View Full Version : [HALO 3] Halo 3 Hornet
July 26th, 2007, 09:26 AM
It says on the scan of a page that the Hornet may appear in MP what do u think?
July 26th, 2007, 09:47 AM
No it will be a prop in Multiplayer because thats obviously what it means.
July 26th, 2007, 09:55 AM
that's not a scan, it's a bad digital photo :o
July 26th, 2007, 10:00 AM
I don't really like the idea of a having a flying troop transport that is small enough to take on Banshees. Before long, it's not even going to feel like halo anymore with all the power weapons and some of the "x" button devices they bring in.
July 26th, 2007, 10:10 AM
well if we can fly banshees then we should be able 2 fly this because it is a simular size. and the humans dont have a flyable vehicle in MP maps. so bungie might be making us one.
July 26th, 2007, 10:14 AM
Remind me again how a vehicle that small can lift 2 to 3 Spartans?
July 26th, 2007, 10:16 AM
Genetic Engineering, what do they teach you in school these days. :)
Reaper Man
July 26th, 2007, 10:16 AM
Remind me again how a vehicle that small can lift 2 to 3 Spartans?
It has hueg engines, gosh :saddowns:
July 26th, 2007, 10:56 AM
Can anyone else not see that downing a Banshee?
July 26th, 2007, 11:06 AM
it wud probobly be less powerful cuz u can av 2 people on the side shootin at the banshee as well, so the guns on it wud be weak.
July 26th, 2007, 11:13 AM
Remind me again how a vehicle that small can lift 2 to 3 Spartans?
The banshee can support 2 ppl so why couldnt this? :X
July 26th, 2007, 11:15 AM
Damn the gov't's filter. Can't see pix :saddowns:
Genetic Engineering, what do they teach you in school these days. :)
How the HELL does genetic engineering have anything to do with the power of a craft?
I'm wondering if this is the 'falcon' from halo2...
July 26th, 2007, 11:27 AM
It says on the scan of a page that the Hornet may appear in MP what do u think?
it looks like something that might be in Halo Wars but not in halo 3
July 26th, 2007, 11:32 AM
This thread is retarded. Since when did bungie not let people use drivable SP vehicles in MP.
July 26th, 2007, 11:32 AM
Ive much rather have a Sparrowhawk (Halo Wars planned)
July 26th, 2007, 11:48 AM
The banshee can support 2 ppl so why couldnt this? :X
Because the banshee has anti-gravity pods. This thing uses good old fashion wind turbines.
July 26th, 2007, 12:08 PM
This thread is retarded. Since when did bungie not let people use drivable SP vehicles in MP.
0.o never.
July 26th, 2007, 12:54 PM
Ive much rather have a Sparrowhawk (Halo Wars planned)
SparrowHawk is what you would use to down a Phantom. The high Caliber Rounds on that thing would give almost instantaneous kills on infantry. I would also assume there is a high rate of fire from those cannons.
July 26th, 2007, 01:10 PM
This thread is retarded. Since when did bungie not let people use drivable SP vehicles in MP.
See: Halo 1 Xbox.
July 26th, 2007, 01:31 PM
it wud probobly be less powerful cuz u can av 2 people on the side shootin at the banshee as well, so the guns on it wud be weak.
This forum is not based in the hood, can you use less ebonics and more grade school english?
July 26th, 2007, 01:56 PM
I don't really like the idea of a having a flying troop transport that is small enough to take on Banshees. Before long, it's not even going to feel like halo anymore with all the power weapons and some of the "x" button devices they bring in.
I agree, I think halo is losing its touch with all these new features they're adding in.
Dr Dmoney
July 26th, 2007, 02:07 PM
It has a gun turret in the back. It carrys 4 people/ Driver, one person on each side and the turret in the back. About as powerful as a banchie. You have to realize this is like a flying warthog.
July 26th, 2007, 02:08 PM
I agree, I think halo is losing its touch with all these new features they're adding in.
k, no.
ur just afraid of change k? k.
July 26th, 2007, 02:19 PM
yes :o
July 26th, 2007, 02:39 PM
I agree, I think halo is losing its touch with all these new features they're adding in.
