View Full Version : Map requests
July 26th, 2007, 10:17 PM
Just some rough ideas
1) An underater city. yes, ther is no swiming, but it would be cool, especially with some real tim refraction or reflection.
2) Team A and and team B each have their own bases on seperate islands. The islands are seperated by water, and *maybe* a bridge. This might warrant the creation of a new trasnport vehicle.
Or maybe some one very skilled could try for water vehicles?
3) Team A has their base in a valey, team B has their base on top of a hill.
4) Something that is highly tunnel oriented.. Like maybe CTF
5) A surf map.
Neuro Guro
July 26th, 2007, 10:19 PM
Tell me, what is this "underater city" or a "valey" that you speak of?
July 26th, 2007, 10:19 PM
Stop making threads, two under 5 minutes is ENOUGH.
EDIT: I understand you're trying to understand things....but, could you talk to someone through XFire that could help you with them?...
July 26th, 2007, 10:20 PM
"underwater city" and "valley"
Neuro Guro
July 26th, 2007, 10:23 PM
"underwater city" and "valley"
How about you check your rapid fire posts next time before you start blowing them out your corn orifice.
July 26th, 2007, 10:25 PM
July 26th, 2007, 10:28 PM
:lock: mb?
July 27th, 2007, 01:13 AM
Just some rough ideas
1) An underater city. yes, ther is no swiming, but it would be cool, especially with some real tim refraction or reflection.
2) Team A and and team B each have their own bases on seperate islands. The islands are seperated by water, and *maybe* a bridge. This might warrant the creation of a new trasnport vehicle.
Or maybe some one very skilled could try for water vehicles?
3) Team A has their base in a valey, team B has their base on top of a hill.
4) Something that is highly tunnel oriented.. Like maybe CTF
5) A surf map.
1) IDK, my BFF Jill?
2) Island Hop by Tiamat, or Hydrolysis by Doc Octavius.
3) There are lots of maps like that.
4) Who can forget the SVC classic, Curio Caverns? ~:awesome:>
5) There's a mock-snowboarding map, Ndugu.
July 27th, 2007, 03:33 AM
What do you mean by "a surf map"?
July 27th, 2007, 03:38 AM
Just some rough ideas
1) An undewater city. Yes, there is no swimming, but it would be cool, especially with some real time refraction or reflection.
2) Team A and and team B each have their own bases on separate islands. The islands are separated by water, and maybe a bridge. This might warrant the creation of a new transport vehicle. Or maybe someone very skilled could try for water vehicles?
3) Team A has their base in a valley, team B has their base on top of a hill.
4) Something that is highly tunnel oriented.. Like maybe CTF (...what? huh?)
5) A surf map.
1) No. Also, refraction isn't possible.
2) It's called "Sky Twins," and it was based off of the popular map "Facing Worlds" (a.k.a. CTF-Face) from Unreal Tournament. Isn't being played much anymore, is it? Also, boats have been tried in the past. They don't work.
3) No.
4) Obviously, you've never played Terralan.
5) ...what? Not possible.
Please, stop posting topics at random with a new idea or question in them; it clutters up the forums.
July 27th, 2007, 03:49 AM
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