View Full Version : Halo 2 Vista - Not DX 10
December 7th, 2006, 06:58 AM
If its not DX 10, i aint getting it.
xbox 360 ftw :O
im waiting for microsoft to officially annouce it.
least then we can get it working on non vista machines possibly.
Reaper Man
December 7th, 2006, 08:02 AM
Bungie, in PC Gamer, announced that it won't be a DX10 game. So, go play on a 360, which, tbh, is not DX10 either.
December 7th, 2006, 09:32 AM
I posted this in News, with the Microsoft link, which was out and confirmed before you even posted. Do some research.
I do relize that its not posted yet though.
December 7th, 2006, 12:38 PM
Yeah, as everyone has already said, it's been long-since confirmed that H2V will not utilize DX10 graphics.
December 7th, 2006, 03:10 PM
wait, you're expecting be completely rewritten from the ground up to take advantage of DX10?
that's rather idiotic. Not only that, but this is old news. Bungie said it wouldn't be a DX10 title ages ago.
And btw, the 360 doesn't make use of DX10 tech either, so I dont know what you're bitchin about, really.
December 7th, 2006, 07:14 PM
micro$hit and there bs money making schemes.
If its not DX 10, i aint getting it.
xbox 360 ftw :O
im waiting for microsoft to officially annouce it, but if its true it sucks ass.
least then we can get it working on non vista machines possibly.
Yes, I'm sure bungie wants to re-write the game.
Xbox 360 FTW - Yes, sure, but not for DX10 reasons, it only uses a few of the advantages DX10 offers.
Why wait for Microsoft to announce it? Bungie has already made it known.
And no we won't get it working on non-Vista machines, unless Microsoft or Bungie fucks up immensely.
micro$hit and there bs money making schemes.
You know I have no tolerance for your shit, or anyone else's, against Microsoft. Also how is any of this a bullshit money making scheme?
December 7th, 2006, 11:21 PM
Well, people think it is a "money making scheme" becuase they are making us purchase a whole new operating system to play h2v. Now orignally the reason for that was because of DX10 and all the new graphics capabilites...but...loooks like that idea took a trip down the toilet.
December 8th, 2006, 12:36 AM
Well, people think it is a "money making scheme" becuase they are making us purchase a whole new operating system to play h2v. Now orignally the reason for that was because of DX10 and all the new graphics capabilites...but...loooks like that idea took a trip down the toilet.It was never said that H2v will be D3D10.
December 8th, 2006, 02:08 AM
Well, people think it is a "money making scheme" becuase they are making us purchase a whole new operating system to play h2v. Now orignally the reason for that was because of DX10 and all the new graphics capabilites...but...loooks like that idea took a trip down the toilet.
People who think that are the kids whose parents wont buy them Vista. You're going to upgrade eventually, so what's the big deal? Vista is, after all, promoting itself that it's going to be an OS appealing to gamers.
December 8th, 2006, 11:31 AM
Im getting vista probably the day it hits the shelves for consumers.
December 8th, 2006, 03:24 PM
Well, people think it is a "money making scheme" becuase they are making us purchase a whole new operating system to play h2v. Now orignally the reason for that was because of DX10 and all the new graphics capabilites...but...loooks like that idea took a trip down the toilet.
No, it's a Vista exclusive because it's going to take advantage of Live Anywhere. I myself thought it would be a DX10 title, since that's basically what MS did with Halo 1, but that was back before I knew anything about DX10.
December 8th, 2006, 04:40 PM
I was looking forward to DX10. Although if the screenshots are from DX9, I'm completely fine with that. It's really not everyday a Xbox game gets completely rewritten to astonish the future. It doesn't work the other way around either (ahem, Half Life 2).
December 8th, 2006, 04:47 PM
Im getting vista probably the day it hits the shelves for consumers.
Good for you?
Try getting it online from Microsoft, faster that way...
December 8th, 2006, 05:17 PM
I posted this in News, with the Microsoft link, which was out and confirmed before you even posted. Do some research.
I do relize that its not posted yet though.
I never bother to read most of that.
top one always looks the same.
Zeph, don't jump to conclusions, i didnt say "xbox ftw cuz it has dx10", im just saying, xbox ftw cuz xbox rules.
lso how is any of this a bullshit money making scheme?
