of you burning... Cowering in the dirt thinking, what? That you might escape the comming fire? Home World Will burn until the surface is about to collapse
someone needs a fucking hearing checkup.
Elites and shit have like, deep but soft voices, unless they're yelling.
The Brutes have a deep gravelly voice, which is exactly what this voice is.
Why the FUCK would bungie have some random elite talking. It's obviously the next brute overlord dude. Remember, the ELITES are with the fucking humans now. Bungie said this themselves, MANY times.
Why do people refuse to listen to facts?
btw, " Your world will BURN until its surface is but GLASS." That is what it says, but i wonder what it means....
maybe the earths crust is surrounding a big glass sphere?
July 26th, 2007, 02:01 AM
I think it refers to "glassing" a planet. Not sure what the real term means but I think it either has to do with destroying the ecosystem till that lands uninhabitable or the civilizations.
July 26th, 2007, 02:33 AM
I think it refers to "glassing" a planet. Not sure what the real term means but I think it either has to do with destroying the ecosystem till that lands uninhabitable or the civilizations.
It refers to the covenant warships firing their main cannons at the target planet repeatedly until the entire surface has been super heated and then re-cooled into glass
As for the Glass/Gloss thing, the speaker appears to have a slight Scottish accent, making glass sound like gloss
July 26th, 2007, 05:46 AM
Yes, setting the planet on fire,
July 26th, 2007, 12:10 PM
someone needs a fucking hearing checkup.
Elites and shit have like, deep but soft voices, unless they're yelling.
The Brutes have a deep gravelly voice, which is exactly what this voice is.
Why the FUCK would bungie have some random elite talking. It's obviously the next brute overlord dude. Remember, the ELITES are with the fucking humans now. Bungie said this themselves, MANY times.
Why do people refuse to listen to facts?
btw, " Your world will BURN until its surface is but GLASS." That is what it says, but i wonder what it means....
maybe the earths crust is surrounding a big glass sphere?
We have votes for the Prophet of Truth and gravemind, not just an elite and an brute
July 26th, 2007, 12:47 PM
Crap, I accidentally voted other, I really voted for Prophet. That does not sound like a brute. Move the video to the 15 sec in and listen to how low the voice is, that most does not sound like the vicious voice of a Brute Chieftain. Almost sounds like Christopher Lee talking.(Saruman;LOTR or Count Dooku;Star Wars)
July 26th, 2007, 03:03 PM
Also, Truth doesn't sound like that.
IDK, when he says everything up to and including "Vermin" it sounds pretty fucking close to Michael Wincott's voice :eyesroll:
Brutes have always had a much more gruff voice.
Yeah, "Vermin" sounds pretty goddamn close to Michael Wincott's Truth voice when he does his grasping
Listen to me ( Wish they would just rip the sounds though :eyesroll:
July 26th, 2007, 03:15 PM
Why can't the grunts fight with us. I want a grunt side kick *kicks arbiter* :saddowns:
July 26th, 2007, 03:30 PM
Well the grunts are on both sides, I'd be really nice to fight along side them.
At, it is stated that the grunts have joined up with the Humans, Elites, and Hunters. I think that some are still under the command of Brutes. Somewhere else on this forum I saw someone say that if you kill the brute that leading the group, the grunts will join up with you. It would give more variety if some grunts would still fight you even after they're brute leader is dead
July 26th, 2007, 07:15 PM
I think that the voice is of another, new, prophet. Mercy and Regret must have been replaced. The voice isn't rough enough to be a Brute.
July 26th, 2007, 08:34 PM
The voice also isn't deep and gravelly. It's stressed and dry.
July 26th, 2007, 09:33 PM
I dont see why it's even up for debate. Listen to the accents in Halo 2 and listen to the E307MVT voice and it's abundantly clear it's from the perspective of a brute. If it's not, Halo 3's going to have some serious logistical problems on the audio side of the game.
July 26th, 2007, 10:28 PM
Listen to every Brute voice from Halo 2. Not one of them sounds anywhere close to the voice in the video. The Prophets are the ones that come the closest. Elites don't even pass within 50 meters of it.
As far as I am concerned, it's a Jackal...:p.
July 26th, 2007, 10:34 PM
Nah, I say that it's a Grunt.
July 26th, 2007, 10:38 PM
Actually, upon rethinking this, I am convinced it is a Flood Infection Form.
July 26th, 2007, 10:41 PM
Nah Id definitely say it was a Food Nipple.
July 26th, 2007, 10:45 PM
Oh come on. It's been (probably) less than a week in the Halo universe. There's no way you can replace religious leaders THAT quickly when your fleet is having an open civil war and one of the religious leaders left the other two to die. It could be very possible that Bungie replaced Truth's voice, but even so, I don't imagine he'd be that fiery unless he were really pissed off.
July 26th, 2007, 10:46 PM
I can see Truth that fiery quite easily. And it wouldn't surprise me if they did give Truth a vocal redux, since Keyes received one, and now has a British accent instead of no accent at all.
July 26th, 2007, 10:48 PM
Or emotion for that matter.
Though if that is Truths voice I would be kinda disappointed. It just doesn't seem to fit him in my opinion.
July 27th, 2007, 05:43 PM
Or emotion for that matter.
Though if that is Truths voice I would be kinda disappointed. It just doesn't seem to fit him in my opinion.
I disagree, that seems a lot like his voice, in my oppinion.
July 27th, 2007, 08:00 PM
Sounds like that dude from LOTR to me.
July 28th, 2007, 04:38 PM
The same one who played Count Dooku?
Actually, upon rethinking this, I am convinced it is a Flood Infection Form.
Truth + Infection form = The Voice.
July 28th, 2007, 04:51 PM
I can't exactly put my finger on who is talking. It makes most sense that it's Truth, but the voice really sounds like a cross between Truth and a brute.
Truth + Infection form = The Voice.
If Truth was infected, then he wouldn't have said that. The "coming fire" is referring to the Great Journey and how the Humans won't be able to stop it. (Remember, "I shall light this holy ring, release its cleansing flame, and burn a path into the divine beyond!"). The Flood do not want that to happen because if all life is wiped from the universe, they have nothing to feed off of, leaving them to suffer.
July 28th, 2007, 05:56 PM
jcap is right, that narrows it down to Truth, a brute, and possibly a evil elite
July 28th, 2007, 06:04 PM
jcap is right, that narrows it down to Truth, a brute, and possibly a evil elite
Out of those three, I'd have to say that it's Truth.
July 28th, 2007, 07:11 PM
mb hes in the process of being infected then...
or the balls on his cheeks just dropped a little more :-3
July 28th, 2007, 09:45 PM
or the balls on his cheeks just dropped a little more :-3
Wait... that means he's a ballchinian!!!
July 28th, 2007, 10:15 PM
wow lol
July 29th, 2007, 03:22 AM
The same one who played Count Dooku?
The best actor who could have possibly played the worst villian ever? D:
July 29th, 2007, 04:06 AM
Wait... that means he's a ballchinian!!!OMG GET POLAR TO KICK HIS FACE
July 29th, 2007, 04:48 AM
Wait... that means he's a ballchinian!!!
*bright light*
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