It would be totally awesome if they just took halo 1 and put it in halo 3 :downs:
Some of the reasoning behind new features is the fact the marines wouldnt stand for shit without the chief using them in SP. :/
July 26th, 2007, 04:50 PM
At the end of singleplayer, you should like meet jesus himself. Only if you beat it on legendary :)
Now thats a not noobie add to halo :haw:
July 26th, 2007, 08:33 PM
It doesn't look very aerodynamic, and Banshees are very aerodynamic, so I couldn't see this being the anti-banshee.
July 26th, 2007, 08:39 PM
Banshees are hardly aerodynamic at all. They are a big fat bulbous shell with pylons extending from either side, which don't serve to create lift due to their design. The only reason the thing flies is because of its anti-gravity pods. The only thing remotely aerodynamic in its shape is the fact that it is smooth.
July 26th, 2007, 11:00 PM
I don't see why Marines need a counter for the Banshee - the first Warthog's gun was, after all, called the M41 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun.
July 27th, 2007, 12:52 AM
Needs more time-delayed shells if you ask me.
July 27th, 2007, 03:17 PM
I am sorry what was this thread about? I was distracted. :D
July 27th, 2007, 03:55 PM
I am sorry what was this thread about? I was distracted. :D
Silly, thats an inappropriate image, only Reaper can post the boobies.
Also, Bungie has lost there minds. Why. are. they. doing. this. Somehow the UNSC is pulling all this shit out of their asses in a months time, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE!
Also, all this shit just doesn't seem Halo to me, it seems more like it would fit in Star Wars. The Elephant is just the fucking desert transport thing from Star Wars, real original. If I wanted to drive a big fucking useless piece of shelter around I would have bought a star wars game, thank you.
And all the equipment stuff? I think they figured that having the entire game look like a match of ChaosGulch would sell the game for the 12 year old retards on XBL. If they had left all that rubish in the multiplayer, I would have been fine, but why did they have to go taunt the purity of the single player? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING BUNGIE, WHAT IS IT THAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD FRANKIE! WHHHHHHHHHYYYYYY?!!?!?!?
Imma go play Marathon, from back when Bungie gave half a shit about having a decent story instead of selling a game based off it's shitty noobtubes.
July 27th, 2007, 04:02 PM
Dude, think. In h2 you saw the adventure of ONE ship. How does it not make sense there was other tech we didn't see. Equipment is rare to get, you're more likely to see a SL in action than a bubble shield.
You obviously haven't played the game, so how do you know equipment is going to "fuck it up"
July 27th, 2007, 04:53 PM
Dude, think. In h2 you saw the adventure of ONE ship. How does it not make sense there was other tech we didn't see. Equipment is rare to get, you're more likely to see a SL in action than a bubble shield.
You obviously haven't played the game, so how do you know equipment is going to "fuck it up"
Did Halo 1 have big giant fucking lazers that you walked around with on your back? No, because it didn't need them. Hell, Halo 2 didn't need them, even though all the weapons were made to counter each other exactly the same retarded way they are doing it in Halo 3. All I'm seeing in the new weapons in Halo 3 is unbalanced fail, on all but the largest maps its going to be a fucking orgy of rockets, chainguns and plasma. If you're on foot without a piece of equipment, your fucked. Not to mention most of the new weapons are either unoriginal, older H2 vehicle weapons or are stupid counters to existing weapons. Its like they are intentionally dumbing down the game for all the retards out there who can't dodge or steal a vehicle or figure out that if your shooting at a sniper who is several hundred feet a way with a shotgun, that you are going to probably get your ass sniped.
And honestly, if the UNSC had not distributed these "new" weapons before the beginning or middle of Halo 2 then humanity deserves to die. "Hey, we have these chainguns, anti-vehicle rockets and a shit load of anti-armor stuff that would really help our troops out, lets leave em on earth until our asses get INVADED!" The Japanese saved 5,000 planes to kamikaze American ships when the invasion of the Japanese homeland would begin during World War 2, that really helped them in the long run didn't it?
And yes, I haven't played the beta. I'm allowed to theorize, right? For all I know most of the equipment that hasn't been seen or used by anyone outside of Bungie could fire out fucking teddy bears that bite you to death. I hope, for the sake of Halo's continuity.
The only thing I like about H3's combat so far is that most of the new normal weapons are designed for much closer quarter battles. If there are some cramped close quarters maps without the shitty noobtubes then I'll be relatively happy. Even if it digresses into *BANG* Dead *BANG* dead, at least I wont be fucking blown to hell from half way across the map by some 3 year old with a fucking Spartan Nuke Launcher.
