July 27th, 2007, 11:15 AM
Just thought I'd start up a casual discussion thread, might be a welcome change of pace from mapping/bug submission. Anywho, I've had a lot of strange experiences when Halo 2 got really laggy. Here's a couple, and feel free to share yours.
On H2V, we had a host who was pretty laggy (it wasn't terrible though), but we were still having a lot of fun. When he started the countdown to a level that nobody wanted to play, multiple people delayed at the same time and the countdown turned to "-:--" for about 10 seconds. During this time, I typed "uh..." and it didn't appear. After the countdown turned back to normal, the text "Server: uhh..." appeared in the chatbox without my name next to it. And it wasn't a dedicated server. I rapidly mashed F11, soon to realize I was an idiot and it didn't capture text or pre-game lobby screenshots...
On H2X a couple of years ago, XBL assigned somebody with a terrible connection as host for some reason and we played the laggiest game EVER. On Zanzibar, the level was empty besides the players, there were no weapons, no fusion cores, no boxes, no gate, and no spinning fan of doom!
(sorry about the terrible picture quality, it was from an old digital camera)
Eventually it got to the point where the game fell apart and everyone got kicked, but it was the weirdest game of Halo I've played.
On H2V, we had a host who was pretty laggy (it wasn't terrible though), but we were still having a lot of fun. When he started the countdown to a level that nobody wanted to play, multiple people delayed at the same time and the countdown turned to "-:--" for about 10 seconds. During this time, I typed "uh..." and it didn't appear. After the countdown turned back to normal, the text "Server: uhh..." appeared in the chatbox without my name next to it. And it wasn't a dedicated server. I rapidly mashed F11, soon to realize I was an idiot and it didn't capture text or pre-game lobby screenshots...
On H2X a couple of years ago, XBL assigned somebody with a terrible connection as host for some reason and we played the laggiest game EVER. On Zanzibar, the level was empty besides the players, there were no weapons, no fusion cores, no boxes, no gate, and no spinning fan of doom!
(sorry about the terrible picture quality, it was from an old digital camera)
Eventually it got to the point where the game fell apart and everyone got kicked, but it was the weirdest game of Halo I've played.