View Full Version : [MAP] Refuge Alpha
July 26th, 2007, 10:52 PM
Basically, I noticed last night an alpha version of my map Refuge, got onto Halomaps a few weeks ago.. At first I was pissed but whatever it was a few builds old, just sucks that someone threw it up without my permission and shit.. I dont care though, the max files for it got corrupted, but Im getting some help from The Ghost and Kornman00 I guess on getting the model back from the structure.bsp from my last build..SO its still going to be finished but for now its dead..
Map Description:
Deserted civilian part of the city New Mombassa, has been overrun by the war between the Covenent and the UNSC forces. <3 Randreach454
Map Notes:
This is just the middle of the map, only a 3rd of the planned layouts map size. Theres bitmap errors, uv errors, and shader errors..Interiors for the buildings have not been modeled yet, only one floor of the apartment building has an interior, which is a blank room with a grav lift(more like a test of grav lifts)Also Im not sure if this alpha had the breakable windows I made for the apartment, pretty sure it doesnt.
Have fun?
My gamertags randreach454
hit me up if you want to play..
Also feedback would be cool I spose but obviously this is an early build and theres plenty more to add..
Map Download:
July 27th, 2007, 10:18 AM
Looks a bit boring, it's boxes in a box. Keep going.
July 27th, 2007, 01:04 PM
i downloaded this from someone almost 2 months ago
Llama Juice
July 27th, 2007, 02:11 PM
Looks a bit boring, it's boxes in a box. Keep going.
I'll put my box in a box for you... ;)
... in all seriousness the map is exactly like Conscars said... boxes + boxes= more boxes.
July 27th, 2007, 03:10 PM
I'll download and get back to you. You released a map with a texture that fubar'd?
July 27th, 2007, 03:14 PM
I remember testing this with you when it did not have the garages and stuff. LOL!!!!!
Looking nice so far.
Some say that it is just boxes and boxes. They have no imagination and that is the sign of a limited mind IMHO. A map is what YOU make of it. You either have fun or you do not.
July 27th, 2007, 06:08 PM
boxes in a box..
Lets see
Its a alpha version, which i only started to get the layout of the roads first.. The only thing I detailed a little so far was the parking garage.. I cant keep going if you read..
I think I still have the buildings max files, though they might not be up to date with the actual maps.. So i might keep them going, actually get some decent ones going.. By the way, are city like buildings usually basically rectangularish? Thank you.. just needed detail..
Llama Juice
July 27th, 2007, 06:52 PM
No need to get offended buddy, take it as constructive criticism. You know that it needs more detail and work, so why bother with the comments against us?
A "thank you" would have been appreciated.
July 29th, 2007, 08:59 AM
I understand his feelings. It is hard to take crit at times.
Just keep on going RR.....this will turn into a great maps.
Did you ever fix the high curbs on the roads?
July 29th, 2007, 11:37 AM
yea I had fixed it..
I should have time this week to start working on buildings, but the actual map itself is still corrupted.. so i cant work on it still.. :-\
Id hate to have to start over..
July 30th, 2007, 01:03 AM
never, ever put a box wall around a map. it detracts from the quality of whatever else is in it. instead, you might try lining the map with some buildings and creative barriers. and if possible, texture some buildings into the skybox to give it a sense of scale. I don't really know what the limits of H2V modding are though.
July 30th, 2007, 11:46 AM
No, that pretty much hits the nail right there, I planned on doing that some, but what I never got to do was detail the wall, its there because it was going to be a gate that was closed off because of the war, but yea i know its just merely a box right now..
July 30th, 2007, 06:45 PM
Oh, so it's meant to be a barricade? neat.
July 30th, 2007, 07:43 PM
yea cept I will agree its a shitty barricade :-p
Ghost left me a message on aim so recovering the map was a success...
Just got home from vermont and got plenty of time to continue the map finally!
July 30th, 2007, 09:04 PM
Cool. You can do a lot of neat things with UNSC architecture because they actually have a sense of humor in Halo, so you could make a really neat wall if you wanted to.
July 30th, 2007, 10:14 PM
boxes in a box..
Lets see
Its a alpha version, which i only started to get the layout of the roads first.. The only thing I detailed a little so far was the parking garage.. I cant keep going if you read..
I think I still have the buildings max files, though they might not be up to date with the actual maps.. So i might keep them going, actually get some decent ones going.. By the way, are city like buildings usually basically rectangularish? Thank you.. just needed detail..
Seriously, there should be a well-defined quota for the use of ellipses.
As for the map, there's no sense releasing a map (I know ALPHA, HURR, HURR!!11!!1!) that's not even fully textured or definitely layed out.
Llama Juice
July 31st, 2007, 09:44 AM
As for the map, there's no sense releasing a map (I know ALPHA, HURR, HURR!!11!!1!) that's not even fully textured or definitely layed out.
First post of the thread says
Basically, I noticed last night an alpha version of my map Refuge, got onto Halomaps a few weeks ago.. At first I was pissed but whatever it was a few builds old, just sucks that someone threw it up without my permission and shit..
Read homie.
July 31st, 2007, 10:55 AM
Srsly, there should be a well defined quota for reading posts before posting :downs:
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