July 27th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Can anyone else not see that downing a Banshee?
Me. That thing looks terrible. It looks like a ball sack hanging from fans to me. Maybe it's the angle, but I sincerely hope there's something back behind that cockpit, like a tail or something.
EDIT: yeah, it was the angle. After seeing the view of it in this ( picture, I could totally see that thing taking out a Banshee.
Legionaire, you have to have played the Beta to understand how it all works out. It was the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game. Everything was perfectly balanced, with the possible exception of the Spartan laser, which could be fixed by adding a bit of waver during targeting. And you know what? Despite all the changes, it actually felt like Halo to me. I don't know how they pulled it off, but it was an amazing piece of work.
July 31st, 2007, 06:12 AM
they are probobly adding all of this new stuff because this is the last Halo they are making, so they probobly want to make new and cool stuff for us to use.
July 31st, 2007, 08:06 AM
And you know what? Despite all the changes, it actually felt like Halo to me. I don't know how they pulled it off, but it was an amazing piece of work.
Halo in a Halo 1 sense, Halo 2 sense, or general Halo sense? :eyesroll:
All this new stuff looks pretty cool. I'm not worried about all this stuff becoming a mess, because Bungie isn't going to try to stick everything into every map. Besides, I thought that Halo 2 was lacking in new vehicles and weapons. The only useable vehicle added was the Spectre, which was a coive Wathog, and almost all the weapons were either just unuseable in Halo 1 (sword, plasma cannon), or were just counterparts to other weapons (carbine/BR instead of pistol, beam rifle as a SR, etc). It feels to me like a lot of this new content should've been in Halo 2, so it isn't really as much of a content overload as it may seem. I just hope they've made some great SP scenarios and MP maps to make this content worth the effort.
The Prowler is an odd addition though, because it's just like a Spectre, but backwards. It seems a bit redundant and unnecessary, but it's just a small quirk. And where's the flamethrower? I need it! :(
I agree, I think halo is losing its touch with all these new features they're adding in.
Halo lost its touch when Bungie made Halo 2. I don't think Bungie is going to screw up as badly this time.
July 31st, 2007, 10:29 AM
I hope that they DO put this in muiltplayer.....It is about time we had a flyer for the human side.
Llama Juice
July 31st, 2007, 10:47 AM
Maybe the thing just isn't capeable of galactic travel MB.... this battle is on earth....
The home team of a war usually has easier access to tanks and other heavy vehicles, why would this be any different?
July 31st, 2007, 11:05 AM
First of all, from a story perspective:
Halo 1:
-Emergency escape from a distant planet, to an even more distant Halo. Sure, they were from Reach - the center of UNSC operations, but survivors were hurried onto the unprepared PoA, and then they had to do a random jump. Not much time to collect weapons. Hey, you were gradually introduced to new weapons anyway - first the sniper, then rocket launcher, then shotgun.
Halo 2:
-Sudden unexpected covenant invasion. Battle Rifle, SMG were introduced in the beginning...but once again, there wasn't much time considering the IAC had to make a run for Earth, then follow Regret's slipspace jump. Middle? How are you going to introduce new UNSC weapons from a quickly-equipped frigate on a Halo?
Halo 3?
Humanity's last stand. You're not really going anywhere besides Earth (at first at least). The entire human inventory can now be made available, because there's actually time to field these previously unseen weapons.
However I do agree to a certain extent that this feels like overkill...kinda like every cool idea bungie can think of is stuffed inside the game. But based on other peoples' reviews of the Beta, things seemed fine.
Besides, I won't be getting Halo 3 for the new weapons. I'm getting it for the freaking epic conclusion.
Reaper Man
July 31st, 2007, 11:27 AM
Did somebody say boobs :awesome:?
July 31st, 2007, 11:40 AM
First of all, from a story perspective:
Halo 1:
-Emergency escape from a distant planet, to an even more distant Halo. Sure, they were from Reach - the center of UNSC operations, but survivors were hurried onto the unprepared PoA, and then they had to do a random jump. Not much time to collect weapons. Hey, you were gradually introduced to new weapons anyway - first the sniper, then rocket launcher, then shotgun.