The whole "its vista only, because dx10 is vista only" statements they threw out.
um, microsoft are greedy. you're only allowed 2 activations of your vista copy, so if you reinstall windows that uses one, and if you add a new hard disk and instal vista on, thats another gone. then you have to buy a new copy of vista.
Agamemnon, i doubt i will upgrade, because vista is so shitty and will fuck is all
DaBillyBob, you will be very pissed an dissapointed when it comes out..
Yeah, as everyone has already said, it's been long-since confirmed that H2V will not utilize DX10 graphics.
when was it said?? plus im not watching h2v news like a hawk, if a vid comes out then cool, part from that i dont really give a shit about it
December 8th, 2006, 06:20 PM
The whole "its vista only, because dx10 is vista only" statements they threw out.
um, microsoft are greedy. you're only allowed 2 activations of your vista copy, so if you reinstall windows that uses one, and if you add a new hard disk and instal vista on, thats another gone. then you have to buy a new copy of vista.
Agamemnon, i doubt i will upgrade, because vista is so shitty and will fuck is all
DaBillyBob, you will be very pissed an dissapointed when it comes out..
I'd like a link to where any Microsoft Employee or Bungie Employee said "its vista only, because dx10 is vista only" statements they threw out."
The two activation rule isn't to make consumers go out and re-buy vista. Last I heard it wasn't even true, it was just some information spreading into the minds of the retarded through the internet, although I could be wrong. Also if it is true, it's probably some anti-piracy lock in place and will be lenient.
How do you know vista is "shitty"? I've had RC1 + RC2 installed on my PC and it was running fine, except for ATI's inability to create stable drivers.
And don't tell people they will be disappointed with Vista, or anything for that matter. You have no idea what his tastes, needs, or wants from an OS are. For all you know he could be perfectly pleased with it. Who invited 9mm back to the internet?
December 8th, 2006, 06:25 PM
Agamemnon, i doubt i will upgrade, because vista is so shitty and will fuck is all
DaBillyBob, you will be very pissed an dissapointed when it comes out...
You guys tend to forget that the only reason that things don't work on it right now, is the fact the OTHER companies have not yet released software/drivers that support Windows Vista. Vista itself has been more stable/secure then Windows XP since Beta 2...
I have 2 computers that run Windows Vista RTM only, without XP, they run fantasticaly, On one of the computers, Vista actualy runs FASTER then XP (The deal with that is that, if your computer is good enough to run windows vista, once you upgrade to it, it will run faster then xp. It doesn't run faster on computers not good enough to run it)...
Please try stuff before you automatically say "vista is so shitty and will fuck is all" (its "us" btw, not ""is") with the rest of the stupid people put there. At least get the RTM version before you make biased comments.
December 9th, 2006, 04:52 AM
Yeah, I'm going to have to go with Atty and Freelancer on this one. Vista has been the longest OS ever in production in Microsoft's history. That's six years and running so far. I seriously doubt we're going to even see 1/10 of the bugs that XP saw when it first came out, mostly because XP was developed in a year.
December 9th, 2006, 08:09 AM
With Vista being a platform for gamers, then its 16 bit emulation won't be as absolutely worthless as Wowexec is. :v
December 9th, 2006, 01:03 PM
I was looking forward to DX10. Although if the screenshots are from DX9, I'm completely fine with that. It's really not everyday a Xbox game gets completely rewritten to astonish the future. It doesn't work the other way around either (ahem, Half Life 2).
There's not a difference visually between DX9 and DX10. The visual difference is comming from the work put into the game's models and soo forth. DX10 is just a new method for video cards to spit it out.
I never bother to read most of that.
top one always looks the same.
yeah, that's what got you banned from GBX.
The whole "its vista only, because dx10 is vista only" statements they threw out.
They never said that. Speculative fanboys said that. Ill-informed fanboys at that.
um, microsoft are greedy. you're only allowed 2 activations of your vista copy, so if you reinstall windows that uses one, and if you add a new hard disk and instal vista on, thats another gone. then you have to buy a new copy of vista.
That's for OEM machines mainly. If you buy a retail copy, you're allowed a much broader set of upgradeability. This is like a two month old rumor that was clarified about three or four days afterwards.
Agamemnon, i doubt i will upgrade, because vista is so shitty and will fuck is all
DaBillyBob, you will be very pissed an dissapointed when it comes out..