Halo 2:
-Sudden unexpected covenant invasion. Battle Rifle, SMG were introduced in the beginning...but once again, there wasn't much time considering the IAC had to make a run for Earth, then follow Regret's slipspace jump. Middle? How are you going to introduce new UNSC weapons from a quickly-equipped frigate on a Halo?
Halo 3?
Humanity's last stand. You're not really going anywhere besides Earth (at first at least). The entire human inventory can now be made available, because there's actually time to field these previously unseen weapons.
However I do agree to a certain extent that this feels like overkill...kinda like every cool idea bungie can think of is stuffed inside the game. But based on other peoples' reviews of the Beta, things seemed fine.
Besides, I won't be getting Halo 3 for the new weapons. I'm getting it for the freaking epic conclusion.
I believe storm just summed up everything perfectly. Agreed on all points.
July 31st, 2007, 11:40 AM
Did Halo 1 have big giant fucking lazers that you walked around with on your back? No, because it didn't need them.
Hell, Halo 2 didn't need them,
even though all the weapons were made to counter each other exactly the same retarded way they are doing it in Halo 3.
opinion x2
All I'm seeing in the new weapons in Halo 3 is unbalanced fail,
oh hai, he has an eye, could have fooled me :downs:
on all but the largest maps its going to be a fucking orgy of rockets, chainguns and plasma. If you're on foot without a piece of equipment, your fucked.
This has to be one of the most ignorant posts thus far. Maybe you should actually play the fucking game or at least STUDY it before pulling random shit theories out your ass.
One word: Snowbound. Did it have rockets? No. Did it have chain guns? No. Did it have plasma? As long as you weren't playing in a custom game, yes.
I did plenty fine in Valhalla ON FOOT and with NO equipment. But thats maybe because I actually played the game and gained experience in how to use what I have against my enemy? Nah! What a silly idea!
Not to mention most of the new weapons are either unoriginal,
opinion. Never have I seen Bungie's chain gun in any other game expect in a past Halo game :downs:. Or are you so scared of change that you have already jumped the gun and deemed Halo 3 not even a Halo game?
older H2 vehicle weapons
Well, thats usually what you do in a sequel, bring back old stuff...
or are stupid counters to existing weapons.
Yeah, because a game should ALWAYS be shifted to one side :|
also, opinion
Its like they are intentionally dumbing down the game for all the retards out there who can't dodge or steal a vehicle or figure out that if your shooting at a sniper who is several hundred feet a way with a shotgun, that you are going to probably get your ass sniped.
So you would rather them dumb it down for your retarded ass and not have ANY kind of artillery like a fucking rocket launcher or other anti-vehicle weapons for foot-men, because you only know one style of playing and can't adapt?
And honestly, if the UNSC had not distributed these "new" weapons before the beginning or middle of Halo 2 then humanity deserves to die.
No, you deserve to die. Do you ever think? Or are you just being lead by the blind?
"oshi, its the covies!!!11"
"oshi, fire at will cortana"
*fly down to earth for a couple hours*
"oshi, they're going to jump, inside the city!"
"oshi, oshi, oshit. oshit, I said it =o"
If I had to guess at how long the covenant were at earth before Regret jumped ship and took off again, I'd have to say we only had a taste of about 4 maybe 5 hours of battle time. You REALLY think USNC was prepared to DEPLOY all the shit they have in STOCK and PROTOTYPES which of course would START off at earth then make its way further out to the battle grounds after testing.
If my planet was under attack, within the first 12hours or less, I'd make sure I had EVERYTHING I had, prototype or not, in battle or prepared for battle. Guess what, they're on earth again, probably days after Regret left. I'm not the least bit surprised of seeing new shit put out there in a last attempt to finish the fight.
"Hey, we have these chainguns, anti-vehicle rockets and a shit load of anti-armor stuff that would really help our troops out, lets leave em on earth until our asses get INVADED!" The Japanese saved 5,000 planes to kamikaze American ships when the invasion of the Japanese homeland would begin during World War 2, that really helped them in the long run didn't it?
Much like you, I doubt Japan thought the about the things in the long run.
They attacked a harbor of a country who wasn't even at war, nor had any real heads up that the front lines where about to be dropped on their front yards. Not only that, but that harbor held many of navel fighter power. If you're the enemy, do you really think the people you just fucked with would counter-act in such a speedy manner? Do you think Japan new we had the BALLS to bomb the shit out of our enemies with such high intensity when we weren't even touching the war in Europe?
And yes, I haven't played the beta.
Yeah, its pretty obvious.
I'm allowed to theorize, right?
Yeah, if you actually THINK before you start making up theories. You know, use what they taught you in school about science. Or have you got to 6th grade yet?
For all I know
Which is, what again?
most of the equipment that hasn't been seen or used by anyone outside of Bungie could fire out fucking teddy bears that bite you to death. I hope, for the sake of Halo's continuity.
Wait, you're hoping for a ball that shoots out teddy bear like things with teeth? Piranhas in teddy bear costumes?
The only thing I like about H3's combat so far is that most of the new normal weapons are designed for much closer quarter battles.
Then stick to the shit you like to play in and quit your unneeded bitching. Go make a myspace or blog and rant your ass off there.
If there are some cramped close quarters maps without the shitty noobtubes then I'll be relatively happy.
Takes one to get killed by one.
You bitch about realism in the story line yet you bitch about how someone can't have a certain weapon because you loose sleep at night over a game?
Even if it digresses into *BANG* Dead *BANG* dead, at least I wont be fucking blown to hell from half way across the map by some 3 year old with a fucking Spartan Nuke Launcher.
Boo fucking, hoo. Do you think we should stop using fucking .50cal sniper rifles because insurgents get blown away from hundreds of feet away and can't do shit about it because they either don't know how to use their own shit, or just flat out suck at life and can only push a button?
Opinions may be like assholes and everyone has ONE, but you have shown you AT LEAST have seven. Snow white...
July 31st, 2007, 11:54 AM
DAMN, people!
God, it's a new vehicle, I think it should be welcomed with open arms, Bungie will always tweak it if it doesn't fit well into gameplay anyway. It's badass anyway.
As for the guns, let them in, if you don't like it don't play it.
July 31st, 2007, 12:10 PM
Legotianare STFU please....
Look bungie knows what they are doing, people think that adding all these vehicles will fuck up the game completly.... Its not like you are going to have all the equipment in a map, look at epitah it only has the radar jammer, same for the first 3 maps they only have the classic equipment and vehicles
So please don't critizice a game is not even out yet.... its just stupid
July 31st, 2007, 04:55 PM
I agree....wait until Halo 3 gets here....THEN theorize until your balls drop off if you want to.
August 1st, 2007, 10:02 PM
well if we can fly banshees then we should be able 2 fly this because it is a simular size. and the humans dont have a flyable vehicle in MP maps. so bungie might be making us one.
good thinking, the humans dont have flying vehicles in mp maps, I know a purfect solution, lets remove the banshee from multiplayer...
tbh that thing was fail in mp ever since halo for the pc, there was a good reason it was kept out of halo 1 xbox multiplayer, it doesnt fit well with the rest of the gameplay.
Thats my take on flying vehicles and halos current multiplayer set up... it was more balanced in halo 2 I guess, but the banshees gameplay still needs more work for it to be included in multiplayer, halos origional multiplayer style was never designed with flying vehicles in mind, if there going to be added, they need alot of time and consideration to make them fit almost seamlessly imo, otherwise the gameplay gets disturbed, Banshees are rarely included by people when they set up serious games, least from what ive experienced.
Dr Nick
August 2nd, 2007, 12:20 AM
opinion x2
oh hai, he has an eye, could have fooled me :downs:
This has to be one of the most ignorant posts thus far. Maybe you should actually play the fucking game or at least STUDY it before pulling random shit theories out your ass.
One word: Snowbound. Did it have rockets? No. Did it have chain guns? No. Did it have plasma? As long as you weren't playing in a custom game, yes.
I did plenty fine in Valhalla ON FOOT and with NO equipment. But thats maybe because I actually played the game and gained experience in how to use what I have against my enemy? Nah! What a silly idea!
opinion. Never have I seen Bungie's chain gun in any other game expect in a past Halo game :downs:. Or are you so scared of change that you have already jumped the gun and deemed Halo 3 not even a Halo game?
Well, thats usually what you do in a sequel, bring back old stuff...
Yeah, because a game should ALWAYS be shifted to one side :|
also, opinion
So you would rather them dumb it down for your retarded ass and not have ANY kind of artillery like a fucking rocket launcher or other anti-vehicle weapons for foot-men, because you only know one style of playing and can't adapt?