What the hell are you? Some Mac fanboy? Hell, I dont even know where you got the Vista=shitty thing from. I mean, if you've even used a Vista RC, then you know it's more stable than XP.
when was it said?? plus im not watching h2v news like a hawk, if a vid comes out then cool, part from that i dont really give a shit about it
Good ole you. I thought you were going to clean up your act if you were going to post here. Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if you get a ban here, as well.
December 10th, 2006, 06:08 PM
Most of you guys don't know the difference between DX9 and 10.:eyesroll:
December 10th, 2006, 08:26 PM
Most of you guys don't know the difference between DX9 and 10.:eyesroll:It's 1DX right?
December 17th, 2006, 01:04 PM
It's 1DX right?
+rep you win
This should be locked.
December 24th, 2006, 06:45 PM
Hi, I'm new here, just thought I'd chime in..
Anybody notice that it has a release date on it?
February 28th
Wonder if its true
December 25th, 2006, 08:00 AM
Huh? Where do you see that?
December 25th, 2006, 10:47 AM
Huh? Where do you see that?
Chewy Gumball
December 25th, 2006, 11:52 AM
Its a guess.
December 25th, 2006, 02:37 PM
An unreliable one at that.
Also, Bungie will release it shortly after Vista, so I don't think 28 days is short...
December 30th, 2006, 04:30 PM
2-28 is my b-day :)
December 30th, 2006, 04:47 PM
No one will care about your B-day that day Masterz. They will only care about H2V....and so will you. haha jk
December 31st, 2006, 12:40 AM
Haha no im not a mac fanboy. I cant stand macs.
I just hate microsoft.
I think you'll find theres a european version of vista due to the legal laws and shit...
vista just wont be good in my eyes, to me it will suck as they've basically just added lots of shit to XP and gave it a mac style UI..
Happy new year
December 31st, 2006, 12:58 AM
to me it will suck as they've basically just added lots of shit to XP and gave it a mac style UI..
Yeah, perhaps if you read up more about it you wouldn't be saying that.
Chewy Gumball
December 31st, 2006, 09:39 AM
vista just wont be good in my eyes, to me it will suck as they've basically just added lots of shit to XP and gave it a mac style UI..
Its a totally rewritten OS, its nothing like what you think it is. If you want to continue to spew comments about something you have no idea about, please leave.
December 31st, 2006, 11:14 AM
Its a totally rewritten OS, its nothing like what you think it is. If you want to continue to spew comments about something you have no idea about, please leave.Fine, I shall hush.
But when it comes out and when it starts to suck, I will say "i told you so" a few times :O
December 31st, 2006, 11:32 AM
Why would he leave his own thread?
Some things are just gonna have to be "Vista" =(
January 6th, 2007, 06:29 AM
Well, people think it is a "money making scheme" becuase they are making us purchase a whole new operating system to play h2v. Now orignally the reason for that was because of DX10 and all the new graphics capabilites...but...loooks like that idea took a trip down the toilet.
the reason it's a "money making scheme" is because you have to purchase Vista to utilise the Dx10 Gfx which is there fore limiting game companys from being able to release on other OS.
and it's a scheme as well to get ppl to buy vista for H2V.
there is only one reason microsoft paid to have these as exclusive features in the Vista OS. money. it's pretty much the only driving force behind the new OS because XP does wat we need, and does it well.... how ever i dont want to get into a MS argument.
i just hope you guys dont believe everything u see in the news or in the ads.... cause the way some of u guys are posting makes me worried :(
January 6th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Vista will have some very cool features, like being able to plug in a flash drive and use it as memory. It will help you with the new memory requirements that will be set.
January 6th, 2007, 04:19 PM
If its not DX 10, i aint getting it.
xbox 360 ftw :O
Halo 2 was not a DX10 game either. And yes, the 360 does rock.
January 6th, 2007, 04:37 PM
I will probably get h2v soon after it comes out. kinda off topic but vista dosent suck... i used to have vista rc2 on my laptop, and it did better than my xp did (but thats my personal experience may be dif for some people)
January 7th, 2007, 05:34 PM
I have XP it works fine.
January 9th, 2007, 02:07 PM
wow, no offense, but do some research before you start a thread next time, halo 2 was announced it would never be dx10 a LONG time ago.
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