No, you deserve to die. Do you ever think? Or are you just being lead by the blind?
"oshi, its the covies!!!11"
"oshi, fire at will cortana"
*fly down to earth for a couple hours*
"oshi, they're going to jump, inside the city!"
"oshi, oshi, oshit. oshit, I said it =o"
If I had to guess at how long the covenant was at earth before Regret jumped ship and took off again, I'd have to say we only had a taste of about 4 maybe 5 hours of battle time. You REALLY think USNC was prepared to DEPLOY all the shit they have in STOCK and PROTOTYPES which of course would START off at earth then make its way further out to the battle grounds after testing.
If my planet was under attack, within the first 12hours or less, I'd make sure I had EVERYTHING I had, prototype or not, in battle or prepared for battle. Guess what, they're on earth again, probably days after Regret left. I'm not the least bit surprised of seeing new shit put out there in a last attempt to finish the fight.
Much like you, I doubt Japan thought the about the things in the long run.
They attacked a harbor of a country who wasn't even at war, nor had any real heads up that the front lines where about to be dropped on their front yards. Not only that, but that harbor held many of navel fighter power. If you're the enemy, do you really think the people you just fucked with would counter-act in such a speedy manner? Do you think Japan new we had the BALLS to bomb the shit out of our blames with such high intensity when we weren't even touching the war in Europe?
Yeah, its pretty obvious.
Yeah, if you actually THINK before you start making up theories. You know, use what they taught you in school about science. Or have you got to 6th grade yet?
Which is, what again?
Wait, you're hoping for a ball that shoots out teddy bear like things with teeth? Piranhas in teddy bear costumes?
Then stick to the shit you like to play in and quit your unneeded bitching. Go make a myspace or blog and rant your ass off there.
Takes one to get killed by one.
You bitch about realism in the story line yet you bitch about how someone can't have a certain weapon because you loose sleep at night over a game?
Boo fucking, hoo. Do you think we should stop using fucking .50cal sniper rifles because insurgents get blown away from hundreds of feet away and can't do shit about it because they either don't know how to use their own shit, or just flat out suck at life and can only push a button?
Opinions may be like assholes and everyone has ONE, but you have shown you AT LEAST have seven. Snow white...
I think it's safe to say you killed him, boss.
Rob Oplawar
August 3rd, 2007, 10:43 AM
It's a little late, but I wanna throw in my two cents, if I can.
Halo 1 is still there. Halo 2 did not kill Halo 1. Halo 3 will not make Halo 1 and 2 magically disappear. Halo 1 was a great game, yes, and it was according to many better than Halo 2, and who knows, maybe Halo 3 won't be as good either. But, so what? Bungie can either risk doing something new, or they can do like everybody else and make what's basically an expansion pack of their original game offering nothing but new campaign. I for one am glad they're adding all this new stuff- it seems the way to go. They're not changing the core concept of the game, but they're giving you something more than just new graphics and new storyline.
Also, as someone who's played the Beta (which isn't too rare a position anyway), the equipment just made the game even better. It's fun, and it's Halo. =D
Back on topic, the summary of the above is that, yes I think the Hornet should and probably will be available in multiplayer, and if it turns out to not work, then like every other vehicle you'll be able to remove it from the map.
August 3rd, 2007, 12:57 PM
Legotianare STFU please....
Look bungie knows what they are doing, people think that adding all these vehicles will fuck up the game completly.... Its not like you are going to have all the equipment in a map, look at epitah it only has the radar jammer, same for the first 3 maps they only have the classic equipment and vehicles
So please don't critizice a game is not even out yet.... its just stupid
Who is Legotianare?
And are you sure Bungie knows what they're doing? I mean, key players and founding employees left before Halo 2 production, and look what we got.
August 3rd, 2007, 02:47 PM
I think bungie knows perfectly well what they're doing, and I agree with it in most respects.
Elite Killa
August 3rd, 2007, 05:45 PM
Why did you spell it "Covernant" in the description?
I guess it'll appear in MP.
August 3rd, 2007, 06:49 PM
I'm wondering if this is the 'falcon' from halo2...
Falcon? I remember the Kestrel and the Joint Strike Fighter, but no Falcon. :-|
Anyway, this [along with Halo Wars' Sparrowhawk] looks like an elaboration on the Kestrel.
Because the banshee has anti-gravity pods. This thing uses good old fashion wind turbines.
One Spartan weighs 1000 lbs. Three Spartans weigh 3000 lbs. A small helicopter has a carrying capacity of about 5000 lbs. :-\
This thing looks like it could easily have an efficient carrying capacity of around 10,000 lbs.
On a seperate note, who thinks that the Cougar APC wil make an appearance in Halo 3, or will we only see the Transport Hog from E3?
teh lag
August 3rd, 2007, 07:18 PM
On a seperate note, who thinks that the Cougar APC wil make an appearance in Halo 3, or will we only see the Transport Hog from E3?
I for one love that they're expanding what we see in h3. Even for just a cameo, I'd like to see more from the universe than just what's in the game. The E3 trailer had UNSC Frigates (or Destroyers?) using their MAC guns, and we also saw Covie cruisers glassing an ocean. It would definately be a nice surprise. Though, HaloWars is a good 30 years before h3, so I'm not sure.
August 4th, 2007, 02:19 AM
How do you know they were glassing an ocean? They could be excavating the artifact.
teh lag
August 4th, 2007, 07:25 AM
How do you know they were glassing an ocean? They could be excavating the artifact.
Well, when I look at the clip in the trailer, I see that the ground is moving, alot like waves on open water... though I guess you could be right as well. At the very least, it shows how the Covies conquer worlds.
August 4th, 2007, 01:45 PM
Then again, I think there was a body of water where the New Mombasa bridge was, so you may be right. The cloud they were firing through may have been steam, as they could have been evaporating the water to get to the ground where the Artifact is.
August 7th, 2007, 05:56 PM
Holy shit guys star ships fighting above my head, pelicans being shot down by banshees, Huge wave of ambushing covenant seraphs approaching, longsword in low numbers.
I'll think I'll run around with a pistol. :downs:
I totally agree kornman, this is ment to be one of the most epic battles of the series. I want to see all theses fire arms being involved to get the edge in the battle.
August 7th, 2007, 06:00 PM
If it is a real battle, I had better see some dug in trenches for the troops to fall back on.
August 7th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Pff. Trenches are for wussies :downs:
August 7th, 2007, 06:18 PM
Real Spartans catch the debris and chuck it at their enemies.......oh how I wish I could do that.......
August 7th, 2007, 06:27 PM
Tell that to the WW I veterans...:p.
(Can't tell if you are joking or not).
August 9th, 2007, 07:43 PM
How the HELL does genetic engineering have anything to do with the power of a craft?
its a very complicated process involving tantric robot sex, and hormonal teenagers.
August 10th, 2007, 01:13 AM
Tell that to the WW I veterans...:p.
(Can't tell if you are joking or not).Of course I'm joking. However, I haven't heard anything about any trenches on the modern battlefield. I wonder why.
August 10th, 2007, 02:11 AM
Of course I'm joking. However, I haven't heard anything about any trenches on the modern battlefield. I wonder why.
Because were fighting guerillas?
August 10th, 2007, 02:58 AM
No, we are not fighting Guerrillas. Or Kornmans.
Guerrilla warfare is run and gun, don't stay still. We have the upper hand, so we can stand staying still while waiting for an air strike plus artillery and heavy weapon support.
August 10th, 2007, 11:53 AM
I said trenches to fall back know, a fire base, or Head Quarters? They also make good defensive positions. In Halo, you aren't fighting a total guerrilla war. You still have positions to defend and lines to hold. The Covenant aren't making the hit and run attacks.
August 11th, 2007, 10:57 PM
Halo 3 Epsilon is fun.
That is all.
August 12th, 2007, 12:39 AM
I wonder if the Gauss Cannon will be in Halo 3 as one of the as-of-yet undisclosed turret weapons and/or vehicle[-based weapon]s.
They haven't referenced about it being in the game at all, but they haven't yet said anything about it's functionality having been formally displaced by the Missile Pod or Splaser... and if it was cut, that would have been something I would've expected Bungie to promptly address, such as back when they immediately and resolutely announced the Assault Rifle wouldn't appear in Halo 2.
August 16th, 2007, 01:41 AM
I think the Guass hog will be there, and likely a movable Guass turret, just obviusly dumbed down (though I don't see how a rail gun can logically be made less deadly).
August 16th, 2007, 02:51 AM
I can...make it shoot the projectiles at 20 miles per hour versus over one thousand miles per hour.
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